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PSP for Dummies: Indentifying your PSP-2000

PSP for Dummies > Indentifying your PSP-2000

You have arrived at this part of the guide for PSP-2000s. So why a dedicated page for the PSP Slim? This is because there are several models of the PSP-2000 but we can categorize them into two simple groups, hackable PSPs and non-hackable PSPs. Sony introduced some security right into the hardware (with a new motherboard) of some PSP-2000 models making it impossible for users to install custom firmware without bricking the PSP.

If you’re wondering what a hackable PSP is, refer to the Terms and Definitions part of the CFW for Dummies guide.

If you need help identifying your PSP model, refer to this guide. If you’re lost, please go back to the initial page of the guide.

Once you have established if your PSP is hackable or not, continue on the guide below:

For hackable PSPs, you can jump to this part of the guide.

For non-hackable PSPs, the following links will help you convert your PSP to custom firmware. What firmware do you have?

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