Atma Xplorer

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Games compatible with OpenIdea ISO loader

This is a compatibility list for PSP users using OpenIdea ISO loader. If you’re on the following firmwares 6.20 TN-A Hen, 6.20 TN-B Hen, 6.20 TN-C Hen then be sure to check out this

HowTo: Downgrade your PSP from 6.35/6.31 to 6.20

Davee (yep, the very same guy that the PSP community owes the ChickHen Hack to) has released a downgrader that will allow PSPs currently on 6.31 & 6.35 to downgrade their firmwares to 6.20.

Install 6.20 TN-A Hen and Prometheus ISO loader on your PSP

Thanks to the efforts of Wololo and Liquidzigong, PSP-3000, PSP-2000 with TA-v88v3 motherboard or PSP Go owners can now have custom firmware (well it’s pseudo-cfw.. it’s actually HBL + ISO loader but let’s call

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