Atma Xplorer

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PSP for Dummies: 6.37 OFW (and above) for non-hackable PSPs

PSP for Dummies > 6.37 OFW (and above) for non-hackable PSPs You have reached this page because you want to install custom firmware on your non-hackable PSP but have firmware above 6.35. As with 6.35 OFW

PSP for Dummies: 6.35 OFW (and below) for non-hackable PSPs

PSP for Dummies > 6.35 OFW (and below) for non-hackable PSPs You have reached this page because you want to install custom firmware on your non-hackable PSP but have firmware above 6.20. While there

Convert your PSP to Custom Firmware

PSP for Dummies > Converting your PSP to Custom Firmware using a Pandora battery This is the nitty gritty guide on converting your PSP to custom firmware by means of a Pandora battery. If

PSP for Dummies: Indentifying your PSP-2000

PSP for Dummies > Indentifying your PSP-2000 You have arrived at this part of the guide for PSP-2000s. So why a dedicated page for the PSP Slim? This is because there are several

PSP for Dummies: Terms and Definitions

PSP for Dummies > Terms and Definitions You’ve reached the information part of the PSP for Dummies guide. You being here means you’re interested in learning more about your PSP and the terms and

PSP for Dummies: PSP-1000 and hackable PSP-2000

PSP for Dummies > PSP-1000 and hackable PSP-2000 This page is for PSP’s that are fully hackable. If you need help identifying your PSP model, refer to this guide. If you’re lost, please go back

PSP for Dummies: 6.20 OFW for non-hackable PSPs

PSP for Dummies > 6.20 OFW for non-hackable PSPs At this point, you are now ready to install custom firmware on your PSP-2000 (ta88v3), PSP-3000 or PSPGo (basically the non-hackable models), from here on, you

PSP for Dummies: non-hackable PSP-2000, PSP-3000 and PSP Go

PSP for Dummies > PSP-2000, PSP-3000 and PSP Go This part of the guide will help you install custom firmware on your non-hackable (aka partially-hackable) PSPs. PSP models that fall into this category are

Dummy’s Guide to Installing Custom firmware on a PSP

Let’s say that you’re new to the PSP world and all the terms flying around like Custom Firmware (or CFW), HEN, M33, LCFW, Permanent HEN etc is too confusing then please use this guide

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