Atma Xplorer

Xploring Games, Computing, Photography

What’s has Diablo III in store for us?

What’s has Diablo III in store for us?

As a self-admitted Diablo II nut, the official Diablo III announcement, I had only one thing in mind: “Get myself back in sync with Diablo.”  And so began the nightly Diablo II runs with

Buying a PS3? Wait until September

The all new 80 GB PS3 “Core Pack” (SRP $400) will go main stream and replace the current 40 GB model in the market by September this year. Jack Tretton announced on Sony’s

Magic Stones: RPG and Card game rolled into one

As a Collectible Card Game fan (notable names in this field of interest are Magic: The Gathering and Legend of the Five Rings) I’ve always wanted to play (card) games without spending all that

More of those addicting eyeballs: Patapon 2

Those addicting eyeballs are out to get you again and this time, you get to share the fun with friends. Yep, Patapon 2, set for August release, has Ad-hoc multiplayer for four

Download Official Dota Allstars 6.53 and Dota 6.53 patch change logs

Dota Allstars 6.53 Released : July 10, 2008 Filesize : 3.24 MB Dota Allstars 6.53 Official Download links Dota Allstars 6.53 download mirror 1 Dota Allstars 6.53 download mirror 2 Changelog for map version Dota 6.53 *Added a new Sentinel Hero

Wanted: Movie Review

At the theaters, It was a choice (for me) between Hancock, starring Will Smith, and Wanted, co-starring Angelina Jolie, and starring an unknown (to me) actor named James McAvoy.  I’m glad I chose a

And Blizzard’s new game is…

For several days now, Blizzard has been teasing die hard fans, curious on-lookers and people who seem to have nothing else to do but look for something new with an ever changing splashpage on

Is this Sony’s first step at a Playstation Phone?

Many PSP enthusiasts and Sony Fanboys have already dreamed of having a playstation-based phone (or the other way) around, one that can take the constant abuse of avid gaming for titles like Crisis Core

ToyCon Day 1 Aftermath

It was just day 1 and Toy Con was already jampacked with cosplay fanatics, toy lovers, frequent event goers and people who bit into the plug by Sir Mike Enriquez last friday. A

Costumes, cosplays, conventions and getting hooked to them

There’s always something about cosplays that draws me to it.  From sexy costumes to amazing feats of creativity and engineering (yeah, it’s not just about the pretty girls), cosplay has gone from a fad

ToyCon 2008 Event Program – What to expect

This is a follow up post to those interested in joining, watching or are just curious about the events of the upcoming 7th Philippine Toys, Hobbies and Collectibles Convention, here’s the official time table

PSP Goes Metallic Blue

The Deep Red Sony PSP was a real delight (I was actually looking forward to replacing my Ice Silver PSP for it but oh well) and now, Sony is set to release a new

Mangaholix: The Aftermath

I’d like to apologize for the very late post (to anyone still reading cosplay related entries on my blog that is), I had been busy with quite a lot of things In Real Life

The countdown to Toycon 08

If you’re reading this post then it’s just 10 days to the 7th Philippine Toys, Hobbies and Collectibles Convention 2008, which is still one of the biggest anime/enthusiast event in the country.  Known as

7th Philippine Toys, Hobbies and Collectibles Convention 2008

June is the start of most classes (Mapua/Malayan starts in July, go figure why) and to start the school term/sem, most of the Philippine Anime and Cosplay Community gather to a good old event

Six reasons not to worship Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core

So you’ve finished Crisis Core and maybe even managed to defeat Minerva with the Materia Fusion Guide. Was it all worth it? Is Crisis Core worth the purchase? To most Final

The most awaited Games you’ll never play. Ever

A long history of successes in the games industry usually means a HUGE fanbase for the franchise. This means more people to buy games, more raves and positive (or negative) reviews and more

Glow in the Dark PSP

It’s old school but it’s certainly adds some spunk to your PSP. Named XCM Magic Night Glow faceplate, this attachment (or faceplate to be exact) latches onto the front side of your PSP Unit (Slims

Mangaholix Manga Mania 2008

Summer vacation means Cosplay Convention. Sure there wasn’t one in April but May is the month for Mangaholix. Last year’s event was a great treat especially to first time cosplayers. Too

A blog revamp, banner advertising, and a forum on the loose

As you may have noticed, Atma Xplorer is carrying a new design. It’s a trimmed down theme derived from FTW 2.0 by Flisterz. I’m still in the process of tweaking things so

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