Atma Xplorer

Xploring Games, Computing, Photography

Dial Up to Broadband: A big thanks to Globelines

It’s hard to imagine that a few years back, we accomplished everything over a 56K line.  Chatting via IRC, sending emails, collecting pictures, going crazy over IMs and chain emails, doing business etc.  I’d

AniCon ’08

With the disappointing cancellation of Comic Con on October 18-19, I guess we’ll have to make do with the other 3 events lined up. What: AniCon ’08 When: October 5, 2008 Where: SM Megamall 5th Floor Mega

The Monster Hunter Mania

The Monster Hunter series exploded into the RPG genre like wildfire, in Japan at least as well as several communities in the Philippines (PinoyPSP for one).  It’s one of (if not) the most successful

[Homebrew]PSP Pandora Deluxe v1.3

Created by DJB on 5th September 2008 Here’s the all-in-one solution for your Pandora Needs. This program is designed to prepare your PSP Memory Stick to be used with the Pandora Battery. Unfortunately this program can

Final Fantasy Dissidia Comprehensive Guide

This is the Main page for my Dissidia Guide:  the Comprehensive Guide to Final Fantasy Dissidia Final Fantasy Dissidia will be the very first PlayStation Portable-exclusive (and original, Crisis Core is a prequel) Final

EA’s cutesy Spore

You’ve seen the screenshots, you’ve see in game videos, you’ve seen it out on stores.  But what the heck is it? Spore is a god game (yes, this definition is quite broad but you can

My experience with Blog Hackers

My experience with Blog Hackers

Remember this post? Sender Information:Stephen Ian Recipient Information:www.pdada.comvia: Register NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT Ladies and Gentlemen: On behalf of, owned and operated by Stephen Ian Advincula (the Owner) As required under Sections 512(c)(3) and 512(d)(3) of the Digital

Manila Comic Con

What: 1st Manila Comic Con When: Postponed Until Further Notice Where: Glorietta Activity Center UPDATE: Comic Con has been postponed until further notice Hobbylink Productions, Inc has agreed to postpone the Manila Comic Con. This difficult decision is

EA celebrates Command & Conquer’s 13th year anniversary

Yep.  You’ve read that picture right.  EA games is celebrating the 13th anniversary of the Command & Conquer franchise by letting fans download the original Red Alert game for Free.  Absolutely

Parasite Eve ~ 3rd birthday

It was confirmed at the Square Enix party that the 3rd game in the series was headed for the PSP.  It took quite a while but I think it was worth the wait. First announced

Nikon D90: DSLR + HD Video Recording

Finally, Nikon unveils it’s latest prosumer DSLR, the much rumored D90, confirming all the buzz that it’s the first-ever DSLR with HD video recording.  Now while that may not excite a lot of professional

Final Fantasy Agito XIII coming to the PSP

Yep, you read that title right.  A Final Fantasy XIII title is coming to our beloved portable.  The former Final Fantasy XIII cell phone game is headed to the PSP because apparently, the developers

Head to Head: PSP-2000 vs PSP-3000

The announcement of a new PSP model seems to have been met with very negative reviews and reactions for new and long time PSP owners mainly because there was so little in terms of

PSP-3000, confirmed and shipping soon

SCEA managed to pull another fast one on us as they’ve just announced the North American details concerning the PSP-3000 complete with release date. Sure rumors have been floating around for the past month

EA: “No more crappy games from us”

Has EA (Electronic Arts) finally woken up to the pile of trashy games accumulating under it’s belt? Apparently so. Under EA’s belt are a number of games, which to say the least,’s Cosplay Mania

What: Cosplay Mania When: October 12, 2008, Sunday Where: SM Megamall, Mega Trade Hall 3 Cosplay events are stirring up a storm, I already count six events on my calendar and I doubt I can attend them

Sony kills the PSP’s extended battery kit

Bad news to PSP enthusiasts who still don’t plan on getting one but the PSP extended battery kit has been officially killed by Sony. These batteries (fitting both the original and the PSP

Download DoTA Allstars 6.54 with changelog

Details: Map Name: Dota Allstars 6.54 Release Date : August 07, 2008 File size : 3.1MB Download links and Changelog after the

Soul Calibur IV is a smash hit, nears 2 million in sales

While the number of PSP game releases on US soil (English versions of the games at least) have slowed to a crawl, other platforms are having a quite a time especially with big names

Read your favorite magazine online for free (and legit)

Click to enlarge While the computer industry argues that Paper (and print on the meduim) is dead, a lot of people still want their information from magazines.  Enter  Mygazines, a community driven site that allows

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