Atma Xplorer

Xploring Games, Computing, Photography

HON (Heroes of Newerth) Beta Keys/Invites

If you’ve played DoTA before then chances are you’ve heard of Heroes Of Newerth aka HoN. It’s a standalone game that allows you all the gameplay of DoTA without Warcraft 3 but will

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Patch Progress

The image shown above shows in great detail how far the khbbs patch progress is. It’s a RED screen! What’s the purpose of the RED screen for the Kingdom Hearts: Birth

Plants vs Zombies Cheat Codes, Hacks, strategies, Unlimited Sun

Plants vs Zombies Cheat Codes So you’ve decided to play some plants vs zombies but found the game either too challenging, too boring or too straightforward. So without any more introductions, here’s a quick

Xbox 360 gets Final Fantasy XIII Special Edition bundle

Microsoft is going all out for Final Fantasy XIII’s US release this March with the announcement of The Final Fantasy XIII Special Edition, a Xbox 360 bundle for the US release of the upcoming

Hasselblad 40 MP “entry-level” camera

It’s a numbers game when it comes to dSLRs and their respective pixel counts right? But what about Hasselbald’s new H4D-40 with 40 MegaPixels? O_O Read that part yet? 40

Official Final Fantasy XIII International version trailer

The International version for Final Fantasy XIII is set for release on March 09, 2010, several months after the original japanese release. The official trailer below shows the reason for the delay.

Polaroid makes an instant camera comeback with PIC-1000!

I’ll admit, when Polaroid announced the decision that they’ll stop producing films for their Instant film cameras (AKA Polaroids), I felt sad because the sheer legacy of the company and it’s cameras to the

Enjoying my Nikon D90

Phew! Things have been really hectic for me since the New Year began and one of the few joys during the interim that I found throughout my currently busy busy busy schedule (aside

Dead or Alive heads to the PSP.. in bikini

A Dead or Alive game is headed straight for the PSP. It’s coming out in english (that’s a rarity no? We usually get to see the Japanese version out first) and in

Currently Playing: Project Diva – Hatsune Miku

I’m not an avid fan of the Vocaloid meme but I must admit that Project Diva has had my undivided attention for quite some time now (approximately two months and counting). It’s cute, it’s challenging

PSP Games to look forward to in 2010

It’s the new year and we have a new set of PSP Games to look forward to. Looking back on last year’s post, we only missed three games that didn’t have a 2009

PSP Plugin: Hold+ 4.0

I guess I’m getting rusty with keeping up to date with the latest PSP stuff as the latest update on Hold+ plugin appeared right under my nose. The latest version for the plugin

Currently Playing: Dragon Age Origins

I know, I’m late. Dragon Age Origins was released by Bioware in the 4th quarter of last year and it’s been hailed (depending on who you listen to :D) as the current epitome

PSP Plugins you can’t live without?

The PSP’s Homebrew scene is one of the best modding communities out there which is why there’s quite a lot of quality plugins that’ll turn your PSP to something much more than a portable

What’s new in Monster Hunter Tri?

Apparently a LOT. As a Monster Hunter player since it’s first incarnation on the Ps2 and it’s iterations on the PSP, I can say I’m really excited for Monster Hunter Tri on the Wii.  Aside

Happy New Year from Atma Xplorer

It’s quite a late greeting as the new year has already pass throughout the globe but I’ve got one good reason to post this late. I went out to watch the first sunrise

K-On! second season incoming

Looks like it’s going to be a good year for anime. After the announcement of a new Geass project, here comes news of K-On!’s second season Although there’s no “official” announcement as of yet,

Limited Edition Evangelion Fender Guitars

Fender really knows how to give otakus a treat as a set of limited edition statocaster and telecaster electric guitars with the enigmatic Rei Ayanami painted over them goes on sale a few days

Meri Kurisumasu from Atma Xplorer

A bright and happy holiday greetings to everyone from Atma Xplorer. It’s the 25th and yes, and I know I should be resting but I’m still here answering your PSP-related problems! Thanks

Square-Enix accepting Final Fantasy XIV BETA applications

Wow! SE has opened Final Fantasy XIV to beta testers (for the PC at least).  You can send your applications to access the Final Fantasy XIV beta via this sign up page.

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