Atma Xplorer

Xploring Games, Computing, Photography

Prometheus-4 for 5.00 M33, 5.03 GEN-C and 5.50 GEN-D3

Before leaving the PSP scene, Prometheus developer Liquidzigong left everyone a parting gift in the form of the Prometheus-4 module which will allow you to play games that require 6.20 OFW and above and

Sony revives the PS2, in a Bravia LCD TV

Yep, the PS2 is back although it’s not in the form that most of us remembers. Sony has unveiled the Sony BRAVIA KDL-22PX300, a 22″ LCD TV that includes a built-in PS2.

3rd Birthday official site and getting up close with Aya Brea

Square has put up the official site for Parasite Eve: the 3rd birthday bringing us oodles of information, some background on the story so far and several trailers (one of which is embedded below)

If Monster Hunter met pokemon….

Well have this guy, the Electric Monster

Black Rock Shooter headed for the PSP

The Black Rock Shooter is about to enter the PSP scene as Imageepoch announced it’s upcoming (what else) Black Rock Shooter game. To those unfamiliar with the title’s background, BRS is set in

Holiday colors for the Nintendo DSi

Nintendo has announced a pair of new colors for it’s Nintendo DSi family themes just for the holidays (or for those who really love these colors). The new orange and green Nintendo DSi will hit

Microsoft sells a million Kinects in 10 days

Just after 10 days since launch and Microsoft has already reached the million Kinect units sold milestone. Good job Microsoft (Marketing). 🙂 For those interested in complementing their 360 with this motion-control peripheral, the

Gran Turismo 5 release date confirmed!

After the LOOOOOONG way, it’s finally here. Sony has announced that Gran Turismo 5 will release in the US on November 24th, 2010.

Meet Asia’s Rank #1 Diamond Player in StarCraft 2

StarCraft 2 players never looked this good. Meet Linda “Pikachu” Liao. She’s Rank #1 Diamond Player in Asia and just recently, placed 1st in Electronic Sports League Female SCII Cup. For a StarCraft2

Prometheus-3 for 5.00 M33, 5.03 GEN-C and 5.50 GEN-D3

For those looking to play the latest PSP games that require 6.31 OFW on your favorite custom firmware but can’t due to the new firmware requirement, Chinese hacker liquidzigong has updated his Prometheus module

DOTA 2 official site is up, IceFrog answers your questions

DOTA fans, heads up.  The official site for Defense of the Ancients 2 has gone up and with it, IceFrog answers quite a lot of questions from you guys (the DOTA-community). Valve and IceFrog touts

This could be the PlayStation Phone

We’ve been hearing rumors of a PSP + phone mash up for quite sometime now and this is the very first time that a prototype of sorts that’s been leaked (purposely perhaps) for our

Best StarCraft Ghost Cosplay

Oh wow, BlizzCon 2010 delivered us some ultimate goodies, and one in the form of this StarCraft Ghost cosplay. Hot ain’t

Sony drops PSP Go price to $199

A case of too little too late for Sony and the PSP Go but then again, it’s better late than never. Sony has just announced a price cut for the PSP Go, from

Blizzard unveils Diablo III’s Demon Hunter Class

The Demon Hunter is the final class for Diablo III (is it done yet? is it is it is it?) and I have to say wow! I never would’ve thought an Amazon replacement

HowTo: Fix Fallout New Vegas crashes, audio issues

The newest game in the Fallout series, Fallout: New Vegas is awesome but is quite a disappointment as it’s broken right out of the box. While I didn’t experience Fallout New Vegas crashes

Civilization V comes to Macs this holiday

Mac users won’t feel left out this holiday season as 2kgames/Firaxis promises an Apple release of Civilization V on your platform.  No exact release date has been announced by publisher Aspyr, but it’s better

World of WarCraft: Cataclysm Introduction Video

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is set to release on December 7, 2010 and will bring about slew of changes to the massively successful MMO like a new level cap, new areas, two new

2kgames details upcoming Civilization V patch

Turns out 2kgames has heard the thousands of complaints of Civlization 5 crashes and are working on a patch to fix a lot of the numerous issues that most of us have encountered. Below is

Currently Playing: Angry Birds

This is the very first Android Game for my currently playing series and with good reason. It’s free, it’s fun and it’s addicting (really… it’s addicting). 

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