Atma Xplorer

Xploring Games, Computing, Photography

No More Heroes’ Paradise HD screens

For those looking forward to No More Heroes’s debut on the PS3, you’re in luck. Konami has released new screens revealing the star of NMH, Travis Touchdown in all his 3D, polygonal glory.

Monster Hunter Portable 3rd bundles incoming

For Japan at least. With the orient still not saturated with Monster Hunter goodness, Sony unveils 3 new PSP bundles for fans of the series who have the cash. Hmm.. another MH-themed

Install 6.35 Hen + Prometheus ISO loader on your PSP

If your PSP is on 6.35 OFW, don’t fret, there’s still the 6.35 Hen available for your system and the Prometheus ISO loader that will allow you to play those free PSP games.

Install 6.31 Hen + Prometheus ISO loader on your PSP

PSP owners with 6.31 OFW can now have cfw installed courtesy of the 6.31 Hen, 6.31 hbl by wololo and the Prometheus ISO loader.  Note that if you’re on 6.20 OFW, follow this guide

PSP AND PS3 fully compromised

This is an interesting turn of events.  Both of Sony’s current consoles have been fully compromised with their private keys exposed, allowing just about anyone to sign any piece of software to run on

Install 6.20 TN-A Hen and Prometheus ISO loader on your PSP

Thanks to the efforts of Wololo and Liquidzigong, PSP-3000, PSP-2000 with TA-v88v3 motherboard or PSP Go owners can now have custom firmware (well it’s pseudo-cfw.. it’s actually HBL + ISO loader but let’s call

The 3rd Birthday’s shower scene

Wow 🙂 No “real” nudity here but it’s Parasite Eve so it’s still in the realm of ecchi (NSFW for some). Nosebleed

Square releases Dissida Duodecim Final Fantasy Jump Fiesta Trailer

Just in time for Christmas, Square gives out a gift to all Dissidia fans out there, a trailer for the upcoming title Dissidia 012[duodecim]. Aside form the usual fight scenes, we get to

Merry Christmas from Atma Xplorer

It’s that time of the year again when kids scramble for gifts, webmasters scramble for keywords, gamers scramble for the short interim of the xmas break to play their games and food meisters scramble

Capcom: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd ships 3 million units

Capcom’s current cash cow Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (that’s the PSP version of Monster Hunter Tri for the Wii) has reached an epic milestone for both the company and the game franchise.  The game

Steam Holiday Sale Begins!

Open your wallets because Steam has finally started it’s Holiday sale which will start from today (December 20.. that’s 21 for us in Asia) upto January 2 next year. If you’ve been holding

A match made in heaven, the PSPboy

I lol’d at this pic the first time I saw it and when I saw it on reddit again, I thought I’d share it (again?). Sure it’s an impossibility that’s simply too absurd

Early peek at the The Sims 3 3DS

The Nintendo 3DS will be launching with a version of The Sims 3 built specifically to take advantage of the key features the new console. The new 3DS version will allow you to create your

Massive Civilization V patch goes live

For those still chagrined at Civilization 5’s performance and stability you’re in luck. The massive patch that 2kgames and Firaxis has promised is now live and brings oodles of bug fixes, stability fixes,

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm sells 3.3 million units in one day

Blizzard’s newest World of Warcraft expansion has broken all records PC game record sales, moving 3.3 million unit sales on day one.  That should come as no surprise however, as half of everyone on

Valve recieves a real life Sentry Gun

Sure it doesn’t shoot bullets but close enough. This replica of the engineer sentry gun from Team Fortress 2 is the work of New Zealand’s extraordinarily talented WETA Workshop (the guys responsible for

Massive Civilization V patch incoming

If you’re still chargrined at the state of Civilization V’s stability, gameplay and overall experience then Firaxis and 2kgames have good news. A massive Civilization 5 patch will be available “on or

Blizzard Product Roadmap Leaked!

As one of the most uptight game developers, it comes as a surprise to have Blizzard’s five year game plan to get leaked into the internet. For those highly anticipating the release of

PlayStation Phone in the flesh

We’ve all seen the rumors about the PlayStation Phone and most of us disregarded it as a fake. The ‘spy’ video below seems to put it in the realm of an uncoming device than vaporware.

Ubisoft introduces anti-piracy measures for the DS

The release of Michael Jackson: The Experience on the DS brings to light publisher Ubisoft’s anti-piracy measures. Players who have downloaded ROMs of the game two major issues not found in the proper

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