Atma Xplorer

Xploring Games, Computing, Photography

3DS sold out on Japan launch

3DS sold out on Japan launch

It’s hard not to give props to Nintendo for the successful launch of the 3DS in Japan. Yep, Nintendo managed to sell out it’s existing 3DS stock, all 400,000 of them in just

Sony drops PSP price to $129.99

Looks like Sony has finally gotten the memo and decided to drop the price for it’s PlayStation Portable console to just $129.99. Of course, the new price only pertains to the PSP-3000.  Sony seems to

6.35 Pro-B LCFW released!

Well, it looks like Total_Noob is going to have to make true on their word and release 6.20 TN-D soon. 6.35 Pro-B features full PSX support. Yep, you can use your dumped

PSA: doing minor blog fixes

You may have noticed this annoying image while browsing Atma Xplorer: Part of it is my fault because I was willy-nily throwing images to imageshack instead of uploading them to my server. I’m still

Nintendo Confirms 3DS Launch Game Line-Up

With the hubbub on the 3DS finally calming down (at least until launch) Nintendo has officially announced the console’s U.S. launch game line-up for March 27 (if you haven’t heard, that’s the U.S. launch

6.35 PRO-A4 PSP LCFW released

Looks like Vflame beat Total_noob to the punch as the latest update to his 6.35 PRO LCFW, 6.35 PRO-A4 supports PSX games out of the box! Yep, PSX games it’s not clear yet

Civilization V February Patch incoming

2kgames is set to release another major patch to Civilization V which will include game-balancing changes as well as the usual bug fixes which I hope will mitigate some if not most of the

Sony starts banning modded PS3s

Quite a turn around, Sony issued warnings to jailbreakers one day and starts banning consoles in the next.  Do note that Sony’s ban-wave only involves consoles that have Custom Firmware installed AND went online

PSP 6.35 Pro-A3 LCFW released

Yep, development on 6.35 Pro-A LCFW is in full steam with another update now available from VFlame aka Liquidzigong.  6.35 Pro-A3 fixes a number of bugs with the LCFW and features a new 6.35

Sony Xperia Play AKA PlayStation Phone fully unveiled

It’s official. Sony Ericsson has officially announced the Xperia Play or for those of us following the PSP’s development, the PlayStation Phone.  In terms of pure specs, the Xperia Play is at the top of

PSP 6.35 Pro-A2 LCFW released

With 6.35 Pro-A slowing becoming one of the favorites in the PSP scene, VFlame aka Liquidzigong has released an update to his current 6.35 Pro-A LCFW (light custom firmware.. yes light not loaded), 6.35

Thank you Sony :)

I got to work early this morning and received an email from Sony containing this: Yep. If you read the message right, Sony has given me 3 Free PSP Games for just purchasing the

Install 6.35 Pro-A (and 6.35 Pro-A1) LCFW on your PSP

Great news for 6.35 Hen and Signed 6.35 Hen users, Virtuous Flame has taken his Hen 6.35 PRO release with 6.35 Pro-A, a CFW for Hen or to make things simple: a LCFW (loaded

LightVSH Menu v7 for 6.35 Hen and 6.31 Hen

PSP Homebrew developer has updated his LightVSH menu plugin with a few bugfixes and additional features.  If you’re on 6.35 Hen or 6.31 Hen, you’ll want to update to LightVSH Menu v7. Requirements: A PSP with

Games compatible with OpenIdea ISO loader

This is a compatibility list for PSP users using OpenIdea ISO loader. If you’re on the following firmwares 6.20 TN-A Hen, 6.20 TN-B Hen, 6.20 TN-C Hen then be sure to check out this

Install OpenIdea ISO loader on your PSP

If you’re having problems playing games with the Prometheus ISO loader, don’t fret, a challenger has appeared :). Enter the OpenIdea ISO loader. It functions just the same as the more popular

PSP Games to look forward to in 2011

2011 turned out to be a good start of the year for PSP owners especially for those with non-hackable PSPs. To put it succinctly, the PlayStation Portable has once more been re-opened by the community.

Silver PlayStation 3 coming this March

Sony’s current line up of PS3 models come in Matte Black, Pearly white or if you’re lucky enough (or desperate enough to look different) Titanium Blue. Starting March 10th, the Silver Satin PlayStation

Homebrew Loader 113 for PSP with 6.37 OFW

If you managed to upgrade to 6.37 OFW on your PSP despite numerous warnings from everywhere not to do so, you’re in luck (sort of) as Wololo has updated his Homebrew Loader (HBL) to

O hai you twin consoles

Since I really needed to upgrade my aging PSP Phat, I decided to go ahead and splurge on two new consoles: a PSP Go (o look you bought a PSP Go despite bashing it

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