PSP 6.39 TN-A Hen released
Total Noob and HacKmaN have ported their 6.38 TN HEN (which was shown as a proof of concept only and never publicly released) to 6.39 OFW and released it as 6.39 TN-A Hen. 6.39 TN-A
Total Noob and HacKmaN have ported their 6.38 TN HEN (which was shown as a proof of concept only and never publicly released) to 6.39 OFW and released it as 6.39 TN-A Hen. 6.39 TN-A
One of the many things that Nintendo has announced in E3 this year was a new color variant for the Nintendo 3DS: Flare Red, for Japan at least. The Flare Red 3DS will be arriving
I guess it’s not just Sony stuck with the weird naming conventions as Nintendo announces the arrival of it’s next generation console, the Wii U. The new console breaks free of the Nintendo Wii’s
Sony has officially announced the availability of the PlayStation Vita (A.K.A. NGP A.K.A PlayStation Portable 2) at the 2011 E3 gaming expo in Los Angeles. If you’re saving up to get the NGP (or the
With the PSN Store back online, we PSN users can now download our free PS3 games courtesy of Sony’s Welcome Back package. In my excitement however, I accidentally navigated away from the
Hurry up and take my money! Hideo Kojima himself confirms that the Metal Gear Series will get HD treatment and will be available on both the PS3 and Xbox 360. The aptly named
With the Nintendo 3DS off the rumor mill and into the gaming market, Nintendo has opted to drop the price of it’s elder brother, the Nintendo DS lite to just $99. The second
To celebrate the upcoming release of it’s highly anticipated game — Tales of Xillia — Namco Bandai will be offering a limited edition PlayStation 3 console painted (or actually masked) in the title’s design. Dubbed
News of the Monster Hunter series finally coming to the PS3 probably sparked wildfires in the imagination of every Monster Hunter fan. I’m a bit excited for the release of Monster Hunter Portable
Team Liquid is on a roll today, releasing not three versions of the latest build of their Pro LCFW for 6.20 OFW, 6.35 OFW and 6.39 OFW. The best part is that they’re
If you’re on 6.39 OFW and have qualms about downgrading to 6.20 or installing Neuron’s BETA 6.39 ME-2 LCFW, fret not, Team Liquid has you covered! Yep, in addition to releasing updates to their 6.20
Team Liquid has released a new update to their 6.35 Pro LCFW, 6.35 Pro-B6 with new features and several bugfixes (specifically with regards to Dissidia Duodecim and it’s DLC). Check this post if
Team Liquid has released a new update to their 6.20 Pro LCFW, 6.20 Pro-B6 with new features and several bugfixes (specifically with regards to Dissidia Duodecim and it’s DLC). Requirements for 6.20 Pro-B6: A PSP with
PSP developer Neur0n, famous for his CFW releases has finally released a LCFW for 6.39 OFW. If you’re on this firmware and don’t want to use the 6.39 to 6.20 downgrader, you may
PSP developer some1 has updated his 6.38 Downgrader to support 6.39 OFW. If you’re not familiar with this PSP jargon, it simply means that using the 6.3x to 6.20 OFW PSP Downgrader to
Sorry about the down time these past few weeks. It seems the site (and my other sites) have grown to a point that they’re now a handful to manage so I had to
This leaked trailer is only 45 seconds long but damn it’s a great teaser. Yes, a teaser >_>. Blizzard really has a way with trailers. This video wasn’t supposed to go
It looks like Sony’s starting to tap into the accessories market and so far so good. The company has just announced the that the official PS3 Wireless Stereo Headset which will be available
While everyone is slowly saving up for the release of the PSP’s successor– the NGP –, the release of a new Limited Edition PSP Entertainment Pack might not be a great decision for Sony