6.20 / 6.35 / 6.39 / 6.60 PRO-B9 LCFW released
Well that didn’t take long. The PSP PRO dev team has released a new update to their LCFW build (PRO-B9) for 6.20 OFW, 6.35 OFW, 6.39 OFW and even the latest PlayStation Portable OFW, 6.60 OFW.
6.20 Pro-B9, 6.35 Pro-B9, 6.39 Pro-B9 and 6.60 Pro-B9 are now available for download. The Pro-B9 build LCFW brings bug fixes, support for the PSP Go‘s video mount and improves future compatibility with games and the inferno driver.
Changelog for Pro-B8 is listed below:
CHANGELOG (translated from chinese to english by me, i’m italian XD what a mess)
[+]some bugfixes and code optimization
[+]support for PSP Go Video mount
[+]fixed a bug in Inferno/SonyNP9660 when enter sleep mode
[+]updated decryption component, 6.20/6.3x add future support for encryption type PRX version 6.60
[+]added compatibility to future game requiring 6.60fw
[+]added 6.60 version (theorically sopports 11g module)
[+]added option 166/83 frequency of CPU
Supported Kernel and Hardware Revisions:
- 6.20 PRO-B9 [1g, 2g, 3g, 4g, 5g]
- 6.35 PRO-B9 [1g, 2g, 3g, 4g, 5g, 7g, 9g]
- 6.39 PRO-B9 [1g, 2g, 3g, 4g, 5g, 7g, 9g]
- 6.60 PRO-B9 [1g, 2g, 3g, 4g, 5g, 7g, 9g]
Download links:
- 6.20 PRO-B9 : Mirror 1 | Mirror 2
- 6.35 PRO-B9 : Mirror 1 | Mirror 2
- 6.39 PRO-B9 : Mirror 1 | Mirror 2
- 6.60 PRO-B9 : Mirror 1 | Mirror 2
How To install 6.20 / 6.35 / 6.39 / 6.60 PRO-B9
- Upgrade to the required firmware:
- Download the installer package for your target OFW
- Copy PROUpdater and FastRecovery folders to PSP/GAME
- Run Proupdater and follow on screen prompts
Credits for the Pro-B9 build:
[spoiler title=”Credits for the Pro-B9 build”]
Total_Noob: For the initial discovery of the Power-Kernel-Exploit in 6.20 OFW.
Coldbird: For initial reverse of the TN Kernel Exploit, Hacks to make it 6.3X compatible and several other things CFW related.
VirtuousFlame: For the ISO Loading Code, Custom PSX EBOOT Support and most of the CFW related code.
Mathieulh, Geohotz, TPU and everyone else involved for making PSP signing possible, making the Minna No Sukkiri Exploit redundant.
Dark_Alex for the initial M33 CFW who guided us mentally through several CFW generations by giving good examples on how to patch Sony OFW.
Davee for his v1 register leak address discovery used in Power-Argument-Patching.
victor.rds for the cool animated Fast Recovery Icon. (http://wololo.net/talk/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=3716#p42091)
Takka and Plum for their idea of preventing hibernation deletetion.
kgsws for his idea of faking vshmain module as permanent patch
bbtgp and Draan for their PrxEncrypter source code to produce the signed fake vshmain module for permanent patch
bbtgp, Dark_AleX, Noobz, Team C+D, M33 Team, and coyotebean for their new psardumper source to get the OFW binary
neur0n for his syscall execution in kernel mode, and CIPL allowing hackable PSPs to have CFW installed permanently, and several bug fixes
jas0nuk for his PSPident source to detect if it is a TA-88v3 unit
ardi for his umd4homebrew to enable UMD in homebrews
some1 for his exploit on 6.39 OFW, allowing CFW on 6.39
again some1 and Davee for their exploit on 6.60 OFW, allowing CFW on 6.60
Yoti for blocking satellite menu in Go!cam
And last but not least – Sony for making a wonderful, however very locked down, portable gaming handheld.
source PRO CFW repository
Tags: 6.20 Pro, 6.20 Pro-B9, 6.35 Pro, 6.35 Pro-B9, 6.39 Pro, 6.39 Pro-B9, 6.60 Pro, 6.60 Pro-B9, Homebrew, Homebrew Loader, Playstation Portable, PSP PRO CFW
sooooooo……….. should I update to 6.60 Pro B9? or 6.35 Pro B9??
still at 6.35 right?
If you are experiencing problems or simply want the latest code running on your PSP then yes, you should upgrade.
uhm… so based on stability, which is better? 6.35 Pro B9 or 6.60 Pro B9?
They’re fundamentally the same. Just pick which firmware you’re closest to (i.e., if you’re on 6.35, stick to that)
how about the other folder? where can i put that? “CIPL_Flasher”
That is meant for hackable PSPs only
i will also copy the “CIPL_Flasher” in to game folder?
oh i see… guess i’ll have to stick with 6.35 then. Gosh… all these updates… i wish Sony would just release a final cfw for the psp and then the pro team releases a cfw with a perma patch.
Well 6.60 was released in preparation for the HD Remakes of PSP games on the PS3 so it’s a benefit for people who have both systems
oh wow. that’s just cool. And here i am wishing I had a PS3 :(. Though i really am worried about purchasing one and then after a year or so I get a YLOD (same goes for the XBOX 360 which has RROD).
I do hope that the Vita (which has great graphics) won’t be experiencing those kinds of problems… coz at least the Nintendo Wii don’t.
From experience and the stats, the PS3 is generally robust (even more than the 360). Like with any console, remember to keep it clean.
Is it compatible with PSP 3000?
hi pahelp po, nagccrash yung psp pagka run nito.
What’s your current firmware? San sya specifically nag-crash?
6.20, pagka run po ng updater, then install cfw, pag babalik na ng xmb, mag hang and crash na.
lahat ng ‘updater’ magcrash lang eh. tnry ko mag 6.60 tapos downgrade to 6.20 para daw i reset yung flash? pero pagka ‘accept’ sa downgrader, mag hang lang at mag-off. :((( kahit nga po mag ‘exit’ lang from the downgrader, crash parin.
Anong current OFW mo ngayon? Just take note, hinde gagana ang installer kung hinde ka nasa tamang OFW (i.e. 6.20 PRO-B9 needs 6.20 OFW)
6.60 ako now. 6.20 ang ofw nung nirun ko 6.20 pro-b9, pro-b7, tn hen-c. all led to a crash
Sa 6.60 nagkakaroon pa rin ng crash? Na try mo magpalit ng memory stick?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but does this mean that ANY PSP console can upgrade to this custom firmware as long as it’s running any of the aforementioned OFW? No risks and such?
Well there is a slight risk because it’s writing onto the PSP’s flash memory but overall, yes, the process is safe.
Can you give me a link to that wallpaper?
Hey Sylv3r,
Can you recommend me a PDF reader that works for the PRO-B LCFW?
ummmm.. does anybody experiencing issues playing games like rock band unplugged and ys chronicles? it’s always freeze before i could i get to the main menu.
oops, im using 6.60 pro by the way.
ah, it’s seems like the mp3play_lite is the cause, I added it recently and it’s on by default when i add it to vsh and game.txt..
is it possible to install 6.35 PRO B-9 if i have 6.35 PRO B-8 and how?
Upgrading is easy. Just revert your PSP to OFW, replace the installer files with the new ones and run the installer again.
i’m using psp phat 6.60 pro b9. when i play the 3rd birthday and god eater burst,both of them always crash in the beginning of the game.. (screen turns black then shut down) what do you think is the reason for this? please help me..
Have you tried using an unpatched ISO of any of those games?
wait, what’s unpatched ISO? how to use it? sorry i’m a noob..
For more information about the PSP, custom firmware, ISOs, etc: Dummy’s Guide to PSP CFW
For copies of games for your firmware: PSP Games download
Hi Sylv3r, I’m currently on 6.35 PRO-B9, advisable ba to upgrade to 6.60?
Oh the Custom Firmware links on the right needs a SEVERE update.
Ah oo nga >_> update ko in a bit
how can i play dbz tenkaichi tag team on my psp 6.35 pro cfw??plz help
Reporting : all Pro CWF with filesonic link has ben deleted. it is broken
Ok, will be reuploading to different mirror in a bit
Hey I’m running a psp 1000 on 5.5 prometheus 4. Is there any benefit in updating to LCFW 6.xx and up?
Since a lot of the newer games don’t work natively with prome-4, you get the advantage of no longer waiting for a patched version for them.
In that case then I will update both my 1000’s to 6.xx. Thanks! But btw are there any other potential downfalls on the other hand?
is 6.60 pro-b9 a cfw or LCFW, as from what i see it seems that i have to reinstall it everytime i turn off my PSP (not put it to sleep)?
Also, if what I’ve said above is right, then would you suggest the next best PERMANENT CFW for a PSP-1000 please (or a LCFW, if there is some way i can make it auto install each boot up)
Is this hack permanent for 3k models?
Only 6.20 can be made permanent
Hello, first up, sorry for being a n00b and any obviously n00b questions :p
I am using a PSP-1002 with CFW 3.60 M33-5… I’m fairly sure it’s permanently hackable as the CFW I have on there now never needs reloading.
I am considering upgrading the CFW (don’t know what version I should go for) so that I can play PSOne FF7 epub’s that I’ve got.
At the moment, the game works fine for about 2 minutes, cutscene works, game plays, but as soon as it tries to go into the first fight scene by the train, I get graphical glitching and the system freezes.
Can you please suggest a CFW I should go for, and anything I need to keep an eye out for updating from 3.60 to whichever I choose?
Thanks in advance,
Hi, I would suggest going thru the whole dummy’s guide to catch you up on what’s new with the scene and things that you need to know.
Yeah, I had already done all of that, been back and forth all over the site reading all about it, I just wasn’t sure which firmware to settle on.
In the end I went for 5.50 GEN-D3, which is working like a charm.
Thanks very much for your help and your awesome site =D
i hav pro b9 6.60
it works fine
the problem is that when i start the iso it freezes and yes i set it to m33 driver.
my psp is a 2000 =/
plz replay asap
Does does happen to all games you want to play? Also try using the inferno driver, it has better compatibility throughout the PSP games
one of my friends accidentally updated his psp to 6.37 during using a UMD. what can you recommend downgrade to 6.20 or upgrade to 6.39 or 6.6
I would recommend downgrading to 6.35
why downgrade to 6.35, i already read the downgrade guide which you can download up to 6.20. Are there any big issues when downgrading to 6.20. or there a specific limit up to what firmware.
For now the soft limit is 6.20. Only hackable PSP’s can be downgraded beyond that point. Also some PSP-3000‘s can’t be downgraded to anything below 6.35.
ah ok, for PSP 3000 it is safer to downgrade up to 6.35 due to report having difficulty downgrading beyond that. But can i say if i have PSP 2000 TA-088v3 i can safely downgrade to 6.20?
Yes, psp slims are safe.
thank you, sylv3rblade.
the mirror links don’t work -_-…..
What if I want to change my gameboot? Any recommendations? I’ve seen “Gameboot Flasher” but I don’t know if it will work with this LCFW. Is there any other method?
BTW: I have a PSP 3000 and I use 6.60
hi can you help me is there any other way to softmod my battery cause psp tool etc says motherboard cant write on battery something like that
I don’t get this at all… I downloaded the file viewer on my computer, but what do I do now?
Dear Sylv3rBlade
First of all… Thanks for all your guides…
I have a psp3000 (slim) with 6.35 Hen Pro and Prome, and actually i love it…
Do u suggest to upgrade it to a PRO-B9? If yes, y? and which one? 6.35 Pro-b9 or 6.60 pro-b9?
U published a post with a compatibility list for Prome iso loader… is there a list for Pro-b9 too?
Thanks for your hard work, and your attenction ^^
works on the new psp e1000?
Yep, it’s compatible with all current PSP models.
hello kuya sylverblade bkt nag eerror ung naruto shpden ultmate impact sa psp ko
“the game could not be start’-im using psp 3003 v6.35 pro b8
Nakaset sa inferno driver yung Pro LCFW mo? If yes upgrade ka to 6.35 Pro-B10
Hey sylv I want to update to 6.35 pro B10. bUt Now I am running 6.20 pro b9. how should I update?
my psp3 is a 6.39 pro b-10 is there no need to update it?
pls i need a link on how to signup and register to become a member of atmaxplorer.
Member? The site doesn’t offer membership since it’s free to browse.
help po syl. kailangan ko pa ba idowngrade ung psp ko?
kc sabi 6.20 pro b9 ee ung akin 6.60 pro b9
ayaw po kc gumana ng dlc ng duodecim skin tinary ko na po ng ilang beses
at kailangan pa po bang ipatch ung iSO ? thx in advance
Hello, at first, let me give details on my psp 2000 slim, running 5.03 HEN with TA88v3 motherboard.
I want to upgrade my firmware due to some newer games not really supported on the 5.03 firmware. So, I did google and found out that 6.20, 6.35, and 6.60 are all suit my psp. Here, it make me confuse because I don’t know how to choose, which one better for my psp.. So, I want to ask for suggestion..
1. PSP 6.35 Pro-B5 LCFW
2. 6.20 Pro-B5 LCFW
3. 6.20 TN-D Hen
4. 6.60 PRO-B9 LCFW
Those are the thread that I read and know these firmware..
All 6.xx iterations are now up to the C2 version (6.20 PRO-C2, 6.35 PRO-C2, 6.39 PRO-C2, 6.60 PRO-C2) which you can install by following the instructions here. As for which version to install, I would suggest going with 6.60 PRO-C2 since newer games might require a newer firmware.
If you need a guide on custom firmwares, etc, then head to my guide here.
I found out that there got 6.20 pro-c fix3. And is this the latest?
The C2 release is newer since the fix3 patch remedies the problems with the original Pro-C release.