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EA starts pulling games from Steam, props up Origin

It seems like EA wants a piece of the digital distribution pie that Steam currently has a good hold of.

Spearheading the relaunch of EA’s very own digital distribution service – Origin – is Crysis 2. The game has been pulled off Steam’s listings and as you can see from the screenshot above (or the official page).

It’s not only Crysis 2 moving over to Origin, BioWare has recently confirmed that it’s upcoming Star Wars MMO will be Origin-exclusive and Alice: The Madness Returns has it’s very own page up with the “Only on Origin” tag for the PC version of the game.

In an interview with Gamasutra, EA Games president Frank Gibeau says that the publisher will continue to work with “retail channel partners as they evolve their business models to account for digital.” EA’s Origin service launched earlier this month, with more than 150 titles.

How the market will react to Origin’s exclusivity over EA’s games is still up in the air but as of the moment, it doesn’t seem very positive.

If you’re a PC gamer, are you willing to switch to another digital store?

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  1. parkhousexboxlive SHAP July 6, 2011 Reply

    No, I’m not. Steam has been exceptional so far. I’d rather buy games like Crysis on disc than run two networks on the go.

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