Installing Dissidia Duodecim’s DLC on your PSP
Yep. And I thought there was really no other way that to get Dissidia Duodecim DLCs aside from the PSN. Looks like the community wins again.
Here’s a quick guide on getting Final Fantasy Dissidia Duodecim’s DLC on your PSP in a jiffy.
- A PSP with any of the following firmwares:
- 5.00 M33-6 + Prometheus-4 module
- 5.50 GEN-D3 + Prometheus-4 module
- Any 6.xx PRO firmware, the latest being:
If your current firmware is not listed above then there’s little chance that this guide will work for you. Consider upgrading to any of the listed firmwares.
- Have the NPloader plugin installed
Important Note: This will not work with 6.20 TN-D and 6.20 TN-E alone, you need the permanent patch because it has the recovery menu.
Important Note: Users are reporting that the DLC works fine for the EU copy on 5.00 M33 Prome-4 and 5.50 GEN-D3 Prome-4. For some reason, the US version only works on 6.xx firmwares and above. Make sure you have an untouched ISO ok?
Download the required files
- NPloader: Mirror 1 | Mirror 2
- Dissidia DLC Pack (as of 12/04/2011: Mirror 1 | Mirror 2
- Untouched Dissidia Duodecim ISO
How to Install the Dissidia Duodecim DLC pack on your PSP
- If you have 5.50 GEN-D3 + Prometheus-4
- Change the driver to Sony NP9660
- If you have 5.00 M33-6 + Prometheus-4
- Change the driver to Sony NP9660
- Patch the Untouched ISO. Follow the: ISO Tool Patching guide
- Any of the 6.xx firmware listed above + Recovery Menu plugin installed
- Go into the Recovery Menu, and under the Advanced option, turn NoDRM Engine OFF.
- Extract the file and copy the resulting nploader.prx into your seplugins folder.
- Activate the required plugins (either by editing the game.txt file, copying the provided text file or using in-XMB settings (as seen in 6.20 TN-E)
- Extract the Dissidia DLC Pack. It contains a ULUS10566 folder.
- Rename the DLC folder if you have non-US copy of the game
- For EU region, rename the ULUS10566 folder to ULES01505
- For JPregion, rename it to NPJH50377
- For Asian region, rename it to SCAS-40329
- Copy that folder into the PSP\GAME directory
- Remove any existing Dissidia DLC that you have installed (you will encounter problems with Duodecim if you don’t)
- Once everything is done, run the game like normal (don’t run the DLC icon, run the Duodecim Icon instead)
If Duodecim does not get past the initial screen (i.e. you can’t see the option to start a new game, load, etc) you didn’t meet ALL of the requirements listed above. If you do have all the requirements and still can’t make it work, post in the comments with the following information:
- PSP model
- Current firmware version
- Active plugins
Current list of DLC available in the Duodecim DLC pack
Characters / Costumes
Aerith Assist Character
Gilgamesh Type-0
Warrior of Light – Helmetless
The Emperor – Emperor of Light
Onion Knight – Ingus
Cecil – Knight of Twin Moons
Bartz – Dancer
Terra – Black Dress
Cloud – Kingdom Hearts
Sephiroth – Kingdom Hearts
Tifa – Enforcer
Squall – Kingdom Hearts
Laguna – Sorceress’ Knight
Zidane – Marcus’ outfit
Kuja – Treno Nobleman
Yuna – X-2 Gunner
Vaan – Pirate
Lightning – Aya BreaMusic Pack
FFI Music Pack – ENGLISH
FFV Music Pack – ENGLISH
FFX Music Pack – ENGLISH
Credits for the guide Zell1226, DLC packs soullessheart, Teffy, undeadwish
Tags: Dissidia, Dissidia 012 [duodecim], Dissidia Duodecim DLC
how do you change driver
Enter the VSH menu and change UMD mode to the one listed
Hi! how do you can you make the dlc available do i need to start a new game?
The DLC should be available either way (from a new game or via loading your previous game)
HI! (again) What do u mean by this? *Activate the required plugins (either by editing the game.txt file, copying the provided text file or using in-XMB settings (as seen in 6.20 TN-E)
What plugins? do I need to do this even if i have 5.50 gen prome 4?
BTW, These are my plugins cxmb.prx [VSH]
cwcheat.prx [GAME]
popsloader.prx [POPS]
I turned on the nploader plugin but still nothing happened maybe it’s because of the ISO I don’t if mine is untouched
Yes, the hack will not work if the ISO is patched. You really need the untouched version.
can you give us the link(s) for the Untouched ISOs, if you have any….
It’s linked in the post 🙂
Hi! I got it to work on European version but after every battle, the game freezes and my psp just turn off. the only plugin I have is the nploader. Help! what do I need to do? I’m running a 5.50 gen d3 prome 4 Pls help!
Did you rename the folder properly?
Yes I renamed first the ISO the ULES01505.ISO and i deleted the .ISO on the folder
I’m confused by your comment. Did you rename the folder as ULES01505 or ULUS10565?
oh I had a typographical error.. maybe it’s because of my ISO cause i downloaded it from other site… can u just pls provide a copy of an untouched ISO via torrent? pls….
I don’t have a torrent link available. However there is one linked in the post up for direct download.
Are u sure that’s untouched?? when i clicked on the UMD.bin it says patched and uploaded by kiss of death.. and it still dosen’t work for me..
Hmm. I guess the dl got replaced with new files since i dled them. I’ll upload a new fresh untouched copy in a bit.
Question, because the directions aren’t fully clear on this, or perhaps i’m not understanding correctly.
After i switch over my PSP’s driver, put the DLC on my psp, enable the Nploader.
Do i go straight into running the game, then delete the dlc, or patch the game with the dlc on it then delete the dlc? .-.
You need to keep the DLC Pack folder in your PSP in order for it to load :/ Just leave it there and run the game like normal
Oh forgot, i’m running M33-6 on a 1000 model.
It runs fine with Promethous but my data keeps getting corrupted, lol =x
What do you mean getting corrupted?
not entirely sure, everytime i save and exit, my data gets corrupted, making it unusable, which kinda kills me, i was pretty far into story-mode ;x
Question about patching remains however, it says that i’m supposed to patch the untouched ISO using M33-6, unless that was an mistake?
My PSP has also started having an issue with freezing, happened once in battle when i first put the dlc on and tried it out, not only happens when returning to xmb.
and realizing i’m probably being a pain but, Do i leave the driver set to sony, and leave the nploader on? xD last question i’ll ask i swear o,,o
Yes, you’re supposed to patch the untouched ISO. Just saw that the link is missing :/, updated.
As for the freezing and save corruption, was this an issue before using the installing DLC? If it occurred after installing the DLC, the ISO you are using has been patched for a different firmware version. Either look for an untouched/unpatched ISO and patch it for your PSP or download an ISO that’s been specifically patched for your firmware version.
The only characters without a DLC Costume are Kain, Tidus, Firion, garland, Cloud Of Darkness Golbez, Exdeath, Kefka, Ultimecia, Jecht, Prishe, Gabranth, and feral Chaos. everyone else works (Cloud looks badass now, yay!) Plus how do you know which Music packs work or not? oh, and can you fix the non DLC 1 costume characters without putting anyone at risk? (if so, take out anyone but cloud)
Mmm…If it’s the ISO, i’ll look for another. the one i grabbed had both an untouched and patched, perhaps they were both patched then.
Could it also be because i have yet to patch it?
and no, prior to trying to put the DLC in, never had any problems with freezing or corrupted files.
PS. Mio <3
Could be but it’s best to manually patch the ISO yourself, that way you’re sure it’ll work with the DLC.
Well, i did everything, tried it before patching the iso and it worked fine, but after patching the DLC no longer works =x
So i’m a bit stumped in what exactly i’m supposed to do, i’m still capable of running it with the DLC as long as i’m using the untouched ISO, not sure if that was corrupting my data or causing the freezing though(Which i guess i’ll end up testing that theory anyway, lol.)
i followed your instructions and i can get the game to start but the dlc wont show up.i’ve used the untouched iso and the problem still occur.can u help me?my psp is 1000,5.50 prom-4,cwchat is the only active plugin
Are you using an EU or US ISO? Change the folder for your DLC accordingly.
Possibly because you either don’t have NPloader, or didn’t turn it on.
Either way, you should, since the game won’t load the DLC without it.
Okay so I did everything so far but i can’t find the nodrm in my recovery menu (using ultimate recovery menu 2.0 maybe thats the issue?) but other than that running a 5.50-prom-4. I can see the dlc icon in the games section but when i go to play the dissdia game and go to customize it does not show that i have the dlc is there something I’m missing i do have nploader enabled and sony np9660
No DRM is only available to 6.xx firmwares :/ As for the DLC not working, are you using a US or EU ISO?
US and wow your amazingly quick!
Hmm.. I’ll go revive my PSP Phat. It has 5.50 GEN-D3 + Prome-4 installed. I’ll see if I encounter any problems.
Thank you it’s fortunate we have the same system and firmwares hopefully it will work for me if it does then I can send it to the several others in my family that have it x.x
I am currently on the japanese 012, (Hate english voice actors)
I have got all but AERITH to work….
(the game.txt thing too years), any ideas why?
oh and P.S
The warrior of Light helmetless is rumour to not work without the license! Mine disappeared when i installed this dlc, but once i put the license back on… wala!
I have a psp 1000 with 5.50 prome-4, i had the touched iso, but i replaced the eboot.bin with a clean one, i got everything working, turned off all other plugins, i think i changed the version.txt to 5.50, so my save file works, because earlier it was corrupt, but now the game works normally but no DLCs… i also have the US version, i renamed the iso to ULUS10566.iso, same as DLC folder…
Also, i patched my game using iso tool
ULUS10566.iso -> this won’t work. Remove the .iso part.
nevermind but thank you anyways ijust update everyone’s stuff to the 6.20-prob-5 firmware and it worked perfectly thank you for your assistance though and for posting all the downloads here I hope I can rely on this website for the post of the updated dlc with cecil’s knight of twin moons, and vahns sky pirate costume that was in the april 21 v jump other fans be sure to look out for Yuna’s gunner dlc costume available in japan fall 2011.
yes i did that as well but to no avail i’m using the us one,as posted by you,above,the untouch iso,i presume,so i hope you get back to me once u tried it on ur psp phat
@zalerakun did ur save file work after u update it to 6.20-prob-5 firmware?
i cant get the dlc to work
psp 2000
firmware 5.50 gen d3 + prom 4
i downloaded the untouched from this site, do i need to patch it?
From the comments, it seems that the ISO I linked to isn’t untouched. Either look for an untouched ISO or wait for an updated link :/
change the folder to ULES01505 NOT ULUS10566 or ULUS10565 (ULES-means its an [EUR] version)
Oh thanks for the tip. Updating the post.
Yes my save file did work actually. I had all of my equipment summons char, etc. and the dlc just simply worked like a charm. No errors to report.
Hello, I’m currently using psp-2k, gen-d3 prom 4, nploader the only plugin enabled, and a EUR verions of dissidia but I can’t seem to get the DLC to work, any suggestions on what might be the cause?
Make sure the ISO you are using is untouched.
hi yeah,i did what zalera kun did and the dlc works fine!upgraded my firmware too 6.35 pro b4.thx for helping!i hope theres an update on the other dlcs soon!
Well, we have to wait until the PSN is up :/
There is in japan already and I assume europe for cecil’s KTM costume Vaan’s sky PIRATE uniform and Yuna’s Gunner costume from X-2
um, do you have a link to where I can get an untouched copy??
can i use the umd game to play with dlc?
How do i know it worked???!
You should see Aertih as an assist character or have extra “looks” for the characters mentioned in the list.
ah… excuse me.. why is it … when i play communication battle.. in my psp of course may characters looks DLC but in my brother’s psp it only looks normal costume…
Does your brother’s PSP have the DLC installed?
he has a psp 2k.. with 5.50 prom-4 i do the same thing that i do in my psp go .
but it did not work
so he doesn’t have a DLC
The usual problem with 5.50 GEN-D3 + prome-4 is the duodecim ISO. Look for an untouched ISO.
can you help me.. with this problem??
i cant install DLC on my brother’s psp..
he has a psp 2k with 5.50 prom-4..
How do you enable the nploader?
How do you enable the nploader ?
either by editing the game.txt file, copying the provided text file or using in-XMB settings
so what will i do .. if it looks for untouched iso
(swiper voice) aw men US version ng dissidia nilalaro namin since then pa kaya ng lumabas duodecim US din nag import kami eh ibig sabhin ba nito need ko pang mag upgrade sa 6.xx? para mag work to?
psp 1000 5.00 m33-6 prometheus 4
psp 1000 5.50 gen-d3 prome 4
no plug ins need ba talga EUR?
ummm you still need plugins for the EUR if you’re on any firmware with prome-4. Yun nga lang dapat untouched talaga yung ISO.
umm pag nag laro ba kami ng Prologus US ma unlock ba namin lahat to?
Aerith Assist Character
Warrior of Light – Helmetless
Cloud – Kingdom Hearts
Sephiroth – Kingdom Hearts
Squall – Kingdom Hearts
Lightning – Aya Brea
Tifa – Enforcer
Laguna – Sorceress’ Knight
Zidane – Marcus’ outfit
Kuja – Treno Nobleman
Cecil – Knight of Twin Moons
FFI Music Pack – ENGLISH
FFVIII Music Pack – JAPANESE (English)
or si aerith lang? pa share ng link para sa Prologus 🙂
Aerith lang 🙂
ei kuya filipino ka pala eh..
anu gagawin ko ayaw sa 5.50 prome-4 sa psp ng aking kapatid
ayaw kasi gumana ng sa 5.50 prome-4 sa psp 2k ng kapatid ko
pero sa psp go ko na 6.35pro b5. 100% working ..
tapos pag nag lalaro kami ng multiplayer ng kapatid ko..
hindi nya nkkta ung costumes..
dapat ba meron din xang DLC?
yep. Dapat meron din sya. Sa 5.50 GEN-D3 kapag di lumalabas ung DLC, patched na yung gamit nyo na ISO. Dapat untouched or clean.
basta irename mo lng ung folder ng mga DLC ung UMD ID ng Duodecim Game mo
Updated the link for the untouched ISO 🙂
Ok, guys, I figured out an easier way. I am using 5.03 Prome-3. I have a patched undubbed copy of the game, then I opened the SISDIR folder, removed the prometheus.prx file and the eboot.bin. Then, I renamed the eboot.old into eboot.bin and put the ISO image back together again. (basically turned into an untouched ISO) After that I just put in on my PSP and the DLC and everything were working fine and my save file was loading as normal.
NOTE: When I patched the game as suggested in this post the save file wouldn’t load.
The guide actually recommends patching only for 5.00 M33-6 :/
In any case thanks for the info, I’ll add it to the guide.
where is the psp game directory? cuz i can’t find it or i dont have it…
sorry i was just confused. it works for me 5.03 prometheus 3!
i deleted the dlc and now that i want it back it doesnt work why is that? sorry for the english
hi i have no idea what u mean by editing the game.txt thingy? do u mean i have to make a .txt file in my seplugins folder? if so what title do i use and what do i put in the .txt? is it something like ms0:/seplugins….?
something like that?
Open the game.txt file with notepad (duh) and type ‘ms0:/seplugins/nploader.prx 1’ – that’s for the nploader plugin. If you have any other plugins in it, don’t delete them just type under it. If you want to disable the plugin, change the 1 at the end of the command into 0.
I have a question; will this work if I try to downgrade my psp to patch it with a custom firmware?
My PSP is a PSP-2001 running 6.38 OFW, and I am currently using a DD:FF UMD (the official copy of the game)
Or if CFW comes out for 6.38, will this work if I’m using the UMD?
If your PSP is hackable, yes you can downgrade it to any workable firmware to install CFW, if not , you might need to wait a while for a proper 6.38 release.
Thanks for the response. So if I am using the UMD when I play the game (after following all these steps/conditions), the DLC will work normally?
Yep, that’s how it is.
my psp system version is 5.50 prome-4 will it work on that? And i have tried your instructions but it still doesnt work
Do you have an untouched copy of Duodecim?
ask lng po ng question.. um ininstall ko na po ito dati tpos dinelete ko ksi nacorrupt save ko ngayong gusto ko na ibalik nd na gumagana 2long nmn?
psp 2000 5.03 prome-3
plugin cwcheat
pls reply
hello . i just want to be sure if the firmware listed above are all cfw? aren’t they?
and please, if you have another link of the untouched dissidia 012 iso, please kindly post it .
.tnx !
Yes they are technically CFWs. As for the untouched link, does the one posted not work for you?
no, it works. i downloaded the first part . but im already at limit when try to download the next one .
Thank you very much it works
sir, after i do this method, the iso could not be started (80020321). that’s the problem . any advice?? tnx
Try switching to sonyN… driver. If you are using prome-3 v4 or pro B4, find an untouhed iso and just put it like that into your ISO folder.
tnx for the info . but its ok now .
im already at sonyn9660 driver and im using 5.50 prome-4 . i just use iso tool and eboot the iso and it works .even the dlc is working now.
.but my problem is, when i proceed to story mode, there are some part that slow down my psp . it suddenly slowing the game after i installed that dlc .
what do you think the problem?
tnx to you all !
You probably have some plugins running that are slowing you down. Go to the recovery menu and turn everything off except for the nploader.
nope, i got only one plugin and that is the nploader.
problem solved ! i just change the CPU clock game. hahaha
WELL, thanks for everything in this guide .
.i have now DLC with no problem.
.tnx tnx tnx !
I’m currently uploading a new version of the DLC pack so make sure you stay tuned for that 🙂
yay! I can’t wait for gunner yuna! and onion knight’s dlc is so cool.
Hi Guys, new DLC link with the Vaan Pirate costume.
i have a question, and its kinda off topic in here.
did someone try to play tekken 6 in 5.50 prome-4?
.everytime i exit from the ghost battle, the loading is kinda stuck .never stop in loading.
.well, i just wanted to share if someone know about this, tnx !!
I’ve got 6.35 pro-b5 cfw and I can’t seem to get this to work……
For 6.35 pro-b5 do I need to use an Untouched version of DDFF and nploader?
If anyone that knows or has gotten the dlc to work on 6.35 pro-b5 cfw please help….
Thanks in advance
What seems to be the problem? I’m on 6.35 Pro-B5 and have a patched version of the game (untouched ISOs are only necessary for 5.50 GEN-D3, 5.03 GEN-C and 5.00 M33-6 users).
Did you have to do the exact same steps you listed above to get the DLC to work?
Because I’ve tried that and it doesn’t seem to work for me….
Would you mind listing the steps you took to get it to work again.
Is the DLC not loading or is the game not loading?
The DLC.
To make things more clear….
I’m using a USA patched version of DDFF on cfw 6.35 pro-b5 I got the DLC folder in F:\PSP\GAME its got the right name (ULUS10566) and the ISO has also been ranamed to ULUS10566…
I disabled the NoDRM and put the nploader plugin on my psp which don’t help at all for me….
Nploader corrupts my saves and won’t let me make any new saves with it enabled and even with it enabled the DLC doesn’t show up… And now NoDRM has to be disabled for me to play DDFF for some reason cause whenever I try to enable it to put it back to normal the game won’t load up….
Did you have to do anything special to get it working cause the way you have listed isn’t working for me….
I think a new build of NPloader is available. I’ll check my sources and see if there’s anything to help you.
Here are 2 different bullds of the nploader prx for you:
From my PSP
From the DLC pack
Swap them and see which works for youu
PSN is back up. get those latest DLC please.
Currently uploading the complete pack with all the dlc costumes.
New DLC pack is up guys 😉
I’m currently using “5.50 Prome-4”, which I assume is just “5.50 Gen-D3 with Prometheus”. Please correct me if I’m wrong, of course.
I am using the USA ISO, and I put the DLC folder into my PSP/Game folder like you said. However, I may have made a mistake when I gave the ISO itself the name of “ULUS10566”. I’m not sure.
I also put the NPLoader plugin into the “seplugins” folder, and put “ms0:/seplugins/nploader.prx 1” into my games.txt file.
However, when I run the game, I find that the DLC still isn’t working. The game itself runs fine like always, but none of the DLC costumes actually come up. Is there anything that I may have done wrong?
Wait, never mind. I got it working. 🙂
Congrats 🙂
Ooh, new problem. Sorry. D:
While I have the DLC Costumes themselves working, I’ve noticed that the music somehow isn’t on there? Is that a problem with the hack in general, or is there something wrong altogether?
Ah looks like you’re having issues with the music pack. I think I saw bug reports of these somewhere and a method of fixing them. I’ll update the post in a bit
I am using 5.50 GEN-D3. To enable the dlc, I must flash Prometheus-4 module? Because if I flash into 5.50 Prom-4, my save file will be corrupted.
And after flashing into 5.50 Prom-4, should I patch the untouched iso?
Just got the psp from friend this week, so I am a total newbie on these. Thanks.
I forgotten to input these info
PSP model:psp-2001 088
Current firmware version: 5.50 GEN-D3
Active plugins:nploader [GAME]
Nvm. Got it working ady. Did not notice that the untouch dissidia link that you give is US version. Thanks.
hey is there bartz dlc armour in dis :D???
hi..i really dont know what dlc is..but my problem is..when i start loading my ff12, its stock with the red screen…pls somebody help me on this…i’m using 6.20 permanent pro-B6..pls help me on this..thanks guys…
You have a patched version of the game (this explains the red screen as 6.20 pro-B6 is trying to decrypt the game even though it shouldn’t do so). Download the copy of the game from the link provided above.
Updated the DLC pack again 🙂
Are any of those firmwares listed compatible with PSP-3000? I mean is it possible o do this with a psp-3000?
Is there any way to get this working on 5.00 M33-6 without Prometheus (via patched ISO)? I’d rather not use Prometheus, as I’ve heard it’s generally an unnecessary hassle when you can just patch your ISOs.
There’s no harm in trying to install the DLC beforehand.
Bleh, didn’t work.
Didn’t give me any problems or anything, it just didn’t add the DLC stuff. I wanted The Landing from FFVIII damn it! >:|
Oh well. Thanks for trying dude, and if I ever see a reason to use Prometheus, I’ll definitely come back here!
Not a prob 🙂
Actually just a question — You say “(don’t run the DLC icon, run the Duodecim Icon instead)”
What happens if you run the DLC icon? Does it mess with saves at all? Can it brick my PSP?
If not, I might try it. Maybe it’d do something useful in my situation?
It would give an error: You can’t start the game using save data or something like that. No it won’t brick your PSP :).
whats new in the latest DLC?
Shantotto (forgot to add to the list in the post) and another music pack. Will update with a changelog I guess.
Okay. Thanks for the update. ^^
I have the 6.20 TN-D + Permanent patch on a psp-3000. How do I access the recovery menu on that?
Oh wait sorry got the prx for it.
Okay I’m on a psp-3000 6.20 TN-D+ permanent patch, I have the nploader.prx on, with NoDRm engine disabled. When I put the DLC content on the PSP game folder thats when the untouched ISO of Dissida slows down to a halt at startup.
What am I doing wrong?
I hope this is not a burden. But I have two questions.
First: The link you gave, is it already European untouched? ( I know you said it was updated, I just wanted to be sure ) Because my Duodecim is US
Second: Previously, I used MediaGo to upload the ‘ Nameless Warrior ‘ DLC ( Helmetless WoL ) Because it was the only free one. On to my question, how do you delete DLC? I have read threads concerning my question, and they say simply deleting the game from the PSP is enough. And another states that deleting the System Data of Duodecim is another possibility. So I ask, how do you delete DLC?
Thank you for your time to answer this.
1.) The file linked in the post is an untouched ISO for the US version. The EU version has yet to be uploaded 🙂
2.) As for existing DLCs, you can delete any existing folder called ULUS10566 (North America) or ULES01505 (EU) or NPJH50377 (JPN) from PSP/GAME/. You can also delete the game file and replace it with a new ISO but it’s much easier to delete the DLC folder no? 🙂
Thank you for answering.
Now I have more questions.
First: If it is the US untouched, will it work like the EUR one? Or do I have to search for one? ( Having difficulties in doing so)
Second: The DLC folder? Do forgive me if I sound a bit stupid. But where can I find the said folder?
Hi, I have a PSPGO 6.35 PRO-B6 with the asian version of the game ripped from the UMD. I followed your guide but when I run the game it doesn’t detect the DLC. I’ve already renamed the folder to SCAS-40329.
I’m looking for a download link for the Asian version so I can try it, can you post it?
nvm got it to work. The folder name for the DLC for the asian version should be NPHH00293.
Thank you SO much for posting the correct Asian Version DLC folder name. now mine works also. the initial info should be updated. Again, many many thanks [=^?^=]
Hi there.
I think I’ve been doing everything correct to make this working but when I start the game it’s doesn’t show up on the PP catalog.
I’ve a PSP 3004 with Pro B6, updated today, and have the plugin nploader.prx on, NoDRM option off and driver Sony NP6690. I changed the folder’s name to NHPP00293 and also the ISOs name and still doesn’t work. Of course, the game’s ISO is from Asian version (jap voices, eng sub).
Am I doing something wrong? It’s there something special to do to make this works?
Try using the inferno driver instead of the Sony NP6690.
Tried with Inferno driver. Still doesn’t work 🙁
Bro, you must understand that your problem here is that you DO NOT need to purchase any of the downloaded files from PP Catalog: They are already available for use.
Keep in mind that they crash your game if you try to look at them in the museum. >>
Also, is there any chance you could get the Gilgamesh DLC?
Try this,
Recovery menu> Advanced>Advanced Configurations>Enable Game plugins
This worked for my friend when he didn’t know it was enabled. His firmware was 5.50 Gen-D(Full). DLC won’t work if its disabled. Also, make sure that you enable the nploader.prx.
I hope your problem is solved.
If I have the UMD version of Dissidia 012 is there a way I can still use the DLCs or does it have to be with the ISO?
It really depends on your PSP’s firmware. It may just work for 5.50 GEN-D3 since it requires an untouched ISO (basically the original dump of the UMD)
It might if you have a CFW. Just enable the nploader.prx. For me, that was all that was needed to make the DLC work along with the DLC files of course. I never used the Untouched ISO.
The moment I made it work on Patched ISO (about a month ago), I knew the untouched was no longer an option.
For those who have patched ISOs, ask me for assisstance. Don’t worry, multiplayer works as long as the two ISO are of the same Region.
can you help me.. i have already enabled the nploader plugins and change the driver to sony blah blah. and it still doesnt work. im using us patch version with gen5.50 prome 4.. do i should to rename the game and the dlc folder to ULUS10566?
Somehow I was able to make it run under patched ISO without prometheus under a PSP firmware of 5.00 m33-6 and 5.50 Gen-D(Full). It would seem that for me, untouched ISO was not an option.
Hehe. Me and my friends are having fun with it. If you guys don’t want to use the untouched and use the patched ver. with the DLC, I can help with that.
May i know what CFW and version of the game you were using? Thanks 🙂
5.00 m33-6
It was also done on 5.50 Gen-D(Full).
I was able to run the ISO after doing all the steps but the dlc won’t appear when i start the game
I have a PSP1000, 5.00 m33-6, with nploader.prx and popsloader.prx
I remember the iso i got was untouched and i patched it myself so i’m not sure if i may need to get another untouched iso and repatch it.
Hoping someone can help me
Try this,
Recovery menu> Advanced>Advanced Configurations>Enable Game plugins
You probably did not know it was disabled. It happened to my friend. All I did was enable it.
If not, are you sure that the ISO you got was from here or not? If not, are you sure of the region of your ISO (US or EU)? You may just need to change the Folder name. (Psst. Psst. You can check your ISO region by looking at one of the save files under savedata.)
I’d recommend do the first before you check your ISO region.
done!! 😀 it worked on my 5 m33 – 6, thank you so much!
Unfair, my Dissidia duodecim is touched…
It will work. Just do the following:
Step 1:
Copy the DLC folder SLUS10566/SLES01505/SCAS-40329 to ms0:/PSP/Game.
Step 2:
Copy the nploader.prx and enable it at game.txt folder. Be sure that it’s set to “1” at the end.
Step 3:
Restart your PSP. Then play. If you don’t know your duodecim version/region, you can use UMD Generator (I think) to check on the region.
I wonder if anyone else is having this problem.
The following costume DLCs doesn’t work for me:
Onion Knight
I have a PSP 3000 with 620PRO_B6 and Prometheus-4, all other costumes and music DLCs works fine.
Can you help me please? 🙁
Solved the problem, I was using another DLC pack I had downloades from other site, looks like their pack wasn’t complete.
The full DLC pack has 96 MB, remember that people. 😀
Just noticed that this pack included Shantoto’s DLC costume, you should put it on the list 🙂
Sorry if I’m an idiot but where is the game.txt file?
seplugins folder
Ok… let start for the begin:
for of all, thanks for put this useful guide!
now, like i suppose it not work, and i know for what:
1 the “recovery menu” don’t work in my PSP (and that i try many that of R+power)
2 it have install the “prometeus iso load” (…)
3 with the pro gen 6.35 like i remember (just remember 6+)
4 with a costume firmware 6.35 PRO b6 like i remember again
5 i’m absolute noob in this of the PSP, i have my first one like one month ago…
so that is… yeah, a huge problem (i think i have to fix many… )
but until play as the DLC, and well, put plugins and make them work (because i cannot accede to the recovery, for unknown form…)
so, can you help me?
1.) What firmware do you have?
2.) connected to 1… you say you’re using prometheus iso loader to run the game?
3-5)… if you want to know more about your PSP please refer to the Dummy’s Guide.
it say “6.5”
but who know if is the original or the edited…
well, with that guide, maybe i can fixed this psp, and make it work fine.
thanks (just i hope it work the DLC…
more because i want to play with my lovely Terra with Jecht, and with the light emperor)
Thanks you are AWESOME. Spent a whole day upgrading, fixing corrupt saves and redoing my entire memstick just to get this but it was totally worth it.
Just for everyone:
CFW : 5.50 Prome 4
Using the US version of game.
It Works 😀
any way to make psp go tn-e hen 6.20 work?
Install the Permanent Patch
Thx for replying so fast but i tried going back from tn-e to tn-d and work perfectly fine w/o the permanent patch n.n thx for everything
please..gilgamesh’s 4th form great genbu armor !!!
6 july 11 japanese PSN was fixed!!
I would like to try this but, mine is 5.50 Prome-4 with U.S. patched Duodecim.
It didn’t work for me.
PSP Model – PSP 2000 Slim (Blue)
CFW – 5.50 Prome-4
Active Plugins – cxmb.prx [VSH]
nploader.prx [GAME]
cwcheat.prx [GAME]
popsloader.prx [POPS]
cwcheatpops.prx [POPS]
actually I play everyday all my character are level 100 but there are not complete progress or task if everybody have a save game that complete all the game please share with us ^^, because Im kind of tired of playing..
hey, one question.. i am really a noob at this but i just need to upgrade my version to the 6.xx (the ones you reccommend) from 5.50 prome-4
hey guys, i got this to work with 6.39 me-8 (somehow). thing is when i try and use lightning’s aya brea dlc, my psp crashes. this only happens with that dlc, evreything else works fine. anyone got any ideas?
problem fixed. caused by the fact that i had pro-b cfw installed on my psp as well (stupid idea, dont know y i need 2 cfws). anyway, this works with 6.39 me-8 with nploader and im using the me driver.
there’s one thing i don’t understand here. how do you patch the untouched ISO based on your current CFW? mine’s 5.50 Prometheus. i’m not sure if my current ISO is untouched so i guess i’ll have to download the untouched version later. one fear i have it is it may mess up my current save (which is 98% complete). i really wanted this to work on my PSP, but failed miserably when following the instructions from other sites/
Is this a full dlc? with all the new stuff i mean. Cuz i just read the other guy’s comment saying that the full dlc is 90 mb! But this is only 70+ mb? pls reply
yes sir it’s 90mb. the reason why it’s 70+mb is because it’s in the zip file
what if you don’t have recovery menu?
What’s your current CFW?
•5.50 GEN-D3 + Prometheus-4 module
and yeah, I downloaded the untouched ISO, but once I opened it, the screen goes red, and nothing happens, any advice?
I’m sorry my CFW was 5.50 Prometheus :P. Anyways, after downloads, my CFW is now •5.50 GEN-D3 + Prometheus-4 module, but the screen still turns red. Is there something wrong?
I followed the steps properly, but what seems to be the problem?
When the screen turns red, it’s decrypting the game (it’s supposed to do that). What happens after that? Do you have the plugins activated?
Oh I see…
Well, nothing happens, the screen remains red…
The only plugin/s that I have is the nploader, but I can’t enable it since I can’t find my recovery menu (the one when you press the SELECT button). Solutions?
And yeah since you said that when screen turns red, it’s decrypting the game, um, do I have to wait until the red screen is gone or somethin’?
BTW, additional info. just in case:
5.50 GEN-D3 + Prometheus-4
plugins: nploader.prx (only)
Thank you for your sincere cooperation. Sorry for the trouble 😀
One more thing…
Do you need to download any plugins besides the nploader? And what if you don’t have the recovery menu?
If you don’t have the recovery menu with 5.50 GEN-D3 then you have a bad flash and need to reinstall.
The red screen is supposed to appear a bit then you’ll see the game load. It normally lasts about a second or two. If it’s stuck with the red screen, try switching drivers.
Reinstall 5.50 GEN D-3? 😀
How? And will it effect Prometheus-4 module? Please guide me….. 😀
Just run the XGEN installer to install 5.50 GEN-D3 and reinstall the prometheus-4 module
Reinstalled it, but still no recovery menu… 🙁
BTW, before I made comments on this, I downloaded a recovery menu, since I noticed that I don’t have one. Its name is:
Recovery Menu
v0.2 BY
should I delete this one then reinstall 5.50 GEN D-3 & Prom.-4?
Hmm that’s odd since 5.50 GEN-D3 shipped with a recovery menu.
Don’t you have the option to go there when you press select on to open the VSH menu?
No…. 🙁
Oh I’m sorry I just found out I can access my recovery menu cause I shutdown my PSP then hold the R pad/button while turning it on 😀
Sorry.. 😛
Um, do I sill need any plugins for it to work?
Yes particularly the nploader.
I know, but um, ia there any more to download besides the nploader, ’cause it’s the only plugin that i have 🙂
Are there any more plugins that is should download, besides the nploader?
Please!!!! :))) Are there suppose to be more plugins that should be downloaded besides the nploader? :(((((((
Hello there
I have a
PSP GO – PSP-N1001
CFW – 6.35 PRO-B5
I have gone into the Recovery Menu, and under the Advanced option, I turned NoDRM Engine “Disabled”
I have Plugins
cwcheat.prx [GAME] Disabled
cwcheat.prx [POPS] Disabled
I made three copies of the DLC Package
All renamed as the three different region DLC package files.
Help anyone?
You have to have the nploader plugin for the DLC to work.
Thanks so much!!!!!!
I have a slight problem with this. The DLC, I managed to get it working fine, it’s just that now, whenever I try to view characters in the model viewer, whenever I try scrolling past their manikin model to either view the DLC or loop around, it just freezes the game on the white screen, music still playing and PSP still responsive……however, when I try to do that with Cloud, it completely freezes my PSP and I must take the battery out. Any thoughts on why I cannot view the DLC outfits in the viewer?
Nevermind, I figured out the problem….it was another crappy-ass plugin screwing up the DLc somehow…100% working now, which I like because I’m kinda OCD about things either working all the way or none of the way haha
When i put the uls file on my psp it says its corrupt im on psp 3000 cfww 6.39 LME-9.2 can anybody help?
Oh and also i am using the actually umd with the plugin running.
I fixed it nvm THANK YOU FOR THIS PACKAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi sorry to bother but i have done to the point where the “screen flashes red” but the dlc doesnt appear in the game, any help?
Do you have the nploader plugin active?
Thanks for the reply, It seems i had a different version of nploader. I changed it now it works. much appreciated
sorry for idiot question but how will i know if the dlc would work for me? i have psp go N1001 with 6.35 pro b8
and i don’t also if my dissidia duodecim is untouched
For reference’s sake, I am using a PSP Go with 6.35 Pro-B8 and the DLC works fine on my end. Just follow the instructions on the post. if you’re not sure if your ISO is untouched, download the file/s linked in the post.
Do i need to install the nploader to make it work?
Yes it’s required or else the DLC won’t show up in your game.
If it works, where can i find it in the game or how do you enable it? Do i need to disable the NoDRM Engine in 6.35 Pro b-9 cause its not listed.
BTW, I’m going to test it later so that i won’t ask anymore
NVM i made it work in pro b-8 and i’m sure it will work on pro b-9 without nploader
awesome it works i have psp go n1001 6.60 pro b9 i have cwcheats plugins thanks keep uploading
I have TN-D with permapatch but my recoverymenu doesn’t list NoDRM Engine.
I think i must upgrade/change my recoverymenu but how and which menu?
Ok got a recoverymenu with NoDRM but still a empty titel screen.
Do you have the nploader plugin installed?
Yes, but i think i have a patched Iso. I will try the US-version from this page.
Ok, it doesn’t work. I give up.
hi I recently downloaded a Eur untouched iso. patched it, and got the dlc to work. tried it out and before all this time i had been using the usa version. i dont know if its the different regions or what. but the eur version is really SLOW compared to the usa version. it might be just a bad download or something….anyone else have this problem?
If it’s in CSO format, you need to uncompress it. Otherwise, look for another copy.
Hi there. I cant seem to get it to work. I am able to load the game as per normal but the DLCs are not there. My cfw is 5.50 GEN-D3 with Prom 4, using a fat psp. I enabled nploader, checked the advance configurations and enabled game plugins. Im also using an untouched iso. Not sure what went wrong here. A little help?
Are you sure that nploader is enabled? The DLC will not show if that plugin is not running.
Hi, it is not working for me. I at first i could load the game fine but no DLC working, after removing the .iso part from the ISO now it says my save is corrupted and still no DLC when i try to start a new game. I can see the DLC in the XMB but it doesn’t work.
I have:
Untouched EU version except for prometheus-4 patch (i ripped it from UMD and patched myself)
both the ISO and DLC folder named ” ULES01505 ”
Sony NP9660 driver
Default CPU speeds
NPloader v0.9
game plugins switched on
no other plugins except pegasus
no previous DLC
thanks in advance for any help.
Hi, i was using a different nploader and changed to the one on this page and it worked. Thanks alot for this! =D
Not a problem 🙂
Hi i re-edited the game.txt file and it works now!. Thanks a bunch 🙂
I re-edited the game.txt file and it works now!. Thanks a bunch 🙂
dude done have all the requirements and still can’t make it work…i can still play dissidia but there is no different costumes etc. available
Are you sure that your ISO is unpatched?
i have a little problem. i already put the nploader.prx file in my seplugin but it dont show when i go to recovery menu>plugins already hav the game plugins switched on but no sign of nploader
You need to edit the game.txt file to add it.
hello… i just a newbie… my psp is 300 with 6.60pro B9… is it still compatible to play this DDFF dlc?
Ah i forgot to update the post with the new firmwares. Yes it will work with 6.60. PRO-B9
Will this work if I use the Undub version of the game?
Which one? The Asian version or the US release mixed with Japanese audio?
I downloaded nploader like you said and put it in my seplugins folder and put the correct lines in game.txt, but it refuses to show up on my plugins menu. I have pops on there too and it shows up, but not nploader.
Is there something I’m missing? Running 6.20 PRO B7
Hey there :>. Thanks for putting together this DLC package and uploading it :D! All the DLC works as it should :> ITS TOO AWESOME!!!
I was wondering if you knew the different folder names for the separate DLCs(i.e. FF1 Music Pack = pweojfpwoe) and such. If you don’t, thats alright 😛 I can figure it out and post back here with some folder names. I just REALLY don’t like 8-bit music my epic 3D fighting game :PPPP.
Again, thanks for the DLC pack :>.
It’s working great! thanks! running on PSP 2001 6.60 ME v1.3.
I have PSP with CFW 6.39 ME 9.5
I’ve followed all the instructions, the DLC icon appears on the games list, but when I start playing, the DLCs aren’t installed/ they aren’t appear 🙁
Oh, and there are no option to enable/disable NoDRM engine on my psp’s recovery menu, I dunno why.
Is there something else to do to install the DLC (with my psp’s CFW)? Somebody, answer me, I’m really clueless 🙁
Try installing a different LCFW like 6.39 PRO-B9 as it has the NoDRM option
I got a problem.I got the game to load the DLC and all, and am able to play as Clouds DCL outfit.However,m whenever i forfiet a match, or win one, my game freezes and crashes.This does not happen when i lose a battle.
I am using Godpro 6.20 B-10.I am also on the PSP 1000(phat)
omg this works like a boss on 6.39 ME 9.6, no need to get a unpatched iso, it didnt work on 5.50 prometheus but i took 5 mins to update to 6.39 and it works im happy thank you so much sylv3rblade 😀
umm thanks for corrupting my save file haha, it doesnt work anyways had to make a new game.
psp 2000
just installed 5.50 Prome-4
oh nevermind it worked apparently. did still stuff up my save file..
i have aeris/aerith. have all dlc costumes but kains tiduss firions exdeaths and jeckts?
why am i missing those few?
oh u guys dont have it.. are there any new ones anywhere?
european multi 5 thanks.
links please 😀
PSP: Phat
CFW: 5.50 Prometheus (that’s how it shows up on System Info)
Active plugins: nploader (yes it is on, double checked)
I have an untouched USA ISO of DD012, put the DLC folder where it’s supposed to go, with the proper name, made sure that game plugins are enabled (Adavenced>Advanced>GAME plugins: ENABLED), the UMD ISO mode is set on SonyNP9660. I can run Duodecim, plays without any issues, but for the life of me I can’t get the DLC to be detected. Any help?
In addition, I have made sure that the line in game.txt is the correct one, but the nploader still doesn’t show up in the plugins submenu. I believe that this may be the issue. Any ideas?
@jjKnightly: have you tried putting nploader in game.txt AND VSH.txt?I had to do that to get mine to show up.
The VSH.txt? As in change the USB device in the VSH Menu to Flash 0? From there were do I go and what do I put where?
What? No, he didn’t mean to change to usb device to flash 0 (that’s dangerous). He meant to activate the plugin. You can either do this by editing the game.txt (not vsh.txt) or via the recovery menu (if your current firmware supports it).
Are you seeing the DLC file from your XMB?
i am seeing the DLC on the XMB.It is working, all the music is showing up…but whenever i forfiet a battle or win one while using a DLC outfit, the game crashes.Any advine?
My guess is your copy of the game is patched and conflicts with the DLC. Try the copy of the game linked in the post.
hmm…ok, ill try to download the untouched iso.I had thought mine was though…is there a way to tell?
There’s a tool for that but I forgot the name 🙁
lol, its ok, im nearly done downloading the iso above…
ok, i got the stupid iso, and the password wont work on it >.>
i downloaded the duodecim in the untouched iso link above. and downloaded the ULUS10566 which is the dlc of duodecim and put it in the PSP/GAME folder and when i load my game and customize the characters, i cant see the dlc working on it, how to solve that? please can somebody help me here please..
Do you have the plugins installed? You need the plugins indicated for the DLC to work
i think i alrdy activate the required plugins, i activate the nploader in my seplugins folder, i activate it in the recovery menu and also the NO drm engine alos in my recovery menu,
ok, got the iso, same issue.THe only plug ins i have active are NPloader, and audio boost.
wait, you’re using God Pro, is there a NO-DRM option for your firmware?
I would suggest unloading your current firmware and installing 6.20 PRO-B9.
Does us(patch version) will work on 5.50 prome4?
does US(PATCH VERSION) of dissidia 012 will work on gen5.50 prome4?
US patch version? Do you mean the real US version or the Chinese (japanese voices + english menu)?
The real US version.. does the dlc is compatible in the us version with gen 5.50 prome 4?
Yes it’s compatible.
OK thanks a lot.!!
but it said that, if you have the US version your cfw must be 6.xx something.. ?
Which part? The guide specifically mentions several compatible firmwares
I mean the DLC…
I mean does the dlc will work on us dissidia 012 gen 5.50 prome 4?
Finally. It’s working..!!
does this dlc have gilgamesh’s dlc?
Wat do u mean unload my lcfw and wer am i suppose to find it? There nothing to worry am i ryt? Or juz il hav to dl the untouched iso? Cuz i hav a us version but i dunno f it was patched… Help here
You weren’t supposed to turn off your PSP :/ What is your current firmware version?
6.20pro b9 perma patch… I juz deleted the dlc and it came back to normal…but i really want d dlc so badly…wat am i gonna do pls help…i followed the steps in terms of d plugins nodrm off & i hav nploader.prx on in d recovery menu…
6.20pro b9 perma patch… I juz deleted the dlc and it came back to normal…but i really want d dlc so badly…wat am i gonna do? pls iso is in US version…i followed the steps in terms of d plugins nodrm off & i hav nploader.prx on in d recovery menu…
Wat am i gonna do? Can u help me? my firmware is 6.20pro b9… And my dissidia iso is US ver. Im really having a hard tym… ur efforts r very well much appreciated…thank u in advance..
Hi, you really need the untouched ISO. Have you tried dling the copy of the game linked in the post?
Hi thnx for d reply..btw i think dats d problen cuz i didnt dload the untouched ver..i have a question once i dload it…wats d nxt move..?and also f i choose d US ver. Does my save files can still be used.? And regarding my lcfw is der problem..and f it still exist how am i supposed to deal with it thnx again btw…
The copy of the game linked to the post is the US version so your save will still work with it.
I finished dling the untouched i have to patch it up..and what will i use to patch it..?
Hello, I downloaded dissidia 012 duodecim from the internet. (not PSN) And it has no problems going online. its just like the PSN version. My firmware is 6.60 pro-B9 and I did everything you said and it worked. But when i go to switch their dlc’s it wont change. And when i go to activate plugins its not listed but i can see it when i go to the game folder in my psp. Can you help me?
You need to edit the text file indicated for the plugins to appear.
Edit the text file for what?
To activate the plugin required.
Hey man, I’ve been having some trouble getting this working.
I’ve got a PSP Slim (God of War Edition, fuck yeah)
Using 5.00 M33-6
I’ve only activated the nploader, popsloader, cwcheat, and cwcheatpops. and yes, I checked to make sure game plugins are enabled.
So, I’m using the US untouched iso, and I put the dlc folder in psp/game. start it up, check costumes, nothing new. :/
no gilgamesh costume yet?
Already uploaded 🙂
Updated the DLC pack:
Added Gilgamesh
I have a PSP3000, the 6.35 Pro-B 10 Firmware, and am using only the nploader plugin. I’ve followed the steps, but the DLC refuses to work.
What happened?
1.) Is your folder name correct for the game’s region that you’re using?
2.) Are you using an untouched ISO?
Ive done everything but I cant find the provided text file for activating the plugin :(. Any help?
Create a game.txt file in the PSP/seplugins folder
Shantotto’s “Wedding Dress” Costume is not listed. is it there?
What Firmware does this work on? Cause i might upgrade from 5.50 Gen-B to 5.50 D3 Prome 4 or go to 5.00 M33 Prome 4. Anyone know what firmware i should use?
The list of compatible firmwares is listed in the requirements
i have the 2000 model and firmware 5:50 gen d3 + prometheus 4 and disabled all plug ins except the nploader and it still wont work help please
I have:
model 3000
Firmware 6.35 Pro A4
only active plugin is nploader
and am using a european 012 iso, renamed the DLC to ULES01505, and when I load the iso, it remains black and never loads. What am I doing wrong? Help! u.u
I just tested this on a:
5.50 Gen d3
also nploader as only active plugin, and it perfectly works!
What must I do for it to work on my 3000?! Dx
Is the ISO the same for the PSP-3000 with 6.35 PRO-A4?
The exact same file. I’m using pretty much the same memory stick for both.
No other game or anything has a problem; everything works fine on both, except 012 with the DLCs on the 3000… u.u
(KH Cloud FTW!)
Have you turned off the NoDRM engine for the PSP-3000?
For some reason, on my 3000, I don’t seem to have access to the Recovery menu… u.u
So, alt. ways to turn NoDRM off? D=
well, upgrade your current firmware. I would recommend 6.35 PRO-B10
For some reason, on my 3000, I don’t seem to have access to the Recovery menu… u.u
So, alt. ways to turn NoDRM off? D=
help please.
i have the 2000 model and firmware 5:50 gen d3 + prometheus 4 and disabled all plug ins except the nploader and it still wont work
just a heads up, this music pack replaces all the pixel music (1-3) and a few others with custom songs
FFI – Airship FFIX – Protecting My Devotion
FFI – Battle FFI – Chaos Battle (PSP Remix)
FFI – Castle Cornelia FFIX – Vamo Alla Flamenco
FFI – Menu Screen FFXIII – Snow’s Theme
FFI – Chaos Shrine FFVII – JENOVA Absolute
FFII – Tower of the Magi FFXIII – Defiers of Fate
FFII – The Princess’s Seduction FFIX – Sword of Doubt
FFII – Revival FFVIII – Only a Plank Between One and Perdition
FFIII – Good ol’ Fellows FFX – Challenge
FFIII – Forbidden Land FFXIII – Test of the L’cie
FFIII – Boundless Ocean FFXIII – Born Anew
FFV – Battle 2 FFI – FFV Battle 2 (PSP Remix)
FFVIII – Shuffle or Boogie FFVIII – The Mission
FFXI – Fighters of the Crystal FFVII – Weapon Raid
FFXI – Ragnarok FFVII – Hurry, Faster!
Did everything and it worked, but now everytime I start up my PSP, it runs very slowly until I run an ISO. I’m running a 6.60 PRO-B9 on a PSP-2000.
On your XMB, press select to enter the VSH menu and make sure that the clock speed for the VSH is set to any of the following values: 233Mhz, 333Mhz or default.
It worked! Thank you!
hi i put the dlc pack in my game folder but when i play the dissidia 012 no costumes appear i have 2000 model 6.39 ME 9.2
Same here.
meron akong 2000 model slim 6.39 ME 9.2 ginawa ko naman yan pero di gumagana
Have you enabled the NoDRM option?
I have a 2001 PSP Model with a CFW 6.60 ME 1.6. Although I can’t find any guides on how to install it. Maybe you can light me up so that I can install the DLC. Note: I didn’t follow the instructions because the guide says there’s a small chance it will work, I want it 100% working.
To ensure that the DLC will work, check if your current CFW has the NoDRM option in the recovery. If it doesn’t, consider switching to 6.60 PRO-B10
I switched my 6.60 ME 1.6 to 6.60 Pro B10 and it works as it should be. But everytime I shutdown my PSP I have to reinstall Pro B10, is it normal?
Yes, since you’re formerly on 6.60 ME (which is a permanent hack) run the CIPL flasher to make the PRO-B10 permanent.
Not working. Although I just saw something like 6.60 B10 “FIX” Might as well try it because what I have is the without fix only.
Can you fix the replacements of FFI, FFII, FFIII, and FFXI songs?
And the FFV one.
Dammit, I keep forgetting stuff. The FFVIII one is also replaced with another song (FFVIII song as well). gg42 has posted the list of the songs.
Also, Aerith should have alternate costumes.
Having problems here, I can’t see the DLC 1 in any characters when selecting the Look.
1. PSP model : PSP SLIM 2000
2. Current firmware version : 6.60 PRO B-10
3. Active plugins:
Could be a corrupt download of the DLC, try redownloading
It’s still the same after re downloading it, I have my NoDRM Engine disabled.
Wait, noDRM disabled? Is there any difference if you enable it?
It’s working now, I just enable my NoDRM Engine. Thanks. 🙂
Mirror one is down, and I can’t get the 2nd mirror to work :'(
reuploading the nploader prx file in a bit
It’s up now.
..uhhm hello ..
do i really need to download the dlc one because ihave downloaded one earlier
i folllow your steps correctly i can play the game normally without the costumes i want i’ve watched youtube and see cool costumes like cloud- zack jecht – angeal cloud – noctis how can i do that for my psp
The DLC uploaded in the post is patched so it’ll work on an PSP so yes, you really need to download it.
@sylv3rblade: Kudos on keeping up so well with tech support for this. Hopefully I won’t need to bug you with any questions. ^^ I’m so ready to try this when the downloads are complete!
can i still use my save data if i install a DLC??
Yep, the DLC only ads content.
@sylverblade Is this CFW available for all three PSP models?
Yep, supports everything.
I have moved the nploader.prx into my seplugins folder and i am currently moving ULUS 10566 into my GAME folder as curremtly as i type. I am using CFW 6.60 Pro-B10 on a Black 1000-Model PSP…. wish me luck
How’d it go?
can i still run my save if i use the DLC??
Hi, I’m using 6.39 PRO B10 (psp 3010). I followed the steps on this and it says my 012 game data is corrupted. nploader is my only plugin.
This might seem like a stupid question but I’m fairly new to owning a PSP (Bought it just a few months ago) so kindly excuse my ignorance.
Do I need to download the ISO or will a UMD suffice? I have an original copy of the game (UMD) and my PSP has 639 PRO-B Fast Recovery PSP Firmware. Is the firmware I have even the same as 6.39 PRO-B10?
Thank you so much!
Hi i have a psp 200 (i think)
with a 5.03 cfw and i see the bgm data in the memory stcik but nothing else please help
correction it’s a 3000
Anna here again!
Disregard that last question. Being the impatient girl that I am, I decided to try anyway and it indeed works with a UMD.
Thank you so much for this! I’m loving all the new content, especially Yuna’s X-2 and the Aerith assist.
Again, a big thanks! Cheers!
Not a prob. I’m glad I helped you out.
Hey there!
It seems the dlc file is no longer available at the first mirror.
At least, I get this message when I click on it…
And the second mirror doesnt work at all for me. It says I reched the daily download limit, which is not correct. Well, that might be an individual issue I have, but could you please double check the file at the first mirror?
Btw, great tutorial! Everything works fine as long as you follow the instructions =)
Thank you very much!
Looks like the upload account got disabled. I’ll look into uploading to another mirror.
is it okay if I didn’t use the untouched iso? Because I already downloaded dissidia before. Will it still work?
also what do you mean by edit the game.txt file? how do you edit it?
Will this work on a PSP 3000 running 6.35 Pro?
The Hen version? You will need the PRO LCFW build since the noDRM option is only available there.
Worked easily with the UMD. Thanks!
1000 model usa psp w/Pro b-10 custom firmware and no plugins installed….
when i got the nploader, i tried to extract it into “SEPLUGINS” but i can’t find it on my psp. im beginning to think i don’t have such a file. However, i have successfully copied the DLC folder into the GAME folder like you said. Am I missing anythign else? Do i need more to do? And i still want to know where i should have a seplugins folder under ms0/psp. can anyone here help me out?
I didn’t need the nploader after all! I HAVE ALL THE DEE-YELLL SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fuck yeah fuck yeah fuck yeah fuck yeah fuck yeah AMERICUUHHH!!!!!!
Lol. Happy to help.
what? none of them are working…how come the DLC is there, but when i switch to the DLC costume, it switches to the character’s default costume instead, and the DLC is no longer available. appearently i did need the nploader after all
10 months?
@sylv3rblade Well, no… not ten months…. i downloaded the character costume dlc and checked my game, and the dlc was there. Being overly ecstatic, I chose cloud and switched his costume to dlc after the comment was posted. Then, I started a battle and Cloud had his default costume! I never got the DLC that i wanted, but it said the DLC option was no longer there after exiting the battle. I decided not to post because i forgot to. I recently got an email to this site a week ago, but since i had about 1000 other messages (because i almost never look at my email, so now i’m checking Daily) i got to you and said “oh, i remember this!” i quickly posted my comment knowing jack-shit about the psp. I do not know a GOD DAMN THING about it
Just download the nploader plugin, extract it into ms0:/seplugins then load it by pressing select on your PSP through the XMB menu
uhhh… seplugins? “then load it by pressing select on your PSP through the XMB menu” makes no sense to me.
seplugins is the folder that your PSP’s custom firmware looks into for plugins you may want loaded.
The XMB menu is where the configuration for the custom firmware is located. You toggle settings and enable plugins through this.
The XMB is the PSP’s menu system.
My PSP doesn’t have a seplugins folder. what do i do on the XMB? and why is it called that? how do i toggle settings an enable stuff? “The XMB is the PSP’s menu system.” Actually, it is NOT the Psp’s menu system. it is The PSP’s “SYSTEM MENU!”!
Whoops. My bad there, I was VSH Menu on the XMB.

How did you get that? whenever i press select, it doesn’t do shit!
Update your CFW
Nothing showing up for me, not even the plugin in the Plugins option of the Recovery menu
psp 3000
6.20 prob10
Edit the vsh.txt to add the nploader plugin
Sorry what’s vsh.txt?
This is the first time I’ve tried putting a plugin on my cfw psp. All I did was make a seplugins folder on the root, add a game.txt with a line from the npdecrypt readme, and put the npdecrypt .prx in the folder with the game.txt
So make a vsh.txt and put it in the seplugins? what should it say
Thanks for your response!
Ah my bad.. it’s game.txt. What is the contents of game.txt?
It should go something like npdecrypt.prx 1
It’s just one line that says
ms0:/seplugins/npdecrypter.prx 1
Is there something dumb in that I’m missing? A space somewhere or something?
is the npdecrypter.prx file in the directory that the game.txt specified?
Not sure how to tell, I’m really newb at this. . .
On the root of the card is the SEPLUGINS folder, with the two items in there and the line
ms0:/seplugins/npdecrypter.prx 1
is in the game.txt
should it say something else then?
thanks for your time!
It should simply reflect the current path of the plugin which in this case is:
and the status which is 1.
What is your current firmware?
So I’m not sure why but in case anyone else has this problem this is how I fixed it, saw this posted elsewhere
All I did was change game.txt to GAME and SEPLUGINS to Seplugins
I’m not sure which had an effect or why, but it works now!
do i have to download the untouched iso? i have the game.
Download it if the patch doesn’t work for you, it’s there as a back-up
hello i did as you said and it worked but when i play another game my psp stay black and turn off ??? any help
my psp is 5.50 prome-3 and even if i play a umd it turn black screen then turn off
ok don’t worry i fix it thanks for the dlc
mine: PSP 3001(i guess or 3000),
5.02 prome-3, cwcheat active.
is it okay for my PSP?
its 5.03 bad
Sylv3rblade, you are AWESOME! I never thought it would be possible for me to play Dissidia with the DLC! My PSP has issues, including a non-working UMD drive.
Hence the ONLY way for me to play any games on it, is by putting the ISOs on it. And of course, that requires a hacked PSP, hence why I can’t get the DLC from the normal method of the PSN.
Unfortunately, I can’t quite install it right now, due to certain circumstances. I hope to be able to install the DLC soon, but the mentioned circumstances are not within my power to change.
Hi Vanex, maybe we can work out your problem. What is your current firmware version?
Actually, the problem has been sorted out. The problem turned out to be down to finding a fully working EU ISO, due to having the 5.00 M33-6 firmware. It’s all been sorted out. It may have taken days to find one, but I managed to do so. Thanks for offering your help, though.
Now, I only need to wait until I have $20 to be able to buy a new LCD screen to replace the one I just broke. Wish me luck!
i cant download the untouched duodecim that in your link… says its account suspended…can you give me a link to DL it again??nka 4 parts nko ska pa nwla…plssss give me new link^^thx….
Looks like there was an issue with the download site. It’s back up.
hi again^^
i have downloaded the dissidia and all the needed files to work the DLC….
but when i played it the DLC costumes didn’t appear…the plugin didn’t appear in rec. menu in my psp go…
i have psp go and 3000
they have both 6.20 PRO B6…
im currently trying in my 3000 if it will work…
if it doesn’t can i directly update it in 6.20 PRO B10??
i updated my psp go….
i works now!! thx sylv3rblade i luv u!!hehehe
one last request…
is there DLC costume of tidus??if it does can u still update it??
i will w8 for it^^
thx again!!!
I can answer the question for sylv3rblade. Unfortunately, Tidus doesn’t have a DLC outfit. The only Final Fantasy X character to get a DLC outfit was Yuna.
I forgot to put this in my last post. Here is the URL to a list of all the DLC for Dissidia 012.
ahhh ok thx^^
a little off topic but i updated ur 6.20 PRO B10 in my psp GO…is it ok if i can make a permanent bootloader??im a little scared when i see the “BY RUNNING THIS APPLICATION YOU ACCEPT ALL THE RISK INVOLVED”hehehe
hi im using psp 2000
firmware: 5.50 GEN-D3
and active plugins are: nploader.prx
i did everything listed above but everytime i try to start the game it gets stuck on a black screen and then it says game cannot be run
help plz
Have you tried downloading the copy of the game linked in the post?
yea i downloaded the untouched dissidia duodecim iso
Hi, I’m new to this stuff and I’ve been following your instructions really closely, but the second step is the one I’m really stuck at. It’s where I’m supposed to activate the plugins required for it to work. I opened my XMB menu, went over to the Recovery Menu and tried looking for the NoDRM but it’s nonexistent. Which led me to believe that my System Software isn’t really compatible with the guide you’ve offered. It’s 6.60 LME- 1.6, I downloaded it from the official Sony website. Is it different from the 6.60 PRO you recommended above? Does it have to be strictly the types you mentioned so the DLC would work?
So far I’ve done the rest of the steps, it’s just activating the required plugins that really vexes me. Partly because I’m new to this, too. Sorry for the length, I just wanted to make it as clear as possible! 🙂
Oh, and my PSP model is a 3000, in case you needed to know. I hope you can help me!
LME doesn’t have the NoDRM option since it’s unique to the PRO team’s work. You can either look for a plugin that enables this or switch to the latest 6.60 PRO build (6.60 PRO-B10 in this case)
Thanks for the swift response! Do you happen to know a link to downloading the latest 6.60 PRO build? I’m just too lazy to search for it, and I’d be damned if I downloaded the wrong one (ones that are already patched, hacked, etc.)
Oh wait never mind… it’s in the link above. Silly me, I didn’t see… Anyway, thanks for the help!
Seems some of the music tracks are mixed up in their naming. they all appear to be there, they just don’t match up.
PSP3003, ProB10, Screenshotbmp.prx (GAME, POPS, VSH), NPloader.prx (GAME)
Self ripped EU ISO (Off my own copy).
hey 1 quick question
how do i make the plugin work?
where do i activate it?
what is the game.txt thing?
sorry im just new to this
umm.. i did as u said but it still shows no change.. i turned on NoDRM, changed the folder name, and still not working my psp is PSP GO on 6.20 PRO B10..
What version of the game are you running? US, EU? JPN? Asia?
it’s EU version.. I already changed the folder name into ULES01505 too
does this work on 5.50 gen prometheus-4 or not? Untouched ISO?
acutually just to let u know to works on 5.50 gen prometheus-4 untouched ISO ONLY
and im running US ISO
helo, u see the duodecim untouched iso works fine but i cant load my saved game from the original duodecim game that i have and theres no dlc outfits there. pls help me. sorry for my bad english xD.
hey 1 quick question.. how do you transfer the save file from the original duodecim to the untouched one?
Upon launching Duodecim, there’s an option for this. You can also do the import in the settings.
ahhh.. asan bah yung options? hehe noob ako dito eh sorry .
yung option para dun****
ooohhhh.. but,, how do you import the save data from the original one?? or wheres the option when your launching duodecim?
hi…NPloader: Mirror 1(link down)
Dissidia DLC Pack: Mirror 1(link down)
is it neccesary to download mirror 1 and mirror 2 for the NPloader and Dissidia DLC Pack? And the dissidia game must be the untouched(write on above) then only use DLC?
I can still access the files on Mirror 1 but I’ll reupload them to different server just in case.
You’ll only need to download from just one of the provided links, the other mirrors are for redundancy (in case one doesn’t work for you)
so download one of the mirrors then + untouched ISO then can use DLC costume? thanks for your reply
Basically yes.
PSP 1000 Prome-4
copied the nploader.prx file to setplugins. also it is enabled on my configuration, DLC pack on the game folder, bu when i start the game, it’s not working, also it’s a US copy of the game.
also i don’t hve that NOdrm engine on my advance option.
dissidia 012 untouched iso part 8 rar link down.
Just checked, it’s still up.
dissidia 012 untouched iso is copy of US game or non-US copy of the game? i have put the untouched iso and the DLC folder in the psp. Is that i get straight away change the outfit in new save data or need to play the game to earn PP points and buy the DLC costume?
The untouched is US. You’ll have the costumes as the third (or so) option on your character’s costume list.
so if i am using dissidia 012 japanese version, then the DLC pack folder i should rename to JP region NPJH50377 then can use the DLC costume also?
Yes, as long as you’ve activated the necessary plugins, you’re going to see the costumes.
and the USB device in the VSH menu nid change to UMD? mine is memory stick.
i saw ur comments up there, u said ”You need to edit the text file indicated for the plugins to appear.” how to activate the plugin?
This refers to the game.txt file.
my US untouched ISO dont have the DLC costume. my seplugins folder only has nploader.prx file. can teach me step by steps how to activate the plugins? please~
look for a game.txt file in the seplugins folder of your PSP if you don’t have one, create it and place this:
ms:0/seplugins/nploader.prx 1
do u download any plugin software to activate your plugin? i created a text document file and copy the code u gave me,i name the text document file as ”game.txt” and it didnt work. when i go to VSH menu>recovery menu>plugin and check, there is no plugin inside. it is empty. i am having this problem after i upgrading my psp 5.50 gen d3 to 6.60 pro b9. now i got no idea how to activate the plugin =(
is the game.txt file within the seplugins? On the VSH menu, select reset VSH.
ya. CPU CLOCK XMB 333/166
NoDRM Engine Disabled
this is wat i do. the game.txt file and the nploader.prx file are inside the seplugins folder. i reset vsh few times,but still no plugin appear. i just scare maybe my psp is semi-brick…everything is ok,just left the plugin problem only…and i think the code is ms0:/seplugins/nploader.prx 1
i upgraded my psp to 6.60 B10. in the seplugins folder has a file call ”font recovery” it is a text document file and inside is empty want.
sylv3rblade!! thanks for your help!! i made it!! can play with DLC costumes!! T^T (so touching)
but now i have a problem…the game keep on show out a message ”the game could not be start” =( but the DLC i can use ed T_T help please
Are you running the DLC or the main game on the XMB? you can’t start the game using the DLC Data
the main game. i try delete and paste again the new file inside. but still cant open it.
now the game can work as normal already. but my save data always corrupted. will ur save data always having this problem?
Hello. I just followed all the steps except the ISO download and all that because I have the physical Duodecim (US) disc and I’m having trouble. Currently I am using CFW Pro B-10 on my PSP-3001 model:03. The problem is none of the DLC is working. I’m flipping through the looks and it’s just not working. Can you please tell me what is wrong?
By the way, yes, the nploader plugin is loaded and enabled properly and I have no DLC downloaded. I’m pretty good at troubleshooting when it’s not too complicated but I just can’t find it out!
Dang. I read a little further in on this post today and it looks like I’m gonna have to download the untouched iso even though I have the actual UMD. So this is good info for anyone who owns the actual game and has had the same problem as me. YOU NEED THE UNTOUCHED ISO. The DLC will not work without it. Well, it looks like I’ll have to bite the bullet on this one and wait for my 32gb memory card to come in so I can download this iso and actually have room for it. This sucksssssss. Oh well. Better than paying and encouraging for the whole DLC/extra content scam instead of the game creators just adapting them into the game immediately because they are greedy and want to sell you the game in parts so you’ll fork over some extra dough for the simple stuff they make in DLC packs because people are actually willing to pay for it instead of just refusing to buy into that crap. Because come on, who reallllyy wants to pay the extra $20+ for all the costumes and BGM. That’s lameeee. Only if there were new maps. That would be as far as I would go because I really like Dissidia…. for like a quarter per map. Yup. No more than that. Don’t buy into the game creators ploys. Stop buying DLC!
Actually u dont need and untouched ISO, i also have the UMD and it actually work
i have the CFW 6.60 PRO-B10, i just download the DLC and put it on the right folder and that was all, i didnt even need to use the plugin mentioned in the tutorial.
the CWF that i have is the one that require have the OFW 6.60, and is the CFW that reset when u shut off your PSP
dont know if that has something to do
just upgraded to 6.60 pro, but now i cant access the recovery menu.
press select button or shutdown ur psp,then switch it on by holding R button
my psp version is 6.60 PRO B-10. my save data keeps on corrupted whenever i change the outfit to the DLC form
tnx for the dlc!
it worked on my psp go with 6.20 PRO-B9 without putting the nploader, just like when i put a God Eater dlc pack on it..
many thanks again for the DLC!
will ur save data keeps corrupted when u change the outfit to DLC form?
I downloaded it and it worked just fine.
However, I exited the game and now it says that my ISO is now corrupted and won’t start.
I am running 6.20 ProB10 (permanent).
I have everything set: Nploader active, disabled NoDRM, all that stuff.
Still not working. I followed all the steps and I mean ALL the steps. I can run the ISO but I can’t save on it and the DLC still doesn’t work. This is ridiculous.
Why the DLC music from FFI,FFII,FFIII and FFXI are different that the original DLC, im not complaining, i actually love the new songs instead of the boring NES songs, but how did they do that??
also the Battle 2 (FFV) and Clad in Darkness (FFIV) songs are orquesta versions instead of the snes version
really neat
Can I use the custom firmware and dlc if I have the UMD?
And will it work with the dlc I’ve already purchased from psn?
All I want is the aya brea costume, Leon, and Gilgamesh’s genbu armor. Is it possible to download these individually? And have them ” co-exist” with my psn dlc.
You can manually remove DLC files in the downloaded zip but they aren’t identified so you’ll be doing a trial and error run with removing stuff :/
Is this all compatible with a umd? And will it mess with what I’ve already downloaded from psn? I have a US copy, and I’m new to whole custom firmware bit.
If you have DLC items already included in the pack, yes, it might cause problems. And yes, some people have successfully used this with a UMD copy of the game. The caveat however is you do need custom firmware on your PSP
So in theory, with the custom firmware, I could find the individual files for the costumes and use them as long as I change file name? Or would it be better to just delete my system data, and download the pack?
It’s much easier to remove your DLC content than edit the pack :/
welll thank you,,,i just upgraded my PSP and it’s problem just gone,,,
mine is 5.03 prome 3
can i get it to work ? … what should i do ..T.T
So if I have a 6.6 psp all i need to do is download the firmware for 6.6, download the npl loader and Dissidia pack onto the computer, plug the psp in, copy the npl loader file onto the psp/game folder with the Dissidia pack an d mak e sur e if their is anything of dlc there to remove it and play?
i have pro b 10 6.60
i cant get it to work
ive tryed untouched isos but they shutdown after 5 minutes what do i need to do to get it to work do i need new cfw
my system software is 6.39ME-9
i can run the duodecim and load my save game but the DLC doesn’t work
Please check the requirements:
NoDRM Engine ticked
required plugins installed
First off, thanks so much for the guide! I actually managed to get it to work, with my limited knowledge of CFW xD
I’ve got a problem though and not sure if it’s been addressed before or if it’s happened to anyone else. I am missing sounds and graphics in-game. The only tracks that play are the DLC ones, the “start battle” noise doesn’t happen, nor does the voice clips before and after the battle, win or lose, ex cores make no noise when appearing, grabbing and several characters are missing graphics to go along with their attacks. I don’t know what caused this and I’m at a loss here. Please reply, thanks!
PSP phat running 5.50 GEN-D3/Prometheus-4 and nploader is the only plugin I’ve got. I’ve used an unpatched EU ISO and the rest was downloaded from this site. I did import an EU savefile of the original Dissidia, if that makes a difference.
can u give a link for untouched iso
thanx! i follow your guide and it works! i like cloud KH outfit ^^
Thanks for this topic. I was able to get it to work on my EU ISO no problem, but I can’t get it to work on a US ISO. I copied the EU-renamed folder, then I renamed one of the DLC folders to the US name and removed the EU DLC folder, but no luck.
I installed 6.60 pro b10 and and downloaded both the nploader.prx and the dlc pack but the nploader does not show up in my plugins recovery menu. i put it in the right folders in my psp seplugins menu. what went wrong?
PSP model: 3000
Current firmware version: 6.60
Active plugins:
I’m pretty sure I’ve done everything correctly, I installed 6.60 PRO-B10 (I had it already, the FIXed one at least, but I installed this one just to be sure), went to the Recovery Menu, Advanced section, disabled NoDRM Engine, extracted the, got the file, created the seplugins folder on the ”main folders” section, copied the nploader.prx file on the seplugins folder, created the game.txt text document, copied the ”code”: ms0:/seplugins/nploader.prx 1 on the game.txt text document.
I’m stuck after that, I’m supposed to go to the Recovery Menu again, Plugin section, and then activate the nploader.prx plugin right?, well, no matter how many times I repeat ALL the process again, it just doesn’t seems to work, the plugin never appears. It’s kind of dissapointing, if you could help, I would appreciate it a lot, thanks in advance.
OK… How convinient -w-”, all right so I used NoDRM Engine instead of nploader and it worked! 😀 Fighting against Sephiroth with Kingdom Hearts Cloud right now! x3 Hopefully I won’t experience some problems with saving or the like, if I have any problems I’ll post it.
I’m using CFW 6.60 PRO-B10 (not the FIXed one) (non permanent) on a 3000, so if you’ve done everything on the guide and you’re stuck with finding the nploader.prx on the Plugins section of the Recovery Menu do this:
Instead of creating the seplugins folder, copying the nploader.prx file on it, etc, turn ON/ENABLE the NoDRM Engine from the Advanced section of the Recovery Menu, then follow the guide like normal. Hope this helps! 😀
By the way, I’m using an US UMD.
The DLC icon doesn’t appear. My cfw is 5.00 m33-6. It was working before i reformatted my PSP.
You need to install the required plugins
What plugins are those? i forgot it already. :/
Now! I need you to help me with the nploader. 1) where is the download link? 2) do i put the nploader in the seplugins, ISO, GAME, or SAVEDATA folders? 3) is there something i am missing? because i am a COMPLETE- ly noobish newbie…. BTW, i’m getting the Budokai HD collection tomorrow
NPloader is available in the post (2 mirrors just in case).
You’ll just need to copy the nploader.prx file into seplugins, edit the seplugins.txt and add the line ms0:/seplugins/nploader.prx 1 (so that in case you didn’t want to upgrade, this loads the plugin manually).
After that try running the game.
Can I do this with a normal Dissidia Duodecim iso? I already have the game and I don’t want to download again…
i found out what i was doing wrong i was using a european version of the game
Hello, I have a PSP 2000, with 5.50 GEN D3, and I have done all the things mentioned above, but I have checked all the characters, nothing has changed.
Could somebody help me?
thanks man for the complete dlc pack 🙂 now i’m playing DDFF game with downloaded 100% save like a charm man 🙂 no problem playing it.. it works on 5.50 gen-d3 prome-4 with the US version of the game on my 4yrs old psp it’s perfect game:)))
NOTE: i think the best cfw is 5.50 prome-4 for psp 2000..i didnt have problems on any games i downloaded since i bought my psp..all of my 18 plugins enabled but still no problem..from cxmb to remotejoylite to pops to cwcheat to joysens to irshell and so on and so forth,all this plugins are working perfectly fine..i think i’m just lucky guy with a perfect modded psp :))
hi idownloaded the dlc pack and the plugin but the plugin won’t appear in my recovery menu what am i doing wrong? I really want this dlc to work
What folder did you extract the plugin into. Also what’s your current firmware.
i extracted it in the seplugins folder and my firmware is 5.50 prome-4
The game says corrupted when I try to play
What’s your current firmware version?
I put the game onto my psp and when I try to play is it says it’s corrupted?
Thank you so much bro, it totally worked for me. My version is 6.35 Pro B-10. Make sure you copy the dlc files in the game area in the PSP. P.S. Cloud DC1 and Sephiroth DC1 rocks 😀
salamat, pangalawang beses ko nang na DL ito, at tatlong beses na ako nagka duodecim, lahat ng games ko nawala pangalawang beses kasama ung na DL kong DLC, buti na lang 5.50 prome 4 parin ako, kasi baka di gumana kung mataas o iba FW ko
i already follow your instructions, but nothing happen. btw i’m using psp 3000 with 6.60 pro-b9 fw.
Please check if you have the necessary plugins working.
Idol… is the untouched iso link really an untouched iso? i mean im confused about the past comments… >>>”Are u sure that’s untouched?? when i clicked on the UMD.bin it says patched and uploaded by kiss of death.. and it still dosen’t work for me..”<<< sorry to bother asking though
This worked great, thanks. it took a while because I was putting things in the wrong folder and downloading and unzipping the untouched ISO parts were a pain too. For anyone reading this you also get shantotto and the Exclusive JAP gilgamesh DLC as well. so dont fret on looking for that
Edit: Gilgamesh DLC is on your list I apologize but shantotto isn’t 😛
Say I got the this to work on 5.50 prome 4 (psp 2000) using the clean US ISO provided though only the costumes are working. What I did in addition to the steps provided was rename the duodecim ISO to ULUS10566. Try and see if this works.
Actually, just realised everything including the music works just fine.
help i cant work it
my psp is 3006
pro b9 6.60
and i have cwcheats and NPloader
my iso is US version i download it in pspshare
there its work now . all i need is the iso untouched and its works fine thx !
Btw, I forgot to thank whoever put up the dlc, cause I got it to work on both mine and my roommates U.S. umd copy of duodecim with no problems whatsoever. 2000 model with the 6.60 pro. Thanks a lot!! Been dying to play as KH squall. PSN account name is Shattered_Ice if any one wants to fight.
I’m model 2000 ,
6.60 PRO-B10 ,
the plugins active(in order): cxmb.prx , nploader.prx , [GAME] , divapatch.prx .
My driver is set to Inferno , yet my DLC still won’t work. What’d I do wrong?
Sorry, 3000 I meant !
how to activate the plugins,i’m download your nploader and turn in into the seplugins folder,then u said at the step 3,activate the plugins,can you tell me how to activate it?now i’m still using 6.60 PRO-B10
Press select while on the XMB, you’ll get to the XMB menu. From there just navigate to advanced > plugins > activate.
Alternatively, if you have an seplugins.txt already copied, just modify it to activate the plugin.
Would this work on the undub asian version as well as on the Ps Vita?
Nevermind I solve it myself the asian version dlc folder is NPHH00293.
some people say if u want to find XMB where is,just press “home” on the psp,or if it doesn’t work,i must brick my psp,do you have any idea to solve this problem?please help me,i love this game and i want the dlc..
ok,now i’m on XMB menu,or i should say it’s pro recovery menu there’s an option just you said it before,”advanced”,in there,there’s just XMB plugin,game plugin,pops plugin,NoDRM engine are enabled,and memory stick speedup none,block analog input in game disabled,hide CFW files from game,allow non-latin1 ISO filename,old plugin support (PSP go only),inferno & np9660 use ISO cache,they are all enabled,and another 3 inferno & Np9660 are cache size (in MB) 20,cache number 256,cache policy LRU,the question is where’s the step 2(plugin) just you said it before?
Man,i need help,plis i can’t find the plugin in the recovery menu,i’m using 5.50 Prome-4,the game works fine but i can’t find the plugin so the DLC isn’t working for me,i’ve downloaded the untouched version from here,i just need some help in the plugin thing,plis answer quickly,i want to play with Cloud DLC costume so much T.T.Thanks in advance.
You need to download it from the link about (the NoDRM engine) and install it like any other plugin to make the DLC work
Oh i forget to write it,my psp is a 1000.
I have a question.
Can I play the DLCs with an Dissidia 012 UMD? Or do I have to play it with an ISO. Because I own a EU UMD of the game and if I would download the US ISO, my savegame would be gone, right?
Yep you’ll have to start over or have someone port it over to the EU version.
And yes it will work with a UMD. The main requirement is the custom firmware.
Okay, thank you. 😀
omg thank you for mentioning this. i thought I was going crazy when i heard ffvii music for ffxi. I ended up finding another DLC pack correct music
sylv3blade…i’ve got problem,sora say :” created the seplugins folder on the ”main folders” section, copied the nploader.prx file on the seplugins folder, created the game.txt text document, copied the ”code”: ms0:/seplugins/nploader.prx 1 on the game.txt text document.”,what code?i dont get your code…need your answer..thx
if you have an seplugins folder, there should be a game.txt file in there. If there isn’t create one.
Add this line (this is the code sora was talking about) into the game.txt file
ms0:/seplugins/nploader.prx 1
Hi. The DLC doesn’t seem to work for me I am using CFW 5.50 Gen-D3
I followed the guide and added the DLC content the way it is in the guide and same for the plug-in…It is also enabled…I see the DLC content icon in the game selection screen…although when I play the DLC contents aren’t showing…do I need to strictly use the untouched ISO for it to work?
Yep. A patched ISO may have some files that interfere with loading of the DLC content
Well I tried the untouched ISO you provided and it the game doesn’t even start…it gives the “The game could not be started 800*********” thing. I tried changing the settings around and it still gives the same message…i’m using 5.50 Gen-D3 by the way
Oh scratch that…I got it working…looks like my psp didn’t have the Prom 4 module
does it work for the psvita
Hehe no. If they can get the NoDRM engine to work on the Vita then it’ll probably work.
I have 1 big problem , It’s quite embarrassing to say , but I don’t know what to do . I don’t understand any of these things help please ? :DD
I have a PSP 1000 with 5.50 Gen-D3 + Prometheus 4
Is the ISO in the Link untouched? Do I have to do anything to the ISO or can I just copy it to my ISO folder and start it from the iso?
You still need the plugin linked above (NoDRM Engine)
I want to make sure something quick just the NPloader part so I just extract NPloader and put it in the seplugins and use my psp to open that nploader then it automatically active?and I need to do it over and over each time I play disidia am I right?
the real problem is I cant see any NPloader enabled/disabled in my psp the only thing I do just put the nploader.prx make a game.text and type like ms0 and so….is that it?so I cant check in my psp whether the loader active or not?I try open the recovery menu and check from up to down cant see any NPloader….I’m using btw I’m using 6.60 PRO-B10
After setting the proper line in game.txt, select restart VSH in the XMB menu.
I cant found that work, somehow sadly.
I do have PSP 2000 slim with CFW 5.50 Gen-D3 with Prometheus-4 patch. NPloader enabled and untouched iso file. Also tried to rename the iso as “ULUS10566.ISO” as I was reading in other source. But still. I’m thinking about updating my CFW to something newer, but not sure if it will be any help.
please help me I’m trying to solve this:my memory stick card data corrupted and cant be format either from pc or from psp itself what should I do?
Ack, that sounds like it’s physically broken have you tried on another PC to try and format it?
well I try to search in google and find some several problem exactly like mine but I cant found the solution….do you have any?please help me….
well if I buy new memory stick 8giga,my psp version 660,what should I do next?.In my opinion ,first I will DL the 6.60 pro met-B and install it then insert the game am I right?
Yep, just install the cfw and you’ll be able to run the DLC with the game
Will this work on 6.60 c2
Does this work if I’m using a UMD of Dissidia 012?
Hi! this doesnt work for me, i dunno how or why.
even without the dlc in the memory stick, game wont run. the screen just turns red.
followed the instructions to the letter:
-dled the untouched version in the link above
-dled the nploader from the above link
-turned the NOdrmengine off
-dled the dlc file from another site, dunno if thats an issue. but even without the dlc, the game itself wont run.
-turned off all extra plugins except nploader and vsh since i cant go to recovery without it.
I have a psp3000, 6.35 pro-b9 cfw.
Doesnt work for me unfortunately, even though i followed everything to the letter.
also, the iso seems to be on the fritz since i tried playing it without the dlc, same result. a red screen that lasts forever until you hit the ps button and exit that shiznit.
It cant be any other plugins interfering since the only plugin i have on at the time was for the vsh menu.
im using a psp3000 with cfw 6.35 pro-b9
That’s odd, it could be a bad firmware flash. Try reinstalling 6.35 PRO-B9 or upgrading to a newer version.
Looks like it was bad firmware.
i updated to 6.39 pro-b9 since i was too lazy to reinstall 6.35.
and looky that, it worked! DLC and all!
Thank you! 😀
Hiya, tried using the WoL DLC and works just fine. Only thing is, how do I use multiple DLCs at once? Because if I put more .edat files in my ULUS01505 folder, only the WoL DLC will be displayed ingame and can be used, others wont appear. Thanks!
Forget about it, figured out that the NoDRM engine was disabled the whole time. Works like a charm now.
hello i have 6.60 PRO B9 custom firmware. i followed all your instructions and the dlc icon can be seen, but there is no dlc? why is that?
If you have the No DRM plugin up and running you should be able to see the DLC
1. PSP-2000
2. 6.60 Pro B-10….got from above
3. and no idea where to find plug ins or how to activate them. HELP!
ok it worked…but the only one shown is the dlc…my other games and dissidia is is missing. help?
ok. i have 6.60 PRO B 10 as suggested above but i only see the DLC…dissidia is missing in the psp but if i connect it to pc..the games are still in the ISO folder. What now?
works now …thanks for dlc 😀
thanks a lot!!!! 😀
Hi! I followed step by step and it works fine with my PSP, the only thing is that the DLC music pack of Final Fantasy II and III are not the same as the name, for example, I did this tutorial because the song: “Tower of the magi” It’s my favorite song together with Seymour Battle and One winged Angel, but when I select this song or some of the Final Fantasy III are not played, instead of playing the exact song it plays some songs from Final Fantasy XIII, any solution?
All the DLC costumes work perfectly, the only thing is the Music.
PSP 1000 Fat
5.50 Prome-4
I don’t have plugins, only the one in the tutorial.
Thanks for answering 🙂
I’ll try to update the DLC pack, that could be the issue.
Hi! can i just downgrade my psp system version to 5.50 gen D3 by running the (update picture;setup for 5.50 gen D3) or i nid to downgrade the system 1 by 1 like 6.60 to 6.38….until 5.50 gen D3?? now my psp system version is 6.60PRO B-10,i want try to play this game in 5.50 gen D3
It depends on your PSP model as some of the newer PSP-3000s (and the PSP Go) can’t be downgraded to 5.xx. The DLC will still work with 6.60 PRO-B10 (which is what my PSP Go is now running)
How do I know if I did it right, and got it working? Cause all I see on my Memory Stick when I looked for the DLC is “DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY FFX BGM PACK [3 Tracks]”. Does that mean I did it right? Quick reply, please! Thank you in advance!!
1.PSP 3000
2.6.6 PRO C2
3.already have cwcheat plugin and nploader plugin(got from above)
i’m already rename the folder to ULES01505 and move it to folder PSP/GAME