Install 6.35 Pro-A (and 6.35 Pro-A1) LCFW on your PSP
Great news for 6.35 Hen and Signed 6.35 Hen users, Virtuous Flame has taken his Hen 6.35 PRO release with 6.35 Pro-A, a CFW for Hen or to make things simple: a LCFW (loaded custom firmware… please correct me if that’s wrong). 6.35 Pro-A includes almost have all the features of a custom firmware but you still need to load it everytime you restart your PSP. Still, this makes it a very viable release because it’s compatible with ALL PSP versions. Also, no need to run the Prometheus ISO loader because it runs directly on your XMB.
Now if you’re looking for PSX game support, VFlame has also announced that the next version ( 6.35 PRO-B ) will support have this feature and will have a recovery menu.
Do note that most of the games incompatible with the Prometheus ISO loader seem to be working with 6.35 Pro-A.
Requirements for 6.35 PRO-A1
- A PSP-3000, PSP-2000 with TA-v88v3 motherboard or PSP Go with official firmware 6.35 installed. If you have a hackable PSP, I would recommend to install a permanent CFW like 5.50 GEN-D3. If you’re not on 6.35, follow the upgrade guide for your PlayStation Portable on the troubleshooting part of the guide
- 6.35 Pro-A Updater this is version Pro-A1. The original version is 6.35 Pro-A Updater
- 6.35 Pro-A (Fast Recovery)
If you want to skip downloading every single one of these files, you can download the 6.35 Pro-A1 complete pack right here. The original 6.35 Pro-A pack is here
Important Note: If you have PSN games, do not install 6.35 Pro-A. Since it writes files onto flash0, signing PSN games will fail and you won’t be able to run them anymore.
Important Note: 6.35 Pro-A1 has integrated the installation of the LCFW and Hen so there’s only two files there now.
Important Note: If you have 6.35 Pro-A and want to upgrade to 6.35 Pro-A1 just download the new updater and copy the extracted PSP folder directly on to your memory stick or the PSP Go‘s storage
Installing Signed 6.35 PRO-A1 on your PSP
- If you downloaded the individual files:
- If you downloaded the complete pack:
- Extract the 6.35 complete file onto your PC
- Copy the resulting PSP folder directly on to your memory stick or the PSP Go‘s storage
Now for the installation process:
- Run the 6.35 Pro-A1 Updater and follow onscreen prompts. This will install 6.35 Hen and the 6.35 Pro-A LCFW on your PSP.
- After installation, simply run 635FastRecovery to load 6.35 Pro-A on your PSP
- Congratulations, you have installed 6.35 Pro-A.
This is what the VSH menu looks like when you press select.
Important Note: If your PSP gets turned off, you only need to run 6.35FastRecovery again.
Important Note: Do note that this installation copies files to the flash, so it does have a slight risk of bricking your PSP. Proceed with utmost caution
Features for 6.35 Pro-A1
- Merge HEN and installation procedures can be directly installed in the OFW
- Add Tekken and Soul Calibur patch
- Add key D9161AF0
Features for 6.35 Pro-A
- Support all types of PSP, which PSP-1000, PSP-2000, PSP-GO is strictly tested
- Support the unlock 52MB of memory, has reached the level of the times 5xx
- The NP9660 has a built-in and March33 ISO driver to support more games
- XMB ISO has indicated support for ISO & CSO
- Has nodrm engine, support for direct reading of the DLC and the decrypted EDATA / PGD file
- With VSH MENU, you can view or change system settings, etc.
- Redesigned NID Resolver, support more home-made software, including CMFr21c
- Has a variety of patches, such as brightness and video resolution four other patches
- Support version.txt, put it in ms0: / seplugins / version.txt to take effect
If you’re not on 6.35 OFW, follow this guide on how to upgrade your PSP to 6.35 so you can install 6.35 Pro-A: HowTo: Upgrade your PSP to 6.35 OFW.
neur0n and booster of the satelite code
Davee’s 635 device in the downgrade exploit code, the use of $ v1 are power_buf_address
Total_noob the skip gameboot patch
Dark_Alex of the galaxy and march33 ISO drive, and usbdevice.prx
kirk-engine all the members of the project, so that we no longer need the game Vulnerability
If you have comments or questions above the 6.35 Pro-A, please use the comment area.
Tags: 6.35 Hen, 6.35 Hen Pro, 6.35 Pro-A, 6.35 Pro-A1, ChickHEN, Homebrew, PSP Go, Signed 6.35 Hen
so… this means that 6.35 is better than 6.20 now?
currently yes. 6.35 Pro-A has much more compatibility with games it seems although I’m not sure I want to update yet since I have Dreamy Theater :/
meaning? does dreamy theater not work on 6.35?
Not in that sense. I had problems loading the app for Dreamy Theater when I had the OpenIdea plugin loaded. I think it’s because it’s trying to decrypt the app upon launch (which it fails). 6.35 Pro-A, since it uses the XMB to load apps, may have the same effect.
I will update in a bit too but I will wait for more optios to downgrade :).
can i run my iso games on the xmb using this ??????
Yep. That’s basically how it is.
does this work for any PSP at all?
cause im using 6.35 PRO atm
will it work for me?
and also i downloaded the files
it has 2 folders 6.35 pro a
and a satelite_Src folder
where do i put the satelite_src folder?
Just updated the instructions. I completely forgot about the satelite_Src folder which is why the complete pack doesn’t load ISOs :/ Anyway just put the satelite_Src folder on the root of your memory stick.
i follow the instructions said me pls..
when i start any game it says “the game could not be started (8002014E)”
my system version now is 6.35PRO-A……
i.use the complete pack…huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh
currently updating the installation files.
but you still didnt really answer me ;P
but will it work on my psp 3003?
i use 6.35 pro already
Ah lol my bad
Yes it will but I’m not sure why it didn’t work for banban since it installed for him properly :/ Also the satelite_Src doesn’t really do anything (just got an reply from my sources). Re-editing the post again *sigh*
okay 1 more question
why is it bricking some PSPs and not bricking all of them
is there a specific requirement for it to not brick your psp?
Since it writes files to flash0, there really is a slight chance of bricking :/
so im basically screwed if my psp suddenly bricks up? theres no way for it to get back to normal?
and if this worked once..would it still brick if ire-activate it again after i switched it off?
Yep. Once it’s bricked, it’s as good as paper weight.
sir i got a problem with my psp3003 v6.35..
i installed v6.35 hen+prometheus iso loader
ang now its 6.35 pro when every time i run my iso loader i cant see any games on my iso folder but i’ve already put the iso folder on my /psp/game/ and put my iso game on my iso folder but still my iso loader cant read the games on my iso..pls help
Move the ISO folder into X:/ISO
it works perfectly fine with me… after i shut down my psp i used recovery menu to load the pro-a instantly… so everytime you load the lcfw there’s a chance of brick?
Nope, just on the installation.
How’s your game compatibility thus far?
– crisis core final fantasy 7
-midnight club la remix
-NBA 2k11
-naruto ultimate ninja heroes 3
-crazy taxi fare wars
dissidia final fantasy is not working, its corrupted on xmb so i can’t run the game…
do you know a way to make it work? I changed my iso mode to m33 driver still it doesn’t work.
psp 3001, 6.35 PRO-A
oh and all of my games are in ISO format…
i format my memory stick….
i restore factory default of my psp..
then follow again the steps… above…
and again…
it will say”the game could not be started (800…e)”
i think it will be better to downgrade my psp to 6.20 for now… and wait for the TN-D…..
i hope next week it will be release…. tnx…
You can still just use 6.35 Hen and the Prometheus ISO loader
ahaahahah it workss yayayaya i was afraid of a brick it works on my psp go , these days im putting custum firmware on all my sony stuff and no bricks of all ,, ayayyayya , ps3 kmeaw , psp go this firmware, and psp ta-008v3and no one bricked wooohooo
can you please tell me if n64 emulator and picdrive emulator , and how can i use plugins on my psp go , like psn lover ?? is it safe?
all you need to do is copy the prx into the seplugins folder, edit the vsh.txt to include the prx you have installed (so if you have screenshot.prx in the seplugins, you need to add “ef0:/seplugins/screenshot.prx 1” into the vsh.txt file)
how can i use plugins , like cxmb and psnlover , please can you tell me how ? and does the plugins works for psp go , and cxmb does it work ? how to put plugins and activate?
okay i used the psn lover still one question how to use cxmb on it ? for psp go ? even on internal memory ? i dont have a memory card please reply
Ohh update for 6.35 PRO-A has been released.. will be updating the links.
whatt update??? where is the link and how to update? i just installed it now
hey man update of what ? there is version 4 of signed hen ? sadly the cxmb doesnt work on my psp go with internal and i dont have external memory card because they dont sell it here in the stores . but ratchet and clank still wont work on this firmware
There’s an update to 6.35 Pro-A.
what’s new? also, I just saw in the post that 6.20 TN-C HEN has been updated too?
There’s a separate branch of the CXMB plugin for 6.35 Pro-A by TOcean.
Extract, copy the cxmb folder, to your PSP Go, if you have a seplugins/vsh.txt, edit it and copy this line:
ef0:/cxmb/cxmb.prx 1
if you don’t have a seplugins/vsh.txt simply copy what’s provided in the zip file.
hey i got 6.35 pro a the newest is there pro b or something?
just wanted to say thank you for the new version, I tried power stone collection sadly the power stone 2 is not working but the power stone 1 is working so tnx i can finally play with my friends now…
idol! mapuaownage member ka pala. haha woo. thanks for the updates man. more power.
Updated links to 6.35 Pro-A1.
If you have 6.35 Pro-A and want to upgrade to 6.35 Pro-A1 just download the new updater and copy the extracted PSP folder directly on to your memory stick or the PSP Go‘s storage and run the right installer.
syl… which memory stick is better to use on psp… the sandisk or the sony…. all are 8GB…
i am using sandisk right now…. whenever i play for 10 or 30 min….. my psp hangs up and tunr off by it self…
do you know what is the problem of my psp. ???
That does sounds like a memory stick problem. As for which is better, I’d go with an original Sony memory stick
thanks syl… you cleared my mind….
Heh, that’s funny, because my Sandisk 8GB does the same thing. I think it’s just the memory stick.
if ur on 620 and want to go up to 635 A1, when u get up to 635, do u have to instal the first version, pro A first, or just install the pro A1 update ?
you can go straight to PRO-A1
do i still need the fast recovery even if i’m now on pro-A1?
Not really but it’s much faster to use the fast recovery that run the whole installer again when you turn off your PSP.
and oh, does this support plugins? like dayviewer, gamecategories, CXMB, etc
CXMB has been confirmed but I’m not so sure about dayviewer and gamecategories
dont think game cat works, not tried just heard,but pro B is gonna have a recovery menu i believe, like the old versions had, and 1-12 vers of game cat r based on tthe recovery menu, so probably will, the A1 installer only installs the files to flash the 1st time, then just starts up after that, same time use really, its the hen and installer mixed, fast rec is from A, is there a conflict or u can use, not tried, the ProA1 way is about 5 to 10 secs longer then the fast rcovery and u have to press x twice
Hey! I’ve used this
and it works well, except some games I’d like to play, like Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth and Silent Hill: shattered memories won’t work. Could this thing help me, and make those games maybe work, or should I stay on that other?
the opens 52 of memory statement, is that a setting or just there automaticly in pro A1 and nothing u have to do to have it?
hey dude everything works right i upgraded to 6.35 pro a1 and even the cxmb and psnlover plugins work but i have one question how can i convert ctf themes to work ? im afraid to use my m33 themes is there a converter or something ? i know a converter but im afraid to use it can someone confirm that converting 5.50 and 5.0 themes to this 6.35 proa1 will not brick or do anything to psp? IT WORKS ON INTERNAL NOW YAY!
there is now 6.35 pro a2
SYL i read this over the net…. i hope this is true… is their a way to fix bricked psp ????
Put down a clean cloth. Place the PSP face up on the clean cloth. Open the battery compartment and remove the battery. Put the battery aside. Pick up a Memory Stick PRO that has the “Magic Memory Stick” software loaded. Open the memory slot cover and insert the Memory Stick PRO into the PSP’s memory slot. Close the memory slot cover.
Pick up a Pandora battery and insert it into the PSP’s battery slot. Put the battery compartment back in place over the battery and turn the PSP face up on the clean cloth.
Wait as the PSP turns itself on and presents a selection screen. Use the D-Pad to select the setting for the PSP to reboot itself with firmware 4.21. Press the “X” button to make the selection go into effect.
Wait as the firmware formats the PSP and installs itself into the PSP’s operating system. Use the D-Pad to select the setting for the PSP to shut itself down. Press the “X” button to make the selection go into effect.
Wait as the PSP shuts itself down. Turn the PSP face down on the clean cloth. Remove the battery compartment and take out the Pandora battery and replace it with the original battery that came with the PSP. Replace the battery compartment. Remove the memory stick.
Turn the PSP face up on the clean cloth. Hold down the power button to reset the PSP and bring up the setting to reset the Flash memory of the PSP using the DPad and pressing the “X” button to make the setting go into effect.
Wait as the PSP reboots itself. Press the “X” button to indicate agreement with the PSP license. Wait as the PSP goes to the Home screen.
This looks like a guide for older PSP models using the Pandora Battery. . Current ones (the PSP-3000 and the PSP Go) are simply too secured to be unbricked.
that is the way how to fix bricked psp… how can i get pandora battery… and magic memory stick software ???
hello, just installed on PSP3000, thanks for the easy instructions,,,
i was just wondering what this `Flash Protect` option in the VSH menu is for, does it really protect from accessing my flash, thus preventing bricking of the PSP? thanks..
wasn’t sure enough to enable it, too scared that maybe it would brick my PSP3000,,,thanks!
Yep, it prevents stuff from being saved onto places that’ll brick your PSP.
Unfortunately, it hasn’t stopped curious folks who simply couldn’t resist poking around their PSP’s flash0 :/
thanks for the quick reply, i better enable it now. thanks again!
For cfw’ed phats, do you need to un-cfw it to 6.35 to get A1 on there?
and the process is just:
pandora to get lower ofw
download 6.35 ofw files n install
install A1 n enjoy??
If you have a Pandora Battery, just enter recovery mode and install the ofw you want.
If you’re on 6.35 Pro-A1, you need to run the remove cfw files, rerun 6.35 Hen then run Hellcat’s Recovery Flasher to install the ofw you want.
thanks. works great on psp 1000
Thanks, it was a succes!, but i got a question, if, for example, i put a new memory stick in my psp, and turn it off, will i lose the instalation? or is just enough copying the Fast Recovery on the new memory stick and running it? do i have to perform the complete instalation process?
I would also advice you to copy the installer to your new memory stick, just in case.
Hello and thanks, but, could you tell me how to play psx games on my psp? i’ve been searching for a pops working on this hen, but no luck, could u? pls.
Hm I am currently using a PSP 2001 that came with the Daxter bundle. For my homebrew and iso’s I use 6.35 PRO HEN and iso tool v1.960. Should I upgrade to this? Will it damage my psp?
Hey Sly i have a question. once i load up all this stuff in my psp go is there a way to return the psp back to normal some day? i have a lot of games from psn and i was wondering if i can never play them again after doing this?
Some PSN games require that your PSP be free of any unofficial modification to flash0. If you want to go back to 6.35 OFW, 6.35 Pro-A1 and above have an option to uninstall it.
is there any snes emulator that works with 6.35 PRO-A4?
ano po mas maganda gamitin? yung 6.35 PRO A1 or PRO A4 or yung PRO B?
Pro-B is the latest version
hi, since there are several new cfw ( i like 6.2 tn-c)
i wants to upgrad my psp-2000 to psp-3004…
but i have heard that thire lcd have scan-line
is it true? have thy already fixed it? frm which pack?
cuz i had psp-3k pb
before , and i dont like having scan-line (even a bit) any more
Nope, the scanlines are at a hardware level for the PSP-3000. However they’re only visible if you look at the screen closely. If they bother you, then the PSP Go is an option. Yes it uses the same screen technology as the PSP-3000 but the smaller screen size means it’s less visible.
hi tnx for ur support, but i cnt dl any thing from here! i problem with the uploading, whould u mind to upload in somewhere like rapidshare? or
sure.. I’ll reupload it to a mirror once I get back from work.
well, i got the 6.35 pro-B Updater for my PSP 3004 version 6.35…and lyk i said, the game starts, then the screen goes blank and the PSP shuts down….plz help me.
the game i’m trying to play is F1 Grand Prix
Are any other games giving you this problem? Is F1 Grand Prix in CSO or ISO format?
the game is in CSO format…i haven’t tried any other game yet as this is the first time i’ve hacked my PSP…This is the first game i’ve tried and this is the result!!…i’m downloading God of war now to c if it works…
Ah see that’s one of the problems. Convert it to ISO format
oh k!!..thanx!!..i’ll try that!!..:)
thank u soooo much!!!…it works!!!…:D