Install 6.31 Hen + Prometheus ISO loader on your PSP
PSP owners with 6.31 OFW can now have cfw installed courtesy of the 6.31 Hen, 6.31 hbl by wololo and the Prometheus ISO loader. Note that if you’re on 6.20 OFW, follow this guide instead.
Requirements for 6.31 Hen and Prometheus ISO
- A PSP-3000, PSP-2000 with TA-v88v3 motherboard or PSP Go with official firmware 6.31 installed. If you have a hackable PSP, I would recommend to install a permanent CFW like 5.50 GEN-D3. If you’re not on 6.35, follow the upgrade guide for your PlayStation Portable on the troubleshooting part of the guide.
- Mina no Sukirri Demo | Mirror
- 6.31 Hen pack | Mirror
- Prometheus ISO loader | Mirror
- Light VSH menu: PSP-2000 | PSP-3000 | PSP Go
Important Note: if you’re having problems with installing 6.31 Hen, try out the guide on installing the Signed 6.31 Hen PRO
Installing 6.31 Hen and Prometheus ISO loader on your PSP
- Extract the Mina no Sukkiri Demo onto your PC
- Copy the folder (NPJG90047) into x:\PSP\GAME (x is your memory stick or the PSP Go‘s storage)
- Extract the 6.31 file onto your PC
- Copy it’s contents directly onto your PSP. This contains both the homebrew loader and the exploited save data.
- Extract the Prometheus ISO loader onto your PC
- Copy the extracted folder to x:\PSP\GAME (x is your memory stick or the PSP Go‘s storage)
- Extract the Light VSH menu file for your PSP model on your computer.
- Copy the plugins folder directly onto your memory stick or the storage of your PSP Go.
- On your XMB, Run the Mina no Sukkiri
- Select the second option to load the save exploit. This would automatically load Hen onto your PSP and it will revert back to XMB
- Once you’re back on the XMB, press “select” to make sure the Hen menu displays correctly.
- Follow this guide on how to install the Prometheus ISO loader on your PSP: Installing the Prometheus ISO loader on your PSP.
- Enjoy your Free PSP Games :).
Update: Added installation of Light VSH Menu. Why is it at the start of the installation process? So you can immediately load it after installing the 6.31 Hen.
Important Note: Be sure to check the Prometheus ISO loader compatibility guide
Important Note: You need an ISO folder in your PSP’s memory. Simply create one and dump your PSP ISOs/CSOs there.
If you’re experiencing problems with loading HEN (symptoms include blue screen, freezes and turn off automatically), follow the tip below:
- Just as HEN started to load you just ticked the power button .. your PSP will go to standby mode … then switch on the power button again Your PSP booted up hen.
- Backup your savegames and PSN content, and reformat your card.
- Turn off UMD-cache
If you’re not on 6.31 OFW, follow this guide on how to upgrade your PSP to 6.31 so you can install 6.31 Hen: HowTo: Upgrade your PSP to 6.31 OFW.
credits to Liquidzigong aka Virtuous Flame aka Vflame
If you’re on a different firmware, you may want to take a look at other Hen installations:
- 6.20 TN-A
- 6.20 TN-C
- 6.20 TN-D
- 6.20 TN-E (updated version)
- 6.20 Pro-B5
- 6.31 Hen
- Signed 6.31 Hen (updated version)
- 6.35 Hen
- Signed 6.35 Hen (updated version)
- 6.35 Pro-B5
got psp 1000
wht shld i do
Since hbl is available on 6.31, you can downgrade your PSP using the Hellcat’s recovery found on this page:
Come to think of it, that’ll be a useful post. I’ll see if I can whip up a how to downgrade from 6.3x post in a bit.
I just tried to use these files on my PSP 3001 OFW 6.31 and it doesn’t load the HEN.
I tried pushing the Select button to see if the VSH menu would appear, but it didn’t.
Is there something I did wrong by chance?
Hmm odd, I tried it with my friend’s PSP and it worked. Hang on, I’ll check the files.
retried installing on another PSP and it worked fine. What PSP do you have? Did it revert to the XMB after loading the save game exploit?
can you send everthing i need to know to my email + download link abot downgrade version 6.31 and hen
Reuploaded a new set of files for Hen:
ok so tried the new hen and as it loads the save game it goes to a black screen where it brings up some information about the patch and then goes to another black screen where it says “WARNING MEMORY LEAK” and back to XMB yet when i press select still nothing.
What could I be doing wrong?
Any help?
Try checking your system settings to see if your psp has loaded 6.31 Hen.
Ok so it doesnt say 6.31 Hen it says 6.31 PRO which i dont think it did b4. now prometheus loads up and works fine. i tried to put some .iso and .cso on but it cant find them. so maybe i put them in the wrong folder?
place them in an ISO folder on your memory stick (if you don’t have one, create it)
hello sylv3rblade, can plase make all in one pack (zip/rar) with the dame demo and everything done. i mean just format memory extract and load. then everything should run and fun. i guess. let me know what u think about it. btw same pack but for 6.35 cya.
Great idea. I’ll repack the files into a single download for each of the firmwares for HEN.
=] i let me know when its done. btw i try it, but i think i missing something, dunno what but i just tryed twice. no luck, it restart i press select and nothing changed. ummm rare i guess. well =] btw add prometeus iso loaded in repack.
uploaded and edited the guide.
I’ll updated the trouble shooting guide as well
Ok so i put them into a created ISO folder. and moved it onto memory stick, but they still dont show up when i open prometheus. i put the ISO folder into a few different folders to see if that would work but they sitll dont show. The ISO’s i put in FF7 Crisis Core and Yu-gi-oh. I have multiple folders that show up on my PSP. I tried to put the ISO folder into PSP/GAME/ folder.
The ISO folder should be in X:\ISO where X is your memory stick.
This means that if you have a game in there, it would read as X:\ISO\somegame.iso
Also take note that the files in there should be in iso or cso format.
Ok awesome. Found the games. Thanks. Problem is now when i go to load them nothing happens. screen goes black and I have to reset and start all over. Sorry to be such a pain but any ideas?
omggg its realllly working dudeeeeee i lovee yaa finnaly i can do something with my psp go

If you can, take a screenshot (via a plugin) of your system software version
i got 6.31 but sorry to say ive tried it but not all the games work why ? i have a game that crash and then the psp turn off why ? its ratchet and clank ? and whats iso mode ? m33 driver ? and the second one ? whats the difference?
m33 driver is used for older games. The prometheus ISO loader (and all the prometheus modules) are meant to decrypt newer games and seem to have problems with older ones. We can thank sony for that :/
oh okay ratchet and clank crash when i open it all other 9 games work .. i aslo get a memory leak but it works like a charm will there be an update to iso loader to run and be compatible with all games ? hmm some of the pictures above is not the same for me i dont get a menu when i click select it says i have 6.31 pro , whats the difference between Install 6.35 Hen + Prometheus ISO loader on your PSP is it updated to fix issues like that ? such as crashes … black screens.. crash when i pause and continue game…
have anybody tried it with ratchet and clank size matters ? it seems to not be working ive tried 12 more games and all they work except this ? also will there be an update for promethious iso loader ? where can i find promethious iso loader main page to see the updates ? is there 0.2 ? i have 0.1
No updates yet, I’ll update the post and do an announcement on the front page for the next release of prometheus.
For starters however, I’ve listed games compatible and not with the Prometheus ISO loader:
okay im waiting for the update sorry im stupid where is the front page ? do you mean that page ?
oh hey mercury Confirmed not working with Prometheus ISO loader ?? it worked on my psp go
or maybe a similar game
Front page is on just
Think of it as news update
hey i see under the promethious iso loader ratchet and clank ? how are you able to play it ? its not incomptatible with iso loader ?
did you use some sort of patch on it ?
umm it’s under confirmed not working :/
i found openidea-iso-loader-0-2 is it safe ? will it brick my psp ?
Open idea is still a WIP and quite behind Prometheus in terms of compatibility :/
hmm theres something wrong with you compatibility list please change mercury to working because its confirmed working on my psp go if you want i can make a video
but please as soon as you update promethious iso loader send a message to my email and give me the link ..
much appreciated
will add it thanks
please i cannot find a khbbs.cso file and converting it is way to complicated can you please email it to me it is the only thing i have ever wannted in my life please i beg of you. aqua is so cool i must use her please help me.
get it here: Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
Got it working. Awesome Thank You.
have the same memory leak problem.any tips?
it works can u tell me how to downgrade to a custom firmware
ive got ofw 6.31
hbl works
sylv3rblade can you pls help me i install all like they say but when i load prometheus i got only black screen am on 6.35PRO 3004 =(
Hey… Well my PSP says WARNING LEAK!! and then turns off, it doesn’t revert to XMB… WHY?
yes i got it work =) but i have other question now is there any working emulator of PSone or X on PSP with 6.20-6.35 fm?
Popsloader. I’ll check if there’s an updated build specifically for 6.xx but till then, check this post out:
thks for fast replay, i know about popsliader but can not install it ’cause my psp its new model 3004 and cant do custom fw to 5.xxgen am using Homebrew Enabler on 6.35 i can play iso games but cannot psone games =(.
thanks again for help sylv3rblade
There’s prolly a dev working on a 6.xx port. I’ll update as soon as a release is out.
a very big thaks ones more, we will wait
the link to 6.31 Hen Complete Pack does not work now =( myb wrong link, does it include now Psone loader in it?
work good
does this work on psp 3001
I’ve repacked the files to include PSOne loader.
is this about 6.35?
I’ve repacked files for both firmware versions.
aha ok so this means we can play psone games now on 6.35 =) if yes where we can download it =)
Yes. Just dl the 6.31 Hen pack or the 6.31 Hen Complete pack, extract and copy it over the existing files on your memory stick. You should see the PSloader on your XMB.
hmm =(, i have download this 6.31 Hen Complete pack from above and install it on my psp but nothing hapend i see on my xmb just Prometheus ISO loader, 635 HEN by xxxx and Mina no Sukirri there is no app like PSOne loader, i can start Prometheus ISO loader without problems and Mina no Sukirri but my psp restart if i open this other one “635 HEN by xxxx”
ah whoops, I think I copied the wrong folder :/ Will do a reset :/
Ok, reverted. My bad on that one :/ Left the files at home so I really can’t re-upload at the moment
i can play iso games now but still when i press select i cant see the menu anyway can we use customized themes also
thanks and good job!!
At the moment no cxmb. Installing older CXMB’s may brick your system :/
hi sylv3rblade!
my psp 3001 OFW 6.31 when i launch Mina no Sukirri Demo it says 6.31 PRO.
is it normal?
Yes, hmm I guess I need to edit that bit in the post.
regarding the VSH Menu.
just like what others concern is. we cant see the VSH Menu or activate it when we press Select.
is there any news in unbricking a mobo ta088v3 i sure eant to try this on my other ps but its bricked…
still luck with that. However, since the PSP has been fully compromised, someone may be able to make the a Pandora Battery to revive currently unhackable models.
the link to 6.31 Hen Complete Pack does not work now =( myb wrong link, does it include now Psone loader in it.?
looks like has issues again :/ Nope, there was a problem with the file and the PS One loader I included didn’t work so I reverted to the old file.
files are back up
is the psone loader ok now??
well who ever that somegne making the unbricker is!!god speed bro and may the force be with yaaa
hey sylv3rblade any ideas why the vsh menu not showing on our psp my cfw version is 6.31PRO
Probably some incompatible libraries. Someone pushed a patch that fixed up the 6.35 release though :/
added mirror to all files :/ is giving me a headache :/
pls help me where to put games in prometheus i cant edit the folder to xd:\ISO how to put that special character into a folder email me
dude, the folder name is simply ISO.
Download and take a look at the complete pack’s contents.
thank you sylv3rblade…..
it works…. i upgrade my OFW from 6.20 to 6.31…..
and follow the steps you posted….
yeah…. i need another stick for all of my games… yeah… hahaha…
thanks a lot syl….more powers
Not a prob. Just a reminder, development on the 6.31 seems to be dead so in the future, the likeliest course is to upgrade to 6.35 :). For now, have fun with your new cfw.
oh my gawd…… ok… got to upload 6.35……. haha… thank again.
downloada i mean….
effect of excitedness.. haha
i have a psp go v5.7 how can i upgrade it to 6.31?
Hi cj, I would suggest upgrading to 6.35 as it’s development is still on-going (6.31’s development has stopped in favor of 6.35). Follow this guide here.
i dont know how to convert it to 6.35 specialy when sony brought out the new update 6.37.. i was afraid that i might upgrade it to 6.37 instead of 6.35
don’t worry, the guide I linked you to teaches you how to upgrade to 6.35 specifically. The only way you might update to 6.37 is by using the Network Update.
also, I’ve updated the guide on this post so you can update to 6.31 if you choose that over 6.35
i just want to thank you for the guide and help.. i’ve done it and worked smoothly.. keep up your humble deeds.. and stay that way!
If you get the chance, spread a link to this post 
Enjoy your newly hacked PSP.
does this work for the psp w/ ratchet and thing 3001 someone says it doesnt?
i have a problem…so my psp usually load the HEN 15 TIMES!!!…and then, when i start the game, it just stays in black screen..i don’t know why..then it freezes. then restart.then LOAD the HEN again..i follow the emergency steps you shown on your blog..i reformat it..
then nothin works…can you plz help me??..^_^
What’s your current firmware version and PSP model?
It might be incompatibilities with the memory stick as the good old chickHen hack had this problem as well.
hi, i have a question a bout psp mobo and lcd!
i wanna know if its posible to use a lcd of psp-2000 with TA 88-V3 ON TA 85-v2?
and also is there any way to play newer game (for example GOW:ghost of sparta) on 5.00m33 or 5.5 gen-d3? if there is, can u link me the programs? tnx
Yes the LCD swap will work. The only way it won’t work is if you try to install a PSP-3000 screen on a PSP-2000.
As for trying to play the latest game. Try installing the Prometheus module (currently at v4):
i’ve forgot to ask this, is there any newer full cfw like 5.00m33 or 5.5gen-d3?
and also a bout my prv question… as u know both of TA-85-V2 AND TA-88-V3 are psp-2000 but , there are difrent on region, the first one is japan region (psp-2000) and the non-hackeble one is psp-2006
Currently yes, there is one in development by Neur0n. It’s made specifically for hackable PSP-2000s (not sure if it works with Phats since there’s some features specifically for the slim)
hey! Its working, but when i try to open minna no sukkiri, it goes black screen, then starting hbl,then shut down! My psp is 2003 slim fw 6.31! Thanks
Try the Signed 6.31 Hen installation instead.
what is homebrew loader? because you said that Signed 6.31 Hen PRO does not include HBL (Homebrew Loader)? Thanks
and everytime i play games, it freezes? How do i fix that? And how to hack psp slim 2003 fw 6.31? or upgrade to 6.35 Pro? Thanks
is it okay if i switch to m33 drive?
hey i format my memory stick and restore my psp, and then follow again this guide, but the problem is, when i run minna no sukkiri, it freezes in WARNING MEMORY LEAK ms:0/………. and then shut down.
What i Try to run Bleach Heat of the sould 7 the screen turns black and nothing happens. what should i do?
Thanks for the Guide, sylv3rblade, however I’m still having problems:
PSP Go – 6.31
I can’t get the Hen menu to open. Also, when I try to run the Prometheus ISO Loader, I get the following message: “This game cannot be started. The data is corrupted.”
When I ran the install from the save data for Mina no Sukkiri, I was not reverted to XMB. Instead, my PSP Go went to sleep.
I used your 6.31 Hen Complete Pack along with (the link you provided for the PSP Go‘s Light VSH menu was inactive).
Inside of x:\ I have all the default files, as well as:
-DL from
Inside of x:\PSP\GAME\
Inside of x:\PSP\SAVEDATA\
Thanks Again
Hi Phil, I would suggest using the Signed version instead:
That way you don’t need to manually load the Mina no Sukkiri save file.
Thanks for the quick reply!
Will this allow me to use homebrew/emulators as well?
Yep. That’s the whole idea for hen
I have a PSP GO running 6.31 firmware. I followed all o your above steps and ran prometheus iso loader. Then i downloaded avatar game. When i opened it using prometheus iso loader the game didn’t run? is the game not supported or anything else?
Game compatibility is discussed here:
Hi, I’ve upgraded my psp form 6.20 to 6.31 everything woks fine. Just having trouble with some games (carzy taxi fare wars, and medal of honor heroes 2). Any Ideas what I can do about that.
Would Really appreciate help
Thank You.
You have 2 options:
You can follow this guide:
or update to 6.35 Pro-B5:
Hi, I just downloaded this and everything worked fine untill I brought up the select screen. Instead of what came up on the picture, the CPU Clock XMB and CPU Clock Game show DEFAULT next to them instead of the numbers in the picture and the next 4 underneath that all say “DISABLED” instead of “ENABLED”. Do you know what I can do to correct this?
Leave the options as is. They’re default.
Thanks for the quick reply, turns out the problem I had was that I forgot to load games on in the first place, thanks a lot man, you were a great help
hi sylv3rblade can u help me bcoz this my 1st tym to update my psp. i try to update it using system update via wifi so i successfully download and installed 6.38 to my psp but the problem is my games are gone but when i plug to the pc my games are still on my psp. what will i do to back it into normal? i hope u will reply to me and i hope u can help me thanks in advance
There is currently no public exploit that’ll allow you to downgrade from 6.38 or install Hen to run your games on it. However if your PSP is hackable, you can use a Pandora Battery to downgrade it. Check this guide here:
but i dnt have pandora battery
and what do u men by xmb?
the XMB is the menu of your PSP. As for the Pandora battery issue, I suggest subscribing to our feeds and wait for Total_Noob’s release of a Hen for 6.38.
when u will release that?
i hope u release hen for 6.38 soon
Hey, i am highly impressed abt ur work
just wanted to know if there are any “IR Shells” available for firmware 6.31 pro?
and which is the best firmware for a psp?
i also would appreciate it if u could sent me the link for 6.31 downgrader….
would u like to have dinner with me?
thanks alot, this works perfectly and i was told it wouldnt be possible
i extracted the hen 6.31. where to put the EBOOT.PBP ?
Please read the post, it says: Copy it’s contents directly onto your PSP
Help!while i was playing a game suddenly the psp shut down and then when i switched it on every time i open the photo file the screen freeze for some seconds and then is shuts down.i cant play any game if i try to, a messege says “The game cannot be started.The data is corrupted” comes out.i had the same problem once before but i put my memory stick to my friends psp then when i put it again in my psp i went to the photo file and the system restarted then i could use prometheus 5.03.
can someone please help!!!!!!!
Is your current firmware 5.03 OFW?
the man who hacked my psp 1000 said that i have to go to the photo file then the psp will restart and i can run prometheus 5.03 then the iso games
Follow the instructions on this page