Games compatible with Prometheus ISO loader
This is a compatibility list for PSP users using Prometheus ISO loader. If you’re on the following firmwares (6.20 TN-A Hen, 6.20 TN-B Hen, 6.20 TN-C Hen, 6.31 Hen, 6.35 Hen) then be sure to check out this post for updates.
The Prometheus ISO loader by Liquidzigong is currently at version 0.1, this makes for some incompatibilities with some of the older (and at times newer) games. This post is a compilation of games that either work or don’t work with the Prometheus ISO loader for the PlayStation Portable. Most of the updates you’ll be seeing are from the comments by other PSP users so you’ll be getting the most up-to-date information possible.
If you’re looking forward to playing one of the games listed in the Not Working category, be sure to subscribe to our feeds for the latest PSP News.
Of course, if you want to contribute, all you need to do is post a comment, indicating which games work (or not) and your PSP model and firmware version.
If you still don’t have the Prometheus ISO loader installed, follow this guide: Installing the Prometheus ISO loader on your PSP
UPDATE [Mar 09, 2011]:
added info by:
moved Burnout Legends to not working list
UPDATE [Feb 04, 2011]:
added info by:
Retro Master
moved Ace Combat Joint Assault to not working list
added Knights in the Nightmare to working list (also on not working list, check fw version)
Confirmed working with Prometheus ISO loader
300 March to Glory (confirmed by Frankie – PSP 3000, PSP Go, 6.35 PRO)
7 Wonders of the Ancient World (confirmed by entropy13 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO)
*Alien VS Predator Requiem
*Armored Core: Silent Line
*Army of Two The 40th Day [USA](iso)
*Activision Hits Remixed
Ace Combat X (confirmed by Vega – PSP 3000, 6.35 PRO)
*Assasins Creed Blood Lines
*Astonishia Story
Bakugan Battle Brawlers (confirmed by entropy13 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO)
Ben 10 Alien Forse
Ben 10 Protector of Earth
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien
Burnout Dominator (confirmed by Vega – PSP 3000, 6.35 PRO)
*Bomberman Portable Jap
*Blaz Blue (EUR) CSO
*Bleach 7 (jap) (cso)
*Bleach heat the soul 7(iso)
*Blood Bowl
*Bust A Move Ghost [EUR]
Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles (confirmed by Vega – PSP 3000, 6.35 PRO)
Castlevania symphony of the night DX chronicles -no PSN- (confirmed by Vega – PSP 3000, 6.35 PRO)
*Call of Duty: Roads to Victory (CSO)
*Capcom Classics Collection Remixed
*Crash Mind Over Mutant
*Crash Tag Team Racing
*Crash the titans (USA-CSO)
*Criminal Girls (JAP)
*Dante`s Inferno (ISO)
*Daxter [EUR]
*Dead Or Alive Paradise. cso (US)
Disgaea – Afternoon of Darkness (confirmed by entropy13 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO)
Disgaea 2 – Dark Hero Days (confirmed by entropy13 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO)
Dragon Ball Shin Budokai 2 (confirmed by uah – PSP 3004, 6.35PRO)
*Dragon Ball Evolution (CSO)
*Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai
*Driver 76
*Def Jam – Fight for NY – The Takeover
Final Fantasy Dissidia (confirmed by nozepikka – PSP 3004, PSP Go, 6.35 PRO)
*Europe at War (CSO)
*Eureka Seven [JAP]
*Every Day Shooter
*EyePet (ISO)
Fate Extra (confirmed by Rei Ayanami – PSP 3001, 6.20 TN-C)
Fate Unlimited Codes (confirmed by Vega – PSP 3000, 6.35 PRO)
*Final Fantasy Crystal Defender
*Final Fantasy Crisis Core (CSO)
*Formula 1 2009
*Fifa 2009
*Fifa 2010 World Cup Sudafrica (CSO)
*Fifa 2011
*Fifa Street 2
*Field Commander
*Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core[USA].cso
*Final Fantasy Tactics (cso)
*Fireteam Bravo
*Football Manager 2011
*Fullmetal Alchemist Senaka wo Takuseshi Mono
*Fullmetal Alchemist Yakusoku no Hi he
*FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood
*From Russia With Love
Gladiator Begins (confirmed by entropy13 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO)
G.I. JOE The Rise of Cobra (confirmed by Frankie – PSP 3000, PSP Go, 6.35 PRO)
*God of War Chain Olympus
God Of War – Ghost of Sparta (confirmed by uah – PSP 3004, 6.35PRO and Vega – PSP 3000, 6.35 PRO)
*Ghost Recon Predator (USA) ISO
*Gran Turismo
*Great Battles Of Rome
*GTA Chinatown Wars
*GTA Liberty City Stories
*GTA Vice City Stories
Hatsune Miku – Project Diva (confirmed by uah – PSP 3004, 6.35PRO)
Hot Shots Tennis – Get A Grip (confirmed by entropy13 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO)
*Hello Kitty party
Invizimals (confirmed by Retro Master – PSP-2000 6.35 PRO)
*Iron Man 2
*Il2 Sturmovik Birds of Prey (ISO)
*Indiana Jones y el baculo de los reyes
*Jack and Daxter te last frontier (USA-CSO)
*Juiced Eliminator [EUR]
*James camaron avatar
Jeanne d’Arc (confirmed by entropy13 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO)
*Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
*Killzone Liberation
Knights in the Nightmare (confirmed by Raiden74 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO) (also on not working says entropy13)
*K-ON Houkago Live (Jap) (CSO)
*Little big planet CSO e ISO
*Los Simpson: El Videojuego
*Los Sims 2 Pets (CSO)
*Los Sims 2 (CSO)
Lunar – Silver Star Harmony (confirmed by entropy13 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO)
*Luxor (CSO)
Luxor 2 (confirmed by entropy13 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO)
*Manhunt 2 (Uncensored) (CSO)
*Michel Jackson: La Experience
Metal Gear Solid (MGS) Peace walker (confirmed by Vega – PSP 3000, 6.35 PRO)
Metal Gear Solid (MGS) Portable ops + (confirmed by Vega – PSP 3000, 6.35 PRO)
*Mercury (hat tip to Nadine)
Metal Slug Anthology (confirmed by uah – PSP 3004, 6.35PRO)
Midnight Club – LA Remix (confirmed by uah – PSP 3004, 6.35PRO)
*Military History
*Medal of honor heroes (cso)
*Medal of honor heroes 2(cso)
*Megaman Maverick Hunter X [USA]
*Megaman Powered Up
*Metal Slug XX (CSO)
*Metal slug anthology (USA-CSO)
*Midway Arcade Treasures: Extended Play ISO (pspgo no funciona)
*Miku Hatsune Proyect Diva 2 (JAP) ISO
Mind Quiz (confirmed by entropy13 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO)
*Moto Gp 09
MotorStorm Arctic Edge
*Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
*Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (al parecer da problemas al entrar en la primera misión)
*ModNation Racers (CSO)
*Naruto Ultimate Ninja Heroes
*Naruto Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2
*Naruto Shippuden Akatsuki Rissing (ISO)
*Naruto Shippuden Legends Akatsuki Rising
*Naruto Shipuuden Kizuna Drive (CSO)
*Need For Speed Undercover
*Need for Speed Shirf
*Need For Speed ProStreet (CSO)
*NFS Carbon (cso)
*NFL Street 3
*NBA Live 09
NBA 2K11 (confirmed by entropy13 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO)
*Neopets PetPet Adventures The Wand 2006 [USA]
*Obscure The Aftermath (ISO)
Outrun 2006 (confirmed by Frankie – PSP 3000, PSP Go, 6.35 PRO)
*Pac Man World 3 (CSO)
*Patapon [EUR].cso
*Patito Feo
*Parasite Eve the 3rd birthday (jap).iso
Phantasy Star Portable 2 (confirmed by entropy13 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO)
*Petz My Puppy Family
*Pinball Fantasies
*Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (ISO)
*PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe (ISO)
*Piratas del Caribe 2 (CSO)
*Play Chapas
*Play English (CSO)
*Practical Intelligence Quotient
Prince of Persia – Rival Swords
*Prinny US (Cso)
*Pro evolution Soccer 2009
*Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 (CSO)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (confirmed by uah – PSP 3004, 6.35PRO and Vega – PSP 3000, 6.35 PRO)
*Pursuit Force Extreme Justice
*Resistance Retribution
*Ridge racer 2.cso
*Sega Rally
*Sega Rally Revo
*Silent hill Origins (CSO)
*Silent Hill Shattered Memories (ISO)
*Shaun White Snowboard
Shin Megami Tensei – Persona 3 Portable (confirmed by entropy13 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO)
*Shinseiki Evangelion 2 [JAP]
*Smack Down vs RAW 2011
*Smash Court Tennis 3(iso)
*Sonic Rivals
*Soul Eater Battle Resonance
*Soulcalibur Broken Destiny.(cso) pspgo funciona en psp (no estamos seguro)
*Socom US Navy Seals Fireteam Bravo [EUR
*Space Invaders Extreme ISO
*Sponge bob square pants.cso
*Spiderman 3
*Split Second (USA) Funciona ISO
*Spider-Man – Web Of Shadows.cso
Star Ocean First Departure (confirmed by Bl4ckened-ang3l- PSP-3000 6.20 TN-C)
*Star Wars Battlefront Elite Squadron (ISO)
*Strikers 1945 Plus.cso
Street fighter alpha 3 (confirmed by Vega – PSP 3000, 6.35 PRO)
Super Collapse 3 (confirmed by entropy13 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO)
*Super Monkey Ball Adventures
Super Fruit Fall (confirmed by entropy13 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO)
*Tales of the World Radiant Mythology (USA)(CSO)
*Tales of the World Radiant Mythology 2 (JAP y Parche ING) (ISO)
Tekken 6 (confirmed by uah – PSP 3004, 6.35PRO)
*Tekken Dark Resurrection (CSO)
*Tenchu 4 (JAP)
*Tetris (MINI) CSO
*The 3rd Birthday
*The GodFather
*The Lord Of The Rings – Aragorn’s Quest
*Toy Story 3
*Tokobot [EUR]
*Tony Hawk Project 8 (CSO)
*Tomb Raider Legends [EUR]
*Tomb raider anniversary
*Tom clancy’s raimbow six-vegas
*Tron Evolution [EUR](iso)
*Untold Legends La Hermandad de la Espada
Ultimate Board Game Collection (confirmed by entropy13 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO)
*Ultimate Ghosts N Goblins
*Valhalla Knights 2 (ISO)
Valkyria Chronicles II (confirmed by entropy13 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO)
*Viewtiful Joe – Battle Carnival [USA]
*Virtual tennis 3
Virtua Tennis – World Tour (confirmed by entropy13 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO)
Worms – Battle Islands (confirmed by entropy13 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO)
*Worms Open Warfare 2 (CSO)
*World Poker Tour [USA]
*WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2009
*WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (confirmed by Frankie – PSP 3000, PSP Go, 6.35 PRO)
*Yakuza Black Panther
Ys – The Oath in Felghana (confirmed by entropy13 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO)
*Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds Tag Force 5(iso)
*Yu Gi Oh! GX Tag Force
Confirmed by transce (6.20 TN-C w/ PSP-Go)
Atari Classics
Gradius Collection
Initial D Street Stage (JPN)
Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble
Puyo Pop Fever (JPN)
Ridge Racer
Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny
Toca Race Driver 2
Confirmed by Amareal (6.20 TN-D)
God of War ghost of sparta
Ridge Racer 1,2
Naruto Shipudden Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3
Syphon Filter (Logan’s Shadow)
All versions of NBA Live
versions of 2k games (2k10 2k11)
Nba inside 2010
Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX
Tales of the World Radiant Mythology
Tekken 6
the sims 2
Unbound Saga
Undead Knights
UFC Undisputed 2010
Valkyria Chronicles 2
WWE Smack Down Vs Raw 2011
Zombie Tycoon
Ridge Racers 1,2
Sheperds Crossing 2
Silent Hill Shattered Dreams
Viewtiful Joe Red Hot Rumble
Lego Indiana Jones 2 The Adventure Continues
F1 2009
Hero Of Sparta
Def Jam Fight for NY The Takeover
Fight Nights Round 3
Final Fantasy (Dissidia)
GTA (Vice City Stories)
GTA (LIberty Stories)
Naruto Shippuden Legends (Akatsuki Rising)
Rocky Balboa
SOCOM – Fireteam Bravo
confirmed by tito (PSP 3001 v6.31 Pro)
Fight Night 3
Colin McRae Dirt 2
Let’s Golf!
Gti Club Supermini Festa
Confirmed by transce (6.20 TN-C w/ PSP-Go)
Atari Classics
Gradius Collection
Initial D Street Stage (JPN)
Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble
Puyo Pop Fever (JPN)
Ridge Racer
Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny
Toca Race Driver 2
Confirmed by Kinseryu (6.20 TN-C)
Twinkle Crusaders -Starlit Brave
Valkyria Chronicles III -Unrecorded Chronicles- :]
Ore no Imouto Maker EX portable.
Confirmed not working with Prometheus ISO loader
*Ape Academy
*Ace Combat Joint Assault
ACE Portable (hat tip to Sven)
*ATV Offroad Fury Blazin Trails
Bakugan battle brawlers (confirmed by MaDMAn – PSP 3004, PSP Go, 6.35 PRO)
*Bleach 1 (CSO)
*Buzz! Concurso Universal PSP (CSO y ISO)
*Bubble Bobble Evolution (CSO)
Burnout Legends (confirmed by k121op – PSP 3004, PSP Go, 6.20 TN-C)
*Brothers In Arms D-Day
*Capcom Colections (CSO e ISO)
*Capcom Remixed (CSO)
*Chain of olympus
*DBZ Tenkaichi Tag Team
*Dragon Ball Tenkaichi Tag Team
*Dinasty Warriors Strikeforce
*DJ Max portable 3 (USA)
*Fifa 2011 (ISO)
*Fired Up
*Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex [USA]
*Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire [USA]
Harvest moon boy and girl (hat tip to Sven)
Knights in the Nightmare (confirmed by entropy13 – PSPGo 6.35 PRO)
*Lisa to Issho ni Tairiku Oudan [JAP]
*Legend Of Heroes
*Lord of The Rings Tactics [USA]
*Madden NFL 11
*Medal Of Honor 2
*MLB 2010 The Show (ISO)
*Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition
*Miami Vice
*Miku Hatsune Project Diva 2nd Parcheado al Ingles (ISO y CSO)
*Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects (CSO , ISO)
*Namco Museum Battle Collection Pacman
*Naruto Shippuden Accel 3
*Need For Speed Most Wanted.cso
*Need For Speed Underground Rivals [USA]
*Power stone collection
*Prince of Persia Revelations
*Puzzle Bobble [JAP]
*pursuit force
*Ratchet and Clank
*Rengoku The Tower Of Purgatory
*Ridge Racer
*Rock Band Unplugged.cso (US)
*Rockman Dash
*Smart Bomb.
*Super Mario Bros 1
*Super Mario Bros 3
*Splinter Cell Essentials [EUR]
*SSX On Tour
*SOCOM – Fireteam Bravo – 3.cso
*Tactical Strike
*Tales Of Eternia
*test drive unlimited
*Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006
*The King of Fighters Collection The Orochi Saga (CSO)
*The Hustle Detroit Streets
*The warriors
Tom clancys rainbox Six-Vegas (confirmed by MaDMAn – PSP 3004, PSP Go, 6.35 PRO)
Tony Hawks Underground 2 Remix (confirmed by shock – PSP 3004, 6.35PRO)
Toy Story 3
*Ultimate Block Party
*Untold Legends
*Valkyrie Profile Lenneth (USA)
*Wipeout pure naves especiales
*X-Men Legends 2
confirmed by Marco PSP 3001 6.20 TN-C
Twisted Metal Head On
Pinball Hall of Fame
GTA Liberty City Stories
Wipeout Pure
Darkstalkers Chronicle the Chaos Tower
confirmed by tito PSP 3001 v6.31 Pro
Buzz Concurso De Bolsillo
Hot Shots Golf Open Tee
You can add “Hatsune Miku – Project Diva” to the working list.
PSP 3004, 6.35 PRO.
added, thanks
Hey guys…i just wanna know that does Ratchet Clank Size Matters work with Prometheus ISO loader because it is shown in the picture.
Sorry for my bad english.
our commenter Nadine’s experience says no :/
OK thanks….and btw Fifa 11 is both mentioned in Confirmed working and not Confirmed working…so should i download it..??
FIFA 11 -ISO wont work, but if you use the CSO it’ll work.
that’s odd. Did you download a different file for the CSO or compressed it manually?
Socom U.S. Navy Seal Fireteam Bravo-2 working. PSP 3001 ~6.35 Pro~… Infrastructure doesn’t work though…
i can confirm Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition does work
i can confim that toy story 3 does not work
i can confirm that god of war ghost of sparta (EURO) does not work on my psp-2006 6.35
“Dragon Ball Shin Budokai 2”
Does not work in CSO format will try in ISO.
PSP 3000, 6.35 PRO.
Hi,you can add some game in working game
Than games is:
Ben 10 Alien Forse
Ben 10 Protector of Earth
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien
MotorStorm Arctic Edge
Prince of Persia – Rival Swords
added. Thanks for the tip
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
Prinny 2 Dawn of Operation Panties, Dood
NHL 07
Wipeout Pulse
Lego Indiana Jones 2
Monsters (Probably) Stole my Princess
Not working:
What Did I do to Deserve This, My Lord 2
Ape Escape on the Loose
hi i was wondering if any of the Ys games were working
God Of War – Ghost of Sparta [Spanish][ISO]
Metal Slug Anthology [US][cso]
Midnight Club – LA Remix [CSO]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [Spanish-Portgugese][ISO]
Dragon Ball Shin Budokai 2 [ISO]
Tekken 6 [ISO]
PSP 3004, 6.35PRO
not working
Harvest moon boy and girl
ACE Portable
I can confirm “Tony Hawk’s Underground 2 Remix” CSO (EUR) does NOT work on PSP 3000 with HEN 6.35 and Prometheus ISO Loader.
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six doesn’t work – 6.35 PRO – PSP 3000
umm lol, I just realized there was a typo with the title. Changed it but nothing else to do with the url :/
Here’s some updates for you.
Bleach Heat The Soul 6 Works as CSO
Final Fantasy 2 (20th Anniversary Edition) Works as a CSO
Sonic Rivals does work as you have up there but it would not work as a CSO for me. Only as an ISO.
Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley does not work as a CSO or ISO. It only boots to a black screen.
In your list you have Dead or Alive: Paradise as working, but I tried both UMD drivers on ISO and CSO and only got a black screen and it eventually shut off the system. So it doesn’t work and if you know a way to make it work I’d love to know. Here’s another list that says that it doesn’t work like I also found to be true:
Gonna put up your updates. What PSP model do you have and what firmware version do you have?
Ah sorry. I have a new PSP 3000 and it’s got 6.35 firmware on it.
Sonic Rivals 2 works as a CSO as well.
DOA Paradise DOES work. I had the same problem. Try to find a clean version. First I got was patched and had the same problem. Got one that people said was unpatched and it works fine.
dissidia final fantasy(USA) (ISO) does not work for me and NFS carbon (ISO) works
PSP 3001,6.35 pro
Will the games that doesn’t work now ever be fix?
Depends on the next release of the ISO loader.
when is the next release?
No word from that yet, Liquidzigong is out of the PSP development scene as of the moment.
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Tag Force 5(ISO) is not working for me
psp 3001, 6.35 pro
yep also didnt work for me
i can’t play tekken 6 (iso) on my psp 3006 firmware 6.20…
psp 3000 6.31 pro
working game:
1945 plus
Call Of Duty – Roads To Victory
Hot Brain
Innocent Life A Futuristic Harvest Moon
King Of Pool
not working game:
Harvest Moon – Hero Of Leaf Valley
Manic Monkey Mayhem Usa
Untold Legends – Brotherhood Of The Blade_
On my PSP 3000 with 6.35 PRO
Shin Sangoku Musou 5 Special(with very short error pic at the start)
Shin Sangoku Musou Multiraid 2(the same short red error pic)
Tales of Destiny 2 (JP)
Taiko no Tatsujin Portable 2 (JP)
Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3 Portable(USA)
Shin Megami Tensei Persona 1(USA)
Hatsune Miku Diva 1(JP)
Hatsune Miku Diva 2(JP)
Not working:
Valkyrie Profile(JP,USA and EUR)
Taiko no Tatsujin Portable 1(JP)
Does anyone know how to get Ace Combat Assault working on psp 3000 with 6.35 Pro?
my psp is psp 3000 with 6.31 pro. i can’t play GTA Vice city stories, but some people here stated that they are able to play GTA Vice City stories. does anyone have the solution for me?
you probably need to update to 6.35 Pro because for me it’s working
on the list it states burnout legends as working but it does not work for me? I have psp 3006 with 6.31 pro hen
try looking for a clean iso (non-patched)
Is naruto shippuden ultimate ninja heroes 3(USA) really not working on 6.35 pro?
Hello my mod nation racers cso is not working for 6.35 PRO on prometheous iso loader mayb u could help
@syl: here’s some more
working –
NBA 2K11
Luxor 2
Lunar – Silver Star Harmony
Hot Shots Tennis – Get A Grip
Disgaea – Afternoon of Darkness
Gladiator Begins
Bakugan Battle Brawlers
Phantasy Star Portable 2
Shin Megami Tensei – Persona 3 Portable
Valkyria Chronicles II
7 Wonders of the Ancient World
Mind Quiz
not working –
Knights in the Nightmare
to be tested –
Jeanne d’Arc
lol forgot these:
working –
Worms – Battle Islands
Super Collapse 3
Super Fruit Fall
using PSPgo, 6.35 HEN
was waiting for your PSP model and CFW version
Thanks for that.
Jeanne d’Arc
Disgaea 2 – Dark Hero Days
Ys – The Oath in Felghana
Ultimate Board Game Collection
Virtua Tennis – World Tour
the person that stated he want naruto ultimate ninja hero 3 here is a link for the game and it works on 6.35 pro maybe the naruto you have did have to work with khhbs patch this one dosent need that
Does anybody know if these 2 lists are to be updated so everyone knows which games can be used for the psp?
I’m pushing updates on the list as soon as input from readers arrives so it’s fairly up to date.
are these 2 lists going to be updated with games that we can use?
fifa does work O.o
Really depends on the psp model and firmware version, what’s yours so we can update the guide.
yow good job entropy13 on confirming some games.
Is anything being done to see if the games that don’t work with prometheus can be fixed? I’m very interested in playing socom fireteam bravo 3
Currently it’s unknown since Liquidzigong only updates via twitter :/. There’s hope however as there currently is another ISO loader that is in development (albeit it’s still in the early stages).
thanx for the info its very well apreciated
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd:
Working on PSP-3004 6.35 Signed Pro
Not working on PSP-3006 6.35 Signed Pro
Why? I dunno
Still trying to find out. Game was tested from same memory stick.
PSP-3006 Is the 4th generation PSP-3000 model I think.
Are you using an unpatched version of MH P3G?
Yeah. Using a totally clean ISO without any patching whatsoever.
nope the naruto ultimate ninja heroes 3 link that you send me yellow doesn’t work at all in my psp 3001, 6.35 pro
well, thanks for sending me the link
Try this link:
yggdra union is working on my psp 3001,6.35 pro
NBA 2k 11
Ace Combat x: Skies of Deception
Fifa 11
Gran Turismo
Motorstorm Artic Edge
UFC Undisputed 2010
Psp Minis
Angry Birds
Arcade Air Hockey
Bejeweled 2
Pinball Fantasies
Who’s That Flying
Apache Overkill
4×4 Jam
Hysteria Project
5 in 1 Arcade
I Must Run
Metal Slug
Gravity Crash Portable
Carnivores Dinasaur Hunter
Not Working:
Ace Combat Joint Assault
All the games are on cso format.
I am using a PSP 3001 6.35 PRO
If anyone knows why Ace Combat is not working plz help…ty
If Ace Combat is patched, try a clean, non-patched ISO (or if it’s clean, try using one that’s patched for 5.50 GEN-D3)
Thanks for the fast response, I will try it.
confirm angry birds (PSP Mini) on PSP Go 6.35 PRO HEN
err confirmed working or not?
Burnout legends
ssx on tour
not working on 1003
definately confirmed working:
patapon 2
Need for Speed Carbon
Wipeout Pulse
Assasins creed bloodlines
Motorstorm arctic edge
1003 running 6.35PRO
-Starry Sky in Autumn (JPN)
-Bara No Ki Ni Bara No Hansaku (JPN)
Not working:
-Hatsune Miku Project Diva 2nd [ENGLISH PATCHED] (JPN)
-Hanakisou [FIX] (JPN) (I’m trying another version)
Going to try:
-Gakuen Heaven; Boys Love Scramble (JPN)
-Cherry Blossom Portable (JPN)
-Starry Sky in Spring (JPN)
-Higurashi Daybreak Portable (JPN)
-Durarara 3 Way off (JPN) (Or something similar)
Well I’ll update this post once I’m ready
Oh yeah 3004 with 6.31
Starry Sky in Spring (JPN) doesn’t work.
(*’ ^ ‘*) Tsk, I’m pissed now.
Thanks for the update anyway.
Like others, I’m hoping the next release of the Prometheus ISO loader will fix things
Cherry Blossom (JPN) does work btw
how come Burnout Legends and Crisis Core aren’t working for me
using psp 3000 6.35PRO i’ll try to download another copy perhaps…
Remember to look for a non-patched version or at least one patched for 6.35
I’m still using 5.03 Prometheus-4 on my PSP 3006, I don’t see the point of updating since is unstable.
yup i got mine to work already i’ll look out for a clean burnout legends tonight. thanks sylv3rblade!
mine had a noticeable response increase. i still kinda like my 6.35pro
The Simpsons game
SBSP:the yellow avenger
FlatOut: head on
Sims 2 pets
GTA:VCS (both load but are then really laggy throughout the game)
Not working:
Burnout Legends (why??)
PSP 2003 on 6.35 PROHEN
any way to get madden 11 working plz reply
Why does GTA LCS GO ALL LAGGY when I play it using Prometheus
Psp 2003 6.35 PROHEN
Open the VSH menu (press select)
see if your Game Speed is set to 333Mhz, 233Mhz or default.
aaaaaaaaaaah i wanna play what did i do to deserve this my lord 2 but still cant
and not to forget: -little thor is working
– pixeljunk also works( AND ALSO ONLINE)
I think what you’re waiting for is an update for the Prometheus ISO loader.
Is there a Reason why Rainbow Six Vegas is Not Working on 6.35 Pro on PSPGo.. Can Some One Help me if it is Working for them??
Coded Arms Contagion is Working..
Shit Extended is Working..
I’ll Keep Testing…
– Gradius Collection (ISO and CSO)
– Hammering Hero (ISO and CSO)
– Pinball Dreams (ISO and CSO)
– Shadow of Destiny (ISO and CSO)
All USA on PSP Go with 6.20 TN-B HEN
From a friend:
– BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger (CSO)
– Cladun: This is an RPG (ISO)
– Disgaea Infinite (ISO/CSO)
– Dissidia Final Fantasy (ISO/CSO)
– Final Fantasy (ISO/CSO)
– Final Fantasy II (ISO/CSO)
– Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! (ISO/CSO)
– LocoRoco 2 (ISO/CSO)
– No Heroes Allowed! (ISO)
– Parappa the Rapper (ISO/CSO)
– Patapon 2 (ISO/CSO)
– Prinny 2: Dawn of Operation Panties, Dood (ISO/CSO)
– Riviera: The Promised Land (ISO/CSO)
– Shin Megami Tensei Persona (ISO/CSO)
– Star Ocean First Departure (ISO/CSO)
– Star Ocean Second Evolution (ISO/CSO)
– The Legend of Heroes (ISO/CSO)
– The Legend of Heroes II: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch (CSO)
– The Legend of Heroes III: Song of the Ocean (CSO)
– What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord? 2 (ISO/CSO)
– Wild Arms XF (ISO/CSO)
– Yggdra Union: We’ll Never Fight Alone (ISO/CSO)
– Ys: The Ark of Napishtim (ISO/CSO)
– Knights in the Nightmare
I know it’s already on the list, but it says “not working in 6.35” so i figured I’d add it again for 6.20 so you’ll know it’s not working anywhere.
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, works fine. Monster Hunter Portable 3rd, won’t load! Please help me. It goes to black, then I have to hold power button to turn it off. Could it be any psp settings?
What model’s your PSP and Firmware?
PSP 3000 (8g), 6.35 HEN. I’ve tried finding 6.36 ofw but it’s impossible. Since the game requires 6.36 I thought it could perhaps help.
You don’t need to update to 6.36 (because if you do, you loose the ability to run Hen).
I waz just wondering if toy story works as a cso or iso because its on both list
psp 3001 6.35 PRO
can i run prince of persia the forgotten sands,fast and the furious
m currently on 6.35 pro
using promothesus iso loader
Street fighter alpha 3 (cso)
Burnout dominator (cso)
MGS portable ops + (cso)
Ace Combat X (cso)
Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles (iso)
MGS peace walker (iso)
Fate unlimited codes (cso)
PES 2011 (cso)
GoW ghost of sparta (cso)
Castlevania symphony of the night DX chronicles -no PSN- (cso\iso)
All US
PSP 3001 (black\red) on Hen 6.35pro
virtua tennis world tour not working
G.I. JOE The Rise of Cobra is working on my psp 3000 6.35 Pro
300 March to Glory also works on psp 3000 6.35 Pro
outrun 2006 coast to coast as well
X-Men Origins: Wolverine working
Addition to your list:
Final Fantasy Dissidia – working on PSP 3000 6.20TN-C
I would like to put a lot of titles but I can see that they’re already listed. So I’ll just put one that isn’t here.
Lord of Arcana (ISO)
running 6.20 PSP Go!
Sorry, its TN-B HEN
fifa street 2 works
PSP-3004 and PSP-GO
Tom clancys rainbox six-vegas
Bakugan battle brawlers (800MB)
Bakugan battle brawlers (300MB)
Working on a PSP-2004 with 5.50GEN-prom4
Not working Virtua tennis world tour cso
Ad God Eater Burst and in the working list
Fate Extra Working in PSP-3001 with TN-C
fifa 11 working perfectly on psp 3001 6.20 TN-C with prometheus
hey itz not working on my psp 2000 can plzz help me out
Check out this post to see if the PSP you want is hackable or not:
Hackable PSPs can have custom firmware installed so even if you shut it down, it still has the custom firmware installed. Non-hackable PSPs have to rely on Hen to be loaded to be able to run games. However, since Hen loaders are now signed, and simply needs to be run on the XMB, this is a non-issue now.
Crux of the matter is, if you want to play older games, get the hackable PSP. If you want to play newer games, get the non-hackable one. Do note that judging from both PSP’s motherboards, they could be both hackable or non-hackable.
GTA:LCS is laggy using Prometheus iso loader v0.1. ive tried setting frequency to highest on VSH Menu but still no difference. Do i need a unpatched (clean) copy or wait for Prometheus v0.2?
Is the game in ISO or CSO format?
ISO format
What PSP model do you have? It could simply be the memory stick (unless you’re using the PSP Go)
I’ve got a PSP 2003 (UK Version) on 6.35 PRO. It does the same on GTA:VCS but not on any other games (sims 2 pets, FlatOut:Head-on, The Simpsons Game, Midnight Club and SBQP:The Yellow Avenger)
Hmm odd… The only other reason why it’s slow could be because it’s patched for a different firmware. Is the ISO untouched?
I’m not sure because I had another psp which broke. I got a new one and used the memory card from the old one and still had games on it from the previous firmware. But burnout legends doesnt work at all and I had that on my old psp 1003 too.
Does The “Universal Tuning” version from Dissidia work?
@Ngloxo try to change the the driver by pressing select when in promethius to watever liking and it should be better.
Birth By Sleep FINAL MIX works fine on A PSP 3000 with 6.20 TN-C installed
@yellow I’ve also tried that. It doesn’t work
It seems that Dissidia final fantasy is working on your psp guys, how did you make it work?
Invizimals is confirmed working.
Psp 2001
6.35 PRO HEN
Monster hunter freedom not working for me
Knights in the Nightmare works for me
PSP 3004
6.35 PRO HEN
ys seven is working. psp6.35 PRO
KH BBS isn’t working for me. I’ve tried patching it with UMDGen and the pff-o-matic, and still nothing. I’m using 6.31 Pro and Prometheous .01 I believe…also, I have tried to just use the signed 6.31. any advice or help would be appreciated. My psp is the 3001 model btw (the Metal Gear Solid one). Thanks in advance!
Get an unpatched/untouched version.
I also have a psp 3000 in the green Metal Gear version. I have Hen 6.35, and the 0.1 Prometheus loader. before I hacked it I have update 6.35. I have no patches or anything and the Japanese version of Birth By Sleep (english subtitles) works fine for me.
I downloaded the .rar files from ffinsider. Don’t forget to make a folder to put them all into, then extract only the first part and put the resulting ISO in your PSP’s ISO folder.
Star Ocean First Departure works. PSP 3002 with 6.20 TN-C and Promethius.
Fifa 11 Loads till the autosave feature and then the whole psp shuts down…wat to do help me plzz..:)
thnxs in advance..
Hey how to become a member of this site..???
who tried Ace Combat Joint Assault–
and got it working
i have 635 pro signed on a 300x
ive tried every cso and iso i could find of it
none working
anyone know where a working ver is??
Excuse me ive got 2 questions..
1ST is OpenIdea ISO loader better than prometheus in terms of Game Compatability?
like do the games work on openidea?
and second is if my psp3000 can get custom firmware…i wouldnt need a iso loader and the games will work fine?
I’ll currently compiling the list of games compatible with Open ISO loader and will put up a post like this one (but for said app). Judging from the initial data however, not much difference compared to Prometheus. Wait until the next updates for both ISO loaders though.
hey guys, did dissidia final fantasy working on your psps that have 6.35 pro firmware?
oh yeah 1 more question
is there a new update to this iso loader in the works that’ll make it more compatible to playing these games?
It’s currently on beta 3. In terms of compatability, there’s not much difference in the games working only on the Prometheus as compared to the Open Idea loader. beta 4 for Open Idea or v2 for Prometheus should change that though.
so im guessing Beta 4 Is in the makes too??
so im guessing that beta 4 is in the makes already?
yes. Open iSO loader is still in development
Warriors Orochi 2, 6.35 PRO Working
Dissidia 012 Duodecim (Prologus) not working
Lord Of Arcana not working
Gangs of London Not working
i’ll post some more up soon
Street Supremacy.ISO work on Hen 6.35 with Prometheus ISO Loader 0.1 on the PSP 3000.
I tried ISO Tool 1.960 and one game, Madden 11 works while MLB 11 THe Show still won’t work. So ISO Tool 1.960 is another option for ISO loaders
isotool is meant for people without a prometheus module installed (pure 5.50 GEN-D3 only for example) and want to play games that require firmware above their current firmware (say, 6.20)
ok people not to be mean but some of the games in this list don’t work like ace combat joint assult and test drive unlimited i tried both (on 6.35) and my psp turns off everytime I try to play any one of them so can someone help me or atleast give me a website for a working ace combat joint assult iso for promentheus
need for speed most wanted doesn’t work either
Star Ocean Second Evolutions works
PSP 3004
6.35 PRO HEN
Prom v.1
crazy taxi 1 & 2 Not working on TN-C iso loader
Lord of Arcana [USA].iso working file size 786.142
Scott can you give me the link to download the working versions of Lord of arcana and DBZ tenkaichi tag team?
i had to delete mine..
please! lol
DragonBall Z Tenkaichi Tag Team.cso working, file size 522,017 unzipped, im just goig through the not working list and posting what works foe me, im on 635 pro with a 300x psp, but i think both 620 and 635 use the same prometheus version so dont think it matters
Hot Shot Golf 2.iso works file size 920,798 im o 635 pro
Major League Baseball 2K10 [USA].iso working
Gun Showdown.cso working
Fight Night Round 3.iso working
Mortal Kombat Unchained, Pilot Academy and The Bigs 2 working on the PSP 3000 6.35 Pro
final fantasy crisis core is working on psp 3001, 6.35 pro both cso and iso…
Checkout the post regarding OpenIdea ISO loader if you want to try it:
its says in the article of the site ur listing here that open idea is compatable with 635 pro, r u sure of that, i always thought it wasnt?
oops. Good catch. I guess it was because I was still half asleep when I started on the post for publishing.
free runner cso works
full auto battlelines 2 cso works
scooby doo whose watching who cso works
frogger helmet chaos doesnt work
free runner cso works
full auto battlelines 2 cso works
scooby doo whose watching who cso works
frogger helmet chaos doesnt work
ok so open idea is still not for 635 ur saying i guess? lol
is prometheus still at .o1 for 635 and tn620, id so, hear of any new releases for it comming out?
Major League Baseball 2K10 [USA].iso
working, i have 635 but if both using prom sgould work on 620 id think, hmmm not sure if that reqired 635, any game i put up a actually play some to make sure it stays ok
digimon world 1(iso) doesnt work
Games working on PSP3004 6.35 PRO
LocoRoco 2
LocoRoco Midnight Carnival
God of war: Chain Olympus is not working in PSP 3004 6.31 Prometheus Iso..i tried both iso n cso..even M33 driver enabled
Did you try an unpatched ISO?
yes itried unpatched version surely…its pure n untouched
I have Rock Band: Unplugged cso working on PSP3001 620TN-C w/ prometheus
Fifa 11 Loads till the autosave feature and then the whole psp shuts down…wat to do help me plzz..:)
thnxs in advance..
working and played on 635 300x
Tomb Raider Anniversary.cso
King of Pool.cso
Thrillville Off the Rails.cso
Full Auto 2 Battlelines.cso
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
Guitarway To Heaven 5 Superstar
this one u just put the folder in game folder
6.30 PRO and prometheus
Star wars Battlefront 2 doesnt work.cso and iso
Mana Khemia Student Alliance.iso works
Breath of Fire 3.cso works
Games working on PSP-3001 with 6.20 TN-C
Chaos;Head Love Chu Chu
Valkyria Chronicles 3: Unrecorded Chronicles
To Aru Majutsu no Index
oh Senjou no Valkyria is working with 6.20 TN-C
I knew I should’ve started downloading the game. Thanks for the updates
Forgot to mention
Also working with TN-C
Another Century’s Episode Portable
Games working on PSP 3001 with 6.20 TN-C
Macross Ultimate Frontier
Macross Triangle Frontier
Tales of VS
Gundam VS Gundam Next Plus
more to come in a while
emmm….does psp3000 6.31pro can play w gundam vs gundam next plus & bleahc soul carnival ? which firmware can play this ? cuz these is my favourite game TT
Chances are yes. Gundam vs Gundam Next Plus is working even with 5.50 GEN-D3
emm…does 6.35 pro a can play gundam vs gundam next plus ?urgent now …..
wht u mean by chances are yes ? do u mean 100% can play or 50 to 50 can play ?
why i cant play the gundam vs gundam next plus with my 6.31pro ? is it the shop game gundam vs gundam next plus solfware got problem ?
Are you using an unpatched ISO? Also make sure that you aren’t using the M33 driver to load the game.
wht u mean by unpatched iso ? how can i check?
An unpatched ISO is a direct dump of the UMD. This is usually indicated from where you got the iso/cso file.
can 6.31pro play gundam vs gundam next plus? cuz these is my favourite game
But somehow my macross Triangle Frontier aint working for mine 6.20 TN-C P.ISO Loader =( why is that so?
Check if your copy of the game is untouched.
its patched so does that mean i need to look for an untouch
Yep, you really need an untouched ISO
Coded Arms.cso – not working on 6.35 HEN, PSP 2003.
6.35 pro-a is released now… it should have more compatible isos than 6.35 pro
Already posted:
then how i play gundam vs gundam next plus on 6.31pro with promethues iso loader… does gundam extreme vs release?
plz reply sylv3rblade… to play fifa 11 on psp 2000 cfw 6.20 tn-c with promethues iso loader…
I can’t play Burnout Legends on 6.35 PRO!
Hey,Guys!! Tales of Eternia should work on 6.35 Pro-A
Nfs 5.1.0 works perfectly on 3004 with 6.35 PRO-A2
Angry birds too
Death Jr. works on 6.35 PRO-A.Use ISO,because CSO will freeze the game after the intro
Midnight Club LA remix did’nt working….
NFS carbon… not working
NFS MW…. not working
prinny 2 working on 3006 6.20 tn-b
-ace combant: joint assault (us/no x2: Joint assault which is the jp version/clean iso)
-Metal gear acid 2 (clean iso)
both us version work on my psp 3001 (black/red) Hen 6.35pro.
-Megaman Hunter X(cso/us)
-Megaman powered up(iso/us)
-SBK 08 superbike world championship(iso/euro)
psp 3001 (black/red) on Hen 6.35pro
RainBow Six Vegas works on 6.35 Pro A1-A3
Crush works fine on 6.31 PRO. However, Burnout Legends shuts down the psp…
The online play for Socom FTB3 Works on 6.35 Pro A1-A3
how did u get socom 3 to work i have the 6.35 pro a1?
looks like I need to retest some of the games as some of them work perfectly with the isofs_500.prx :/
does monster hunter 3 work with 6.31pro ????
Hi ^^
I’ ve tryed these games ^^
Yu gi oh tag force 4 – WORKING (EUR)
Assassin’s creed – working (EUR)
Star Wars Force Unleashed – Working (EUR)
FF: Crisis Core – Working (EUR)
Crash Bandicoot: mind over mutants – WORKING (EUR)
Medievil: NOT WORKING (Q_Q) (EUR)
Lord Of Arcana: NOT WORKING (i’ve tryed the EUR version – COMPLEX… im’gonna tryin’ the USA :S)
PSP: 3004 hen pro 6.35
Ys: oath in felghana not working in 6.35 PSP Go
flOw work…
angry birds, flow, and worms open warfare working on psp 3001 tn-c
Rockband Unpluged USA. cso Works perfectly on my psp 3000.
How did you get it to work? Mine hangs and restarts (psp 3004 with hen 6.31 pro) You’re using prometheus loader right (not cfw)?
Do you have any other iso games in the folder or it’s just the rockband?
*For Updating’s Sake*
Im using ‘6.20_TN-C_Hen’ ::
And managed to work:
(O) Twinkle Crusaders -Starlit Brave- ^_^
[I tested one battle with Rin&Saber @.@]
(O) Valkyria Chronicles III -Unrecorded Chronicles- :]
[I tested one free-mission at month 6 ‘died’]
I was Not playing seriously. <.<
(O) Ore no Imouto Maker EX portable.
[Just tested a few dialogues <,<]
I didn't test Twinkle Crusader Go Go by the way or the normal Oreimo Portable.
And yes.. they are all Japanese version of course.
I have a question though.
Regarding Monster Hunter Third, I played it a bit, but in the list it's says, it presents some problems, can someone explain this more "Explicit" please? , Thank You.
Thanks for the share.
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd is problematic because not all Prometheus ISO loader installations have the proper prx to run it :/
Remember that, for some reason, some games work for some systems. Try, if you want, the new 6.35 pro-B, probably this version fix some problems with monster hunter, gundam games, dead or alive paradise, ace combat joint assult, etc. With this pro-B, you can play custom eboots of psx games (this realy works, now i can play Strider 2 wherever i want).
Confirmed working on 6.20 TN-C w/ PSP-Go:
Atari Classics
Gradius Collection
Initial D Street Stage (JPN)
Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble
Puyo Pop Fever (JPN)
Ridge Racer
Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny
Toca Race Driver 2
**Atari Classics – Evolved
I have PSP 3001 v6.31 Pro
Fight Night 3
Colin McRae Dirt 2
Let’s Golf!
Gti Club Supermini Festa
Dont Work
Buzz Concurso De Bolsillo
Hot Shots Golf Open Tee
Dont Work PSP 3001 6.20 TN-C
Twisted Metal Head On
Pinball Hall of Fame
GTA Liberty City Stories
Wipeout Pure
Darkstalkers Chronicle the Chaos Tower
BURNOUT LEGENDS European version (.cso) ISN’T WORKING ON MY PSP-3001 6.20 TN-C PROMETHEUS ISO LOADER(v 0.1)….the loader freezes and crashes…I’ve tried to run it in both mods-Np960 and M33 driver…
PLZ remove it from WORKING list !
Working In PSP 3004 TN D
Assassins Creed(ISO)
Avatar- The Legend AAng (CSO)
Spiderman II (ISO)
NFS Carbon And Own The City (ISO)
Not Working
NFS Mostwanted
Prince OF Persia (ISO) — Getting Crashed While Loading …
WWE-2011 don’t work, psp 3001 6.20tn-c.
Royal rumble game crashing, battle royal, 6 man matches…
Confirmed working games for me under TN-D:
God of War ghost of sparta
Ridge Racer 1,2
Naruto Shipudden Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3
Syphon Filter (Logan’s Shadow)
All versions of NBA Live
versions of 2k games (2k10 2k11)
Nba inside 2010
Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX
Tales of the World Radiant Mythology
Tekken 6
the sims 2
Unbound Saga
Undead Knights
UFC Undisputed 2010
Valkyria Chronicles 2
WWE Smack Down Vs Raw 2011
Zombie Tycoon
Ridge Racers 1,2
Sheperds Crossing 2
Silent Hill Shattered Dreams
Viewtiful Joe Red Hot Rumble
Lego Indiana Jones 2 The Adventure Continues
F1 2009
Hero Of Sparta
Def Jam Fight for NY The Takeover
Fight Nights Round 3
Final Fantasy (Dissidia)
GTA (Vice City Stories)
GTA (LIberty Stories)
Naruto Shippuden Legends (Akatsuki Rising)
Rocky Balboa
SOCOM – Fireteam Bravo
Now pls update the above list because a lot of games are working. ^.^
Wow quite an extensive list, thanks for the update
madden 11 works with 6.35 pro b!!!
Dissidia 012 works
does it work on tn-b
Do you have all the list of working RPGs for PSP? thanks…
Confirmed work under v6.31 3001 without any kind of hack
Need for speed most wanted
You have to use iso2eboot and sign your file.
God of War Ghost of Sparta WORKS!!!!
PSP-3001 6.2 TN-D
God of War Ghost of Sparta(CSO)
NFS Shift
Assasin’s Creed Bloodlines
Tehra Dark Warrior
Ben10 Allien Force
NFS Undercover
GTA Chinatown Wars
Transformers Revenge of The Fallen
Dragonball Z Shin Budokai
God of War CHAINS OF OLYMPUS-(plz remove it from Working list)
Burnout Paradise Legends
@k12lop, God of War Chain of Olympus is working. Maybe the copy of your GOWCOO is below 1 gig…make sure that the game is actually 1 gig or higher..
6.20 HEN TN-D permanent patch:
MHP3 actually isn’t working; it freezes after the first 3 min
Confirmed Working…
Jikanda: The Timeless Land.
(Confirmed working by NitrogenUA)
kamen rider climax heroes ooo does not work
can i addd a gaame to the list cuz miami vice iso works perfectly fine on my 6.35PRO psp 3001
Try using the CFW 6.35 PRO-B3. Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley and Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky works there. I’ve tested it on my PSP 3006 6.35 PRO-B3. Credits to Liquidzigong for this CFW
psp 3004 6.20 pro-b4
Almost all games are working
I use Prometheus 6.2 TN-B for my PSP 3000, and GODS EATER BURST works fine for me so far!
Prometheus ISO Loader
On PSP Go 6.35
Working Great!!!
Patapon 2 US
Dissidia 012
God of War Ghost of Sparta
Star Wars Clone Wars
Final Fantasy Crisis Core
God Eater Burst
Following games are working on my PSP-3004 with 6.35 Pro (Sukkiri Demo + Prometheus ISO Loader) ::
Def Jam Takeover.cso
Fifa 11.cso
Hot Wheels.cso
The Warriors.cso
Smack Down vs Raw 10.cso
Brian Lara International Cricket 2007.cso
Not working::
Prince Of Persia Rival Swords.cso [183 MB]
Marvel Nemesis Rise of the Imperfects [EUR].cso
1. Prince Of Persia Rival Swords []
2. Tekken 6 Usa-Fix.iso
3. UFC 2010 .MaU..cso
Not Working:
Prince Of Persia The Forgotten Sands.cso (can anyone provide a working link)
Tested with: PSP-3004, 6.35 Pro (Sukkiri+Prometheus) Firmware
fifa 11 aint working on 6.39 pro-b6
6.39 Pro-B6 doesn’t use the prometheus ISO loader
Persona 3 Portable hangs after new game.
PSP 2000 5.50 Prometheus/6.20 Pro b5/6.20 TN-E
PSP 1000 Gen D Full
Legend of Heroes TITS crashes on certain part of game constantly
PSP 2000 5.50 Prometheus/6.20 Pro b5/6.20 TN-E
PSP 1000 Gen D Full
assassins creed bloodlines finished in psp 3300 v6.35.. iso file…
-NHL 07(cso)
-SBK 09(iso)
–Monster Hunter Portable 3rd* (iso) (clean iso/ englihs patch)
Tested on psp 3001 black/red with HEN 6.35 & prometheus iso loader.
*it need a filed named “isofs_500.prx” inside the loader folder
if i may ask, where did you manage to get a copy of mhp3rd patched? i cant seem to locate it anywhere. your help would be greatly appreciated
Have you tried this?
does pokemon white or/black working in ISO?
The sims 2 cso can’t working
angry birds confimed working-psp go 6.31 pro
Confirmed Working with psp 3001 6.20 Tn -C
toy story 3
Angry Birds
ghost recon advanced war fighter 2 works
hey how do i run tekken 6? when i run it its just black and nothing happens..
Tested on 6.20 TN-B Hen for PSP 3001
Assassin’s Creed Bloodlines
Def Jam Fight for NY The Takeover (ISO and CSO)
Family Guy The Video Game
Flatout Out Head On
God Of War Ghost of Sparta
Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories
Michael Jackson The Experience
Mortal Kombat Unchained
NBA 2K11
NBA Live 09
Spider Man Friend or Foe
Spider Man Web Of Shadows
Tekken 6
The Simpsons Game
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 (EUR)
Doesn’t Work
NBA Live 10 (Plays a little then randomly freezes)
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell (Goes to the Loading Please Wait Screen and Goes Nowhere)
For the NBA 2K11 the version that I’m playing is the Chinese Version. Only one I could fine.
Also DBZ Tag Team does not work.
With Prometheus Iso Loader, and TN-E, Smackdown vs RAW 2011 freezes as you try and start the match in week 6 of the created wrestler, Road to Wrestlemania.
Confirmed working with 6.35 HEN!
Assassin’s Creed Bloodlines CSO, 120MB (only with english language and removed unneeded data)
Sorry, forgot to write that I have PSP 2003 – Assassin’s Creed Bloodlines CSO (120 MB english language, removed other languages and unneeded data) works with 6.35 HEN.
Sorry for double comment
Hey, I’m confirming that 50 Cent: Bulletproof works good on my PSP 2003 with 6.35 HEN. This is CSO and it has 188 MB.
But! In menu, when I went to G – Unit Mobile and selected Videos and tried to launch one, PSP freezed and turned off.