Prometheus-3 for 5.00 M33, 5.03 GEN-C and 5.50 GEN-D3
For those looking to play the latest PSP games that require 6.31 OFW on your favorite custom firmware but can’t due to the new firmware requirement, Chinese hacker liquidzigong has updated his Prometheus module to Prometheus-3.
Now if you’re not sure if what this add on does, here’s the changelog:
Improves the compatibility of CF with the latest games that require the official firmware 6.30/6.31
Important Note: Prometheus-4 is now available for people who want to play Monster Hunter Portable 3rd.
Important Note: This release is currently Prometheus-3 v2.
Here’s the Prometheus-3 add-on for each of the popular CFW for the PSP:
Prometheus-3 for 5.00 M33
Requires: 5.00 M33
Download: Prometheus-3 for 5.00 M33
Prometheus-3 for 5.03 GEN-C
Requires: 5.03 GEN-C
Download: Prometheus-3 for 5.03 GEN-C
Prometheus-3 for 5.50 GEN-D3
Requires: 5.50 GEN-D3
Download: Prometheus-3 for 5.50 GEN-D3
Please note that you need the required firmware to be installed before getting the modules on your PSP.
To install:
- Extract the zip archive for your custom firmware
- copy the Prometheus folder into X:PSP/GAME/ (that’s your Memory Stick)
- Run the installer from the XMB and then hit X to start the installer
If you’re already on the Prometheus module, simply follow the instructions above and it will overwrite the Prometheus module installed on your system.
Tags: 5.00 Prometheus, 5.03 Prometheus, 5.50 Prometheus, How to install 5.00 M33 Prometheus, How to install 5.03 GEN-C Prometheus, How to install 5.50 GEN-D3 Prometheus, Prometheus-3
1) Ano po yung mas latest? Itong Prometheus-3 v2 or 5.03 Prometheus v4?
2) Ano po yung mas recommended niyo na ilagay?
Mas bago ang Prometheus-3 v2, Prometheus v4 is version 4 of the original Prometheus module
quick question:
>will prome-3 work on kh bbs umd, should i stick to prome-2 instead? or does the game(kh bbs) not work in umd for cfws?
(i havent been in the hacking scene for a long time now, so i dont know whats what anymore)
thanks for the help.
Yep, the game will work with Prometheus-3
i have 5.50 Prometheus v4 right now.
how to install this new Add-on?
Just follow the instructions, it’ll overwrite the old Prometheus module you have installed.
does it support homebrews and plug-ins specially game categories? what about pops? oh and emulators too. Are they all supported? btw im using psp3004 5.03 gen-c! can it play spectral vs generation [eur]? thanks for taking the time answering my questions.
Does Prometheus get deactivated when the PSP is fully turned off like in GEN-C?
What’s your firmware? 5.03?
Yep I’m on 5.03 GEN-C.
I found my answer to my own question, yep, once the PSP is fully turned off, you have to undergo:
ChickHEN R2 > 5.03 GEN-C > Prome-3 v2
Not that it’s bad though, I actually prefer the ChickHEN method over the permanent CFW because theoretically, it’s impossible to brick the PSP3K with ChickHEN, unless of course you do something stupid.
Yep but the advantage of a permanent CFW is that if you get bricked, there’s still a Pandora battery to save you :).
Enjoy your PSP 
Kudos to your successful installation though
Hey, I just upgrade it following your instruction. Thanks to you, I can play all games I can’t play on GEN-D3. Now the problem is, before I upgraded to Prometheus and can play DW: Strikeforce. After I upgraded to Prome-3 I can’t play Strikefore. Help?
That’s the usual problem with the PSP’s cfw scene, incompatibility with older games.
Instead of trying to downgrade, either look for a PATCHED version of DW:Strike force or download a copy of ISOTool and patch it yourself.
Oh and v4 is out. I might as well update the links
so if mine PSP wiht 5.50 Prome-2 i need to upgrade it to prome-3?
Only if you want to play games that don’t currently work with prome-3 (newer games that is)
Hey man ur instuction i did sucessfully 5.03 prome-3..and i cant play smackdown 11…help me if i did some thing wrong and like which games i can play with this firmware…
i waited…no reply..plz reply..
try prome-4
Crap, liquidzigong has quit the PSP scene due to legal issues with SONY and CAPCOM.
sir pa update naman lahat ng links gen d3
thanks sir
Erm active naman ung link for Prome-3 for 5.50 GEN-D3:
which is better prome-3 or prome-4? is prome-4, same as prome v4? confusing… tnx..
You can think of Prometheus v4 as version 1.4. Prometheus-3 is 3.0.
“Is prome-4, same as prome v4?”
I believe Prome-4 is Prometheus 4.0 (the version after Prome-3v2) and Prome v4 is actually Prometheus 1.4.
Heck, I wish Liquidzigong would’ve stuck with Prome-1.4, Prome-3.2 and Prome-4. Makes things a lot less confusing. XD
Yes, that is actually the case. Prome -4 is Prome v 4.0 and prome v4 is 1.4
Haha you should include that explanation in your Prome articles Sylv3r. Lots of people actually get lost in the Prome version names.
which is better? 5.50 GEN D3 or 5.50 Prome-4? and what’s the difference between those 2?
The Prometheus is just an add-on for 5.50 GEN-D3.
so yung mga plugins ng 5.50 GEN-D3 ay compatible parin po sa Prometheus 3?
such as: screen capturing etc..? tama po ba?
add-on lang ang prometheus so it won’t interfere with other plugins.
I have psp 1000 5.5 gen-D3 (PHAT) so if i upgrade to prome-4, would all my games still be working as they were on gen D3? what kind of add-on is it?is it better?
Prome-4 is basically prome-3 patched to work with Monster Hunter Portable 3rd so yes, your games will still work.
1 more thing. is gen D3 somehow related to prome? it was said that prome can be called like gen D4 i’m not sure. and looking at the previous posts, wont it cause incompatibility wif other older games? quite confusing… pls help. nid to confirm as its a bit of long process to use pandora and magicstick to change back.
The prometheus module is an add on to permanent CFWs. It’ll allow you to play games that require 6.xx OFW and above.
sounds like it wont affect the game compatibility of the previous cfw before installing prome 4….since like u said its an add-on… am I correct? thx for the help.
The only possible problem is if you decide to upgrade (to 6.xx) in the future as you may end up with corrupt saves but not to worry, we have a fix for that.
If it is like tat then thx. I’ll consider about the update since i’m afraid save files won’t work & i would have to hunt for the fix like gen d3. & since yoshi left the psp scene too, there wont be gen updates anymore do i gotta change so tat i can play games requiring high firmware.
sorry guys I am so newbie here and just installed everything. I have loaded an CSO game in my MEM:/PSP/GAME/ and yet it’s not loading. anyone?
You loaded it in the wrong place, MEM:/ISO
Sir question lang po. If gamitin ko po ba yung Prom add on magagamit ko pa rin yung mga saves ko for older games like dissidia012, disgaea AoD? Possible pa rin po bang bumalik sa older firmware after adding this? My current firmware is 5.00m33-6. I really wanted to play mhp3rd
Yep, wala naman modification yung Prome. It just adds another layer of compatibility for the PSP. You’ll need Prome-4 for MHP3rd. Download it here.
Thanks po sa reply.. One question lang po. after applying this or prom-4, will it be indicated in the psp that the version changed or basically this is just an add on to play games that requires latest cfw? If nagpalit po ba yung version, how do you get back to 5.00m33-6? Thanks po ulit.
It’s just an add-on, technically same firmware pa rin before you install prometheus. Kung gusto mo magrevert to non-prome, for 5.00 M33, you need a pandora battery to reflash, for 5.50 GEN-D3, just rerun the XGEN Updater.
I see..I’m about to install prom-4 add on, pero eto na lang po last concern ko, if I wanted to upgrade to another firmware i.e 5.50 Gen D3 or 6.00 and above firmware while this is in effect, will the process of upgrading be the same? Sorry po kung marami ako question. Thanks po ng marami.
Yep, kung firmware update walang kaso kasi maooverwrite yung prome.
what if iam on 5.55 version is it ok to use prome