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Starcraft 2 BETA unable to load map error

If you’ve been playing the Starcraft II BETA offline or Starcraft 2 BETA vs AI or even just playing Starcraft 2 BETA replays, you might have encountered the “Unable to load map error.” There’s several reasons as to why this error triggers but the usual case is that you’ve just installed a new patch (the patch for Starcraft II BETA is currently at patch 8) and the maps you’re using aren’t compatible with it.

The solution is quite simple but requires some tinkering with directories on your computer. If you’re not comfortable with that, don’t worry, I’ll guide you every step of the way.

The very first thing you need to do is to download these two files:
Blizzard’s Official Map pack
Working Cache archive

The first file contains Blizzard’s official maps for Starcraft II BETA. If you’re playing using a loader based on lazylauncher (like Starcrack’s) chances are your maps are modified hence the incompatibility.
The second file is a copy of the cache for the game that sits in the application folder. You’ll need this to replace the files that have been modified during your loader’s installation.

Ok, that’s it for the introduction, let’s get started.

How to fix Starcraft 2 BETA’s “unable to load map” error

  • Make sure your copy of Starcraft 2 BETA is up-to-date (latest patch version is 8). If you’re not sure, just run the main program for Starcraft 2 BETA and let it finish patching.
  • Once you’re sure that your game is patched, locate the cache folder in the following directories:
    In Vista/7

    C:\Users\[your username]\AppData\Local\Blizzard Entertainment\

    In XP

    C:\Documents and Settings\[your username]\Local Settings\Application Data\Local\Blizzard Entertainment\

  • DELETE the contents of cache folder
  • Extract the Working Cache archive file inside the cache folder
  • Extract the Blizzard’s Official Map pack file inside the cache\maps folder
  • Your Starcraft 2 BETA should be working fine now regardless of whether your playing offline and against AI opponents or just watching replays.

Important: This solution was provided by vernam7 of StarCrack AllinOne

If you have any sugggestions, post them in the comments 🙂

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