Atma Xplorer

Xploring Games, Computing, Photography

Install PSP Custom Firmware 5.03 GEN-B via ChickHEN R2

The release of Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-D gave hackable PSPs the ability to play PSP games that require 5.55 ofw and up without the need to patch the game.  This is now available to non-hackable PSPs via custom firmware 5.03 GEN-B with the same ability to decrypt games on the fly, allowing you to play games that PSPs that have 5.50 GEN-D can.  Interested yet?  Read on 😀

Update: This guide is sorely outdated.  If you please refer to this new guide instead : Install Signed 5.03 Hen + 5.03 GEN-C on your PSP.  It’s much simpler to follow and will help you install 5.03 GEN-C and the Prometheus-4 module.

Important Notes:

This guide is for non-hackable PSPs. (PSP-3000 / PSP-2000 TA-088v3).  If you’re not sure what PSP you have, please read: Is my PSP hackable?

On this guide, we will help install 5.03 GEN-B on your PSP. There is no danger of bricking your PSP unless you deviate from the instructions listed below. Unlike custom firmware for hackable PSPs, the danger of bricking your PSP-3000 / PSP-2000 TA-088v3 is quite real. If you’re not sure about a step, take the time to post a question.

Do note that if you have official firmware 5.50 or higher installed, stop now. You can’t install the chickHen hack which means you can’t install 5.03 GEN-B.


  • A PSP-3000 or PSP-2000 with TA-088v3 motherboard.
  • A PSP with ChickHen R2 up and running
  • Download: 5.03 GEN-B
  • Back up your save files (so that if they get corrupted, you still have backups)

How to Install Custom Firmware 5.03 GEN-B for ChickHEN

ChickHen R2Before you proceed to installing custom firmware 5.03 GEN-C, you need to install ChickHen R2 on your PSP first. Just click the picture on the right to install ChickHen R2 and comeback here to finish the installation.

How to Install 5.03 GEN-B

  • Make sure your PSP has ChickHen R2 installed. You won’t be able to install 5.03 GEN-B without it.
  • Extract the 5.03 GEN-B files to your computer.
  • Copy the PSP folder to your PSP’s memory stick. (Yes, just drag the whole folder there)
  • Disconnect the PSP from USB
  • Run 5.03 GEN-B Updater from under Game on your PSP’s XMB
  • After all process is complete, press X. Your PSP will reboot.
  • Congratulations, you’ve just installed 5.03 GEN-B.

Important Note: If this is NOT the first time that you’ll be install 5.03 GEN-B (meaning you accidentally turned off your PSP and had to reload 5.03 GEN-A -> 5.03 GEN-B again), hold the L trigger (Left shoulder button) when running the updater.


  • Compatible with the PSP-3000 and PSP-2000 v3 official firmware 5.03
  • Play backups of games REQUIRE PSP firmware above 5.03, including 6.xx Play backups of games REQUIRE PSP firmware above 5.03, including 6.xx
  • Reading UMD that REQUIRE firmware above 5.03, including 6.xx Playing UMD REQUIRE firmware above 5.03, including 6.xx
  • Reading UMD / ISO games protected against the custom firmware. Playing UMD / ISO games protected against the custom firmware.
  • Play PS1 games
  • GEN VSH MENU available (SELECT)
  • Recovery in VSH Recovery available in VSH available
  • Reading Reading Homebrews


  • MGS demo refuses to run
  • VSH menu is mixed up


If you experience problems like non-working games, or games that give the error “game could not be started” try the following:
Make sure your UMD mode is set to M33 driver

  • On your XMB, press select, to access the VSH menu
  • Select M33 driver for the UMD mode option as shown below:

Disable options

  • Go to the recovery menu
  • Go to advance setting > disable all options
  • Your games will be playable now

If you’re experiencing trouble (and yes, a lot of people are having trouble running ChickHen) try these:

All this is thanks to GENyUS and

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Comments ( 164 )

Have Something To Say ?

  1. wooncinghsian WOONCH November 3, 2009 Reply

    One of my PSP game just crash, and my PSP is back to official firmware 5.03. But when I tried to reinstall 5.03 GEN-B, nothing happens, it just remain at 5.03 GEN-A. Can anyone help me?

  2. orasngkatahimikan kiel November 3, 2009 Reply

    help pls i installed 5.03 gen B but i still cant play my iso games.. when i selected 1 game my screen goes blank..

  3. kaushi_incrediblehulk kaushik November 3, 2009 Reply

    I wanted to install the GEN-A 5.03 but I can’t open the Launch -Me (GUI) it shows: The application failed to initialize properly(0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application. Please send the winzip file to my e-mail adress!

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 3, 2009 Reply

      You can’t install 5.03 because you already have 5.51 >_> you can’t downgrade without a pandora battery.

  4. misiakr misiakr November 3, 2009 Reply

    i’ve done chickhen, i’ve installed gen-a and when i’m trying to install gen-b i get message- now reboot in 5.03 gen-b firmware. psp is rebooting, and i got gen-a LOL

  5. nakoreka nako November 4, 2009 Reply

    Same problem.Pls help.

    “One of my PSP game just crash, and my PSP is back to official firmware 5.03. But when I tried to reinstall 5.03 GEN-B, nothing happens, it just remain at 5.03 GEN-A

    -I formatted my Pro Stick Card and followed the same path that you wrote to install chicken+Gen-a+Gen-b, but I cannot install Gen-b now. I can just install Gen-A.!!!

  6. kaushi_incrediblehulk kaushik November 4, 2009 Reply

    Look I’ve two psp’s, one is mine and the other one’s my brother’s, mine is 5.03, I installed chickHEN R2 , I zipped the gen-a folder to my desktop but when I double-clicked on the ‘launch-me (GUI)’ it shows: the application failed to initialize properly(0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application.

  7. xsaturn1218 Ron November 5, 2009 Reply

    Hi I was finally able to install up to Gen B but I cannot play any game. It always give me this error:

    The game could not be started. (80020321)

    Please help.

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 5, 2009 Reply

      Change your UMD mode to M33 driver (press select to display the VSH menu)

  8. firepower Gbi November 5, 2009 Reply

    “when I tried to reinstall 5.03 GEN-B, nothing happens, it just remain at 5.03 GEN-A. Can anyone help me?” detto

  9. j.seelinkit Jeff November 6, 2009 Reply

    if i place the psp folder on the root of my memcard, it will overwrite the existing PSP folder on my card

  10. sosobreda Agst November 6, 2009 Reply

    Same thing here, i had 5.03 gen-B updated, it worked great.
    Then i rebooted my psp 3000, i upgraded it again to 5.03 gen-A, and now when i try to run the 5.03 gen-B updater it only gives me this message: “now reboot your psp in cfw 5.03gen-b”
    then its still on 5.03 gen-A.

    Looks like the upgrade only works one time!

  11. sosobreda Agst November 6, 2009 Reply

    help any1?

  12. steve_lyon sTv November 6, 2009 Reply

    I had the same problem. Just copy the 5.03GEN-B folder contained within the downloaded PSP>GAME folder into the already existing PSP>GAME folder on the PSP and it works.

  13. bakkachan Mechanics November 7, 2009 Reply

    i’m pretty new @ this stuff,i just got myself a PSP3000 and managed to install 5.03 Gen-B by following your instructions..

    My problem is that I would like to play PSX games on it and i found that Popsloader existed. Everywhere i looked for,they said it was only for M33 users.

    I’d like to know if Popsloader exist for Gen-B 5.03 anf if yes, how to install it such that the PSX eboots play fine.

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 7, 2009 Reply

      Yep. Just be sure to look for POPs for GEN.

      • bakkachan Mechanics November 8, 2009 Reply

        i did look for it but nearly most of all tutorials i’ve found involve turning off my psp and holding the R button for 5 seconds while rebooting…as far as i know, chickHEN R2 will be gone if i do so.
        If you know of a good tutorial,feel free to share the link. i’ve read cheema’s guide,it was a bit difficult to follow

        as i see that you’ve written some great tutorials, if it’s possible, i’d wish you write one SPECIFICALLY for gen-b and psp 3000 users on how to install popsloader, how it works and how to play PSX eboots on them taking into account that we,psp3000 users,cannot reboot our psp

        if that’s not possible without rebooting,i’ll cry 🙁

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 8, 2009

          Err.. *sigh* I’ll write one when I get back home tonight. And I’ll upload the necessary files for you as well.

        • bakkachan Mechanics November 8, 2009

          a great thanks to you 🙂
          you’ll have my eternal gratitude :p

  14. j.seelinkit Jeff November 7, 2009 Reply

    another question, if i accidentaly restarted or turned off my psp, it would go back to ofw right? should i again run chickHEN r2 and install 5.03 gen-a before going to gen-b all over?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 7, 2009 Reply

      Yep. Though a lot of people seem to be having problems with getting GEN-A -> GEN-B to work. You should try ChickHen -> GEN-B if you encounter problems.

  15. artiz563 Arthur November 7, 2009 Reply

    One of my PSP game just crash, and my PSP is back to official firmware 5.03. But when I tried to reinstall 5.03 GEN-B, nothing happens, it just remain at 5.03 GEN-A

    -I formatted my Pro Stick Card and followed the same path that you wrote to install chicken+Gen-a+Gen-b, but I cannot install Gen-b now. I can just install Gen-A.!!!

    The same thing happend to me, i cant install gen b now, can u please help?

    • artiz563 Arthur November 7, 2009 Reply


    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 7, 2009 Reply

      Try installing ChickHen -> GEN-B (skipping GEN-A)

  16. up.n.down171 SDA_171 November 8, 2009 Reply

    for those who tried re-installing Gen-b n didnt work

    n Works lik a charm……………

  17. silly1 Jeff Dunham November 8, 2009 Reply

    I skip the GenA part and go ChickHen -> GenB. Works Great.

  18. unkdru UnclePSP November 9, 2009 Reply

    I have 5.03 GEN-B (Full) installed and running. Only thing left is to get popsloder. I’ve searched around but all I’ve found are for m33/cfwe and 5.50 GEN. I was going to try the one for 5.50 GEN, but just want to make sure before I go and brick my PSP. I noticed you had an earlier post about writing up a guide with the necessary files. If you have done so already, may I please have the topic/link?

  19. abbottpotter pumice November 9, 2009 Reply

    is it possible if 5.03 GEN-B can’t play certain games that can be played at 5.50 GEN-D2?
    ’cause I’ve downloaded a japanese game and someone who uploaded it said she tested it on 5.50 GEN-D2 and it was working.
    but it’s not working on my 5.03 GEN-B.
    is there anyway I could make it run on 5.03 GEN-B?

  20. ffberetta Fabio November 12, 2009 Reply

    I have installed the CFE via Chicken HEN R2 instaed of 5.03 GEN-A, I’ d like to know if I can also install the 5.03 GEN-B, if the answers is no, what can I do to play games 5.55 ofw. Thanks a lot for your help. Fabio

  21. jfortune0620 jfortune November 13, 2009 Reply

    Hey sylv3rblade nice info here.
    I just pulled out my original psp (launch day model) after a long break…it currently has DA 3.03 OE-C…what would be my plan of action to get my psp up to date?
    thanks in advance

  22. b0on_b0on KianBoon November 13, 2009 Reply

    Hold L butten while u press the 5.03 gen-b update

  23. jfortune0620 jfortune November 13, 2009 Reply

    sounds good thanks a lot

  24. rise2power101 Datdude November 14, 2009 Reply

    i try to update to gen-d .im currently using gen-b .when i run the update for gen-d my screen goes black and stays black. what am i doing wrong. I have the update folder in the X:psp/game folder and the 5.50 pbp in the root menu of my memory stick.

  25. bigabuga Petros November 15, 2009 Reply

    Hope someone can help me!

    I have a psp 3000 and had installed 5.03 GEN-A.
    Then GEN-B came out and i formatted my memory stick. Then Copied the Gen B folder, chicken R2, etc… the hole deal, BUT…
    after running it, and after it does the patch and all, in the system info it says 5.03 GEN-A (full). I can play some games, but others i can’t and others don’t even appear!
    Am i doing something wrong???

    Please someone help me! Hope you can help me sylv3rblade! All help is welcome!

  26. fishbone10 iceice November 15, 2009 Reply

    pareng atma xplorer….5.03 gen-a po ung psp 3k ko…..kung uupgrade q ba sa GEN-b….gagana na ba ung mga games (nba 10, naruto shipuuden)? o kelangan parin eboot patcher?? thx!

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 15, 2009 Reply

      Yep. Inde na need na ipatch. Just copy pasta na lang

  27. junk10 mike November 17, 2009 Reply

    Im not sure if you have tried this but it worked for me, after updating from GEN-A to GEN-B I turned off the psp by mistake… to restore GEN-B you just have to load Chickhen and then to “activate” GEN-B you only have to go to XMB-GAME and choose INSTALLER-LOADER and when it asks you to flash the firmware just press O and it will load GEN-B without any problems

  28. jmdaccess08 jmd November 18, 2009 Reply

    Hi, i need help again. Now my System Software is 5.03 GEN-B (Full) but every time i play a game, its says “The game could not be started. (80020321)”

    Help please? 🙁

  29. xhai273 xhai November 18, 2009 Reply

    excuse poh.. safe b gawing gen-a ung psp 2k k ta088ve mobo.. coz last time i try it black screen ung psp k pero nka on… kya pingwa k n replace ng new mobo. it hurts kz mhal pll hlp me tnx.

  30. jarhead JAce November 23, 2009 Reply

    Hi, i need help again. Now my System Software is 5.03 GEN-B (Full) but every time i play a game, its says “The game could not be started. (80020321)”

    Help please?

  31. ryome_jm jay ehm November 25, 2009 Reply


    my psp is series 3000… i accidentally flashed it twice and… i think i messed up the vsh… i cant open the vsh menu… any ways to open the vsh menu again?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 26, 2009 Reply

      Just turn off your PSP (to unload chickhen) and repeat the steps to install 5.03 GEN-B again.

      • ryome_jm jay ehm November 29, 2009 Reply

        What if po… kung may na delete akong file accidentally sa Files… tpos… di na lumabas kht na re-install ko na ung gen-b… ayaw na talaga mag bukas ng CSH menu ih

  32. hctusa Gabs November 27, 2009 Reply

    Thanks! Tekken 6 is now working properly under GEN-B!

    • reyesphilip philip November 28, 2009 Reply

      what did you do man?

      • hctusa Gabs November 28, 2009 Reply

        I just followed the instructions to the letter. Loaded ChickHEN, first installed Gen-A using the GUI installer, then installed Gen-B by copying the folder to PSP/GAME. Next I loaded Gen-A to patch, then Gen-B, then ran Tekken 6. Presto! It works!

  33. jaldingonzalo Lionheart November 27, 2009 Reply

    i ried installing GEN-B and it erased my cfw and i had to install chickHEN again..

  34. leo_lohano mahesh November 28, 2009 Reply

    i have psp 2003 firmware 5.03 gen b installed when i run games it show psp portable icon and then show red screen then game start tell me this is happening
    and can i update my psp in 5.50gen a?
    how i know my psp model is v3 or v2 or v1?
    reply me on my email adress my email is

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 29, 2009 Reply

      When you see the red screen before a PSP game loads, it means that it’s being decrypted to work for your firmware. Without, you need to manually patch games for it to work but with 5.03 GEN-B it’s automatically done for you.

      So yeah, it’s normal. Also v3, v2 and v1? Or are you referring to PSP-1000, -2000 and -3000 respectively?

  35. roizy_daocin_0808 kazaket November 29, 2009 Reply

    bat po ung akin na copy ku na po sa iso folder (ex. Naruto Shippuden Akatsuki Rising) ku tapos po pag punta ku sa games ku wla namn pong lumilitaw n games icon pwde pong tel me wat prob.??

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 29, 2009 Reply

      Anong ang format ng file ng game (.iso or cso) at ano ang firmware ng PSP mo?

  36. roizy_daocin_0808 kazaket November 29, 2009 Reply

    ISO ung format ng game.. tapos 5.03 GEN B (FULL) firmware ng psp ko..tnx po sa mabilis n reply

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 29, 2009 Reply

      Hmm sure ka na nasa X:\ISO ung folder? (X ung drive na nakikita ng PC mo ung PSP mo). Lahat ng games na sinubukan mo ayaw?

  37. leo_lohano mahesh November 29, 2009 Reply

    hey type in english

  38. leo_lohano mahesh November 29, 2009 Reply

    but if i run same game in psp in firmware 5.03 gen a there is no any such type of red screen why this is diffence b/w gen a and gen b?
    & can i update my psp 2003 date code 7d
    in psp firmware 5.50 gen a + gen b?
    it may brake my psp or my psp will work with 5.50?
    reply me in english

  39. leo_lohano Mahesh November 29, 2009 Reply

    i checkd my psp motherboard type is 02g
    psp slim v1.0
    and ta-085
    is it hackable ?
    i have already installed 5.03 gen b
    i want to upgrade it to 5.50gen a
    i think it is hackable
    1st time when i bought psp it has firmware 5.03
    i hacked it from one shop
    i asked to shopkeeper tht 5.50gen a will install on it or not he said it may brake ur psp
    so wht i have to do?
    i think he don’t know my psp motherboard model?
    and date code is 7d.
    so plz tell me are you sure tht i can install 5.50 gen a? it will not brake my psp?

  40. leo_lohano Mahesh November 29, 2009 Reply

    and i think this is telling cfw enabler

  41. roizy_daocin_0808 kazaket November 30, 2009 Reply

    OO sure me sa ISO folder ku lingay..ung ibang games pwde ung mga 5.50 gen-b games ung lng ayaw (ex. nga ung Naruto Shippuden) diba pag 5.03 gen b pwde ng ma play un?? tnx ulit sa matyagang pag re2ply 🙂

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 30, 2009 Reply

      Hmm weird, working naman dapat ung Naruto Shippuden sa 5.03 GEN-B dahil may game decrpyter na sya.

  42. roizy_daocin_0808 kazaket November 30, 2009 Reply

    oo nga eh kainis nga gus2ng gus2 ku pa namn un…ginwa ko nga reneboot ku tapos inulit kung gawin ung GEN B eh ganun parin..ayyyyyyyyy 🙁 syo b gumgana b ung Naruto Shippuden..??anwei sa GEN B ba pwdeng play ung PRX n games??wla k n bng g2wn nun??

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 30, 2009 Reply

      5.50 GEN-D ako eh and yes it works on my PSP. Baka bad copy lang. If ayaw pa din you pede mo imanual decrypt.

  43. roizy_daocin_0808 kazaket November 30, 2009 Reply

    pano imamanual?? 2ru mo namn sken para magamit ku…about sa PRX my idea kaba kung pwde??

  44. benzon.makubex zee November 30, 2009 Reply

    waw pinoy ka po pala.

    idol, pano tong akin? psp3k tas nkachiken na ko. 5.03 GEN-A (Full) na ako..

    pag ininstall ko po ba yung GEN-B makakalaro na ako ng tekken6 etc? yung mga games na nangangailangan ng 6.* na firmware?

    salamat sa clarification idol sinasamba kita ^:)^

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 30, 2009 Reply

      Yes. Gumagana ang Tekken 6 sa 5.03 GEN-B ng walang problema

  45. leo_lohano mahesh November 30, 2009 Reply

    plz type in english

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 30, 2009 Reply

      *sigh* as I’ve said I’ll reply to you in whatever language you’re posting comments.

  46. leo_lohano mahesh November 30, 2009 Reply

    i checkd my psp motherboard type is 02g
    psp slim v1.0
    and ta-085
    is it hackable ?
    i have already installed 5.03 gen b
    i want to upgrade it to 5.50gen a
    i think it is hackable
    1st time when i bought psp it has firmware 5.03
    i hacked it from one shop
    i asked to shopkeeper tht 5.50gen a will install on it or not he said it may brake ur psp
    so wht i have to do?
    i think he don’t know my psp motherboard model?
    and date code is 7d.
    so plz tell me are you sure tht i can install 5.50 gen a? it will not brake my psp?

  47. leo_lohano mahesh November 30, 2009 Reply

    when i bought psp i don’t know how to crack but now i know i installed 5.50 gen a in psp 1003
    now tell me this will not brake my psp as i told configuration

  48. coquilla_queben QUEBEN November 30, 2009 Reply

    hi po,

    Nag download ako ngaun ng tekken 6. Im using 5.03 GEN-B firmware. Hindi ko alam bat di ako mkapag laro. nag loload lang siya palagi. di ba dapat now loading ang lalabas. sa aking 8420 lumalabas. Tapos laging nka flash ang mem stick indicator.
    Patulong naman po.. Salamat

  49. leo_lohano mahesh November 30, 2009 Reply

    my psp is 2003

  50. ryan Ryan December 1, 2009 Reply

    Thanks for this sir! Very useful!I can ow play tekken 6 on my PSP 3000!

  51. xxxdrfrostxxx drfrost December 3, 2009 Reply

    i instated gen A and then gen B,its worked.then i instoled gen A again by mistake and now i cant instal gan B again.plz help

    • reyesphilip philip December 3, 2009 Reply

      turn off ur psp > reload chickhen> you just need to press L before the GEN-B appz start to bypass the check >flash>done with a smile

  52. conniechiu connie December 6, 2009 Reply

    I install 5.03 gen B many many times. however, it disappear whenever i drop my psp on the floor. i have the 5.03 gen B software in the memoy stick but the data is corrupted. i can’t run it. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!

    • reyesphilip philip December 7, 2009 Reply

      whenever?.,poor psp.,try to reinstall it .,load chkenhen then update 5.03 gen b

  53. geevz21 geevz December 10, 2009 Reply

    Successfully completed. Thx.

  54. cumkissmyass irongoat December 10, 2009 Reply

    I have installed 5.03 GEN-B (full) onto my psp but when i try to play any isos it just says “game could not be started”.

    Any ideas?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 10, 2009 Reply

      Have you changed the UMD mode on the VSH menu (press select to access it)?

  55. leo_lohano mahesh December 10, 2009 Reply

    i can know why my psp is not running umd disk i have 5.03 gen b
    i tried 15 days ago it was playing umd disc but now it is not playing can u tell me prob with it

  56. sofian john December 11, 2009 Reply

    Hi Need help from expert

    I have ChickHEN R2 run on my PSP3000 and 5.03 gen-B for the CFW. OFW is 5.03. After successfully run the chickHen mode and the 5.03 genB, my iso game will reset the psp each tie i tried to open it. Then i need to start with chickHen and genB again. I also intsalled the vsh and sedna. What should i do in order to play back my iso game?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 11, 2009 Reply

      What games have you tried that led to your PSP resetting? Please name them.

  57. leo_lohano mahesh December 11, 2009 Reply

    i can know why my psp is not running umd disk i have 5.03 gen b
    i tried 15 days ago it was playing umd disc but now it is not playing can u tell me prob with it
    sylv3rblade can u tell me it will fix or not?

  58. darkskill83 DARKSKILL83 December 14, 2009 Reply

    i install it successful but the games are not running. i goes to error 80020321.

    what should i do?

  59. orasngkatahimikan kiel December 15, 2009 Reply

    sylverblade patulong pls.. may psp phat aq, ang current cfw is 3.90 m33-3 ndi ko mai-upgrade s 5.00 m33 pra sna mkpg genD aq.. pano po ggwin ko? thanks

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 15, 2009 Reply

      ERrm.. reply ko dun sa last comment mo, ano ung exact nature ng prob. Mahirap manghula 😀

      • orasngkatahimikan kiel December 15, 2009 Reply

        hehe xenxa n po..kc gnito po ung ngyri, ung current cfw version ng psp phat ni erpats ko is 3.90 m33-3 tpos ia-upgrade ko sna ng 5.00 m33, tpos kpg irurun q n ung update, llbas dun

        unpacking done
        please wait

        battery should be at least 78%

        tpos mgrerestart n, tpos kpg chineck q ung version ng cfw gnun p rin.. wlang ngyri.. anu po ggwin ko? salamat…

  60. orasngkatahimikan kiel December 16, 2009 Reply

    direcho n pong mgging 5.00 m33-6 n un?

  61. aarondlr326 So.. December 17, 2009 Reply

    sIr sylv3r hindi po ako sure kung ggwin ku 2ng process kc sa mga problems..

    E2 po psp ko
    -PSP2006 [PSP-2000 TA-088v3]
    -Official Firmware [version 5.03]

    Ung 2ngkol sa ChickHEN alam ku po gawin.

    so PSP q po wala png custom firmware, ung ofw[version 5.03]..
    kpg na install ko na ung ChickHEN R2 ,pwede ko n po ba 2ng gwin?
    or kailangan ko pa install ung 5.03 GEN-A at san po aq mka2kuha nun.

  62. aarondlr326 So.. December 17, 2009 Reply

    sIr Ok n po ngawa ko na ung procedure ng 5.03 GEN-A ,tpos na try ko ung quick update ng gen-b ,tpos ok na, then na check ko ung system tpos nkalagay gen-a prin o.O bkit po ganun.

    • reyesphilip philip December 17, 2009 Reply

      you just need to press L before the GEN-B appz start to bypass the check

      • aarondlr326 So.. December 18, 2009 Reply

        @sIr sylv3rblade

        thnx, good app. Works like a charm ^^,


  63. orasngkatahimikan kiel December 17, 2009 Reply

    question lng po, kelangan ko b mgupdate s 5.03 pra mainstall ung chickHEN? hackable ang psp q, ndi ko mainstall ung chiken, kua slyverblade, kelangan ko b muna po i-update muna pra magrun ung chiken?

  64. phiezy rapi December 19, 2009 Reply

    Wala na bang pagasa? :c pag 5.50 official firmware?

    “Do note that if you have official firmware 5.50 or higher installed, stop now. You can’t install the chickHen hack which means you can’t install 5.03 GEN-B.”

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 19, 2009 Reply

      Wala pang pag-asa… Patched na kasi ung exploit ng Tiff after 5.03

  65. armyscout491987 Chris Harper December 24, 2009 Reply

    I have GEN 5.50 D-3 and my UMD ant reading our doing anything I tryed changing the options to everything just well not run at all everything works but that can ayone help?????

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 24, 2009 Reply

      What games are you trying to play using the UMD?
      Have you tried switching the UMD mode on the VSH menu?

      • armyscout491987 Chris Harper December 24, 2009 Reply

        Yes I have tryed that what it was from the 1st update 3.whatever was updated it stoped working just my head hurts trying to find what if it’s something I did our with the update our what I been using it for a while like that now and have to GEN D-3 update but nothing with the umd yet….

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 24, 2009

          What games on UMD are you trying to play?

      • armyscout491987 Chris Harper December 24, 2009 Reply

        just trying to think if anything could have messed up the umb that was updated

  66. jochinchan mecaz December 24, 2009 Reply

    Copy the PSP folder to your PSP’s memory stick. (Yes, just drag the whole folder there)

    sir sigurado ka dun mismo…d n replace ung psp folder tama b????

  67. majnoun187 WTF_is_goin_on December 24, 2009 Reply

    I HAVE PSP2000(madden edition)
    … everything runs perfect!!!
    what could be wrong?!?!?! is it in the recovery menu???.. I AM NOT A NEWB.

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 24, 2009 Reply

      As of the moment, all CFWs are banned from accessing the PSN.

  68. armyscout491987 Chris Harper December 24, 2009 Reply

    Well am trying any UMD but nothing well happen it ant trying to read it(ant working at all not even coming up showing somethings there

  69. leo_lohano MAHESH December 27, 2009 Reply

    I have problem with my psp can u plz help me to solve problem
    the problem is this my psp is ta-085
    i have installed psp firmware 5.03
    when i run chikhen my psp stop working and restart
    but sometime i m able to run the chikhen properly
    but after running it when i m installing 5.03gen-a or 5.03gen-b my psp become to much slow
    and screen is not appering properly
    can u tell me why my psp become slow
    and why screen is not in proper when i install 5.03gen-a or b
    plz reply i m in great tension

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 27, 2009 Reply

      If your PSP is slowing down, Press select on the PSP’s VSH menu and check if your clock speed is set to default or at least 233 MHz

  70. leo_lohano MAHESH December 28, 2009 Reply

    yah it is not set on default speed and wht abt cpu clock xmb .?
    wht it should be can u tell me all setting related to speed of psp?
    and can u tell me is there any other option due to whick my psp is not reading umds?

  71. leo_lohano MAHESH December 28, 2009 Reply

    and thx my psp is gud working again

  72. leo_lohano MAHESH December 28, 2009 Reply

    can u tell me why i m getting msg tht game could not be started(80020148)
    why i m getting this error i m unable to run games from memory card i m getting this msg in many games in gta chinatown also in liberty city, god of war and burnout.
    plz tell me problem
    these were working before but after formating and resetting my psp as u told i m unable to play games plz tel me solution

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 28, 2009 Reply

      Check your firmware version and post it here. Likely you’ve lost your CFW and have to reinstall again.

      Also, at what point did I say that you have to reformat and reset your PSP? o_O

  73. zahid94 ahid December 29, 2009 Reply

    i got prob with my psp.gen b 5.50 said my data is corrupted.and all my were not showing in my psp .what should i do?

  74. leo_lohano MAHESH December 29, 2009 Reply

    I have 5.03 gen-b i think it is latest and have cfw already installed if it is not installed tell me how i install it i m unable to play many games

  75. leo_lohano MAHESH December 29, 2009 Reply

    yah umd iso mode is set on mee driver
    and i have tried 5.03gen-c but i m unable to run games
    only one game is running from 5 games in my memory card
    tell me wht i do?
    and umd drive is also not reading umd

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 29, 2009 Reply

      If you’re already using the M33 driver then I guess the problem lies with 5.03 GEN-C itself.
      I’ve checked around and there’s quite a lot of problems with it (relating to UMD games and older ISOs specifically). I’ll keep looking for a work around but it seems the likely solution is to downgrade to 5.03 GEN-B :(.
      Please specify the games (ISO and UMD) that are failing to work on 5.03 GEN-C.

  76. leo_lohano MAHESH December 29, 2009 Reply

    i mean set on m33 drive

  77. leo_lohano MAHESH December 29, 2009 Reply

    i have tried on both 5.03gen-b and 5.03gen-c i m unable to play game

  78. leo_lohano MAHESH December 30, 2009 Reply

    i think i have found solution it was problem with advance setting due to which games were not starting

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 30, 2009 Reply

      How did you fix it? I’ll put it up on the post to help others having your problem 😀

  79. leo_lohano MAHESH December 31, 2009 Reply

    hi sylv first of all happy new year
    i solved the problem
    to solve this problem we have to change psp setting
    in recovery menu>> go to advance setting then in advance setting disable all options games will be playabble
    and u’ll not get error tht game can’t be startd

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade January 1, 2010 Reply

      Thanks, I’ll post this on all 5.03 GEN firmwares 😀

  80. crimson_lucian Pride January 4, 2010 Reply

    I need a help here. I got a psp 3000 gen b with the required popsloader, but I still can’t play ps1 games.

    When I entered the game (I tried it on RE 2 btw) it just stop on the ps1 logo. What should I do?

  81. rican_313 rey January 6, 2010 Reply

    Is it possible to hack a psp go ?

    how ?

  82. cloud_chill daniel January 23, 2010 Reply

    pare help, ayaw gumana nung army of two saken…5.03 GEN-B na ako, bat ganun?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade January 23, 2010 Reply

      Update to 5.03 GEN-C or hanap ka ng patched for 5.00 M33 para gumagana kahit san 😀

      • sheloi_09 sheloi January 25, 2010 Reply

        ei guys! ung psp kong 2004-PB
        5.51 ung version ng system pano ko sya iddowngrade to 5.03??? can i use the 5.03???? HELP! PLEASE, i can’t download games.. e-mail nmn! tnx!

  83. sheloi_09 sheloi January 25, 2010 Reply

    ei guys! ung psp kong 2004-PB
    5.51 ung version ng system pano ko sya iddowngrade to 5.03??? can i use the 5.03???? HELP! PLEASE, i can’t download games.. e-mail nmn! tnx!

  84. dxpein HBK1801 March 28, 2010 Reply

    uy panu po ba to pag START ko na ung 5.03 gen-b may lumalabas na error ”this game cannot be started” ”the data is corrupted” panu pa to ma sosolve?? wla pa kc aq maxadong alam sa psp e pa2long nmn. PSP KO 3001

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade March 28, 2010 Reply

      Make sure na tumatakbo ung ChickHen bago mo iinstall ung 5.03 GEN-B. Otherwise di talaga tatakbo yan.

  85. i.love_java yoyo May 5, 2010 Reply

    pre meron ako psp 2006 chickhen xa tapos inupgrade ko sa 5.50 gen d . pagreboot ko wala ng displau na bricked ko yata . may solution pa ba para mapagana ko ulit psp ko?

  86. leo_lohano mahesh June 7, 2010 Reply

    i have 5.03 gen c on my psp
    i have downloaded game prince of persia the forgotten sand
    when i run it after sony logo i gate error that
    ” Game could not be started 8002013c”
    tell me why i m getting this error
    reply me in english

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade June 8, 2010 Reply

      Did you install the plugin that came along with the download?

  87. leo_lohano mahesh June 9, 2010 Reply

    i haven’t insalled pugin
    and i haven’t go any plugin whn i downloaded it
    al others gams are being played expect ths
    have u played ths game????????

  88. leo_lohano mahesh June 9, 2010 Reply

    i mean i haven’t got any plugin

  89. leo_lohano mahesh June 9, 2010 Reply

    upload it thn send me link

  90. leo_lohano Mahesh June 10, 2010 Reply

    i have dwnloaded new copy of prince of persia the forgotten sand i got three files in plugin folder
    the name of folder is khbbs
    tel me how to install plugin ??
    and it will not break piracy??
    i have 5.03genc

  91. leo_lohano Mahesh June 10, 2010 Reply

    i have instaled plugin just pcacing two folders in root directory of psp
    but i m still unable to play game
    any advice??

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade June 10, 2010 Reply

      Just copying the files won’t do anything. You need to enable the plugin.
      quoting from another site:

      1) In case you are already using plugins, just paste this: “ms0:/KHBBS/KHBBS_patch.prx 1” (without quotation marks) into your seplugins/game.txt. Otherwise just copy “seplugins” folder from this release to the root directory of your Memory Stick.

      2) Copy “KHBBS” folder to the root directory of your Memory Stick.

  92. leo_lohano Mahesh June 11, 2010 Reply

    i already did this
    the plugin are installed
    i just copied it to root directry
    but i m still unable to play game
    i have two copies of prince of persia
    but still i m unable to play
    in both so wht to do now???

  93. leo_lohano Mahesh June 12, 2010 Reply

    plz tell me wht can i do now?
    i saw in recovery plugin are in list
    so tell me wht to do?
    game is still nt working

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade June 13, 2010 Reply

      Where did you download your copies? I’m thinking they are’nt patched properly which is why they didn’t work out of the box and even with the plugin (currently uploading a fully patched version)

  94. leo_lohano MAHESH June 13, 2010 Reply

    tell me from where to download this game ?
    u thnk which will work?
    i have downloaded two one from picktorrent
    and other from another
    in one there is written usa fix
    thn why nt running

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade June 13, 2010 Reply

      It could’ve been fixed but for a different firmware version (primarily 5.50 GEN-D3). Still uploading, was busy for the past few days 🙁

  95. ralphjourdan18 ralph July 23, 2010 Reply

    i have psp 3000. 5.03 m33-6. i have MGS Peace Walker downloaded. what do i do next to play it on my psp? thank you.

  96. mark_jayson2070 mark July 26, 2010 Reply

    i have psp 2006
    mga tol kailangan b ng original na memory kc d alam kung orig 2? ayaw kc gumna ng chickHen!

    plss help me!!!!!

  97. coolfrog1988 tithish nayak October 29, 2010 Reply

    hi i have a psp 3004.i have 5.03 gen a full installed with the chick hen hack also done…..i want to have mother board is TA-090V2…..should i go for the hack i mean should i update to gen-b then gen-c and finally then query is ,is my psp hackable for these updates ,,,,,,i dont want to brick my psp

  98. grandknight francis November 8, 2010 Reply

    ive seen my recovery in my vsh but when i ok it my psp goes stik what will i do because i cant play some of my games and im running 5.03 gen b full plz help me

  99. bon_romero2002 bon January 3, 2011 Reply

    panu mag chickhen ng psp gen.b … kc nag open aq ng corrupted na game tas na hide ung games help pls

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