Atma Xplorer

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Install PSP Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-D

The Gen TEAM has just released Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-D which fixes the troubles that 5.50 GEN-C brings and a bit more. What’s new with 5.50 GEN-D? It allows you to play ISOs and CSOs that require 5.55 or 6.00 firmware without having to patch the eboot.

If have a PSP-3000 / PSP-2000 TA088v3 however, you’re still stuck with patching.

Important: DO NOT attempt to install this on PSP-3000 / PSP-2000 TA088v3. YOU WILL BRICK YOUR PSP IF YOU DO.


  • A PSP with custom firmware installed AT LEAST 5.00 M33-6.  If you’re having problems installing 5.50 GEN-D, read the troubleshooting part below.
  • PSP battery that’s at least 78% full
  • Download: XGen Updater
  • Disable ALL plugins.
  • Back up your save files (so that if they get corrupted, you still have backups)

Recommended update: Install 5.50 GEN-D3 after installing 5.50 GEN-D.

How to install 5.50 GEN-D using XGen Updater

  • Connect your PSP to your computer
  • Extract the XGen Updater to your PC
  • Copy the PSP folder and the 550.pbp file to the root of your memory stick
  • On your XMB, go to Game > Memory Stick to start XGen Updater
  • Select Enter on the screen above
  • Choose Flash install CFW 5.50 GEN-D
  • XGEN Updater

  • After all process is complete, press X. Your PSP will reboot.
  • Congratulations, you’ve just installed 5.50 GEN-D

Important: 5.50 GEN-D2 Patch!

After installing 5.50 GEN-D, you can install the bugfix 5.50 GEN-D2. The changes have been listed on the changelog below.

To install just download 5.50 GEN-D2 and use the same steps above.

How to install 5.50 GEN-D2

  • Extract the 5.50 GEN-D2 files to your computer.
  • Copy the PSP folder to your PSP’s memory stick. (Yes, just drag the whole folder there)
  • Disconnect the PSP from USB
  • Run 5.50 GEN-D2 Updater from under Game on your PSP’s XMB
  • After all process is complete, press X. Your PSP will reboot.
  • Congratulations, you’ve just installed 5.50 GEN-D2.

What do I get with custom firmware 5.50 GEN-D and GEN-D2

Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-D Features:

  • All features of 5.50GEN-B2 are available.
  • Compatibility with games requiring firmware 5.51 with no additional handling (now, you don’t need Game Decrypter)
  • Compatibility with most of games normally protected and refusing to be ran on a Custom Firmware (Full Metal Alchemist, Soul Calibur, etc). Yoshihiro has created a system to run them and he succeed to make this system more stable and it’s now compatible with all PSP, unlike the 5.50 GEN-C.
  • Possibility to connect at the Playstation Store via MEDIAGO, to retrieve game and goodies without having to install Fake USB or other complicated stuff.
  • Support for 480×272 AVC video playback.

Fixes for Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-D2:

  • Evangelion Anti CFW patch Fix
  • Fix Wlan TKIP in game loop : pes 2009 , fifa , motorstorm , GTA cw ect….
  • Fix Video Output With 5.5X and 6.X Games like GTA Chinatowns War
  • Fixed recovery menu with make Pandora and make battery normal
  • removed splash screen but you have another spash screen in red color for let you know if the decrypter work .

After installing GEN-D2, How about some Free PSP Games?


If you’re having problems getting the black screen when installing 5.50 GEN-D, you need to reflash your PSP to 5.00 M33-6. If you’re already using 5.00 M33-6, upgrade to 5.50 GEN-B2, then run the 5.50 GEN-D installer:

Requirements for reflashing your PSP to 5.00 M33-6:

  • Extract the Hellcat’s Recovery flasher and copy it to PSP\GAME folder
  • Copy the 500.pbp to the Recovery folder (PSP\GAME\RECOVERY)
  • Run Hellcat’s Recovery flasher from your XMB
  • Reflash to 5.00 M33-6

If you don’t want to reflash, do the following:

  • Restore your PSP to the original settings. No CXMBs, no fonts, etc
  • Format flash1 and reset settings (recovery mode)
  • Set theme to orginal Sony theme
  • Turn off all plugins
  • Reformat memory stick

If it still doesn’t work, just update to 5.50 GEN-B2 before running the 5.50 GEN-D installer.


Dark_AleX – For his M33
Genyus – By GEN

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Comments ( 270 )

Have Something To Say ?

  1. livingguyanese caribbeanlegend October 21, 2009 Reply

    i have 5.50 gen b2, so to install gen d i have to download the whole firmware and install that again or is they an quicker way to flash my psp

  2. zetagear zetagear October 22, 2009 Reply

    C is working good enough for me i might as well stick with it for awhile

  3. leomatsuda LeoM4th October 22, 2009 Reply

    My version is 5.50 GEN-B, but when I try to upgrade to CFW 5.50 Gen-D it says that the file is corrupted…
    Does anyone know what is the problem?


    • notetrader Gonzo October 25, 2009 Reply

      First you have to upgrade to GEN B2 or you will brick your PSP. I bricked mine twice trying, thank god for pandora. I normally get corrupted data when I put the patch at the wrong location you have to copy the enitre folder “5.50-genB2-update” into psp/game and it should work fine.

  4. zydn_19 Zydn KRystlyr October 22, 2009 Reply

    hey Im currently at 5.50 gen b2 … can i still upgrade to 5.50 D??

  5. tester.123 greenn_day101 October 22, 2009 Reply

    My version is 5.50 GEN-B, but when I try to upgrade to 5.50 Gen-D the screen goes black and nothing happens. please help

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade October 22, 2009 Reply

      At what point does it go black? Do you see this screen?

    • notetrader Gonzo October 24, 2009 Reply

      I had the same problem. You need to put GEN B2 before it will work otherwise you will brick yuor PSP like I did. You can skip GEN C though and go straight to GEN D.

  6. zydn_19 Zydn KRystlyr October 22, 2009 Reply

    but does your PSP still work??

    please if anybody can tell us what to do…

    does it work on 5.50 GEN-B2??

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade October 22, 2009 Reply

      Yes it’ll work on GEN-B2.

    • notetrader Gonzo October 25, 2009 Reply

      Yes the update works fine but you must have GEN B2 installed or your screen will go black (bricked.

  7. bryan_will01 kev October 22, 2009 Reply

    erm… i’m using 5.00 m33-6. and i want to play Naruto Shippudent Legends: Akatsuki Rising. Like it said, i can go directly from 5.00 m33-6 to 5.50 gen D? yes? soo.. what is the version.txt for. T___T my friend told me in order to play a game, you need to edit…something..=/

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade October 22, 2009 Reply

      the version.txt used to work for SOME games checking said file for your firmware version. It’s long been rendered useless by Sony. Right now 5.50 GEN-D is the most fool-proof way of playing your games in ISO/CSO format.

  8. peterduckels HVH October 22, 2009 Reply

    I’ve just upgraded my psp 2000 to GEN-D from GEN-B2. Everything works fine, however I did have to enter recovery mode (R trigger with Power trigger) and change UMD mode to M33 driver in order for it to play iso’s.
    Please note that for anyone who is having probs-you MUST have GEN-B2 and upgrade from this.

  9. zydn_19 Zydn Krystlyr October 23, 2009 Reply

    wow … thanks … now i can save the trouble of long decrypting of the game… hmm one more question … can the decrypted games for 5.50 gen B work in Gen D ….

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade October 23, 2009 Reply

      Haven’t really tried it 🙁 Will check when I get home.

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade October 24, 2009 Reply

      I tried my 5.00 M33 decrypted GT, naruto and tales of vs. They’re all working fine 😀

  10. zydn_19 Zydn Krystlyr October 23, 2009 Reply

    thank u very much…

  11. bryan_will01 kev October 23, 2009 Reply

    amm.. alright.. lets try this..:D

  12. ieamagpantay Ian Edson October 23, 2009 Reply

    Hi sylv3rblade! Any advice on how I can downgrade my PSP-2000? I was able to play custom ISO/CSO before but I wrongly updated it to 6.10 OFW, and now nothing seems to work.

    • notetrader Gonzo October 25, 2009 Reply

      I am pretty sure that you need a pandora and magic stick to downgrade.

  13. peterduckels HVH October 23, 2009 Reply

    Sorry if my info was incorrect. I was just going by the websites info.

  14. samnufc4ever1992 Sam October 23, 2009 Reply

    Ok thanks for the tut info, but im running gen-b (full) already and when i try to upgrade, the screen goes black and nothing happens. This litrally after i click the icon to run firmware, i do not even see the installation screen. :/

    Help? 🙁

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade October 23, 2009 Reply

      Do one at a time and see if it works:
      Restore your PSP to the original settings. No CXMBs, no fonts, etc
      Format flash1 and reset settings (recovery mode)
      Set theme to orginal Sony theme
      Turn off all plugins
      Reformat memory stick

    • notetrader Gonzo October 25, 2009 Reply

      I had the same problem, this was rectified by updating to GEN B2 before going to GEN D and it worked fine after that. BTW your psp is bricked.

    • jagtarlally jjj October 25, 2009 Reply

      Hi sam, i am in the same situation as you, black screen and no menu screen when trying to install the gen d, Did you find a soloution?
      Sorry to have bothered you but i am desperate in wanting this to work

  15. livingguyanese caribbenlegend October 23, 2009 Reply

    this update still has problems play fifa 10 and gta cw. i think GEN D2 is going to be release tomorrow

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade October 24, 2009 Reply

      Yep. I will update the post to include the patch when it releases.

  16. dennis__gray dennis October 23, 2009 Reply

    i’m in the same boat as you sam and greenday gen b …do everything right and black screen…so i’m now gonna fomat my 8gig stick to see if that makes a diff…i’ll post to let you know

  17. gameover.rex Random user October 24, 2009 Reply

    Hey sylv3rblade

    I am on 5.50Gen-b, can I use this directly ? or I have to have b2 ? please reply

    thank you in advance

  18. dreamz_of_future Hello there October 24, 2009 Reply

    I tried to format the memory and flash 1, original settings, disaabled all plugins, used all drivers, still get black screen after I run the homebrew

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade October 24, 2009 Reply

      This looks more pervasive than I thought, I’ll look in to a solution and post it right here.

  19. socialdeviat Deviat October 24, 2009 Reply

    What folder would I put the iso’s in. I’ve tried all three in the psp game folder. Any help would be appreciated.

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade October 24, 2009 Reply

      You have to create a folder named ISO in the root folder of your memory card.

    • notetrader Gonzo October 25, 2009 Reply

      Just format your MS on your modded PSP and all the folders will be created including one that is called “ISO” This is the folder that you put your games in. Also inside the ISO folder there is a video folder for ISO movies. If you want just regular mp4 movies you put them into the video folder that is beside the “seplugins” folder.

  20. dreamz_of_future Hello there October 24, 2009 Reply

    Aha, found a solution, Gen-b does not work, I just updated to b2 and it worked

  21. notetrader Gonzo October 24, 2009 Reply

    Well, I just tried going from GEN B to GEN D on my PSP 1001 and I bricked it twice. Make sure you have your handy pandora near by.

    • notetrader Gonzo October 24, 2009 Reply

      Alright Fixed. You must update to GEN B2 before you put GEN D. You can skip GEN C. I tried running a new game that did not work before ie OBscure and it now works. It did not work with Persona.

  22. killerkuneho kuneho October 24, 2009 Reply

    do you have a link to the updater for gen D? can’t find a working one

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade October 24, 2009 Reply

      It’s on the requirements part of the post.

  23. zydn_19 Zydn KRystlyr October 25, 2009 Reply

    does the patch really has a flasher?? what does this actually do?? is it safe to patch from Gen D to Gen D2?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade October 25, 2009 Reply

      Yes. GEN-D eliminates the need to use Game Decryptor since it’s build right in. And yes, you can safely update to GEN-D2 from GEN-D.

  24. jagtarlally jjj October 25, 2009 Reply

    Hi, i have tried to install gen d on my psp 1001 but having clicked on Xgen updater my psp goes to having a black screen. I am currently on version 5.50 gen b full. I have reformatted my memory card but still no joy, battery is 100% charged, any help will be appreciated.

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade October 25, 2009 Reply

      Have you upgraded to 5.50 GEN-B2 before updating?

      • jagtarlally jjj October 25, 2009 Reply

        Hi sylv3rblade, yes i have upgraded to 5.50 gen b before updating, this was many weeks ago, thought i would update with newer cfw but like i said i am welcomed with a black screen when the sony psp screen appears after clicking on the 5.50 gen d loader.
        Any suggestions on why or shall i pandora battery to version 1.5 and load the cfw from scratch??

  25. atmaxplorer sylv3rblade October 25, 2009 Reply

    Fixed the links for GEN-D2. They were pointing to the wrong files.. silly me >_>

  26. geordiedean geordiedean October 25, 2009 Reply

    can you upgrade direct from 5.00 m33-6 or do i have to go gen b then c then d

  27. jagtarlally jjj October 25, 2009 Reply

    Hi i have updated my psp cfw from 5.00m336 to 5.50 and then applied the update to 5.50b full and then tried updating to 5.50 gen d. THIS is where i have the problems. The psp just freezes – black screen when you click on the gend updater.

    • notetrader Gonzo October 25, 2009 Reply

      You absolutely need to update to GEN B2 before trying or you will brick your PSP.

      • jagtarlally jjj October 25, 2009 Reply

        Hi psp was updated to gen b and then gen b2 sorry if i did not make that clear

      • notetrader Gonzo October 25, 2009 Reply

        I just updated PSP star wars edition from 5.00 M33-6 directly to GEN D without any issues. Just remember to go to recovery mode after you are done and enable the VSH menu. Once done, switch to M33 drivers.

      • jagtarlally jjj October 25, 2009 Reply

        Hi Gonzo, i have just borrowed and updated my brothers psp, i upgraded from CFW 3 to 5.00 m336 and then updated to 5.50 gen d without any problems.
        So i am going to downgrade my psp to version 5.00m336 and then upgrade to 5.50 gend
        So from all this upgrading to 5.50 gen d from 5.50 gen b2 will cause problems – in my experience anyway

        • jagtarlally jjj October 25, 2009

          I have applied the update to d2 was successful.
          I have not loaded cloudy with a chance of meat balls that did not run on my psp with 5.50b2 and noe works flawlessly.

          Can anyone tell me how to downgrade from5.50genb to 500m336??
          or do i just downgrade using pandoras battery and start from scratch?
          Thanks in advance

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade October 25, 2009

          You can use the Hellcat’s recovery tool on this page to install 5.00 M33-6

  28. nexus1983 nexus1983 October 25, 2009 Reply

    I’ve already installed cfw 5.50 gen-d2 to my psp. But can I delete the 550.pbp file in the root of my memory stick or should that file stay in the memory stick?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade October 25, 2009 Reply

      Yep. You only need it to install GEN-D. You can remove it now.

  29. jagtarlally jjj October 25, 2009 Reply

    Hi downgraded the firmware and upgraded to 5.50 gend2 on both psps, games work a charm

  30. deftoneomar alien October 25, 2009 Reply

    will this upgrade allow me to play games online

  31. deftoneomar alien October 25, 2009 Reply

    i got 5.50 gen a full and cant play syphon filter combat ops online tells me i gotta upgrade just wanna know if this d2 fixes that

  32. jfitzgerald48 mastercosgrove October 28, 2009 Reply

    well what i did i ubgraded from gen b but if you have m33 and cannot upgrade directly to D then upgrade to B all you have to do and drag the file into game folder run it install it then upgrade to D thats what i did hope this helps

  33. jesse_wilson23 Jesse October 28, 2009 Reply

    PLease help.. I have a psp 1000 and I have tried to update to gen D, but every time i try, my psp screen just goes black. It starts to load, well it looks like, and the screen just goes black and stays there. What am I doing wrong?

  34. jagtarlally jjj October 28, 2009 Reply

    Hi Jesse i had the same problem you had, I was currently on 5.50 gen b2 and tried upgrading to 5.50 gend/2 but as soon as i clicked on the update icon of gen d i got the black screen.
    My resolve of this was to padora the psp back to 3.71m33, upgrade to 5.00 and THEN upgrade straight to 5.50GENd and the D2.
    Beleive me it worked. In my opinion if you have 5.00GENB/B2 you will have problems upgrading all though there are some of you that have successfully managed to do it from 5.50 gen b
    Hope that helped

  35. timmckernan Halcyon October 28, 2009 Reply

    First thank you sylv3rblade for putting together an explanation of how to updat to the latest firmware. I have a question that may be off topic or addressed else where so sorry if it is. I have a PS3 and was able to connect my PSP 1000 M-33 5.00 to it directly and do the remote play. I could never make the connection over the internet and was told to update the firmware on the PSP so I thought this would help. I still cant work the connection over the internet and now i cant even establish the connection directly between the PSP and PS3. it is not a huge deal because i know how to down grade to M-33 5.00 if i want but i was wondering if anyone knew about a way to get the systems linked up with out using Sonys lame ass official firmware.
    Thx a million

  36. chomputer chomputer October 28, 2009 Reply

    I had zero hiccups, having not turned on my PSP for over a year.

    Started at 3.40 OE-A.
    3.52 m33
    3.52 m33-4
    5.00 m33-6
    then straight to the finals:
    5.50 GEN-D

    This is on a day 1 launch PSP-1001 TA-079 which I originally bought for Gran Turismo. Zero issues every step of the way, & played a few laps for the first time on the fantastic GT. Hard to say if it was worth the wait…just glad it’s finally here, & 60fps of mobile speed. ;]

  37. WhitmanRonaldLee Daxter Ron October 29, 2009 Reply

    Hey silv3rblade,
    I’m up and running GEN-D2 and it’s great! When I open the “GEN Recovery Menu” and go to “Configuration” I see “Use M33 Network Update (Not Yet)”. What is it used for when I am no longer running M33? Can I use it to connect wirelessly to the internet for GEN updates? Thanks!

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade October 29, 2009 Reply

      It’s part of the older M33 code. If you remember, starting 3.90 M33, you can update your CFW to a newer M33 cfw by using the network update. No word on when the GEN team will be able to get this running for their CFW.

  38. lost-happiness Nichol October 30, 2009 Reply

    Hi all:
    I patched my 5.00 m33-6 straight to Gen D and it worked like a charm, but before I patched it to D-2, none of my .iso would work and it scared the living shit out of me. After I put in the D2 patch it worked like a charm though.

    Could someone please tell me what happened then? I’m terrified of bricking my PSP, did that whole this-game-could-not-be-started thing mean I semi-bricked it?

    Thanks a lot in advance!

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade October 30, 2009 Reply

      Probably just the default setting of the UMD mode on GEN-D.

      • lost-happiness Nichol October 31, 2009 Reply

        Woo, phew, thanks a lot sylv3rblade!!

  39. dewa7langit dewa7langit October 31, 2009 Reply

    just go direct to gen D from 5.00 m33 -6, no pandora needed. superb!!!

    thanks to yoshiro & Genyus..

  40. forzaroma2009 forzatotti October 31, 2009 Reply

    thanks work great
    best site

  41. brybarcelona Bryan November 2, 2009 Reply

    got psp 1006 (phat). with a cfw 5.50 gen b full. then i found the gen b2 so i installed it, when i tried to open soul calibur b.d, it wont load and it froze on the match screen with an error 4 digit code 1441. so what i did is to download again the 5.50 gen b full and the scbd game play and works properly on my psp, so i am bit scared to download this latest gen d/d2 cfw. it might not work on my psp phat, any sugestions guys? thanks in advance.

  42. dhnaus dn November 2, 2009 Reply

    I’ve got the same problem with jjj. I managed to install up to 5.50 gen b but i’ve got black screen when I tried to upgrade to 5.50 gen D. I went back to 5.00 m33-6 and try to upgrade directly to 5.50 gen D. But the same problem happend again…after I clicked on update then the screen went black.

    Many thanks in advance.

  43. seamz2009 Dave November 4, 2009 Reply

    I can’t seem to play Resistance online. It says I need to update my firmware. Help please.

  44. seamz2009 Dave November 4, 2009 Reply

    I am having the same problem. Can you play online?

  45. lisky2005_6 Greg November 4, 2009 Reply

    I had a similar problem, I was on Gen-B2 couldnt update to Gen-D all i got was a black screen when running it, but i’d been taking the update folder of gen D and putting it in the PSP’s Game folder instead of at the memory stick root. so make sure you do this and the 550.PBP stays outside the PSP folder but again at the root. The english in the document supplied with the Gen-D isnt fantastic, just takes a bit of thinking lol

    Not used my psp in nearly a year was on 5.01 before I started too, even though using ghostbusters worked on 5.50 Gen-B anyway!

    Anyone else noticed if you try to update from an older firmware on a UMD, system says you have firmware 9.90 and don’t need too?

  46. achuhin achuhin November 4, 2009 Reply

    Hi Guys i need your help. I was on 5.50 Gen-D2 and it was working fine. A few days back when i came from from work i saw my psp with the mem stick popping out from the slot. It turns out that my son did something with the mem stick. I tested the psp and it is still working and i saved the new spongebob game to the mem stick. It was still working for a day but the in the next day when i was playing the spongebob game the game froze and i turned it off by long pressing the off button and when it started the spongebob game was corrupted. I think the mem stick is now broken due to this so i tried using a diff mem stick but when i go to the game in the xmb, its saying that there is no games there. the pictures are being read but why does the games not showing. please help me… thanks

  47. teotzehau momo November 5, 2009 Reply

    i have 5.50 gen B in my psp 2000, will gen D and gen D2 work in my psp?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 5, 2009 Reply

      Just update to 5.50 GEN-B2 and you’re ready to go.

      • teotzehau momo November 5, 2009 Reply

        will it work in psp 2000?

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 5, 2009

          Yep. GEN-D and GEN-D2 are patches for previous 5.50 GEN releases.

  48. ial20 IAN November 6, 2009 Reply

    hey guys..

    pls help me im a little bit troble updating
    5.50 gen d2.. im using 5.50 b2..
    what should i do?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 6, 2009 Reply

      Did you put the 550.pbp on the root of your memory stick?

  49. oliw2004 wilo November 6, 2009 Reply

    i have cfw 5.00 m33-6. am trying to upgrade to 5.50 gen-d but everytime sony updater is updating my psp would shut off. where did i go wrong?

  50. edwhum will November 7, 2009 Reply

    will this also work on a pspgo which i have just bought with no luck of trying to put games on it?

    thanks will

  51. slmjimy311 Jimmy November 9, 2009 Reply

    Hey, so does 5.50 d2 work with ps1 games and the snesx and pictodrive (genesis) emulators?
    and after installing this firmware, do i need to install pops or anything again? or will i be good to go as soon as i finish downloading?


    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 9, 2009 Reply

      Yep. 5.50 D2 is as compatible as it can get 😀
      Just be sure to turn off your plugins before upgrading.

  52. slmjimy311 Jimmy November 9, 2009 Reply

    awesome man, thank you

  53. dewa7langit dewa7langit November 10, 2009 Reply

    yes.. u can play nes, snes & gba without any problem in gen D2. superb!!!

  54. nickaida zal November 10, 2009 Reply

    hi,what do u guys mean (off the plugins) before upgrading??

  55. jorgedpalo dpalo November 10, 2009 Reply

    i have gen d2 but can’t play online can someone help or thers nothing i can do

    • slmjimy311 Jimmy November 11, 2009 Reply

      i’m having the same issue, i can connect to the playstation store, but i can’t connect to my psn account. what should i do?

  56. ildus_16 Ilz November 11, 2009 Reply

    Its that 5.50 GEN-D2 compatible with the PSP 2000?

  57. chaos_envoys chaos_envoys November 12, 2009 Reply

    can 5.50 GEN-D2 play SMT persona after decrypting the game?

  58. regzgz regzgz November 13, 2009 Reply

    Ok, seems like its being a long time since I updated my PSP, how do you enter the recovery mode in 5.50 Gen-A ???
    I try power + R and got nowhere…
    I’m having a senior moment….

  59. usuxfoo_13 usuxfoo November 13, 2009 Reply

    Hope this works. I’m running on Gen-a and i’m only upgrading to Gen-d2 to play Little Big Planet. ^^

  60. squalllim Riskbreaker November 13, 2009 Reply

    sry may i ask no need to dl ofw b4 upgrade to gen a ?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 13, 2009 Reply

      No. Just follow the instructions listed above to the letter.

  61. nickaida zal November 14, 2009 Reply

    wow..this D2 version is outstanding!!!! fifa 10 works perfectly…..

  62. rise2power101 Datdude November 14, 2009 Reply

    oh yeah all my plug-ins are disabled too

  63. bhavisgreat MR.BB November 14, 2009 Reply

    guys this is a prob wid me i gt something wrong i think?
    Well i upgraded to gen d2 by going to gen a then gen b then gen b2 then gen c then d then d2 u got playstation network.
    when i acess it it says “You need to update your psp to use this”
    To just see i go to update me psp it says “You dont need to update.You have the latest version.” i need to access it as there are some games i bought on my friends i wanna put them on my psp + he has psp!go.
    so its in his internal memory card.

    Need an answer please

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 14, 2009 Reply

      The PSN Store (if you’re accessing it directly from your PSP) requires at least 6.00 OFW. The PSP Go can connect with the PSN because of it’s higher firmware version than 5.50 GEN-D.

  64. j_chronos janitra November 14, 2009 Reply

    my psp is a fat psp,th version is 3,43oea,how to make it 5,5?

  65. bhavisgreat MR.BB November 14, 2009 Reply

    THANKS buti solved it.i just did restore system settings and wolla i am happy.
    thanks anyway.

  66. bhavisgreat MR.BB November 14, 2009 Reply

    i thought i solved it umtil but i tried and it dint work.well thanks

  67. j_chronos janitra November 14, 2009 Reply

    I have a fat psp,3,43oeA is the version,how can I upgrade to 5,5?can you tell me?because when I try to upgrade to 5, it is failed

  68. jave.jo11 jave November 14, 2009 Reply

    hi just wanna know if it is safe to jump from 5.00 m33 to GEN D? will all the updates work? thanks!

  69. romerboy1994 bob November 15, 2009 Reply

    i got a psp go how do i put the cfw on the psp go since it uses internal hard drive i dont have a memory stick for it

  70. www.mak99 MAK November 18, 2009 Reply

    ”Copy the PSP folder and the 550.pbp file to the root of your memory stick”


    coz i did this i pasted psp>game>update>eboot

    but where do i paste the 550.pbp ???

    i started the hack and it says did not find

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 19, 2009 Reply

      Your computer sees your PSP (or your memory stick) as another drive when you connect it right? Just copy it to said folder.
      If your PSP is connected as drive E:, copy the 550.pbp so that it would be read as E:550.pbp

  71. gedzachi //virus\\ November 19, 2009 Reply

    does it work on psp-2004?

  72. fastcarz1994 Dave November 19, 2009 Reply

    Hey, I’m running CFW 5.00 M33-4. Do I still need to get a 5.00 M33-6 to update? I’m afraid if I don’t, I’ll kill my psp. Is it ok?

  73. d_sentei BenPSP November 19, 2009 Reply

    hi, im using a psp phat cfw gen b full. tried updating to gen d as mentioned above but i keep getting a black screen. is there anything im missing, thanks

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 20, 2009 Reply

      Have you tried updating to gen-b2 before updating to gen-d?

  74. aneesh142 aneesh November 20, 2009 Reply

    i have the same problem and i have gen b2 full

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 20, 2009 Reply

      I’ve updated the troubleshooting part of the guide. Please read it, follow the instructions and post the results here.

  75. mailinator n00bzilla November 22, 2009 Reply

    Just a quick question: If I update my 5.00 M33-6 to 5.50 GEN-D2, would I still be able to run iRShell (and other goodies like SNEStyl emulator?)?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 23, 2009 Reply

      There’s versions of several popular plugins for the GEN CFW. I’ll try looking into them and add them to the post.

  76. whitmanronaldlee Daxter Ron November 23, 2009 Reply

    Hey sylv3rblade,
    Strange coincidence, but currently running GEN-D2 since last month with no problems until yesterday. I installed plugins for the first time and they seemed to work fine until I rebooted. Then the system ran at about 10% speed and the screen was skipping. I backed up my memory stick and then reinstalled GEN-D. Then upgraded to GEN-D2. I don’t know if reinstalling was the right thing to do, but it worked great for me. I’m not going to install anymore plugins until you post your compatable GEN list.
    This is the list of plugins (and homebrew) in order of installation that caused the problem.
    DaedalusX64 Alpha Rev 443 – homebrew
    Hold v4.0 – plugin
    DayViewer beta 4 – plugin
    Game Catagories v11 – plugin
    homebrewsorterGUIb2 – homebrew
    Homebrew Sorter for GCR v01c – homebrew
    CueCardReader01.001beta – homebrew
    Sorry for the long post but on a brighter side, since all your help last month, I’ve since installed GEN-D2 on two of my friends PSP’s. Thanks again!

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 23, 2009 Reply

      Did you check your CPU clock before you downgraded? Because the symptoms you’ve identified points to an accidental change of the CPU clock value in the VSH menu. You can test this yourself but you’ll probably get frustrated >_> I learned it the hard way.

      • whitmanronaldlee Daxter Ron November 23, 2009 Reply

        No, I didn’t check the CPU clock before I downgraded. I was running GEN-D2 when I started having problems, so I downdraded to GEN-D with the xgen updater. It actually fixed the sluggish speed and the skipping screen, so I reinstalled GEN-D2. My psp is currently running great! With no homebrews or plugins installed.
        The thing is, I was having these problems before I downgraded from GEN-D2 to GEN-D. That’s actually why I downgraded in the first place and why I thought the problems came from me installing all of those plugins and homebrews. I just figured that they weren’t compatable with GEN.
        Both my XMB and Game CPU Clocks in the 5.50 VSH menu are currently at ‘default’. I’m sort of a noob at this, looks like I’m learning it the hard way too!
        Do you think I can reinstall all those plugins and homebrews? Thanks again for all your help, couldn’t do it without you!

        • whitmanronaldlee Daxter Ron November 24, 2009

          Hey silv3rblade,
          Sorry for the double post…I couldn’t see the forest for the trees…I reread your reply and now see that I should have checked my CPU clock before I downgraded, as it could have been accidentally changed from ‘default’ and been the root cause of the problem. Good information to know, guess you learn as you go. I changed my VSH menu as ‘disabled’ as I harly ever use it anyway.
          Thanks for you patience with me…all the best!

  77. king_2194 king_2194 November 26, 2009 Reply

    i have gen-b2 on my psp when try to update to gen-d i get a black screen please help

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 26, 2009 Reply

      Read the troubleshooting part. There’s a part that deal with black screens specifically.

  78. iridescent_1 iridescent_111 November 27, 2009 Reply

    updated 4 psp 2000 to 5.50 gen d2 cfw….all 4 psp’s worked perfectly….i just followed what you have posted here….from 5.50 gen b to b2 then updated to 5.50 gen d to gen d2

    now all of my nephews have big smiles on their faces…they could play all new game release without any problems….

    a thousand thanks to all who have posted their comments here….it really helped a lot…

    thanks…thanks…thanks…to sylv3rblade and the gen team! 😀

    keep up the good work!
    God Bless!!

  79. djkcez_00 K4C3y.c November 28, 2009 Reply

    Great Work it’s seems work perfect with me but I need to know any problem with Homebrew Applications ? or what is the list of the best homebrew I can Install without having any problems

  80. bigboss175 boss November 29, 2009 Reply

    thanks so much for this tutorial. been out of the scene for a long time, this helped me out. millions thanks dude.

  81. benzon.makubex zee November 30, 2009 Reply

    hello there, may i ask if my system software: 5.03 GEN-A (Full) can be replaced/installed with xgen D?

  82. timothy20 timtim2006 December 3, 2009 Reply

    i accident i click flash install OFW 5.50 now i cant run any games and i cant run gen d2 patch and CT firmware plz help me

  83. cuvee25 carl john cogo December 10, 2009 Reply

    hello plsss help me because i click the flash install ofw 5.50 how can i fix this problem no recovery menu;i cannot play and etc

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 10, 2009 Reply

      The only way for you to downgrade is to get a pandora battery.

  84. chunfoo0920 Cheesey December 13, 2009 Reply

    Hey, i cant turn on my psp… well i can turn it on but the screen is black… what can i do about it? it’s working fine after i install gen-d2 but it become like after 1 day. Mine is psp slim. Help pls.

  85. chunfoo0920 Cheesey December 13, 2009 Reply

    i can turn it on without the battery and start it up from charger.

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 13, 2009 Reply

      so your PSP works when it’s connected to a charger (meaning you can play games with it) but not when it’s running on just the battery?

  86. chunfoo0920 Cheesey December 13, 2009 Reply

    can i just buy another battery?

  87. anarki_55 anarki December 13, 2009 Reply

    I have the same problem regarding clicking the install 5.50 OFW T_T… why recommend getting a pandora battery? Does the accident that we made affect our pandora battery? In my system information it says “version 5.50” only and pressing ‘select’ button doesn’t open the cfw menu. Also, whenever I run the recovery flasher, the system displays “This game cannot be started. The data is corrupted” even though the HC rflash menu does not show a corrupted icon and my games aren’t displayed. Please be honest if ever this problem cannot be solved so I can move on with my life xD. If you have a solution, I’d gladly appreciate it.

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 13, 2009 Reply

      Without a pandora battery, there is simply no way for you to downgrade/install CFW on a PSP once it’s firmware is above 5.03.

  88. malka.2 TONI December 15, 2009 Reply

    I have 5.50 GEN-B on my psp,and I;ll do evrything that say ,to install 5.50 GEN-D ( extract and copy PSP folder and 550.PBP to ROOT memory stick) and when I go to
    XMB-Game-memory stick ,I DONT see the updater folder ???? can somebody help me ……thank you

  89. malka.2 TONI December 15, 2009 Reply

    🙂 I put the PSP folder and 550.PBP on Memory stick ,to GAME folder ,and then I see the folder GEN-D UPDATE in “games” on PSP ,but when I press X,and press ENTER ,i see the “flash install CFW 5.50 GEN-D”and press X……then i see “ms0:/550.PBP no found on root of your ms”…and I put the 550.PBP in ROOT folder ,the same thing it shows me again???

  90. malka.2 TONI December 15, 2009 Reply

    HOW to fix that problem!?

  91. malka.2 TONI December 15, 2009 Reply

    HI! 🙂 MY psp is coneccted to PC
    I dowloaded 2 files in rar ,extract first file to PC,it is named UPDATE(EBOOT 1.60 MB size) and put that file in folder PSP-GAME,Second file also extract to PC ,also named UPDATE,i open it ,and 550.PBP(27 mb size) copy to folder MS ROOT……..disconnected psp,go to Game -Memory stick ,press X end shows me “Yoshiro PSP XGEN UPDATER“…..
    press enter,press on ” Flash Install CFW 5.50 GEN-D”……end he shows me “ms0:/550.PBP no found on root of your ms”!? think I do the right steps…..
    can sombody help me 🙂 …thanks

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 15, 2009 Reply

      This is the problem: “copy to folder MS ROOT”
      Make sure that the 550.PBP is on the root folder of your Memory Stick, not inside a folder named MS ROOT.. There’s a big difference >_>
      If you think that you’ve done it right, make a screenshot of the contents of your memory stick and post it here.

      • malka.2 TONI December 16, 2009 Reply

        Thanks 🙂 my english is good,but he is not perfect! I am from Croatia! You understand me ,now. 🙂
        I was copy 550.PBP to the folder named MS ROOT……that was wrong,I know now,thank you very much …
        my PSP is update and working on GEN-D

        • in3rve [n3rve] December 16, 2009

          Toni, post a screen shot of the content of your drive or outline it using a tree like below:



  92. chunfoo0920 Cheesey December 17, 2009 Reply

    Nvm, i fixed “the only can play games with charger” problem. Thanks anyway sylv3rblade.

  93. deepdivingfool Rob December 19, 2009 Reply

    First I wanna say great job with all your work. Gen-D3 and all previous firmwares are great. the problem I am having is that I can no longer play any of my UMD’s. with factory firmware it is just fine. Is there some trick or setting that will correct this for me… all my downloaded games work fine… if i put in a umd though it says it cannot read disc or just works and works without doing anything. can you help me?

  94. astg_14 mike December 19, 2009 Reply

    I’ve got problem. I managed to install up to 5.50 gen b but i’ve got black screen when I tried to upgrade to 5.50 gen D. I went back to 5.00 m33-6 and try to upgrade directly to 5.50 gen D. But the same problem happend again…after I clicked on update then the screen went black.

    Many thanks in advance.

  95. astg_14 mike December 20, 2009 Reply

    it worked,.thank you,..salamat,..

  96. anakabah83 azlirul_sensei December 20, 2009 Reply

    hello, give me link to download GEN-D

  97. anakabah83 azlirul_sensei December 20, 2009 Reply

    that mean XGEN update = Gen D… huhu sorry

  98. blackshadow.1100 blackshadow December 21, 2009 Reply

    i’m tryin to install the 5.50 GEN-D3 custom but
    when i copied the PSP folder onto my memory stick and the 550.PBP thing too it says it can’t be started that it’s corrupted. what do i do now?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 21, 2009 Reply

      Do you have custom firmware installed? What is your PSP’s current firmware version?

      • blackshadow.1100 blackshadow December 21, 2009 Reply

        well this is my first firmware installation. i have the 5.55 installed officially. i bought akasuski rising and my psp updated itself to 5.55 and i saw that i needed to install 5.50 GEN-D3 to play narutimate accel 3. but i installed it and it says the Gen-D3 is corrupted and i don’t know wut to do. can u help me?

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 21, 2009

          You have 5.55, you can’t downgrade to a lower firmware version (5.50) without a pandora battery.

        • blackshadow.1100 blackshadow December 21, 2009

          how do i get a pandora battery? if i get one then can i use the Gen-D3? and then will it let me play narutimate accel 3?

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 21, 2009

          First, check if your PSP is hackable:
          If it is, you can buy/borrow a pandora battery to downgrade your PSP and install THIS firmware

        • blackshadow.1100 blackshadow December 21, 2009

          my psp is a psp2001 (piano black slim)
          is it hackable? if so then what pandora battery do i download for it?

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 21, 2009

          Please check the link I gave you, with it, you can check if your PSP is hackable or not.
          Also, you can only create a pandora battery if your psp is currently running CFW so yeah at the moment there’s no way for you to create a Pandora battery.

      • blackshadow.1100 blackshadow December 21, 2009 Reply

        i figured it out….my psp is the newest model. (not the psp go, the one before it) so i can’t downgrade to a 5.03 then install chickHen then install 5.03 gen-c then install gen-d3….this really sucks. it means i can’t play narutimate accel 3 for my psp can i?

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 21, 2009

          Yep, there currently is no way to downgrade a PSP-3000 once your firmware passes 5.03.

  99. jpr_anasco963 joshi December 21, 2009 Reply

    can u help me.. i can’t download the XGEN updater?…

  100. darshangkolhe Darshan December 22, 2009 Reply



  101. jpr_anasco963 joshi December 23, 2009 Reply

    i can’t download the XGEN updater.. when the download is complete.. it said that the download was not found or has expired.

  102. forbbidencult_666 j6h6n6m December 23, 2009 Reply

    Hi there silverblade,i have psp that run in cfw 5.50 gen B(full),i would like to replace it with gen D full,is it possible.?Previously my screen turn black when i start the gen d installer

  103. rockybalboa727 Rocky December 23, 2009 Reply

    i accident i click flash install OFW 5.50 now i cant run any games

  104. deepdivingfool Rob December 24, 2009 Reply

    ok.. I’ll try this one more time… now I have upgraded to gen d3 on mine and my son’s psp’s.. niether one will play regular old fashioned umd games now… downloaded iso’s play great.. what’s up with umd’s now? any ideas or anyone else have this prob?

  105. gareth.domingo Gareth December 24, 2009 Reply

    press select in the XMB and set the UMD ISO MODE to M33 Driver or Sony Np9660

    • deepdivingfool Rob December 25, 2009 Reply

      thanks Gareth… but that is the first and second thing i tried.

  106. Sano90 Paul December 25, 2009 Reply

    Me too, why on earth i accidentally press that update and now i am stuck witht his. please help us.

  107. forbbidencult_666 j6h6n6m December 26, 2009 Reply

    is it possible to play tekken6 or latest game on psp with 5.50 cfw gen d?

  108. imnothere449 noob January 10, 2010 Reply

    i have installed 5.50 gen d via x gen updater and everything run smoothly until it asked me to reboot or shutdown and i chose reboot and then after that everytime i turn the psp on it automatically run the umd and whnever i go to the homepage keypads dont function anymore except for the volume button.

    can anyone help me with this? would really appreciate it 🙂

  109. imnothere449 noob January 10, 2010 Reply

    aw pinoy ka din pala sylverblade patulong naman tol ok naman yun psp ko eh nun pagkatapos ko lang install un x gen d3 pagkareboot ko nun psp automatic na pumupunta sa umd eh tapos ayaw din gumana ng ng mga buttons sa home menu pero gumagana naman pag sa recovery menu.

    ano kaya problema nun tol?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade January 10, 2010 Reply

      Mukhang bad flash (may nacorrupt nung nagiinstall ung cfw). Need to reflash via pandora battery.

      • imnothere449 noob January 11, 2010 Reply

        aw ganon 🙁 may link ka ba kung pano gagawin ko para maayos?

        salamat tol

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade January 11, 2010

          hanap ka lang ng may pandora battery (or pede rin sa shop kaso me bayad yun) then ask them to reflash your PSP to 5.50 GEN-D3.

        • imnothere449 noob January 11, 2010

          pandora battery? pano ba gawin to? pwede ba yun sakin gawin ganito lam ba kung pano?

  110. mwoll92 hangman January 12, 2010 Reply

    when copying the “psp” folder to memory stick root (step 1) it askes me if i want to overwrite the psp file,since one already exists, should i?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade January 12, 2010 Reply

      Unless you’re using a macintosh computer yes you can simply overwrite the psp folder

      • mwoll92 hangman January 14, 2010 Reply

        so there is no problem with overwriting this file? i thought there might be some firmware etc. that might get lost and brik my psp?

  111. khairilzaman khairil January 14, 2010 Reply

    i put the 550.PBP thing and the EBOOT.PBP…but nothing is there…help plz

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade January 14, 2010 Reply

      Where did you put them? Also please specify your current firmware version.

  112. mwoll92 hangman January 17, 2010 Reply

    allright, when all this is done how do i remove the updates from my xmb game screen?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade January 17, 2010 Reply

      You can select the delete option from your PSP or you can also delete them manually by connecting your PSP to your PC and browsing then deleting said files.

  113. if225 ivanist January 20, 2010 Reply

    I was able to load GEN-D onto my PSP 2000. However, at times after playing my ISOs for a little while, my PSP would freeze and GEN-D would disappear and bring me back to v5.03. This has happened several times already.

    Is it just me or what can I do to fix this?

    Thanks so much.

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade January 20, 2010 Reply

      Wait… turning off your PSP reverts your firmware back to 5.03? Have you checked if your PSP is hackable?

  114. if225 ivanist January 20, 2010 Reply

    Yes. It is hackable. I was able to play different ISOs on the PSP. It was during the time when I play games and it freezes. Turning on and off was ok.

    Thanks for your response.

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade January 20, 2010 Reply

      But you said that it reverts back to 5.03. o_O
      Let me get this straight…
      1. Your PSP had 5.50 GEN-D installed
      2. When you tried to play games in froze
      3. When you turned on your PSP it’s back to 5.03? -> OFW or 5.03 GEN something?

      That about right?

      • if225 ivanist January 21, 2010 Reply

        Yes, your interpretations are correct. After it froze, it reverted back to 5.03 OFW.

        What I did to get to 5.50 GEN-D:

        1. Updated my firmware to 5.03
        2. Flashed to ChickHen R2
        3. Flashed to GEN-A,B,C and now D.
        4. Played games, ok for several days, then it would freeze on me and revert back to 5.03

        Did I not do a step correctly? Thanks for your help!

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade January 21, 2010

          Regarding number 3,
          Did you install 5.50 GEN-A or 5.03 GEN-A?

          I think see the problem already but I just need confirmation.

        • if225 ivanist January 22, 2010
        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade January 22, 2010

          There’s the problem. You’re installing the permanent firmware (5.50 GEN-D3) over the partial one (5.03 GEN-A).

          Here’s the fix:
          1. Make sure your PSP’s running chickhen and 5.03 GEN-A again
          2. Download, install and run PSPIdent from this page. -> Don’t skip this step. Make sure your PSP is hackable or else you might end up bricking it :(.
          3. If your PSP’s motherboard (this is what PSPIdent will display on your screen) is not a TA-088v3, proceed to this page to permanently install custom firmware (5.00 M33.. then you can upgrade to 5.50 GEN-D3). If your motherboard is indeed a TA-088v3, install 5.03 GEN-C.

        • if225 ivanist January 23, 2010

          Thanks for all of your helpful post!

          I have the God of War PSP Slim 2001 with Serial starting HU8. I believe it is hackable. Will definitely confirm with PSPIdent before I move on tonight.

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade January 23, 2010

          Please update us on how your installation went 😀

        • if225 ivanist January 25, 2010

          Thanks so much, sylv3rblade!! I have successfully updated to CFW 5.50 GEN-D3.

          I will try to play some games and hopefully this will stay and won’t revert back to 5.03 again.

        • if225 ivanist January 25, 2010

          By the way, can I use the PSP to go online? I am afraid Sony will send an update to kill the CFW. Thanks.

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade January 25, 2010

          Yep but you can’t connect to the PSN. You can still browse websites though.

        • randrew_09 Randrew January 27, 2010

          Sir, I have a PSP 1000 Phat and my recent cfw is 5.00 M33-6 before i upgrade to 5.50 Gen-D3.. My PSP always stock on some wavey lines on the start up screen.. and it wont change at all.. Please HELP ME.. Im scared right now.. pls pls pls Kanina ko lang po ginawa yung pag upgrade.. Reply asap :((

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade January 27, 2010

          Looks like a brick. Don’t worry, hanap ka lang ng may Pandora Battery and have him/her reflash your PSP (parang system restore un). Mas safe na pumunta sa shop pero me bayad un.

  115. tongebill purplemotoman January 20, 2010 Reply

    I just bought PSP 3001. Can I run this firmware?

  116. dickies06_2 Decoy January 22, 2010 Reply

    I have PSP200 TA088 using 5.50gen-A full when I install 5.50gend using Xgen updater doesn’t work,they said (ms0://5.50.PBP not found in your root of mem stick).Please help what should I do.

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade January 22, 2010 Reply

      Did you miss the third line by any chance?

      Copy the PSP folder and the 550.pbp file to the root of your memory stick

  117. dickies06_2 Decoy January 22, 2010 Reply

    sylv3rblade..meaning to say I just copy the PSP folder & 5.50.PBP file and paste it to memory stick ex: F:PSP\GAME\..i’m rigth?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade January 23, 2010 Reply

      No copy them to your memory stick as is. The installer needs to read 550.pbp as X: 550.pbp

  118. dickies06_2 Decoy January 26, 2010 Reply

    Sylv3rblade..Thank you very much work’s great….

  119. dickies06_2 Decoy January 26, 2010 Reply

    Sylv3rblade,I have a lot of iso & cso games in my PC,but i dont have software/installer that can view the different iso&cso cover page for ex.nba2k9 is tony parker,nba2k10 is kobe bryant etc..can you provide me?

    Thank you.

  120. randrew_09 Randrew January 27, 2010 Reply

    Sir, PLS HELP ME! I accidentally install the 5.50 GEN-D3 without installing first the 5.50 GEN-D.. huhu WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW?? My psp wont start anymore. .SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME… pls pls pls IM ALSO A PINOY! PATULONG NAMAN PO MGA KUYA… T.T

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade January 27, 2010 Reply

      First off, some questions:
      What’s your PSP model?
      What was your firmware when you upgraded?
      What’s your PSP’s condition now (does anything happen when you turn it on, etc)?

  121. dickies06_2 Decoy January 27, 2010 Reply

    Sylv3rblade..Do you have that kind of installer or software to view iso/cso games cover page in PC? To give more interested to the viewer…thnxs

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade January 27, 2010 Reply

      Any software that mounts ISOs/CSOs will do. Have you tried daemon tools? It’s free BTW:
      Once you’ve mounted the CSO, just change the file indicated here:

      And you’re done 😀

      Hmm.. You just gave me a great idea for a new post 😀

  122. aidan Aidan January 30, 2010 Reply


    I have an psp 2000 and i am running 5.00 m33-6 but when i copy the psp folder to my memory stick and then try to load it says corrupted data any suggestions? thanks.

  123. aqil.liqa aqil February 4, 2010 Reply

    i already have cfw 5.50 Gen-B(full) in my psp 1000 but when i press the gen-D update in my psp, the screen turns black. wat should i do? all the plugins are disabled and my theme is original.

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade February 4, 2010 Reply

      Try updating to 5.50 GEN-B2 before installing the GEN-D (or GEN-D3) update. If all else fails, read the troubleshooting guide on how you can downgrade.

  124. christoffer_gamat christoffer February 4, 2010 Reply

    hi po sir
    di mo cnabi pilipino k pla dami ko ng comment syu sa english dugo na ilong ko
    pde ka bang mag lagay ng ibang link po
    wag po sa deposit files at uploading ksi
    masyado pong mabagal
    thank you po
    [13 years plang me ksi eh]

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade February 4, 2010 Reply

      Well may reason kung bakit dun sila uploaded 😀 Pero sure, hanap ako ng iba pang pedeng mirror.

  125. czarnil29 psp-fatfat February 4, 2010 Reply


    can i use this CFW on a PSP Go…????????

  126. jejomarie82890 pRinsesa307 February 12, 2010 Reply

    help nman pOh.. kkainstall ko lang ng 5.50gen d.. dating gamit q ig 5.03 gen c full.. pktpos q iinstall ung 5.50gen d ng black screen lang ung psp q.. please help nman poh …

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade February 12, 2010 Reply

      Umm… nakasulat po itong warning na ito:

      Important: DO NOT attempt to install this on PSP-3000 / PSP-2000 TA088v3. YOU WILL BRICK YOUR PSP IF YOU DO.

      • jejomarie82890 pRinsesa307 February 17, 2010 Reply

        paNOh POh b mag unbRick ng PSp?? please help nman Poh..

  127. jonebym MarkJon February 12, 2010 Reply

    my brother just send me a psp from singapore with system software version 5.50 (as indicated in the system info)…can’t get to play iso & cso games…also doesn’t read it (the game doesn’t appear). what should i do to play downloaded games? can u help me pls…?

  128. jejomarie82890 pRinsesa307 February 16, 2010 Reply

    ih panOH n Poh un maaauz uLit???

  129. nathaniel.baquiran KING February 16, 2010 Reply

    mron po akong psp na gen d2 ang nka install.pwede ba ma instolan ng gen d3 without using pandora bateri?pano po ba?

  130. katsuyoless_03 Ted February 22, 2010 Reply

    Thanks for the Instructions! Updating is very well DONE!!

  131. damn.this.luv Jazzz February 26, 2010 Reply

    hey noob i got d same problem..plz help me…wat did u do to fix ur psp…?
    plz plz plz plz help me guys….plzzz
    i also have installed 5.50 gen d via x gen updater and everything run smoothly until it asked me to reboot or shutdown and i chose reboot and then after that everytime i turnthe psp on it automatically run the umd and whnever i go to the homepage keypads dont function anymore except for the volume button.
    plz plz help me

  132. anakabah83 Azlirul_sensei March 5, 2010 Reply

    i delete my PSP folder in psp memory card help me… i can’t play anay games right now.. however .iso still in folder… help meee

  133. angelo.carbonell angelo September 24, 2010 Reply

    hi there my psp 2000 is in 3.80 m33-5 and iwant to upgrade to 5.50 gen d2 i follow some instruction in the web that i need to update to 4.01 and 5.00 i accidentally update it to version 4.01 i try the chickhen r2 then update it to 5.03 mhu if theres any chance i can get it to 5.50 gen d2 without the pandora batt and magic memory

    thanks in advance

  134. chhewang_xx c lama October 6, 2010 Reply

    when i try to trouble shoot with Hellcat’s Recovery Flasher, it says error..after that i exited and my psp is restored to default setting…BUT NOW IT DOESN’T PLAY ANY says “The game could not be started(80020321)”.before i do the trouble shoot it plays the game..

    plz help me..i’m in big trouble..
    if there is any solution then plz send me full process..

  135. bhey102186 Paytz November 6, 2010 Reply

    cxmb theme’s doesnt work anymore.. it is natural?

  136. thesaints1898 dreck December 4, 2010 Reply

    how do i know if my psp is TA088v3. its psp 2004 its installed version 5.50 indicate to the unit 8c

  137. adawdawman jimbub December 15, 2010 Reply

    pa help nmn po d na lumitaw ung mga games q after q i2nstall ung sa OFW 5.50 tpos ung version nia 5.50 nlng wla ng nkalagay qng gen d3……

  138. adawdawman jimbub December 15, 2010 Reply

    pa help nmn i accidentally press the OFW 5.50 installer wla na 2loy lumilitaw na games… plzz help pinoy dn aq

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 15, 2010 Reply

      Need mo ng Pandora Battery to reinstall CFW.

      • adawdawman jimbub December 17, 2010 Reply

        thx silverblade…….

      • adawdawman jimbub December 17, 2010 Reply

        is it ok to downgrade my psp to gen d3? nag ha2ng kc xa kpg na ga2mes aq…..nma2tay xa ng kusa pg krpos mg hang……

        nid ur opinion!…thx ult

  139. scythe1029 scythe1029 May 14, 2011 Reply


    nag upgrade kasi ako ng CFW from 5.00 m33-6 to 5.50 gen-D2, para kasi ako nagkaroon ng battery issue, full naman sya kaso ayaw mag power on, pero pag tinanggal ko ang battery at ginagamit ko lang ang AC adaptor ok naman, may gagawin pa ba akong upgrade? Tnx in Advance

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade May 14, 2011 Reply

      Mukhang bad flash. Pwede mo ireinstall ung 5.50 GEN-D2 using the same installer or upgrade to 5.50 GEN-D3.

      • scythe1029 scythe1029 May 15, 2011 Reply


        hmm, papanong reinstall, you mean i ddowngrade ko sya ulet to 5.00 tapos reinstall to 5.50 gen-d2? or uulitin ko lang ang installation ng gen-d2 kahit naka gen-d2 na ako? tnx sa reply ha 😀

      • scythe1029 scythe1029 May 15, 2011 Reply


        ok, verify ko lang ha, so pag i-rereinstall ko ang gen-d2, isasalpak ko na rin ang battery noh tsaka AC adaptor siempre noh, tnx ulet sa reply 😀

      • scythe1029 scythe1029 May 15, 2011 Reply


        na reinstall ko na sir, kaso ganun pa rin, ayaw pa rin gumana ng battery, pero ok naman pag naglalaro ng games, halos lahat ng di ko nalalaro dati sa 5.00 nalalaro ko na ngayun sa 5.50 gen-d2, kaso nga lang nakasalpak lagi sa adaptor since di na gumana battery ko after the upgrade,

        so sa tingin nyo sir upgrade na lang to gen-d3? tnx tnx 😀

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade May 15, 2011

          This is odd kasi it’s the first time na may nagupgrade at hinde na narecognize ang battery. Try mo makipagswap ng ibang battery and test it out.

  140. scythe1029 scythe1029 May 21, 2011 Reply


    sir update lang, ayaw na talga gumana ng battery ko, nanghiram din ako ng battery gumana naman, sinubukan ko din yung battery ko na iplug sa psp nya ayaw din gumana, pinagtatakahan ko lang bat nasira battery ko after an update

    anyway, sinubukan ko na rin ang gen-d3 kaso naghahang, so balak ko ngaun i-update to prometheus to resolve the issue, ask ko lang pag naka prometheus na ako tapos di ko nagustuhan, pede ko pa rin ba sya ibalik to 5.00 m33-6 using hellcats recovery flasher? tnx in advance

  141. scythe1029 scythe1029 May 21, 2011 Reply



    pero pag naka 5.50 prometheus na ako (also known as 5.50 gen-d4), pede ko rin ba sya ibalik to 5.00 M33-6? tnx sa reply

  142. d0mz_05cute domz June 12, 2012 Reply

    paanu? mbabalik sa 5.00 m33-6?

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