Atma Xplorer

Xploring Games, Computing, Photography

Install PSP Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-A

While everyone’s still waiting for a Dark Alex release his version of 5.50 custom firmware, PSP GEN has managed to release their 5.50 GEN-A Custom Firmware. Do note that the earlier 5.03 GEN-A via ChickHEN hack release is for PSP-3000 / PSP-2000 TA088v3. This version of 5.50 GEN-A is for PSP-1000 / non-TA088v3 PSP-2000’s.

Important: DO NOT attempt to install this on PSP-3000 / PSP-2000 TA088v3.  YOU WILL BRICK YOUR PSP IF YOU DO.

Update: If you want an easy way to upgrade to 5.50 GEN-A and it’s successive updates ( 5.50 GEN-A -> 5.50 GEN-B -> 5.50 GEN-B2 -> 5.50 GEN-D ), you may want to look at Yoshiro’s XGen Updater.


How to install 5.50 GEN-A CFW on your PSP:

  • Extract the 5.50 GEN-A files to your computer.
  • Copy the PSP folder to your PSP’s memory stick. (Yes, just drag the whole folder there)
  • Run 5.50 UPDATE from under Game on your PSP’s XMB
  • After all process is complete, press X. Your PSP will reboot.
  • Congratulations, you’ve just installed 5.50 GEN-A

Important Notes:

What do I get with Custom firmware 5.50GEN-A?

  • All functions of the official 5.50 firmware
    • The [Information Board] has been added under [PlayStation Network]
    • PS3 owners are already familiar with this feature.  It displays news and updates from SCEE in the upper right corner of the screen.  You can now obtain information about the games ahead of the new content available on the Playstation Store, and other news from your PSP even if you are connected to WiFi.

    • Support for Internet security service provided by Trend Micro has been added to [Internet Browser]
    • End Micro Web Security: use technology to block access to malicious sites that can steal personal information and confidential –
      Trend Micro Kid’s Safety: You can block access to websites with inappropriate content.

    • An icon for built-in Internet Search has been added to the menu bar of your browser
    • Instead of having to point your browser to Google then search, you can do your searches directly on your XMB.

    • Option to search for the game title on Google.
    • By selecting the icon of the game and then pressing triangle and selecting running Internet Search, you get to search for sites using the name of the game.

    • It is now possible to see an additional level of hierarchy under [Photo] [Music] and [Video]
  • Launch of UMDs to ISOs to CSOs and demos require firmware 5.02 or below
  • Launch homebrews
  • Launch of PS1 games (converted to PSP)
  • Access to Recovery mode (adjusts the processor speed of the PSP, FLASH access, use plug-ins etc.).

Hat off to PSP GEN  for 5.50 GEN-A.

Post a comment if you need help or clarifications.

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Comments ( 241 )

Have Something To Say ?

  1. asdasdoi999qw782 Zeidrich June 15, 2009 Reply

    Hello…Can I install this om my PSP-2004?

    I have CFW 5.00 M33-6

    Can I update?

    If I updated mine will my game saves be corrupted or not???

    TY in advance!

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade June 15, 2009 Reply

      Just back up your savefiles before you proceed. It’s just copy + paste anyway.

  2. shaliqshalu619 shaliq June 15, 2009 Reply

    can i install this on my psp 2006 with 5.50 ofw?will it brick my psp .plzzzz….reply.

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade June 16, 2009 Reply

      check the CFW compatibility guide to see what PSP-2000 motherboard that you have.

      If you have a non-TA088v3 PSP-2000, then you just have to downgrade via Magic Memory Stick, if you have a TA088v3 PSP-2000 then that’s a no.

  3. ron_aka_bucks Ron June 16, 2009 Reply

    I upgraded my CFW from 3.90 M-33 to 5.50 GEN-A.Then when i tried to load my saved games, some of them are corrupted like NBA live 09 and NFS underground..What should I do?Thanks in advance

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade June 16, 2009 Reply

      As ziedrich said, just use the tool he posted. I’ll edit my posts to include it.

  4. asdasdoi999qw782 Zeidrich June 16, 2009 Reply


    Here’s a website where you can recover your saves!!! 100%!!!

    Hope it helps!!!

  5. maxrulesallworlds max June 16, 2009 Reply

    can i install this on psp 1000 with version 5.50? plz reply

  6. larrylegend25 larrylegend25 June 17, 2009 Reply

    my psp2001 has cfw 5.00 m33-6, but it won’t play videos from the psn and I can not access the playstion store with my psp. will the cfw 5.50 gen-a fix the problem? please help!!!

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade June 17, 2009 Reply

      Try playing those videos on your PC to see if they work. Something tells me that the videos didn’t download properly.

      • larrylegend25 larrylegend25 June 17, 2009 Reply

        I tried them on the computer and they work fine and they play fine on my ps3. I still can’t get to the playstation store. It keeps telling me that I have to update my firmware, which of course I don’t want to do. Any more suggestions. Will the cfw 5.50 gen-a fix this?

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade June 18, 2009

          on the video. Hmm.. that’s weird.

          In anycase, yes, 5.50 Gen-A will fix your PS Store problems.

  7. dhondon21 Cristobs June 18, 2009 Reply

    Hi there anyone can help me with this XMB how can i enable it on my PSP 5.50. bec. i did not see such option ion my PSP 5.50….

  8. kelv_10 khelvz June 18, 2009 Reply

    hi i have cfw 5.00 m33-6 i update it into 5.50 Gen-A it is working good??

  9. kelv_10 khelvz June 18, 2009 Reply

    i have a psp phat/fat it is woking fine if i install a 5.50 GEN-A cfw and i just want know if 5.50 GEN-A is need a fast loader for iso?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade June 18, 2009 Reply

      5.50 Gen-A loads pretty much the same as previous custom firmwares. However, it will let you run games that need a 5.50 firmware version.

  10. romeosorry romeo June 18, 2009 Reply

    I Think I Know about cfw But Can I Hack My PSP slim with 5.50?

  11. caspers513 casper513 June 19, 2009 Reply

    hi i have a psp phat install with cfw 5.00 m33-6.. when i load game in my psp i get a corrupted file…how do i get download game to work on my psp?

  12. asdasdoi999qw782 Zeidrich June 19, 2009 Reply


    please look at my post at the upper

    it will restore your saves!!!

  13. bains0 karan June 19, 2009 Reply

    does it works on psp 3001 please reply big problem

  14. Clericz_WeiYang Setsuna June 20, 2009 Reply

    I have a qns to ask Let’s say i installed the 5.50 GEN CFW. Can i install back the M33 CFW if Dark Alex comes out the new one? Is the procedure the same as how i install CFW M33 into my psp? Download pbp & CFW file. rename the pbp file and throw both into the update folder. Then update

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade June 20, 2009 Reply

      Yes, you can go to DA’s CFW. You can just flash your PSP to it’s original firmware then installing CFW and upgrade all the way to DA’s latest version.

      As for the steps, everything is just a single file 😀

  15. SAMDON33 SAMBHAV June 20, 2009 Reply


    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade June 20, 2009 Reply

      Please read the whole post. It tells you if you can install or not AND what firmware version that you need.

  16. mac_0201170 uzumacky June 21, 2009 Reply

    hi sylverblade!
    im new to these things but i’ve oredy red a lot about CFW etc.. i only have games on umd and now i want to have games on my memorycard i know it’s iso/cso file u put to it, i just want to know if those cfw thing works on my psp, i have psp3001 and a system software version 5.50 what is your suggestion? thank you!

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade June 21, 2009 Reply

      Please read the guide again. At the very top, you can see it’s pointing your to custom firmware 5.03 gen-a which is for PSP 3000s. However seeing as you already have version 5.50 for your firmware, then you can’t run custom firmware. At least not yet.

  17. romeosorry AgEnTTJZOOP June 25, 2009 Reply

    i am getting pandora battery and i am wondering if you download cfw and night pr please respond if you know

  18. romeosorry AgEnTTJZOOP June 25, 2009 Reply

    i forgot to add i am getting pandora battery and i am wondering if you download cfw and night pr please respond if you know for hacking

  19. harrys.steve Haris June 27, 2009 Reply

    i can’t play the game from my memory stick, can you help my problem?

  20. general_jurgs Jurgs June 27, 2009 Reply

    I have a psp PHAT that has sony’s 5.51 is there anything that i can do to get custom firmware. If so how? Also I don’t have access to an already modified psp and the computer I have runs windows 98 so that limits programs that i can run. Please don’t bash me I know my computer sucks. Any help is welcome, and I need it.

  21. general_jurgs Jurgs June 28, 2009 Reply

    I also have a psp SLIM but I am unsure which motherboard it is. The serial code starts in HU0 and the guide mentioned HU2 not sure if this is the same or not. But the firmware on that one is sony’s 3.80. Combine that with my previous post and you have my question. Can I run custom firmware on either of these systems. Oh and the slim has no screen so i’d be doing anything blind. But my brother has a working slim with the same specs as mine but his serial begins with HU1. Any suggestions?

  22. aviniysh_203 Aviniysh June 28, 2009 Reply

    When will Dark Alex release his version of 5.50 custom firmware

  23. viishaan_288 Viishaan June 29, 2009 Reply

    Yeah same question as above.When will the 5.50 custom firmware to downgrade PSP-3000 / PSP-2000 TA088v3 be out. I’m using psp 2006 with the TA088v3 board. Hopefully u guys can make it soon.Thanks a lot man.

  24. johnirishtapac ginking July 1, 2009 Reply

    i installed ver 5.5 on my psp but still i cant play resistance online

  25. kaskasbakal12 boytanong July 1, 2009 Reply

    mr. sylv3rblade.. i already installed a popsloader that is working fine in a 5.00 m33 – fact i already using it..

    my first question is can i update to 5.50 gen – A if my current firmware is 5.00 m33-6?

    and if i can i have to update my popsloader??

    note:on a site ( i’ve read that there is a popsloader for 5.50 gen-a…do i have to install this if i can update to 5.50gen-a? or my current popsloader will work fine to 5.50gen-a…

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade July 1, 2009 Reply

      The rationale is that when you upgrade your firmware, you also need to upgrade your POPSLoader to prevent any conflicts.

  26. super_shadow_monster ShadowBusterX2 July 1, 2009 Reply

    hi sylv3rblade i have a fat psp 1000 running cfw 5.00m33-6 if i try to update to 5.50gen-A will it install properly and work, cause im scared that it will brick my psp

  27. johnirishtapac ginking July 2, 2009 Reply


  28. kaskasbakal12 boytanong July 2, 2009 Reply

    ei mr sylv3rblade..

    i update my cfw to 5.50 gen-a but in my opinion it still needs to improve..there are some bugs that i noticed so i decided to switch back again to DA’s M33 cfw..

    my question is how can i do that?
    is it possible to switch directly from 5.50 GEN-A to 5.00 M33(the old method DL 5.00pbp then put in update folder blah blah blah..)is that it?

  29. ro8629a bobby July 3, 2009 Reply

    I have MGS1 eboot with 5.50 GEN B running fine. Trouble is, I can’t get the MGS1 game to go past the PSone logo. The PSP is still running fine, but the screen goes black. can anyone help?

  30. asdasdoi999qw782 Zeidrich July 4, 2009 Reply


    pwede yan punta lng sa
    at hanapin mo lng ung thread ni Hako

    meron syang HellCat’s Recovery Flasher

    pang balik ng M33 firmware
    eto thread nya.baka kelangan mo pa ng account para maka download


    do you have popsloader? PSX eboot games need popsloader in order to play

  31. bains0 karan July 5, 2009 Reply

    can any one tell is there firmware for psp 3004 pb i need thanks

  32. ratchetrizzo Frank July 7, 2009 Reply

    5.50 gen-a/b SUCK.
    Good luck getting gpsp and snes9xtyl to work.
    I upgraded from 5.00 m33-6 and they broke, i pandora’d back to 5.00 m33-6. Don’t waste your time til they fix the incompatibilites

  33. asdasdoi999qw782 Zeidrich July 10, 2009 Reply

    those emulators still work fine to me……and there’s also new release..5.50 GEN-B

    special feature is u can make ur own pandora battery via VSH menu

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade July 10, 2009 Reply

      thanks for the heads up. Updated with a new post 😀

  34. supermarocas rAsOOl July 15, 2009 Reply

    Hello guys, sorry for the post. today i buy the PSP 3004 5.50, and im looking to hack it to play ISO and CSO games, does this FW make it possible to play the games?

  35. supermarocas rAsOOl July 16, 2009 Reply

    Thx bro for the replay. Gona go to the store and ask my money back and try to find one that will work with ChickHEN

  36. limasara ...Curious Player... July 18, 2009 Reply

    Hi, I have downloaded the official firmware version of 5.50 and I’m just wondering what will I do in order for me to play the games without the UMDs? I’m still new with this stuff.

  37. asdasdoi999qw782 Zeidrich July 19, 2009 Reply

    @…Curious Player…

    Too bad you shouldn’t update cause there’s no ChickHen for 5.50 ofw (for now)

    and Dark Alex hasn’t made a 5.50 M33 so i’m stickin’ to Gen-B

  38. carlo_ditan DNaNGeL619 July 21, 2009 Reply

    can i install this when i have a “5.50” version?

  39. asdasdoi999qw782 Zeidrich July 22, 2009 Reply


    What do you mean??
    5.50 official firmware(ofw)??? for OfW you can’t for now

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade July 22, 2009 Reply

      technically that’s only half right. Hackable PSPs can still be downgraded with pandora 😀

  40. supermarocas rAsOOl July 22, 2009 Reply

    off topic, does anyone know if it is easy to change the covers of a PSP Slim?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade July 22, 2009 Reply

      I used this guide to replace my old PSP’s faceplate.

      Be careful with those screws. They’re SO easy to lose. 😀

  41. asdasdoi999qw782 Zeidrich July 22, 2009 Reply

    So…That’s a relief…then Pandoras can still be used…….So Hellcat’s Recovery Flasher is useless if it’s not Hombrew ChickHen not compatible to 5.50 OFW..

  42. atwarp9 djk4a2 July 25, 2009 Reply

    Hi, I’m not familiar w/ PSP at all, just trying to make my 7yr-old’s PSP-1007 (w/ 3.52 M33-2) to play Transformers-Revenge of the Fallen. It needs 5.50, but then I got the “DADADADA…” msg while trying to update from the UMD. So after a few hrs of browsing the net I thought my best option was to install CFW 5.50. Now I got “This program requires 3.53 M33-2 or higher”, so I’m stuck again. Thanks for any help!

  43. atwarp9 djk4a2 July 25, 2009 Reply

    Actually, the msg was “This program requires 3.53 M33-3 or higher”.

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade July 25, 2009 Reply

      start updating from 5.00 M33

      • atwarp9 djk4a2 July 26, 2009 Reply

        Hi, I updated to 3.52M33-4, then 3.8M33, then 5.00M33, then 5.50GEN-A, finally 5.50GEN-B. Transformers-Revenge of the Fallen is working now! Your help was very much appreciated!

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade July 26, 2009

          congrats 😀

          enjoy your cfw-ed PSP

  44. nuteduard nuteduard July 26, 2009 Reply

    its the first time i am trying to install cfw and i have ofw 5.03…i used chickhen r2 and after it loaded i tried to install this cfw but i get a error loading degeneration …. any clue what i can do about it (no pandora solutions pls)

  45. xxx.xxx151 chinmay August 2, 2009 Reply

    hi,i have psp 1000 and installed 5.50 how can i install GEN-a .when i try it massege come “the game could not be started. error has been occurd” please replay me.
    thank you

  46. xxx.xxx151 chinmay August 3, 2009 Reply

    sir,there are any m33 ver. available for 5.50 or 5.51. if it available please replay me link.

  47. xxx.xxx151 powerplay August 3, 2009 Reply

    how to download custom firmware???? for 5.50.i wanna run iso file in psp anyway.

  48. viishaan_288 viishaan August 6, 2009 Reply

    mr. sylv3rblade i got a PSP 2006 with a TA088v3 board and 5.50 ofw…I cant do anything with it now…. I am trying to downgrade it but cant …PLZ help me….

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade August 6, 2009 Reply

      There’s currently no way for you to downgrade a TA088v3-equipped PSP.

    • cliff75203 Vdub August 8, 2009 Reply

      dude you gots to know what psp you have and what it can do a 2006 is just like a 3000 that’s why before even hacking your psp learn more about it and get help first from hackers and other people that know alot about hacking and psp OFW and CFW

  49. cliff75203 Vdub August 8, 2009 Reply

    OK this is good info but the info im looking for is can i still download ISO/CSO’s not from PlayStation store I mean can i still download ISO/CSO from other sites plz reply to this cause i think theres something going on with this GEN A and B?!?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade August 8, 2009 Reply

      5.50 GEN-A/B will let you access the PSN Store. I’m not sure how long this will stay true as Sony’s looking to release 5.55 OFW soon.

  50. etham71 etham August 14, 2009 Reply

    hi sylv3rblade i have a psp slim running cfw 5.00m33-6 mobo TA-085 v1 i’ve try update to 5.50gen-A and don’t work, my psp brick. i’ve ben try for 5 n brick again, any clue for this??
    right now still use cfw 5.00m33-6

  51. lurvinzyisimmortal lurvinzy August 14, 2009 Reply

    hey.when i try to run the update,it says “This game cannot be started.The data is corrupted”

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade August 14, 2009 Reply

      Do you have custom firmware installed before running the update?

      • mark.mas king August 21, 2009 Reply

        sorry, but how to u disable plugins

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade August 21, 2009

          Turn off your PSP then turn it on while holding the R Trigger to enter the Recovery menu. From there go to plugins and disable everything.

  52. black_banana Happy August 15, 2009 Reply

    Mine worked beautifully, thank you!!

  53. lurvinzyisimmortal lurvinzy August 16, 2009 Reply

    ya i finally figured it out i had to downgrade my psp lolz thx anyways i’ll try this after i have downgraded my psp (which i already did just now) thanks.Peace Out!

  54. rally_art_1120 rally_art August 16, 2009 Reply

    hey can i update my psp to 5.50 gen a straight from 5.00 m33? or do i have to go to 5.00 m33 2, m33 3, m33 4, m33 5, m33 6 before i get to go to gen a?

  55. rally_art_1120 rally_art August 16, 2009 Reply

    tnx =D

  56. joker41493 hi August 16, 2009 Reply

    hey, if i get this update, will i still be able to play all my old ISO/CSO games i’ve downloaded?
    also, if they come out with a new M33 firmware, will i be able to upgrade to that after i have this new 5.50 gen-a?

  57. cliff75203 Vdub August 17, 2009 Reply

    ok if i was you i would run the new m33 and if you not sure and you think its scam send your m33 download to me so i can see if it is realy a m33 instead of a one of them fakes that sony put out there but if you want to install GEN you will need Custom FIrmware is what i hered but yes i would get custom firmware and IDK if you can put it to 5.50m33 it deppends if its the same firmware or a little bit under but i I know if you have the same firmware so yes you can put it to m33 or Gen like if you have 5.50 GEN you can put it to 5.50m33 if it came out…..send me more info so i can help more

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade August 17, 2009 Reply

      DA has not yet expressed interest in updating his latest release which is why we still don’t see a 5.50 M33.

      If you see a 5.50 M33 installer floating around somewhere don’t install it. It’s a fake and will likely brick your PSP.

  58. mark.mas marc August 21, 2009 Reply

    i have a psp-1000 which is on fireware 5.50 M33-3 and try putting 5.50 Gen but it isn`t working because i keep getting corrupted data/file.

    do u have an answer to this? Thx for reading!

  59. mark.mas king August 21, 2009 Reply

    never mind thx

  60. pvp-wars mistery August 21, 2009 Reply

    i have a psp 2000 running on 5.03 m33-6. can i upgrade it to 5.50 gen-a?

  61. flourishing_guy Vic August 21, 2009 Reply

    How would I uninstall the custom firmware so that I could run the update?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade August 22, 2009 Reply

      Just install it over what firmware you already have.

  62. kit_badb0y4lyf keith August 22, 2009 Reply

    i have a psp2001 – slim w/ CFW 5.00 m33-6. i have been using DA’s cfw since his first release.. but would like to try this one out. will this work on my psp model?..

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade August 22, 2009 Reply

      Yes it will.

      • kit_badb0y4lyf keith August 22, 2009 Reply

        ok, will try it out. but can i revert back to m33 if ever?…

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade August 22, 2009

          Yep. If you decide to go back to 5.00 M33, just follow this guide. Specifically working the Hellcat’s Recovery. That’s all you need.

  63. boxer-kicks-ass PSP1000fatx August 24, 2009 Reply

    I have the offical sony firmware 5.01 on my psp 1000 fat I raelly want cfw on my psp but I have a worry it would brick my previous psp slim 2003 had brick by doing this and I don’t what to don’t again!!!!

    I lovee playing UMD’S you see but I love to try ps1 games and saga games but I can’t without CFW 🙁
    Even with CFW I WHAT TO USE UMD’S is there anyway?

    all I asking is there any CFW which is capable with sony’s 5.01 to Play UMD’S as nomal plus ps1 games ect

    please reply to my e-mail

    any advice would be helpful

  64. mark.mas king August 24, 2009 Reply

    i want to put custom theme on my psp, (the cool 360 theme) but i don`t want to brick my psp. IS there flash on every psp?

  65. arifsethi arif August 26, 2009 Reply

    hello everyone i’ve got a little problem… i’ve updated my psp1000 from 5.00 m33-6 to gen a. but it do not play g i joe game on it….. plz help me out whats going wrong is it settings or anything else

  66. mark.mas marc August 26, 2009 Reply

    hey, i need help accessing the recovery meau, when i updated to 5.50 Gen B i couldn`t access it, do u know any solutions to this problem, or to i have to dowgrade back to 5.00M33?

  67. dermaru50bq dermaru August 29, 2009 Reply

    If he has a 4 GB sandisk MS (Probably does) then he should use a smaller MS, like 2 GB. The same thing happened to my bro and I let him use my 2 GB sandisk memstick to upgrade and it worked fine.

  68. mfergile Maggie August 31, 2009 Reply

    I have same problem ..did you find a fix for it…

  69. moleman388 moleman September 1, 2009 Reply

    how long should the update take because ive been waiting for about 20 minutes

  70. mark.mas masterx September 2, 2009 Reply

    it only should take 5 minutes

    • karmacmac03 drift03 September 2, 2009 Reply

      Hi, I’m trying to update now and I have the same problem as moleman.. the updater is taking a long time to finish.. is this really how it works? thanks!

      • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade September 2, 2009 Reply

        The installer probably encountered a problem. This is usually the case if you were upgrading from firmware lower than 5.00

  71. karmacmac03 drift03 September 2, 2009 Reply

    Hi, can I go straight from 3.71 to 5.50? thanks!

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade September 2, 2009 Reply

      Yep but it takes a while. It’ll be much faster (provided you already have every thing you need) to jump from 3.71 to 4.01 to 5.00 to 5.50.

      • karmacmac03 drift03 September 3, 2009 Reply

        Hi, it’s my friend who has a 3.71, but what I was trying to upgrade yesterday was my unit which has 5.00 and I wasn’t successful the upgrader seems to be not working or is it just that long? help me please. thanks so much.

        • karmacmac03 drift03 September 6, 2009

          Hi, I still can’t seem to complete the upgrader process. I’m running on 5.00, please I need asssistance.. thank you.

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade September 6, 2009

          Hmmm I’m thinking that the problem might be the GEN-A files for you (which is weird since some people got it to work). Have you tried all the links? I’ll try to reupload it and update the links.

  72. muhammed_qsm STYLEzZ September 3, 2009 Reply

    does this firm ware run CTF files themes…cuz they’re rely cool!!!

  73. the_guy_505 Boogaloo September 4, 2009 Reply

    Hi, i recently updated and went from
    CFW 5.00 M33-6 to CFW 5.50 GEN A/B.

    Everything is fine except when i try to access the PlaystationStore or Internet Browser it pops up a blue screen saying:

    “Setting Information if corrupted. Press the O button to repair and restore default settings.”

    But when i press O nothing happens and it just shuts down. Please Help!!


  74. aunkid aunkid September 6, 2009 Reply

    If I upgrade my PSP from 5.00 M33 to 5.50 Gen A can I still use my PSP to play classic Emulator like SEGA GENESIS Nintendo and SNES?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade September 6, 2009 Reply

      Yep. From what I’ve seen and experienced, only POPS experiences problems with 5.50

  75. as0nggubat maia September 8, 2009 Reply 10 years old and i want to upgrade my psp to play the new games…

    i am currently running ctf 5.00 m33-6..

    will installing gen-a do any harm on my psp?

    please reply.. thanks..


  76. nulblaze25 RIGZIE September 13, 2009 Reply

    hi i have a question please 😀 my PSP PHAT is running on a 3.71 M33-2 system software can i go straight to upgrading it to the 5.50 GEN-A? and what is the 5.50 GEN-B? should i also install that? please answer 😀 thanks

  77. d_sorum caparnacus September 23, 2009 Reply

    If i am running a CFW 3.71 m33-4 can i upgrade to 5.50 GEN-A? or will i brick f**k up my psp?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade September 23, 2009 Reply

      If you’re not comfortable jumping to 5.50, you can install a 5.00 M33 first, since it’s more stable.

  78. lotrxpert alan September 24, 2009 Reply

    So this won’t run ISO’s requiring 5.50 firmware?

  79. jay_ipoh Jay September 28, 2009 Reply

    Hello, Im Having FW 5.00 m33. If I install This FW can i Play Downloaded Games 🙂 Thanks in advance.

  80. ingis666 help September 28, 2009 Reply

    How do i know if my psp is TA088v3 or non-TA088v3???

  81. p_rockbonez RAMON September 29, 2009 Reply

    i have a question, im running a 5.00 m33-6 firmware, can i upadate my psp to 5.50 gen a? or i will brick my psp?

  82. gautamgupta10 Gautam October 2, 2009 Reply

    i have version 5.50 MHU But Fifa-10 is not working in that its getting error 80010013
    Which VEsion is suitable for Fifa-10

  83. poklolsop Poklol October 2, 2009 Reply

    Fuck you guys, made my PSP brick.

    Fuck you guys, seriously.

    Fuck you PSP support community, fuck you and your shitty fucking support videos with your shitty nerdy voice that you can barely hear, with your gay ass music blaring in the background. Fuck you PSP trolls.

    Actually, right now that’s how I feel, because I just bricked my PSP. But in all actuality, I love you guys for taking your time out and effort creating this amazing firmware for the PSP community. Its really something else, and props to you guys.

  84. jetrox9 Jet October 2, 2009 Reply

    if i have cfw 5.00 m33-6 is it really safe to update it to this one even though idk what my motherboard is?

  85. lilwayne26 lil zain October 2, 2009 Reply

    yo thnx 4 the guide so much man but i have a qwestion
    u no where u say u need 78% charged bat can i use just my charger cos my bat just broke:(
    and if it helps i got 3.80 m33-5

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade October 2, 2009 Reply

      that’s the most ideal. Just make sure you don’t accidentally pull the plug… or you’ll brick your PSP.

  86. jetrox9 Jet October 3, 2009 Reply

    how can i be sure that my psp motherboard is a non-TA-088v3?

  87. jetrox9 Jet October 3, 2009 Reply

    hmmm so if i have a custom firmware installed i can update it to this?

  88. lilwayne26 lil zain October 3, 2009 Reply

    yo thnx for ure reply to my queston but when i run the update it says bat need to be 78% charged then just reboots to psp without out update

  89. zakhamar bullhill October 3, 2009 Reply

    Hi, apologise i’m a novice at this & trying to help 6yr old son who aquired a PSP Phat with firmware 5.00 M33-4 insalled; i have a questions…1. how do i find out what model i have 1000/2000/3000? 2. once i knw the answer can i go direct to 5.50 Gen A? Thanks in advance.

  90. spam2009 noob October 3, 2009 Reply

    OK, I have 5.00 M33-6 installed. I have copied the 5.50 gen a to my game directory. Ran it, and it said – done with success. I did the same thing with 5.50 gen b and it said the same thing, but my system is still showing 5.00 m33-6. What’s up with that? Do I need the real 5.50 firmware in the same directory as the gen updates? Thanks!

  91. livingguyanese caribbeanlegend October 4, 2009 Reply

    hi, sylv3rblade
    Right now I have a psp 2001 t88v3 with 5.03 MHC. What would be the next safe upgrade for me? I’m looking to install CFW directly onto my psp so that I don’t have to run CFWenabler again.

  92. scitco1 Scott October 4, 2009 Reply

    Sorry guys im new to all this i am trying to install this but it just keeps coming up ” this game cannot be started the data is corrupt” what am i doing wrong any help is apreciated thanks

  93. nishanth.shetty Nishanth October 4, 2009 Reply

    Just upgraded from 5.00 M33 to 5.50 GEN-B on psp phat as I was desperate to get FIFA 10 going!! Works like a charm! Keem em comin 🙂

  94. jackoooooo jackoooooo October 4, 2009 Reply

    i get error code 80020001 when i to install 5.5GEN-A,

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade October 4, 2009 Reply

      Do you have custom firmware installed?

      • jackoooooo jackoooooo October 4, 2009 Reply

        no,,, i hasn’t touch my PSP for a long time,, i use devhook before…. I think i miss a lot now

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade October 4, 2009

          What firmware version is installed on your PSP right now?

          Type down the exact text after System Software (as shown above where it’s version 2.60).

  95. jackoooooo jackoooooo October 5, 2009 Reply

    software version 2.71

  96. eugenejjchan Holic October 11, 2009 Reply

    erm.. wanna comfirm. Is it Save to upgrade my cfw 3.90 m33-3 directly to Gen-B ?? will i brick it ? >.<

  97. rbmags21 rbmags21 October 11, 2009 Reply

    just 1 question.. i upgraded my cfw 4.01 m33-2 directly to 5.50 gen-a & now my save files are corrupted.. is there any chance to recover my save files or will they still work if i moved back down to 4.01?

  98. saad_mannan_waheed saad October 26, 2009 Reply

    im trying to update my psp phat from 5.00m33-6 to 5.50 genA. I stored 5.50 GEN-A update on my memory stick when i run the update it says “update couldnt start it might be corrupted” can you help

  99. oowhat oo October 31, 2009 Reply

    so i have a question for u sylv3rblade
    i have fat PSP 1000 with CFW 3.95 GEN so my ? is can i jump to straight to Gen 5.55 A B or D? or what the best way to do the update and what version a b d ?? thanks lemme know asap pl.

  100. bass_forte hsssss November 3, 2009 Reply

    so if i upgrade my psp to 5.50 gen-a, Can i still change it into m33?

  101. kadeemson kb124 November 4, 2009 Reply

    if it reading as corrupted when you go into the game folder

  102. kadeemson kb124 November 4, 2009 Reply

    it saying corrupted data when i try to enter it

  103. akenjoin_manga akenjoin November 5, 2009 Reply

    how can u tell me which 5.50 is for psp3000 and which is for psp2000 my one is 5.03 some new game i can’t play so i want to know which one i can use

  104. cliff75203 vdub November 6, 2009 Reply

    Ok if your getting corrupted and other people are getting problems ok lets see….Gen i still don’t trust ya cause one this like a blog site if you going to do this do like Dax site.Ok im done with the 14 year old jerk talk ok now let me get down with the problem like me what i did i said to Gen why do Gen need m33 for there flash? i have not here that someone flashed Gen without m33? what i think you should do if you get a bad flash like gen downgrade to 5.00m33-6 or just reflash your gen if you still have it and this for people that’s having problems I say it again if you like Gen just reflash disables everything and test it out [NOW] people that’s with m33 downgrade the old way!!!!! try on your own risk using Gen way…..ok now that it coming from vdub if you want to talk about this Gen or have your own say about it there’s my email…….as you could you see i was not trying to use gram…….

  105. larrylegend25 larry November 27, 2009 Reply

    I have installed the gen d and gen d 2, but the playstation store is asking for another update. please help

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade November 27, 2009 Reply

      All versions of 5.50 GEN-D is currently blocked by the PSN. There is currently no work around for this.

  106. joshdesouza92 PSP 1000 December 8, 2009 Reply

    Hey..i have a PSP 1000..and ive just installed 5.50 Gen-A(Full) and everytime i try to load a game from the memory stick i get a message saying “The Game could not be started.(80020321)”..Please help.Thanks.

  107. kirk_narvaez kurimaw100 December 14, 2009 Reply

    Hello. When i start the ge-A installer my psp just freezes to the part where it says “Starting sce updater. Wait… ” I downgraded my psp 2000 to 5.00 m33-6 from gen-b2 because I cant seem to intsall gen-d. Huhu. Pls help. 🙂

  108. ikustaka_05 GenicZ December 16, 2009 Reply

    I want to update my psp cfw 5.03m33-6 to 5.50 gen A. Do I still need pandora to do that?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade December 16, 2009 Reply

      5.03? You can’t install 5.50 GEN-A if you’re running your cfw on chickhen. If you try to install THIS firmware on your PSP, you’ll brick it.

  109. ja_ne_t jane December 22, 2009 Reply

    question…. should i install the eggsploit first before i can update to 5.50 Gen-A?
    coz when i try to update the Gen.. it gives me “The game could not be started. The data is corrupted.
    pls. help thanks

  110. vegeta.mahesh mahesh January 1, 2010 Reply

    can i installcustom firmware on my psp with
    6.20 version
    (psp 3000)

  111. sylvan1975 dracko January 17, 2010 Reply

    i have v 3.80 2004 and i can’t play dowloaded game like fifa10…what’s wrong?pls tell me what to do?tnx

  112. malka.2 Toni January 29, 2010 Reply

    Hy! can You tell mi somethinge….i have CF 5.5o gen d—and i install mame4all,that i can play donkey kong ….a instali some softwear to play psx games….and I want to play donkey kong and psp is turnoff ,now he want turn on…..i check my baterry ,but is stil is dead ….can you help me 😉
    dont tell me he is bricked ,pleaseee

  113. jstnhwang9 Justin January 31, 2010 Reply

    I have a psp 2000 hacked by my friend and the cfw is 4.01 M33-2 and it does not play the new games such as Gran Turismo in iso and I want to play it by upgrading my firmware but will it brick? and I want to upgrade to 5.50 gen -d2 or d3 but i really don’t know the differences of the letters from A to D and what will be the best option for my psp? please help me out.

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade January 31, 2010 Reply

      It’s possible to upgrade to any 5.50 GEN cfw directly but it’s not recommended due to the number of people experiencing “hangs” during installation (and seriously, you don’t want your PSP to hang during any CFW installation).
      For clarity GEN-B, GEN-C, GEN-D is that they are patches for the original 5.50 GEN-A cfw. 5.50 GEN-D2 and 5.50 GEN-D3 are patches of GEN-D. To put it simply, they’re updates to the 5.50 GEN CFW.
      If you want to upgrade your current PSP version please install 5.00 M33 first then install 5.50 GEN-D3.

  114. mcbao2000 mcbao February 4, 2010 Reply

    HI, I have recently upgraded my 5.00 M33-4 to 5.50 gen-d (full). Fortunately the machine didn’t hang on me, and the upgrade was successful. But now my psp2000 can’t play ISO games anymore. When i run the game it will go into the start menu and then pop out again saying “game cannot be start”. Can you tell me what’s wrong and how can i fix it? thank you very much.

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade February 4, 2010 Reply

      Please check your current firmware version to make sure that you didn’t upgrade to the official firmware by mistake.

      • mcbao2000 mcbao February 4, 2010 Reply

        The file i download is:

        Inside there is a Docs folder, a PSP folder (which got GAME -> UPDATE -> EBOOT.PBP), and a 550.PBP file in there.

        I follow the instructions. Dragged the PSP and 550.PBP file to the root directory of my memory stick (covered up a apparently invisible PSP that’s in the mms). Then i ran the 5.50 program through game in the psp. Selected install custom firmware. successfully updated. System information display “5.50 GEN-D (FULL)”. Did i do anything wrong along the process or is there anything else i should pay attention to? Thanks for teh reply.

      • mcbao2000 mcbao February 6, 2010 Reply

        hey sylv3rblade, I just want to let you know i have resolved my problem by updating the firmware to 5.50 gen-D3 and everything works again. thanks for the reply.

  115. abijai44 edward February 10, 2010 Reply

    hey sylv3rblade,
    Recently i upgraded my PSP1000 to CFW 5.00 M33-3.(without pandora!)
    Can you Please tell me on how i can upgrade to CFW 5.50 Gen D?
    Thank you

  116. magnumdelirium Senkojin February 25, 2010 Reply

    Sir can i update 5.03 Gen-C to 5.50? thank you.

  117. hamza_wjd hamza February 26, 2010 Reply

    i copied the eboot.pbp file and the psp folder to the root folder of my psp but when i go under the game in my psp i cant see any thing except for the games i have…..plz plz plz plz …….help me:(:(
    reply back!!

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade February 28, 2010 Reply

      Sounds like you don’t have CFW installed yet. What’s your current firmware version?

  118. winzoleta_20 winzoleta March 15, 2010 Reply

    can i install directly gen-d3 on my psp system software version 5.50?

  119. natarakiboi natarakiboi March 16, 2010 Reply

    the system version of my psp is 5.50 and not yet modified,,can i installed gen-d3 on my psp????,,plz,,help!!!!

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade March 16, 2010 Reply

      Nope. Not unless your PSP is hackable. If it’s hackable, you can use a Pandora Battery to downgrade and install CFW, if not then tough luck 🙁

  120. natarakiboi natarakiboi March 18, 2010 Reply

    ,,,if it’s not hackable,is there anyway so i can play ISO games even if is not modified yet?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade March 18, 2010 Reply

      Nope, you need the CFW to make it work (make your PSP play games from your memory stick that is).

  121. natarakiboi natarakiboi March 25, 2010 Reply

    ,,how could i know if my psp is hackable or not,,can u help me,,,then what website can i get the CFW installer????

  122. kcharles03 Shadowfox3126 March 27, 2010 Reply

    I have updated my PSP 2000 firmware(5.03) into Gen 5.50 – D3 now my PSP is down i can’t even open it.. only the green light is on and it wont even open

    • razo_zre Ginchi May 10, 2010 Reply

      im having same problem as u.did u solve urs?

  123. moriikawaii it's me April 4, 2010 Reply

    if this steps didn’t work for you, try doing these steps:
    1. extract the PSP folder.
    2. open the PSP folder until you find the UPDATE folder.
    3. copy the UPDATE folder in your psp memory stick (PSP->GAME)
    4. then go to your psp to update your cfw.(under the GAME tab)

  124. razo_zre Ginchi May 10, 2010 Reply

    previously ive use 5.00 M33 on my psp.ive change it to 5.50 gen a.after all the process is finish my psp restart but nothing apear in the i cant turn on my serial no starts with “HC” so it is not using TA088v3 motherboard rite?did i brick my psp2000?

  125. crazy_nepo Dark May 27, 2010 Reply

    dude help me. can i use custom firmware?
    my version of my PSP is PSP-2000
    Serial no. HJ467618.

    • haruglory1 KINg12 December 10, 2010 Reply

      boss i have a psp 3001 with 5.50 ofw is there a possibility that i can down grade it 5.03 para mkapglaro ako ng dl na laro

  126. larrylegend25 Larry June 2, 2010 Reply

    Bro!! Can I still use remote play with my ps3 and my psp (version d-3)


  127. brillsky_usher0822 paul July 8, 2010 Reply

    sir i hav ofw 5.50 it like a stone age ican use my dowload games is possible to become 5.50 gen of anykind pls a big help will do sir…….

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade July 8, 2010 Reply

      You need to specify what your PSP model is. Check this page to see if it’s hackable, otherwise I can’t help you

      • jinocua jino cua July 12, 2010 Reply

        don’t you peaple know how to read???????????????
        the steps r already written and some in bold letters so that it would be easier for you guys to understand.. yet there r still too many lousy comments that i’ve read asking how to do this and that.. wtf?? just read people. dami talgang tanga d2 sa mundo. mahihina ang ulo.. ibigsabihin B0B0

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade July 12, 2010

          madami lang talagang tamad haha

      • brillsky_usher0822 paul July 12, 2010 Reply

        sir ang psp ko phat with model 1004 po sorry po f i forget to indicate it sna po matulungan nyo ako…tnxs

  128. chandran_prem chandrandj August 4, 2010 Reply

    i have a psp 3001 with 5.50 i need to install custom firmware 5.50 gen can anyone know how to install plz tell me

  129. bella7888 Bella September 22, 2010 Reply

    so i’m trying to hack my boyfriends psp, he has the 1000 with the 5.50 firmware. I tried installing the gen – a but when i go to update it says the file is corrupted. Can you help me please? Thank you for your time.

  130. finchjhane halayafinch December 3, 2010 Reply

    sir the firmware of 5.50 gen-A i cnt install wat can i do to install the firmware 5.50 gen-A to my psp i drag the folder but is always crack the file.. pls.. help me..

  131. khris_caleb07 caleb January 18, 2011 Reply

    please help me i have ofw 3.90 on my psp and i want to upgrade it to any kind of highier cfw ,i tried to use the gen d3 upgrader but it just restart my psp and then nothing happens,pls help me sir..

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade January 19, 2011 Reply
      • khris_caleb07 caleb January 19, 2011 Reply

        thank you very much sir…

        • khris_caleb07 caleb February 20, 2011

          good day silverblade ..pls help me again on this one ,,my cousins psp has a 5.00 gen b and tried to upgrade it to gend3 but when the process is over and starts to reboot it just keeps on loading and i cant use it ,,i tried to go to the recovery menu and use the option there to run prog at eboot ,then it says there game could not started and goes to normal again i thought my headache is over but when i tried to restart it again it just keeps on loading again ,,my cousin psp was really messed up sir,,pls help me..

  132. mj_trans13 JinRaflesia March 31, 2011 Reply

    How do i make a Pandora Battery? Through the [select]+[start] menu? I tried that… no result….. or do i have to buy…

  133. tristancarlolegaspimaron trisKick April 4, 2011 Reply

    how can I install my psp 3000 with 5.03 to 5.50?tnx

  134. ngmilanreese MIlan April 13, 2011 Reply

    I get an error….it says “The game could not be started. (FFFFFFFFFF)

    PLZZZZZZ help

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade April 13, 2011 Reply

      What is your current firmware version?

      • ngmilanreese MIlan April 14, 2011 Reply

        5.03 prometheus 2

        • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade April 14, 2011

          Then you’re lucky this failed to install. Please read the warnings next time.

          Use this firmware version instead: 5.03 GEN-C

  135. aussie-chad Chad Comitogianni April 26, 2011 Reply

    I have a psp slim with 5.00 m33-6, will this update work on my psp ?? :))

  136. aussie-chad Chad Comitogianni April 26, 2011 Reply

    i’ve download all this, put it in the correct folders… BUT there is nothing when i click memory stick… is there something i have to rename or change that came in the download ??

  137. toparcherkruis Tromp June 28, 2011 Reply


    i got a psp 1004 with systeemsoftware 2.0 .
    yeah i know i haven’t used it in 4 to 6 years or so. but my qeustion is. can i just instal this without first having to change my psp to custom firmware?

    thanks in advance

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade June 28, 2011 Reply

      Be sure to check out the Dummy’s guide to Custom Firmware so you can educate yourself with what’s what.

      As for your PSP, you can upgrade it incrementally (since upgrading to 5.00 OFW in one go is not recommended) until you reach an OFW that is the minimum for custom firmware, in this case, 3.80 OFW

  138. toparcherkruis Tromp June 28, 2011 Reply

    and how do i update my systeem to 3.80 . if i google it i find only a eboot file. do i need to run that one with hellcat ?

  139. toparcherkruis Tromp June 28, 2011 Reply

    i forgot to mention that i wanted to do it without the use of a pandora battery. and i have check you guide for it.

  140. toparcherkruis Tromp June 28, 2011 Reply

    sorry for spamming here but i got the 3.80 update running on my psp. now when i copy the recovery file ( only the recovery file btw). and try to start it. it tells me it can’t open the game. plz help.

    P.S. thanks for helping the noob

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade June 28, 2011 Reply

      Since you’re looking for a way to install CFW without a Pandora Battery: use this guide.
      Do note that you need to upgrade to 5.03 OFW for this

  141. skataco600 Taco February 2, 2012 Reply

    Hey i have a phat psp ver. 5.03 OFw and i want to hack it to gen- A will it brick or not?

    • atmaxplorer sylv3rblade February 2, 2012 Reply

      You have a Phat so you can install pretty much an CFW on it. The question however is are you already on CFW? If not, follow this guide to convert your PSP to CFW

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