Can my PSP have custom firmware installed?
I’ve been receiving tons of questions on how to check if their PSP can have custom firmware installed. Here’s a complete and concise guide to get you going. Make sure to read through the guide fully since it will answer all your psp motherboard related questions. First of, you need to understand that there are three types of PSPs:
- 1000 Series (Also known as PSP Phat/Fat)
- 2000 Series (Also known as PSP Slim or Lite & Slim)
- 3000 Series (Also known as PSP Brite)
So why install Custom Firmware on a PSP?
People install Custom Firmware so they can run Homebrew, programs developed by people that don’t have a contract with Sony. A PSP with Custom Firmware could also back up your games from the UMD to your computer; it also allows you to play those backups from your Memory Stick (MS). You could also do some serious customizations to your theme. Basically, you free your PSP from the hands of Sony.
Can I install Custom Firmware?
Before anything, you should know that there three ways to classify Sony’s PSP. Hardware, motherboard and Hackability.
To date, these are the hardware models of the PSP
- PSP 1000 or the PSP Phat
- PSP 2000 or the PSP Slim
- PSP 3000 or the PSP Brite
- And last but not the least, the PSP Go
Each hardware model of the PSP change motherboards over time. However, this classification is only important for the PSP-2000 Slims. Why? I’ll tell you that in a bit. The PSP Slim has 6 motherboard versions but we’ll focus on what’s important so I’ve split them into just 3.
- 1st generation PSP Slims: pre-TA-085XX motherboards
- 2nd generation PSP Slims: TA-088v3 motherboards
- 3rd generation PSP Slims: TA-090v1 motherboards
The hackability of your PSP [in simple terms, can you put CFW on your PSP] depends on several factors. I’ve made a list so you can easily classify things:
- PSP-1000s are completely hackable.
- 1st and 3rd generation PSP-2000s are completely hackable.
- 2nd generation PSP-2000s and PSP-3000s are partially hackable
What does completely hackable and partially hackable mean?
A completely hackable PSP means that you can have custom firmware PERMANENTLY installed on it. This means that the custom firmware stay on your PSP until you decide to remove it.
A partially hackable PSP means that it’s custom firmware is only temporarily loaded via a special exploit called the Chickhen hack. If you shut down your system or had it turned off, you need to load the custom firmware again.
What will prevent me from hacking my PSP?
There’s several factors that will stop you from installing custom firmware. Here’s a run down:
- A 2nd generation PSP-2000 with firmware ABOVE 5.03
- A PSP-3000 with firmware ABOVE 5.03
Why version 5.03? Because 5.03 is the only firmware version that supports the Chickhen hack. Firmware versions succeeding it (5.50, 5.51 and 6.00) have this exploit patched.
Is my PSP Hackable?
This is the simplest method out there. You can check things manually but this is the recommended method:
- ChickHEN R2 enabled PSP
- Download PSP Ident | PSP Ident
Before you proceed, you need to install and successfully run the chickHen hack. Read the guide and come back here to finish the installation.
- Connect your PSP to the computer in USB Mode when you have loaded ChickHEN R2.
- Extract the file to your computer
- Copy the PSPident folder to your X:GAME/GAME3XX folder
- Disconnect your PSP
- Run PSPident
- If you did it right, you should have this screen pop out
With that information, you can compare it to the table below to see if your PSP is hackable.
Manually Checking your PSPs hackability
If you want to do things manually. Follow this guide:
What is the Firmware the PSP came with?
- Official Firmware 3.60: Supported by Custom Firmware
- Official Firmware 3.71: Supported by Custom Firmware
- Official Firmware 3.72: Supported by Custom Firmware
- Official Firmware 3.80: Supported by Custom Firmware
- Official Firmware 3.90: Supported by Custom Firmware
- Official Firmware 3.95: Supported by Custom Firmware
- Official Firmware 4.01: Very high chance of no Custom Firmware support
What is the PSP’s Serial Number?
What’s is the PSP’s Identification Letter
What’s the Box’s Serial Number?
The original firmware that came with the PSP right out of the box is an indication of its Motherboard, & here’s the list: If you’ve bought a PSP with Official Firmware higher than 4.01, chances are it doesn’t support Custom Firmware, any attempt to install it will be met with a Game could not be started error. Note: If you updated the PSP or the PSP you’ve bought has been upgraded before you got your hands on it then you need to find out what was the first firmware installed on it as the list above only applies to said version.
The Serial Number is found on a label where the battery is supposed to go. Refer to the picture below for a better illustration: Note that this applies to Piano Piano Black PSPs (for now). If the serial starts with HU2, then the PSP most likely has a TA-088v3 Motherboard. Any other serial (Say starting with HC or HB or HJ) can have CFW installed.
It’s the letter on a label on the box that indicates the version of the unit. A picture is shown below: Note that this label is only present on the normal PSP box and not those large “Limited Edition” ones. Anyways, See the G there?
PSP-2000 CW 100v G
That G is the letter in question. Here’s a list of all the letters that the 2000 series ship with:
If the letter is absent or is from A to F, then you can install Custom Firmware. If it’s a G then you can’t.
(No Letter) = 3.60
A = 3.71
B = Doesn’t exist
C = 3.72
D = Doesn’t exist
E = 3.80
F = 3.90
G = 3.95 (TA-088v1) / 4.01 (TA-088v2) / 4.01 (TA-088v3)
If your box doesn’t have a label with a letter in it, like the G in the third method, then it should have a label with another serial that’s not related to the PSP unit. Note that American 2000 series (2001 PSPs) & Japanese PSPs (Both 1000 series & 2000 series) Don’t have those date codes on them, just like the 2001 Piano Black PSP pictured above. The 2000 Series Date Codes go as follows:
7C: Supported by cfw
7D: Supported by cfw
7(Any later Letter): Supported by cfw
8A: Supported by cfw
8B: Supported by cfw
8C: very high chance it's not supported by cfw
8D: Not supported by cfw
How can I install custom firmware on my PSP?
If you have a completely hackable PSP (please read the guide again if you don’t know what a completely hackable PSP is) then you just need to follow the basic installation guide:
- Convert your PSP to custom firmware
- Convert your PSP to custom firmware without a Pandora Battery (Highly Recommended)
If you do have a PSP-3000s and PSP-2000 with TA-088v3 or any PSP above 5.50 OFW then you’re in luck. You can still enjoy games and homebrew on your PSP by installing any of the following Hen + ISO loader combo:
- 5.03 GEN-C (signed version)
- 6.20 TN-D + Prometheus ISO loader
- 6.35 PRO-B5
These are compatible with ALL PSP models so you can install 5.03 GEN-C, 6.20 TN-E or 6.35 PRO-B5 regardless of your PSP unit. At the moment, all available firmwares for the PSP are hackable except 6.37 and 6.38 so please don’t update to that. Read this for further information about 6.37 OFW, 6.38.
Now, if you’re still not sure how to proceed, ask a friend who’s familiar with Custom Firmwares to check for you. If you have a suggestion or a question, just post a comment.
Tags: Custom Firmware, Homebrew, Playstation Portable, PSP
can the ta-088v3 motherboard be hacked soon? i just bought a psp-2006 & i tried to upgrade it to version 5.00-m33, but it just cant install the upgrade, now i still cant use my psp.. what should i do?
ok, so I got a limited edition Madden 09 4.01 OFW, so your saying I should just give up on not having a CFW in order to play psx games? please reply, your answers are greatly appreciated ^^,
not exactly you psp can be hacked, upgrade it to 5.03 OFW then go download chickHEN 5.03 gen-a
My PSP is a Brite one. However, the serial code found at the battery storage starts with HU. Is the CFW possibly installed in it? Another thing, is that true if the UMD game Idol Master, if you update the version of it (5.05) is it possible for hacking?
The PSP brite is still not supported by CFW. It’s on the guide.
how to upgrade my psp to 5.00… I have only 3.80 on my psp … my psp is slim…
read the guide first to see if your psp slim is cfw compatible. I’ll be posting a ofw to cfw guide soon.
Hi Sylv3rblade,
first, thank you very much for this blog post!
Second, I’m a bit confused. Few days ago I bought a PSP Slim and after reading your post I’m still not sure if I can use CFW.
It came with 3.95 firmware (yay!),
serial number starts with “HC” (yay!),
PSP’s identification letter is “G” (boo!).
So I have 2 yes and one no CFW. Can I install a CFW? o_O
Thanks in advance!
I also forgot to mention that I’m from Europe so there might be some difference in serial numbers etc. And the model is “PSP-2004 PB”
hey… why does my serial no. starts with HE?(what does this indicate?)….. you said psp with motherboard TA-088v3 version are not hackable? is there a time that it will be? because i have a PSP-2006 PB with a system info. of version 4.01… i dont hav cfw. and the identification letter is “G”. im from philippines btw.
i have a star wars psp would it work on that?
how do u tell what vesion?
on your XMB:
System Settings > System Information
I have been looking everywhere and i need to find out what motherboard my psp slim darth vader is and thank you so much.
Thanks. I now know my PSP is hackable cos of date code. Mine’s 7D
When i took off my battery it started with YC does that mean that my psp ´can have custom firmware?
what if your serial number starts with HE ?
I am getting a message” IPL inject failed.” there is not enough sector to inject IPL the pandora will not boot PSP. do you want to continue. Y/N” when I click on N it still writes to the memory stick. any help and/or suggestion is appreciated.
I am using a 2GB microSDHC with a MSPD adapter
Use this tool:
Mirror 1 | Mirror 2
I have bought PSP 4.01
date code is 8c
serial # is hc8******
made in china
can i play Games from memory card??
update could install CFW using rains ultra using DC8v on a 2GB micrSDHC with a MSPD adapter
mr sylv3rblade, what about the limited edition of the ratchet and clank?it has a serial number of HU1………. and it has no date code. can this psp3000 can play games on mem stick using a CFW? tnxü
you should look into chickHEN R2 for psp3000
good guide mate. made me confirm some things about purchasing a psp. Also, if you already have a psp and want to be completely clear on what motherboard you have I suggest using PSPident while in ChickHenR2 mode. works like a charm, unharmable (5.03 only)
I have a PSP 1004 and i just recently installed sony official firmware 5.50 so i want to know if i can install custom firmware pls.
You can use a Pandora battery to install custom firmware
Erm…got a question..
Bought my PSP in China some time ago..
Its a Slim and Lite PSP..
It says :
Serial-No: HExxxxxxxx
and there is NO date code WTF ?
So can i install CF or not ?
Thanks for help =)
h i my psp 3000 is limited edition it came with rockband bundle can i hack it?
my phat psp has a SU serial number can it have cfw
You have phat. You can install custom firmware regardless of it’s version.
the link for making the mms is only 100 bytes and when i open the page it says to go to but that dosnt work. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!
MMS Grader is linked here
i hav a question! i hav a slim w/serial number HUOxxxxx can it hav cfw
i got a question…will cfw work if my serial # is HU3 and u said ” If the serial starts with HU2, then the PSP most likely has a TA-088v3 Motherboard.”…but then u said “Any other serial (Say starting with HC or HB or HJ) can have CFW installed.”….from this info my serial # is not HU2 but its not a HC or HB or HJ…
plz email me ur
i also have to add that i dont have the boxes and stuff anymore so i have to work with the psp…
Check out method number 5.
help me please.. im newbie in psp.. my previous firmware is 4.01 m33.. and i searched to the internet to search for firmwares.. and i updated to 5.52 from the official sony site.. after i updated it my cso/iso games cannot be read.. how can i go back or downgrade my version psp?? i want the custom firmware.. please help.. thanks..
You need a pandora battery to downgrade.
hey anyone know if the star wars battlefront ceramic white slim is CFW allowed? because i got everything like the chickHEN and the 503 GEN A on the psp everything works except the last part of the GEN A …. which is reboot …. it keeps turning off.
also to add its psp 2001 and serial # HU7616559
from what i understand in the compatibility thread that it should be unless im mistaken.
thanks for the ideas on my problem!
i have a psp 2001 slim with serial Hu2 with official firmware 5.51. can i use chickHEN or no?and can i put custom firmware?
hey all im new at this hacking psp stuff i got a psp-1002 and a sony battery (came with it) is this able to be hacked without a pandora battery???
Depends on your firmware, if you have 5.03 and below, you can install CFW w/o pandora.
how do i get 5.03 without pandora im version 5.51 stupid me
You can’t. There’s no way to downgrade a PSP with 5.51 firmware without using Pandora.
so ill need a pandora battery any way
i have psp with a 3.95 ofw i want to install a 4.01m33 cfw .can u help me
i have a psp 2003 PB slim and lite.i have upgraded to official sony firmware 5.02 . now i want to get a custom firmware. . my serial number is HB*******. and the date code is “8C”. . how can i install custom firmware in it.. plz help me..
Hey i got a question.
I have a psp that i took to taiwan to get something done in it.
But i dont know what they did to it.
I can download games and everything.
But i cant seem to update my psp from the online update button thingy.
My psp serial number is
“FU******* 6B”
Is it able to have CFW installed?
hi , i have a psp 2006 ver 5.51 …. how can i downgrade it so as to play games
hi got my psp of sister bricked its a fat psp model psp-1004
serial sc1573700
date code is 5c
dont no firmware installed have tried pandora battery an memory stick only the power light turns on nothing else doesnt boot was directed to here to find out more could u help plz
hi psp-1004
serial sc15*****
date code 5c
psp 3 yrs old fhat version can cfw be installed
only power light comes on have tried battery an memory stick ?
look forward to your reply and ty in advance
look i got a 3000 series version 5.02 can it b hacked??
Yep. Just upgrade to 5.03 (don’t use the network update) and install chickhen. It’s written on the guide :D.
i have a serial number starting with HC.
that gave me hope.
but my box has a G.
my date code is 8C.
and my PSP is 2004 with firmware 4.01.
i’m so scared of trying out some methods.
because of the BRICK thing.
so can you help me out?
can my PSP be supported by CFW?
and also the guide is very confusing.
it said that the TA-088v3 mobo can now support CFW.
but if you read on it says that TA-088v3 cannot be supported by CFW.
i really don’t get your guide.
it’s so confusing.
I think it’s the image that’s causing the problem. I’ll try to update… but to clear things up. Yes, PSPs with TA-088v3 motherboards can now have custom firmware.
This part:
Should take you where you want to go.
thanks so much.
now i can play ISO games.
but i downloaded a different cfwenabler.
i downloaded 3.51 ‘coz 3.50 doesn’t work.
now my OFW 4.01 is now 5.03 MHU.
anyway super thanks for the guide^^
more power!:D
I’ll edit the post for cfwenabler to include multiple versions of it.
Dear sir,
By accidentially and big mistake,my friend installed the Official Firmware version 5.02 to my PSP-2000 SLIM. Before I use the Cracked Firmware version 3.90 that I can play ISO, CSO game files from Memory Stick. But after my friend installed the Officially Firmware version 5.02 ,I can’t play play ISO, CSO game files from Memory Stick anymore.
Could you please give me your suggestion with the full detailed methods to solve my big problem.
Your Sincerely,
Read this guide:
How to install custom firmware without pandora
hi again was wondering if u could help me with my psp i have posted but no reply?
my psp is a psp-1004 fat one
serial sc15*****
date code 5c
psp 3 yrs old fhat version can cfw be installed
only power light comes on have tried battery an memory stick ?
Sounds like you have a permanent brick right there. It’s a phat, it can have custom firmware installed regardless of model but seeing as it’s condition is like that…
i have HU8995571 madden 09 psp i updated my psp before i even heard about CFW and i did try to hack my psp once but messed up, for some reason i downloaded a 5.00 m33 update it ran but it updated to OFW, can you tell me if my psp is hackable?
I have a PSP Slim, and the serial behind the battery starts with HU0.
The box does not have an identification letter or a date code, but it does have a serial number that starts with AB00.
I am not sure if this a TA-088v3. If I use the chickHEN hack for TA-088v3, and the motherboard is NOT a TA-088v3, will it harm my PSP?
No it won’t. It’s safe for you to use chickHen and the custom firmwares that run on it.
I was just wondering, I have a slim lite 2003 serial HBxxxxx and date code 7c, All signs point to it as being moddable BUT, I have recently updated my official firmware to 5.51, Will this cause problems If I decide to go with a pandora and magick stick mod, or should it be ok?
@sergz, I dont know why you updated from the official site, It seems that you had custom firmware already, The official firmware doesnt allow you to play modded games unfortunately, Hard luck dude, But if I get a positive answer to my question then Its just a matter of you getting a pandora bat and a magic stick, here. check this vid out for a better understanding of how it works.
can you please write back, mine starts with Hu8 madden 09 psp i updated my psp before i even heard about CFW and i did try to hack my psp once but messed up, for some reason i downloaded a 5.00 m33 update it ran but it updated to OFW, can you tell me if my psp is hackable
It’s on number 5 actually
plzz answer mine
can you please write back, mine starts with Hu8 madden 09 psp i updated my psp before i even heard about CFW and i did try to hack my psp once but messed up, for some reason i downloaded a 5.00 m33 update it ran but it updated to OFW, can you tell me if my psp is hackable
Madden PSPs are hackable. Just make sure you don’t use the bundled memory stick to create a MMS. It won’t work.
oh thank you, SO much! im so glad
now ima go buy a pandora bettery 
my brother downloaded ver5.03 in psp 2000 and it started to hang so he downloaded ver 5.51.he want to downgrade his version.pls help me out
What’s your PSP model?
i have psp 2000 and ive installed a ver of 5.51. how do i install and play iso games in the memory stick?
Thank you very much for your assistance!
If you have a hackable PSP (read the post to verify if you have that), it can be downgraded. Otherwise. no, there isn’t a way for you to play ISOs on your psp.
hi, i’m using PSP 2006, how can i play ISO/CSO game file on memory card?? please help me
just visited singapore – sim lim square …. they told me psp 2006 ver 5.51 cannot be downgraded … instead they told me me to use cd which may contain 20 games for $s 90. They also told me that pandora battery is now not in market. Is it true.. Can any one tell me where i can get pandora battery and if can i downgrade it.
hi there can you help a bit confused
psp model 2003
box letter G
date number 8B
serial number HB
can i have cfw installed
HBwhat whats after that?
My kids have 2 PSP SLim 2000 and we already hacked it with CFWenabler 3.60 and Chickhen.
One of the PSP recently produce shaky display and response really slow. I also noticed when I connect to PC via USB it cannot read the whole content of the memory stick. Only certain part of it. I guess the memory stick is corrupt. When I do Master Reset the unit behave normally without shaking and slow response.
Can I format the memory stick and copy from my other PSP memory stick to the newly format Mstick? Will it works?
my friend crash his psp fat while doing downgrade using hellcats, i heard that padoras batt. w/ mms can fix it. is that true?
Firstly thanks for the article
From reading the guide it sounds like mine cannot have CFW installed?
Mines a 2003 and referring to the guide it has the following:
1. 4.01 Firmware
2. Serial starts with HB
3. Has a G on box
I’d be tempted to put CFW if it is compatible as it would be nice to play my old PSX games
But I don’t want to brick my shiny new, old model, PSP.
Hi, I have a PSP 2001. I have discovered that my motherboard is a TA-088v1 and I currently have OFW sony 5.50 firmware installed (upgraded before I bought it) I want to go custom firware and I do not want to go Pandora can anyone help me?
hey i dont know if its alright to put 5.50 on my psp slim (silver) would it brick it please tell me asap!:D
thank you
also how do you know
what version psp you have?
thanks heaps
That’s what this post is for.
hi~ i used to have cfw on my psp (slim 2001) and made a stupid mistake and upgraded it to ofw 5.50. *cries*
i’ve been trying to find a way to change it to a cfw again. is there a way to do it?
lol woops haha
uhh i got question does 5.50 work
on chickHen hack?
thanks heaps
Nope. It only works on hackable PSPs.
dj, you can’t, it’s 3000 so you can’t, srry
hey thanks for that
one more question i installed chickHen on
my psp as you know i just wanna know why its laggy in some games not online (sinlgeplayer)
thanks heaps
Hi, my friend has mistakenly upgraded his psp-2000 to original FW can i downgrade it now and install 5.00m33.this is urgent so please reply ASAP
Hi there,
what about a psp2006, with ofw 4.01, letter “G” and the serial starts with HE2.
In the tut it says G” no cfw, but it also say: G can be 4.01 (TA-088v2) or 4.01 (TA-088v3)
If it is a “G” 4.01 (TA-088v2) is it hackable?
If not, ignore the rest of the text.
To find out what board is inside, install 5.03, Hen and run pspident. If it is a TA-088v2 is it possible to downgrade to older ofw/cfw?
TA-088v2 are hackable so yeah, you can install CFW on it. BTW, were you able to run chickhen?
If you did (and pspident gave you TA-088v2 as your mobo), you can use this tutorial to convert your PSP to CFW:
Thanks, I will try these days to run chickhen. I wait for my MS and post reply.
Ok, I have run chickhen and pspident an I have a TA-088v3.
Is there any way to change X/O on my PSP using chickhen?
It’s been a long time i did not turn on my PSP slim. I remember the last firmware i up is 4.X M33. Till now i never upgrade so can i say i can install other CFW?
You’re already on custom firmware :D. But to answer your question, yes you can upgrade to 5.00 M33
i have chickhen hack and i am dying to play
2k10 i was just wondering if i can run it and also can i update the hack to 5.50 gen a or gen B?
thank you:)
ChickHen? It’s just 5.03 GEN-A for you.
Hey sylv3rblade,
Great info, the best I’ve found so far after 2 days of searching.
I’m stuck though. I have a 2001 OFW 5.51. I want to run PSP Ident but I can’t install chickhenR2 due to my OFW. What to do?
It is a “daxter promo” and the serial is HU315XXXX. Can you tell me if my psp is hackable?
If it’s from the Daxter PSP Bundle Yes it’s hackable.
Thank you sylv3rblade. I don’t know anyone with a pandora battery (which I need to make my own), so I suppose my next step is to order a pandora battery from the internet. Might as well order a preloaded memory stick while I’m at it. Your link for ordering is no longer valid. Any suggestions on which retailer is valid? Thanks again!
Sorry about the false information on my last post. I do NOT need a pandora battery to make a pandora battery, only a modded psp. I’ve actually found a friend with a modded psp and I’m back on my mission! I’ll let you know how it works out!
Be sure to post your experience here
hey…when i download it…it’s corrupted data…what will i do???
how can i know what motherboard i got???
Mr. Sylv3rblade, thanks to you I am currently running cfw 5.00 M33-4! Woo-Hoo! Saying that, I did have a few issues. First, trying to create a slim pandora battery on my friends modded phat psp. It was easy enough, just don’t let go of the battery during the process! Secondly, I was trying to be slick and put “pspgrader” on one memory stick and “pan3xx” on another. It worked well enough, but when I needed to convert my battery back from pandora, I had to locate and copy the “battery serial on file” from one memory stick to the other. It was also easy enough but I would not recommend it. My next project is to try and figure out UMDGEN. You wouldn’t happen to have written a post on that as well? Thanks again for your awesome tutorial!
sylv3rblade, I updated my CFW from 5.00 M33-4 to 5.00 M33-6 to 5.50 GEN-A(Full) to 5.50 GEN-B(Full) to 5.50 GEN-B2(Full), but my system information only states 5.50 GEN-B(Full), not the B2. Is that right? By the way, I got that whole ISO, CSO and UMDGEN thing figured out. This is awesome, I should have modded a long time ago! Thanks!
Don’t worry, that’s normal. Installing GEN-B2 will still display 5.50 GEN-B(full).
Congrats on converting
Thanks for the “congrats”, definately could not have done it without your help. I also took your advice and did not flash up to CFW 5.50 GEN-C.
When I used to run OFW, I would update the OFW through my home wireless router. Is it possible to update my CFW this way with CFW installed or do I just need to check out atmaxplorer ocassionally for the lastest CFW updates? Many thanks again.
The GEN firmware doesn’t have the updater that the older, more loved M33 releases had so you have to check this site out for any further updates :D. You can subscribe by email if you want to
I’m already subscribed to this entry, how to subscribe to your e-mail? I looked around Atma Xplorer and couldn’t find a link. Sorry and thanks!
My OFW is 5.01 and I cn’t install chikenhen, please help.
You need to update to 5.03 for chickhen
Hi sylv3rblade, just by reading your post, I idolized you already=) RESPECT!!! Anyways, as per your post above, I have a completely hackable psp (psp 2000, serial # HJ372…, and psp-2000 IS 100V G). BUT… unfortunately I upgraded it to ofw 5.5, my bad=( *cries* Can I still make use any of the custom firmwares?
You need a pandora battery to downgrade. Either pony up some cash to buy one, ask a friend to downgrade your PSP or ask a shop to downgrade your PSP.
thanks! thanks!=) Guess, pandora’s bat is my last and only option. Btw, aprecciate your prompt response, and will spread the good news! LOL! Keep it up!!!
I have a question. completely at lost here. I’ve recently got a new psp slim 2006, blume series, and it said in the box it has an official firmware 5.03, it has the G in the box and it’s serial starts with HE37xxxxx. Can I install a cfw?
hi silv3rblade can you please help me i have a psp-3004 slim & lite piano black ver.4.21 and my serial starts with hc date code 8d and on the box i have the letter A haven’t put chickhen r2 on yet i have downloaded 503.pbp firmware to update my psp and also downloaded chickhen r2 just want to know can i put custom firmware on and witch guide must i use please help and reply
Yes you can. Just follow the chickhen installation guide to load a custom firmware for your PSP.
thank you, you help alot
I am planning to buy a psp 3004 with the letter C on its box, what frimware would this come with. if not what letters are now hackable for the 3000.
I have a PSP-1000 with official firmware 5.50 does this mean i cannot install custom firmware?
You can, you just need a pandora battery to install CFW.
is there a custom firmware for psp 3000 with 5.50?
Sadly none as of the moment.
If I was to buy a new psp now, what firmware would it have?
I have the psp god of war edition. The serial starts with hu8. cani pu cfw????
i have bought a new psp 3004.
i have updated it since i insert umd.
now its showiny system information version 5.55.
wht should i do?is its hackable?
hi i have just bought a psp 2003 the serial starts with hb and has a letter j on the box can i have cfw the ofw is 4.05 not updated it yet.
Yes you can install cfw on your PSP.
will it be perminant cfw or that one where you have to keep doing if you switch off psp.
how would i do it aswell
thankyou for the quick reply
hi, i am working on my psp for 3 days but i cannot solve the problem of mine
it is psp 3001 and the serial starting with HU4****
is there any way to install a cfw of not? can i use a pandora?? the big question is : is my psp is hackable or it will stand stucked to ofw forever?? i really need to install a cfw because i cannot find any umd games in my country…:(
i try hundered times to install chickHEN but it is always CRASHES and shuts down
thank you for your interest…
PSP-3000 = unhackable.
What’s your current firmware version?
when i go to system information it has version only 5.55.
is this version hacakable
it is 5.03 ofw
but i cannot install ChickHEN
i really dont understand what is the problem 
hi i have a psp-1003 and the serial no starts with FB3 and the date code is 6B i think my batt has been converted but not 100% i would buy one so i knew it defo worked i dont have an iso folder i do have an 8gb mem card ( magic duo ) i should be able to play downloaded games on it shouldnt i ?????? if u can help it would be appreciated i know how to do anything ( almost lol ) with a ds and r4 card but have no clue with psp’s i have only had this one for a week if that thanks guys ! x
Try to follow the instructions, read carefully…im just like you who doesnt know much about all of this but somehow i manage to do all of this stuff by reading XD
and btw your psp is 1000 series PHAT/FAT so follow the instructions above and youll be alright, (as long as you didnt update is to 6.00 i guess) Goodluck!
Hi sylv3rblade, think it would be possible for you to make a guide of PSX2PSP, you know, playing PS1 games in PSP? None of the other site makes sense on their tutorials. but if you could teach us your way, we might understand it. Thanks
Working on it.. though you can read the POPsloader post now even if it’s still incomplete:
pls kindly help me, I upgrade my psp to 4.01 M33 to V5.0 but i didnt notice that it doesnt have M33. now i can not play any games. I’m trying to install the chicHen but after I open the Folder from the photo it automatically shuts down (not Rebooted). Im new here please help I really love my PSP and I dont have enough to buy the pandora battery.
I have PSP 1004 and the version now is 5.0
I will wait your email answer please help.
Chicken requires 5.03. Here’s the full tutorial for you to convert your PSP to cfw via chickhen:
sylverblade… may details k b ng pspgo? qng anu ang diff nya s lumang psp at qng maha-hack b to? dba wla n umd un? panu ung gameS? NUN?
I actually have a post about it
my psp came with psp-1003 and version 2.0 or 2.01 had it 3 years what hack would best support my psp and play all games because at the moment it wont play the new lego indiana jones but will play vice city stories any ideas or suggestions ?
You have a PSP-1000, it’s completely hackable.
Hi..need help here:-( i just bought psp20006 with serial# HE08xxxx with G on the box and 4.01 ofw..can i put cfw on my psp? Thanks 4 quick reply..
totoo bng may expiration ang games ng pspgo? prang rental lng un dba? totoo b un?
Hi, cheers for your gd tut but i’m sort of in a big problem atm, the psp-2006 i’m working on does not have the box nor a date code. Currently it’s on ofw 5.03 with a serial of HE4…
Would greatly appreciate it if u could give some insights to this problem of mine
I recntly bought a PSP 2003 second hand. I’m not sure what firmware it started with but its on 4.05 plus I don’t have a box. However the serial no. starts with HB and the date code is 7c. Can I install CFW?
I have a PSP3000 Firmware V5.55
Still unhackable???
Thanks for the info…I’m reading you for days and I’ve just found that….
Yes, it’s still unhackable unfortunately.
i have my psp 2006 and it doesnt have any date codes, how can i make sure if my psp can be installed the firmware? the version is 5.03….. thanx…
and also the serial no. of my psp starts with HE? so how about that?
I know that for now but am also using 3001 with OFW 5.55 installed.Am waiting when solutions will pop up cuz i’ve started download my favourite already and ope the solutions will be available soon.
Thx man for ur explaination
When I bought my psp, I check the the system software and it said 4.01 m33-2. Does that mean my psp is already a custom software?
hi! are imitation psp’s hackable??
it is possible to install cfw for psp 3004 but ofw 5.00?coz u said that psp 3000 still unhackable.and my psp date code is 8D..
i just bought psp 2 days ago..really appreciates for your help.
Thanks for the Guide…. just to be sure, You CAN’T install Custom Firmware on a PSP 1000 on 5.50 Official Firmware ?
You CAN ONLY install cfw on a PSP-1000 with 5.50 OFW with a Pandora Battery.
Thankz 4 the reply, 1 more question… If I hardmod a Pandora Battery, I cant change it back to power the psp???
You can. It’s written at the bottom of the guide
alo! anyone could help me. i have a 2006 model and had been already modified to 5.03 gen b(full) to a store but it’s already gone and back to original setting that cannot play downloaded games. i appreciate your help. pls . ty
hello to all!
i have a PSP-2004 data code 8C com firmware 5.00 M33-4 installed.
Can it be hacked to the 5.50 GEN D2?
I’ve got a psp 2003 with the date code 8B & the serial code HB0 but my offical firmware is 6.20. If i’ve read correctly my model is completly hackable. yet does the firmware restrict anything?
also whats the easyest way to hack it if it still is hackable?
Thanks alot for the guide!!!!
its gr8!
what do u suggest to buy a PSP 2000 series or a PSP 3004 series???
plz reply
PSP 2000… mainly because PSP 2000 is wayy more easy to hack then a PSP 3004
Thanks alot…….!!
so given an option go for the PSP 2000 series???
im very badly confused because the 3000 series has new features……are the new features worth it?
One of my older posts should be quite useful to you:
Thanks alot bro!!
wat do u say ? is the best one to buy…
If money is not an issue, try getting a PSP-2000 (that’s not TA-088v3 since if that’s what you get, you’re on the same boat as the PSP-3000) since you can permanently hack them. Then again if it’s possible, get a PSP-1000. It’s the best PSP model out there
Hi ive got a PSP 1000 (phat) but i have upgraded the OFW to lastest version 6, can i still use a CFW?
Yep. But you need a pandora battery to downgrade.
I’ve got a psp 2003 with the date code 8C & the serial code HB0 and my firmware is 4.01. Can it be hacked to any custom firmware?
Yeah mine is the same … HB serial number and 8C date code. Can it be hacked ?
well,, you should run cfwenabler again but before that u must run succesfully the chickHEN hack
have a psp 2000 japanese with the software version 6.10 but in the serial number this star with hj8.
it’s hackeable.
isn`t affirmation when say it’s hackeable, is a question.
my psp is 2006 w/ version of m33 that i accidentally upgraded it to v5.51 which i cant load ISO anymore…can i still install custom firmware? or downgrade it back? please i need help T_T
You need a pandora battery to downgrade your PSP.
just to add information on my last comment…before i accidentally upgraded it to v5.51 without knowing the cons…it was working perfectly fine with the ISO games.
the thing is i cant play them anymore or even detect the games i placed. i just want the old version back =( or be able to play ISOs.
Help pls…T_T
my psp is version 6.20 will it damage my psp if i install firmware 5.50?
my psp version is 5.55
serial no starts with hu2
plz plz tell me
hi! i got a psp 2006, my memory stick can’t be read by my psp, so i formatted it. but, i don’t know what will i do next. can somebody help me with this?
it want’s to upddate to 3.03 well that let me have install firmware 5.50?
or should i kep it at 5.55 and lnstall firmware 5.50?
hi mr sylv3rblade, i just want 2 ask if the features of a 5.03 GEN-C is the same with 5.50 GEN-D3….thanks…
hi darkstar14
your psp no have date code?
is japanese or is american?
with the serial number no have hu2 in the serial number is posbile downgrade with a magic memory stick and pandora’s battery.
Hi, I have PSP 2006 DR and Serial Number HE. Recently I accidentally upgraded it to OFW 6.10… Can I downgrade it using Pandora? Thank you
hi, i love the psp and ive been working on how to hack for a week now, but ive have finally see how to after reading this.
my problem is that my friend upgrading the psp too far, the firmware is 5.55
plzz tell me how i can downgrade or somehow mod the psp
Please follow the instructions written on the post to find out if our friend’s PSP is hackable or not. If it’s hackable then you can still downgrade it via a Pandora battery.
Hey Jennifer, I have the exact same problem, mine is a psp dr 2006 with HE too and its now on ofw 6.0…did you find out?is yours pandorable?
Does this mean hackable?
I think mine is hackable because there is high chance that it’s not TA-88V3. Before OFW 6.10, I have CFW 5.03 GEN C… I just bought Pandora kits from I hope it will work…
Tell me if it works. 5.03 GEN C works on TA-88v3 as well. so that’s no deciding factor, but I hope it works.
I just got a couple of questions. I have a psp 1002. IT has official firmware 6.20. The Date code is 5d. Can i install a custom firmware straight onto it or do i have to downgrade? another thing is that i’m getting a second memory how will this work with custom firmware?
Oh, and sorry i forgot to say GREAT article. Also i just read that any ofw one psp 1000 is compatible with custom firmware does this mean i can install CWF on my psp 1000 with 6.20 OFW?
Yep but since you’re on 6.20 OFW you need to acquire a Pandora Battery to downgrade and install custom firmware on your PSP.
I would like to know if I can hack my PSP.
This is a PSP 3000 with software 5,55
2 months ago you said me that I must wait…Must I still waiting?
Thanks a lot
You still have to wait. There’s still no way to convert a PSP-3000 with firmware greater than 5.03 to cfw.
how can i convert my psp3000 w/ software 6.00 to software 5.03
i have a psp s/l 2003 ofw 4.01 and a psp 3000 with ofw 5.02 can these be hacked
i jst want to clear myself my psp is like the image above it means i have the same unit as u mentioned .. heres my question is my psp are capable of having other version of cfw higher than my original cfw (5.03) w. chickhen r2?
thx 4 d reply and for d guide
Without knowing the txt that PSPIdent gave you, I can’t tell you if your PSP is hackable or not right?
Hy! can You tell mi somethinge….i have CF 5.5o gen d—and i install mame4all,that i can play donkey kong ….a instali some softwear to play psx games….and I want to play donkey kong and psp is turnoff ,now he want turn on…..i check my baterry (baterry is alright),but psp is stil is dead ….can you help me
dont tell me he is bricked ,pleaseee
Hi, I just bought my Pandora battery and creating my own MMS 2gb. When I put the battery after MMS inserted, only the green light pop and nothing changed… Does it mean my PSP 2006 can’t be hacked? The serial number started with HE… Please, help me!!
Is this hackable ?
I would be so happy if you could tell me by looking at that
errr… The link gives a 404 error
PSP 3001 system software 5.50 is not yet hackable? right?
Unfortunately yes, there’s still no way for you to downgrade and install CFW on a PSP-3000.
m having PSP 3001 with 6.10 OFW. can this be hackable.. if yes then can i use old CFW like 5.50 or 5.03 or it requires new CFW….
Nope. PSP-3000s still can’t be downgraded so they still can’t be hacked once they reach past 5.03 firmware.
i am currently using 5.00 m33-6 and my serial number is HU8858785. Can i install this gen d3? can i still play the save files of the games i played (ISO/CSO and eboot (PSone Games)) while i was on 4.01 and 5.00 m33-6?
I have 2 Questions, I’m going to buy a psp soon i wanted to know, do i need to check the serial and the letter on the box/ Date code
or one of them would be enough to check..
and the second question is, does all new PSP come with the listed firmware up there i.e. 4.01 or less or there are new ones that come with ofw greater than 5.03
Thanks for this Great blog/thread/post it told me what i needed to know
I have a psp go and i will like to know if i can have custom firmware installed on it.Anyone with a knowledge about it should please reply me.
HI I own a psp 2006(blue) It was already Pandora modded(I paid extra for that) when I bought the PSP with 5.50 Gen B .Now I want to upgrade it to Gen D3.Since it already has Gen B on it do I really need to care about V1V2,V3 mobo or anything else for that reason?Or should I directly upgrade it to B2 and D,D2 and D3 without giving it a second thought.Thanks
If your PSP has already been modified via Pandora then you don’t have to worry about your motherboard’s version.
If you want to install 5.50 GEN-D3 however, you need to install 5.50 GEN-B2 first otherwise you’ll have loads of trouble later on. Here’s the full guide:
Every time I turn my system off it goes back to 5.03. Is this normal?
Yep. You’re not supposed to turn it off.
This is an excellent guide, but after reading through it, I am still unsure if I can successfully load cfw on my PSP.
The box that my PSP shipped in has the letter G on the side, which according to your guide means that I cannot install cfw, however all the other checks indicate that I can.
OFW – 3.95
Serial starts with HA
Date Code – 8B
The last thing I want is to brick my PSP, so what can I do to clear up the confusion?
Just upgrade to 5.03, run chickhen and run PSP Ident. That’s the surest way of knowing if your PSP is hackable.
i have a psp 1001 how can i hack it.i.m usein ver 6.20. i’m new to this so i need help.i’m tire of buying my kids games and they keep braking so i want to put it in a memory card.can someone help me.please.
You need to acquire a Pandora Battery to downgrade the PSP. Unfortunately, most of the CFW hacks won’t work without it.
So, my psp can be hacked using those things?
Can my psp be hack? its PSP 2001 v6.10 and 5.50.. please answer me.
Hey my PSP is 5.00 M33-4……And it is permanent…..does this mean my PSP is NOT TA-088v3 ?
I got a PSP from ebay for my lad, it came with fifa09 on the memory stick so presuming it has been hacked. Looks like system has been upgraded from new games / updates and is now on 5.55 and will not run iso games..
It is an old fat black 1003, serial no starts with FB. How do I get it back to running the doenloaded games
You need a Pandora Battery to downgrade the PSP and install custom firmware
hello sylv3rblade. I have a PSP-3000 and is already hacked with Chickhen Mod 2 and has a System Software of 5.03 GEN-C(Full). I can play almost every PSP games with it too. However someone warned me about having an update in Wii and then talks about upgrading the firmware version (which I am afraid will happen since I won’t be able to play ISO games anymore). So can I ask what things to avoid so that my PSP’s CFW will not be upgraded?
Just don’t use the network update feature on your PSP’s XMB nor allow anyone else w/o proper warnings about not upgrading to use your PSP. If you’re just using the PSP to play games, listen to music, do a bit of homebrew, you’re in no danger of upgrading your PSP’s firmware
ah when we bought the PSP, the store owner told us about not letting the battery run out or else it becomes “default” is what he said and that the files like GEN-C and Chickhen might be deleted. What does this “default” mean?
That simply means that your PSP will revert to the official firmware and you’ll need to reinstall chickhen and 5.03 GEN-C.
If I make a pandora battery… Can I still use it to play games after downgrading and installing the CFW or would I need a new battery?
Yep. Or you can simply revert it to a regular battery
hi. Thanks for answering my previous questions but unfortunately i’m still having doubts if I will purchase PSP 3000 that is partially hackable or the PSP 3000 that has a higher system version of 5.5 and settle for original games. just a question about the partially hackable PSP 3000, i was informed that if this unit has drained batteries or it’s battery is removed , it will go back to it’s original version? so can i still turn off the unit but just keep the battery in even without using the unit for sometime? What will happen if i don’t use the unit for a few days? thanks in advance.
Yep, it will revert back to it’s original firmware once it turns off for any reason. If you simply leave it on standby, it won’t affect the cfw
Hello Mr. silv3rblade. Meron lang akong gustong i-confirm. Ang 3.90 M33-3 custom firmware na ba ‘yon? Kasi kung oo di puwede na akong mag-update ng CFW ng walang limit di ba, at hindi ko na rin kailangang alamin pa kung completely hackable na ang PSP ko o hindi? Sensya na medyo bago sa ‘kin tong firmware e.
Kapag 3.90 M33 ung firmware mo, no need to confirm if it’s hackable or not. It IS hackable (kasi naka 3.90 M33). Ang non-hackable PSP usually starts with 4.01 ofw.
HOOO!!!! Nakahinga na ako ng maluwag! Salamat sa confirmation bro!
Hi…it’s me again…I’m just wondering if now my PSP is still unhackable or not…
I have a PSP3000 with 5.6.
any solution yet?
Thanks for the information, nice blog!
will this work if i have 5.50 ofw ??
If you have a non-hackable PSP. NO.
and1 more thing- my date code is 8c and it came with 4.01 but the serial number is HC3440581.
can it be hacked?
thank u in advance
and1 more thing- my date code is 8c and it came with 4.01 but the serial number is HC3440581.
can it be hacked?
thank u in advance!
i have my cfw already installed i got it today its :5.50 gen D3 but when i try to save a game on my MS it freezes up then turns off why does this happen???Nd how can i fix it???What should i do???i need help plzz
Sounds like bad flash.. Just reinstall your CFW (5.50 GEN-D3)
and1 more thing- my date code is 8c and it came with 4.01 but the serial number is HC3440581.
can it be hacked?
thank u in advance!!
and1 more thing- my date code is 8c and it came with 4.01 but the serial number is HC3440581
can it be hacked
Hi, I used to have a hackable PSP 200x, but i have accidentally upgraded it to version 6.2 which makes my iso files unplayable. Is there anything i can do to downgrade the psp so that i could play my iso files? pls help. thanks.
Just wanted to say fantastic post. There is a lot of confusing information on firmware. I’ve spent the last 4 hours reading up on it.
Im still not really clear on how to go about getting my hands on a hackable psp. I would like to get a 3000 series as seen here at ebay: but from what I understand the firmware has a good chance it would already be above 5.03. I have asked the ebay seller a question on the firmware hopefully I will get a positive reply.
If possible can people that already have this model (3000 – 3006series) psp indicate if they have had any luck in hacking it?
The other alternative I’m looking at is buying a second hand 2000 series from
Your comments and thoughts would be appreciated.
PSP-3000s are really a tough buy especially if you’re looking into installing CFW on them AND you don’t have a brick and mortar store to buy from.
The best bet for getting your hands on a hackable PSP is to buy secondhand (which can be daunting yes but I can tell you first hand that it’s usually worth it, I got my hands on a secondhand PSP-1000 unit :)).
As for hacking PSP-3000s, no word on when a “new” firmware is coming to help people above 5.03 firmware.
I am tired of loading the ChickHEN and CFW everytime PSP does not load. Is there a way to make it hackable. I have 5.03 and PSP 3000,brite.
Nope, there isn’t a way to turn your PSP to a hackable one.
can we not convert a PSP 3000 which is partially hackable to hackable. I mean from 5.03 firmware to upgrade it without having the chickhen.
I have 5.03 PSP has a version 6.20 if I update to this version what will happen.
do you have a download for chickHEN R3 I heard it’s available.
It’s just a rumor. Everyone’s been waiting for R3 since last year.
My psp has 5.03 GEN B Full. It works from the start but when i enable the ChickHen yesterday, my psp restarts and i can’t enable the CFW. Please help and thank you.
Dude can u please post a guide on the newely released HBL revs……..
cause im really confused which homebrew will work on my PSP 3004 6.10
should i upgrade to 6.20 and then check HBL
which is the best HBL to install at present for the 3000 series?
thanks alot
Well since you’re on 6.10 on a PSP-3000, you can’t install any cfw or hbl. There currently is no way to downgrade your PSP either.
it says in the box, PSP-2001 cw no letter A-G and then numbers.. is it hackable? :/
for my psp:
1. my system software is 5.50 GEN-D (Full)
2. my serial number has YB0 in the start
3. there’s no letter
4. 7D
what do i do? it’s my first time hearing cfw and i seriously want to play this game sooooo bad! please help…
errm.. your System already has CFW installed.. note the word GEN-D at the end.
hey problem here. chickHEN worked out fine for me but when i started using PSPident it reads “corrupt” after transfering it to game3xx folder. what seems to be the problem here? is anyone having the same problem? help
Check the folder structure. You might have an extra folder thrown in there.
sorri if i’m stubborn, i’m desperate… can i upgrade a 5.50 GEN-D (Full) to a 5.50 GEN-D3??
Yes. It’s actually recommended so you can play the latest games.
thank you very much for your help!!!!
Hi sylv3rblade if you remember me I had asked for your help regarding upgrading pandora modded psp from gen b to gen d3.
Ok this question might be out of place but ive heard to play MGS peace walker you need to be on Gen D2 so is there a way using which I can downgrade my PSP from CFW 5.50 Gen D3 to 5.50 Gen D2.I tried searching for videos on but didn’t come across any.
You’ll be needing a Pandora Battery to downgrade from 5.50 GEN-D3 to 5.50 GEN-D2.
Ok is there any other way using which I can play MGS peace walker on my 5.50 gen d3
Currently looking for a patched version butttt.. are you playing the Jap version or the leaked US version?
Hi I mean the American version.(i dont understand japanese)
I tried the one on torrent(i think 1350+ mb size) but it gave me “couldn’t start the game errror.”some 18002048 error i think”.
So i tweaked around few recovery mode settings changed the drivers from M33 to other ones and tried changing kernel from 5.xx to 1.5 too and also enabled/disabled plugins,installed KHBBS plugin(and enabled it) too but it made no difference
So what i did was i patched it using tools like WOSG UMD,promotheus and prxdechack. I patched it alright I mean i did everything perfectly accrding to the tutorial and the final outcome showed up like the one provided on tutorials final screenshot but when i start Peace Walker it shows the white psp screen with usual sound and then after a while screen goes black and after a while the PSP turns off by itself.(maybe you can figure out whats going on here).
So what I am trying to do right now is trying to download the European version of the game.and Ill let you know in few hours time if it works but from what ive heard European version freezes randomly too on gen d3.
I’ll look into a patched version this week.
You dont use a torrent driver, you have to use a file extractor like win RAR. (I found that one out a while ago myself. I had to contact Utorrent)
is version 5.70 hackable?
PSP 2001 HC1 with FW 6.00 is it Hackable.
okay, thanks a lot man. i figured out the problem. i would also like to ask if there is no way i could have a permanent cfw for a ta088v3? because the battery i have is fake, it might drain easily. so i would have to update every so often?
There’s simply no way to install a permanent cfw on your PSP so you really have to deal with either keep tabs on the battery or running the installation all over again
what does reload and reflash mean? because i think i remember somebody say, when your battery is drained, you have to reload it, not reflash it. i dont get these things.
i would like to also ask. given the state of my PSP-TA088v3. how do i change the control configuration “o to x” without completely turning off the power. actually, i tried using the select button to enter the recovery mode. but once i change the keys, it only works with the recovery mode. but when im out of the recovery mode, its back to o as enter. help please. thanks man.
So i have a slim psp wif this
-motherboard : Ta-o86
-software :3.90 m33-2
-1st gen..
i can install a cfw with this psp rite???
If can,what kind of cfw is good???? :> please help
i have a PSP2001 with 5.03 serial number HU2308265 there is a GEN-C converter installed. Can it be permanently hacked? tnx
Why not run PSP ident?
i have a psp 1001 ver2.80 i cant figuere out what to do
Follow this guide:
hi,i have a psp 3003 with the ofw 5.03
can it be partially hacked,i read the post bt unsure about the motherboard model?
A PSP-3000 is partially hackable
I have a psp 3004 ver 6.10 ..Can i hack it???
is 6.30 hakeiable
Depends on your PSP. Please use the guide on this post.
blessed day sir i just want to ask how can i down grade my psp 3004 6.30 date code is OC serial started with the letter HC. i bought this new and which firmware would you advice to me thnx i waiting for your responds….
PSP-3000s aren’t downgradable :/
good day sir so can i ask which is easyway to run a download games to my psp 3004 6.30 and how can i changes my OFW? thnx…
plz tell me if a hack is out for the 3004 6.10……other than HBL is there any ways to run CFW….???
im fed up…..dude cmon is more than like 1 and a half year and still nothings out…..whyy???!!!!
plz help….!
ur guides by far the best and easiest one to follow thanks
Ah, then you should’ve said that you have a PSP-3000.
Nope, there still is currently no way to install custom firmware on a 6.10 ofw psp-3000.
is the crack for 6.10 out….?? thats all im asking…..
may i ask if a psp slim 3002 is hackable?
my psp doesnt have a date code its a black psp 2000. is it hackable?
can a psp 3001 with ofw 5.5 be hack now?
psp 3000 5.50 firmware…can this be hacked to play iso games….got 1 as a gift,dnt knw wat to do.plzzz helllpppppp.
my psp is psp2004 show in the example 8C how can i unable it in cfw to play iso/cso
i asked it is hacksble
what can i do my psp is G what should i do to make it iso/cso enable
i have psp 2003 piano black with of 6.00
its serial No is HB0754152 and date code is 8c can anyone tell me what motherboard it have. please tell me if it can have cfe. thanks in advance
ok.. so what you’re saying in the above instructions is, as long as its not HU2 its completely hackable? or what? mines HU0 like the pic, so it isn’ counted in the “partially hackable only” bit, right?
i ask because chickhen doesn’t like me right now and won’t hack for the past 2 days so..
Chickhen won’t run unless you’re specifically on 5.03 ofw, is that your current firmware version?
Yo sylv, I just want to ask if I can play UMD ISO games on a PSP Go?
As of now yes,
If you have OFW 6.20 installed:
if you have OFW 6.31 installed:
if you have OFW 6.35 installed:
whats OFW??
Official Firmware
Is there ANYWAY I could play an iso on my psp go?
2.The letter is C.
There currently is no way for you to downgrade your PSP Go (and allow you to play ISOs) as your current firmware is 6.37. There is however a Hen available for your firmware which will allow you to run homebrew. Again no ISOs.
I’m sorry, I forgot to mention, I’m on 6.37, if it is not released yet, can you tell me approximately when?
And can you downgrade a psp go WITHOUT a Pandora Battery?
what do u think about psp 3004
plzzz reply fast
updated the guide just for you. You can install 5.03 GEN-C, 6.20 TN-D or 6.35 Pro-B3
hmmm!! SilverBlade, you are too good to be said better work done. I love everything in here and Please, isn’t there any way to know your motherboard apart from loading a chickHen and PSident and from the Box? Thank you. PSP hacking all the way.
Please help me! I once contacted help in a gaming store and they told me that my PSP only supported 5.03 GEN-C because my PSP can’t create a Pandora battery, but my PSP is currently TA-088v1/v2 and my PSP version is Slim v.20/2.1. So is my PSP hackable or not? Please, anyone help me ASAP!
um sylv3rblade i just want to ask if it is possible to change 5.50 gen b full to 5.50 gen d3.
Yep. Just make sure you’re upgrading from 5.50 GEN-B and not 5.03 GEN-B
but when i try to install the 5.50 GEN-D3 it just goes black, do u have any other gen d3 cfw that i can use?
Hello? Can anybody have an answer on my situation? And my PSP also had 3.80 M33 installed back then but I wasn’t sure if it was M33-5 or 6, and my box’s identification letter is probably F.
If your PSP had 3.80 M33 then your unit is completely hackable.
Ok, thank you sylv3rblade! I wondered for how many months if my PSP is hackable or not.
will a new version or anything like checkHEN be created to support 6.38 in teh futures?
Unless a new exploit will be discovered that’ll give kernel access, I highly doubt it. HBL is available for 6.37 but there’s no ISO support since that’s been patched too.
hey i bought a psp-1001 and the serial # is FU7258553 and the date code 6c
can it be modded with the cutstom fireware
You have a PSP-1000, it’s fully hackable.
excuse me, may i ask for some question, and would you like to answer me please??
i have PSP 2000 and its features
1. Motherboard Model :TA-088V1/V2
2. Motherboard type : Slim2000
3. UMD firmware ver. : 1.240ANov10,2006
PSP version : Slim v2.0/2.1
Possible CFW : Yes, w/ custom IPL
my question is…Can i Hack this thing permanently??? if its can, what version of it
firmware should be/should i upgrade it to 5.50 or 6.xx???
please give me an right answer….for a week i looking for the right hack for my PSP…
Yes, you can hack this PSP with a full CFW.
For 5.50 vs 6.xx, it really depends on you, would you want a stable yet outdated firmware (5.50 GEN-D3) or a permenant but beta release (Neur0n’s 6.xx CFW) or a stable yet non-permanent CFW (6.35 Pro’s releases).
Also you may want to take a peek at my Dummies guide for Installing Custom Firmware on a PSP
what about 6.35 PRO-A3
hi to all
I have a psp 2001 with firmware 5.03 motherboard ta-88v1/v2 I tray all thing to hacked it when I install the Hellcat’s Recovery Flasher it show Error is that because I’m doing it wrong or my psp can not be hacked can you help me please how to do it correctly
Follow this guide.
I have a psp 2000 3.60 and its serial is HU. I have it at 6.60 right now so can i hack it at all?
ummm.. psp 2000 3.60?
psp 2000 OFW 3.60 but now its OFW 6.60 ( latest update )
psp 2000 ofw 3.60 now its 6.60
if i can hack it
what steps should I take
Your only recourse is to purchase a Pandora Battery as there currently is no confirmed working downgrader for 6.60.
ok thanks so if i do get one what to do?
good day sir,
excuse me, may I ask for some question too, and would you like to answer me please??
I have PSP 3000 and its features:
1. Motherboard Model: TA-090 v2
2. Motherboard type : brite (03g)
3. PSP version : brite v1.0
I know, it is not CHA right?
my question is what latest CFW should I install here? so that I can play these game Monster Hunter
Portable 3rd, and DOA paradise.
and how can I play those game on my PSP featured? (psp brite)
thanks in advance..
Hi Kristin, you can start studying about hacking your PSP using this guide.
sylv3rblade,need a help!i have a psp 2000 6.39 ofw with a serial number starting with the following letters HJ on it…is it hackable?or is there any chance for me to have a custom firmware?thanks !!because i’d like to upgrade it to 6.39 ME-2 cfw..hope u response..
Is it possible to recover back in normal the PSP 2000 which was not in hackable list, but tired and became totally seized…?
hello, can i hack my psp with version 2001 and software 5.50 GEN-D3? cause i didnt quite understand, if a version 5.50 is hackable or not. you only said that 5.50 “above”, i just want to clear it. and please reply asap, i really really want to play ff7cc now