Final Fantasy Agito XIII coming to the PSP
Yep, you read that title right. A Final Fantasy XIII title is coming to our beloved portable. The former Final Fantasy XIII cell phone game is headed to the PSP because apparently, the developers were tired of waiting for cellphone technology to advance to the level they wanted for Agito (bet they didn’t see the iPhone XD). While rumors about the game have already been circulating, confirmed details are still scant which includes
- FF: XIII Agito will use an advanced version of Crisis Core‘s ATB system. If you’re a big fan of the PSP-exclusive prequel (and spent enough time to engage and master Crisis Core’s Materia Fusion), you’ll be very familiar with the real-time battle system.
- The biggest change from Crisis Core’s ATB however, is that players can control more than one character. Think Final Fantasy XI or XII.
- Infrastructure online play. Think Phantasy Star Online AND Monster Hunter Portable (technically different since they use Ad-Hoc)

No release date has been announced but I’m pretty sure this will come out around the same time the main Final Fantasy XIII games head to their respective consoles, in English that is. 2009 is the scheduled Japan-only release and fans know that Square takes a sweet time before releasing things stateside.
If you want to keep up-to-date with the latest info on FInal Fantasy XIII: Agito or any similar game, subscribe to my feeds to keep yourself updated on game releases, changes and/or surprises. Just keep those wallets full for a quick purchase ^_^.
Here’s some screens of the game from Famitsu:
Kind of an Final Fantasy 12-like for the PSP no?
Tags: Agito, Crisis Core, Final Fantasy, XIII
i cant have this game!
i love final fantasy
final fantacy is sexy
This is a nice game
where can i get this movie
how can i have this game? for free and converted at “iso”?
i really love this game soo much..
hope i have this!
umm Agito is not even out in the Japanese Market
Can’t wait for the release of this!
uhm,..paglumabas to ano na kaya gamit na firmware???