PSP for Dummies: 6.20 OFW for non-hackable PSPs
PSP for Dummies > 6.20 OFW for non-hackable PSPs
At this point, you are now ready to install custom firmware on your PSP-2000 (ta88v3), PSP-3000 or PSPGo (basically the non-hackable models), from here on, you have two routes that you can follow depending on your current firmware installed on your PlayStation Portable.
- If you have 5.03 OFW:
- You can install 5.03 GEN-C (or Signed 5.03 GEN-C)
- Upgrade to 6.20 OFW and proceed to this part of the guide
- Upgrade to 6.35 OFW and proceed to this part of the guide
- If you have 6.20 OFW
- Install the latest 6.20 Pro LCFW (6.20 Pro-B7)
- Install the latest 6.20 TN HEN (6.20 TN-E)