Cleaning up for the season
I’m currently working on transferring to another host, Dreamhost has given me one too many downtimes. If you can recommend a good host with 99% uptime (preferably one a Pinoy-owned one) in the week, please inform post post it in the comments are, otherwise I’ll stick to the host my friend recommended.
After seeing PinoyBlogero‘s new theme, I decided to work on mine as well so I’ll be out customizing for awhile with a few posts. Expect it to be up sometime this weekend.
Tags: internet
You may want to try Very efficient service and very patient personnel.
I’m wary about bigsky, I hosted this blog for four months on their servers and whenever I get 100 people on at the same time, the site dies even on minimal plugins. Thanks for the response though.
Really? I’ve read so many good reviews on Dreamhost, I’m surprised that you’re transferring from them. Anyway, I don’t have a good suggestion bro. But I’m really looking forward to that new design your cooking up. Hehe!
Well considering packages, they have great offers (actually just offer because everyone’s stuck with a single package now) but stability is somewhat lacking. The server that hosts my site went down six times in the past two months. I’d go with a stable host anytime. Baka ploghost na lang ako pagnagkataon.
you may want to try snoobhosting
O.o oh yeah, now I remember snoob is offering hosting.
I suppose they’ve upgraded their system. Some friends of mine currently use their service. So far, and despite the heavy traffic, they don’t seem to encounter any problems. I will however keep your experience in mind. Thanks for the info.
I am hosted at hostgator. Their price is a bit higher that the others but I’d recommend them anytime because of the superb customer support.
I guess I’m just unlucky, if they can survive something similar to Digg-rape then the system has improved.
Still can’t afford top hosts like hostgator. I need the money to go through college =(.
If I get enough readership though, I might consider moving to hostgator, or theres always peoplehost where MO, our school’s unofficial site is hosted.
Thanks for the response everyone.
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