Atma Xplorer

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Eclipse on my Java

I’ve been messing around with Eclipse for the past month and I must say that I’m quite impressed using it as a Java IDE, it’s default form. I’ve added it to my Java arsenal not as a replacement for Netbeans but rather a compliment to what it can?t do.

Having done Java development for about 2 years, I?m constantly looking for ways to improve development time. From Notepad, I moved to Netbeans. I dabbled with J# in Visual Studio 2005 but I felt like a fish out of water so I switched back. And just recently, I’ve discovered Eclipse.

Here’s a list of what I liked on all 3 IDE’s:


  • Better mobile development tools
  • Better support for html, jsp, xml, xslt
  • Uses Matisse (the new GUI builder) which is way ahead of anything Eclipse has to offer
  • JFluid profiler
  • Free/Open Source Software so it?s easily modifiable to fit your needs and it can be used for developing commercial tools
  • Multiplatform: it works on Solaris, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, etc.
  • Plug-ins!
  • Free
  • Not confined to the Windows environment and to developing Windows/ASP.NET/PocketPC based applications

Visual Studio:

  • Excellent debugging tools
  • Excellent Windows.Forms GUI designer
  • Access to all CLR features
  • .Net Integration


  • Better refactoring tools
  • Less resource hog
  • Has an excellent Quickfix (Ctrl + 1) with more options than VS?s one
  • Integrated CVS
  • Uses RCP framework
  • Integrated unit testing tools
  • Free functional tests, code coverture, etc. via free plug-ins
  • Free/Open Source Software so it?s easily modifiable to fit your needs and it can be used for developing commercial tools
  • Multiplatform: it works on Solaris, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, etc.
  • Tools for every other possible language
  • Free
  • Not confined to the Windows environment and to developing Windows/ASP.NET/PocketPC based applications

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