PSP 6.35 Pro-A2 LCFW released
With 6.35 Pro-A slowing becoming one of the favorites in the PSP scene, VFlame aka Liquidzigong has released an update to his current 6.35 Pro-A LCFW (light custom firmware.. yes light not loaded), 6.35 Pro-A2. This update includes a standby option to the VSH menu and fixes a couple of bugs. No PSX support so it looks like everyone should still look forward to more updates from Total_Noob for 6.20 TN-D and Liquizigong for 6.35 Pro-A3.
Custom Firmware 6.35 PRO-A2 changelog (Translated via Google)
[!] fix large memory support, and now you can unlock up to 51M of memory, you can stand in a normal home-made software
[!] fix ACG MHP3 v4 Chinese Version
[+] to add in the VSH MENU standby SUSPEND DEVICE
Download: 6.35 PRO-A2
Thanks to nadine for the info!
Tags: 6.35 Pro, 6.35 Pro-A, 6.35 Pro-A2, Homebrew, Homebrew Loader, Playstation Portable
Super~~ another update XD
Just wondering, should we convert the ones we have (D-3, Prometheus) to the Pro-A2?
we wouldn’t lose much would we? >.<???
Since you’re on a PSP Phat, the only thing you could lose is your saves since they could get corrupted. Other than that, it’s all pros.
Sweet, thanks again~
Hey again…was just wondering
6.35 PRO A& Pro B are basically updates from the original 6.35 PRO right?
so basically if im on the original 6.35 Pro and i decide to upgrade to 6.35 Pro A
is there a chance that my PSP will get bricked?
i mean if im using 6.30 PRO NOW and it works perfectly should anything unusual happen if i upgrade it?
6.35 PRO-A is a different branch than 6.35 Hen PRO. This is why 6.35 PRO-A is referred to as LCFW while 6.35 PRO is referred to as hen. As for chance of bricking, there’s a slim chance since you’re still writing into flash0 but yes you can upgrade to PRO-A.
Heya Sylv3r! Brace yourself, questions coming your way. Hehe!
1) Does 6.35 PRO-A2 have the same risk of corrupted saves on a PSP3000 currently on 5.03 GEN-C?
2) Can PRO-A2 play older games or will it have the same issues since it incorporates the Prome ISO Loader?
3) Which would you personally suggest, TN-C or PRO-A2? Why?
4) Ultimately, would you personally recommend updating to PRO-A2 from GEN-C?
Sorry if it almost looks like I’m quizzing you haha. But I hope my queries and your responses will also help others with similar concerns.
1. Yep, there’s still a slight chance of this happening simply because the two firmwares are too far in their development branch (or in simpler terms too far off) from one another.
2. Judging from the initial reaction by everyone, yes PRO-A2 has much more compatibility in terms of older games.
3. If you have PSN related games like me (I have Dreamy Theater on my PS3 which uses the Dreamy Theater client on my PSP to load save files) then stay with any firmware running HEN (6.20 TN, 6.31 Hen, 6.35 Hen). If that’s not an issue (or you don’t have anything PSN related) then by all means go with 6.35 PRO-A2.
4. As of now 6.35 PRO-A2 is better compared to 5.03 GEN-C but because it’s still in it’s early phases, I would suggest holding back upgrading until most of the major issues have been fixed.
No prob
That’s why I’m here.
Once again, Master Sylv3r has brought us enlightenment! Thank you very much!
And dude, can you send me that really smexy wallpaper? ^.^
I am using psp Go, and I’m having trouble with the iso and cso games, I put them under x:/PSP/GAMES/, but when I opened it on my psp, they’re not visible, in other words I can’t play the iso and cso games. I’m using the 6.35 PRO-A2 FM. Any suggestions or advice? Did I forgot a step on the procedures on how to install the FM?
You’re just putting them in the wrong place. Create an ISO folder on the root of your PSP GO‘s storage (x:/ISO) and place them there. 6.35 PRO-A2 should be able to read them.
Thanks sylv3rblade! It worked!
I’m now using 6.35 Pro A2, does this mean that i can now delete the HBL folder, h.bin, kmen.dump and such in the root of my psp go..
how to take a snapshot on psp?
take screenshots of your PSP using this plugin:
syl may FB ka ba ?…. may i add you as my friend…
may nakita ako … release na daw ang 6.35 PRO A3 . . . check mo pls syl… ^_^
good catch… Ngayon lang sya lumabas sa RSS reader ko eh lol
syl… can i use my LCD tv as my screen for my psp just using the usb . . . ??
tnx.. if you know… pls post it as a new blog… tnx… ^_^
can’t do a post right now since I can’t test it (wala akong Windows PC, mga weekend pa)
check mo din .. aloader.prx….. yan…
pra sa xmb k n lng mag.launch ng games..
BTW….san k nka.base ngayun ???
aloader is still in early development, I’ll wait for the plugin to mature a bit before I do a post about it.
oic . . . i am using it now . . . and prometheus is loader…
i prefer to use the prome iso loader… haha…
syl….. i mean….. while playing games in my psp… i will also see what i am doing in my psp to my LCD tv . . .
is there a way…. huhuhu….
Ah.. the only way you’ll get to do that is with a video out cable. PSP to VGA (for PC out) or PSP to LCD TV (RCA)
I’m run and psp 3000 with 5.03 prometheus and instant loader (5.03 kxploit_v6) well i use alot of plugins in vsh, game, and pops from cxmb hold dayviewer music nitePR freecheat audioboost i can go on but i was wondering should i upgrade to 6.20tn or 6.35pro-A3. i like to stay update with sony and we haven’t upgraded in years
1) Should i upgrade? and if i do will i have the ablility to use all the plugins from 5.00m33 – 5.50gen basicly i want the same ability from 5.03 to work on 6.35 if that possable
2) If 6.35pro-A3 is better what makes it better than 5.03 gen/prometheus
i’m going to stay at 5.03 till 6.35pro-b gets released, i need my psx games lol
Well since you’re looking for PSX support, I would advice against upgrading to anything until 6.20 TN-D gets released or 6.35 Pro gets POPS support