Atma Xplorer

Xploring Games, Computing, Photography

File Transfers with Meebo

It’s the one feature that’s been missing with Meebo and now it’s finally here.

All you need is a registered Meebo account (takes about a minutes or two) to be able to send files from their web interface. Anyone in your contact but list can receive files, whether they use Meebo or not. No more re-logging to you messenger client to share files with your contacts. If you want to send a file, simply login to your IM of choice, click the contacts name and click the send file icon. A pop up will appear asking for your Meebo account so use it to login and presto, the file is sent. The fact that it works with Trillian (the messenger you’re looking at on the pic) is an added bonus.

Here the message from my test run for the file transfer:

Screen of my test of the file transfer system

Transfers are limited to 10 MB a file, 30 MB/month, but you’ll have to agree that it’s more than enough if your primary use for meebo is a safe login to your IM account outside your home and only want to transfer minor, unimportant files.


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